Using Saved Gigs and Templates on Fiverr
Lesson 50 from: Personal Branding: Creating a Strong Online PresenceDennis Yu
Using Saved Gigs and Templates on Fiverr
Lesson 50 from: Personal Branding: Creating a Strong Online PresenceDennis Yu
Chapter 1: Introduction
1Personal Branding
02:36 2Course Organization is Made Up of Strategy and Tactics
01:53 3Personal Brand Manager Inputs and Outputs, Repurposing Content
02:16 4Personal Branding Framework in Action
02:54 5Quiz: Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Plumbing
6Inception of Products, People Buy from People
04:22Facebook Public Figure Page
22:02 8Boosting Posts
03:05 9Quiz: Chapter 2: Plumbing
Chapter 3: Blogging
10Repurposing Content Process for Selecting People on Fiverr
02:50 11Topic Wheel, 6 Topics
04:36Chapter 4: Networking
12Power Networking Networking
03:35 13Topic Wheel, 6 Topics
04:36 146 Types of Figureheads
01:41 15Building a WHY, 3x3 Goals Sheet
03:33 16Mapping Your Personal Goals
02:37 17Network Mapping
03:17 18Professional Content vs. Fun Content
04:22 19Googling Yourself
20:13 20How to get 10,000 views of your message
11:09 21Quiz: Chapter 4: Networking
Chapter 5: Interviews
22Interviewing and Being Interviewed
01:14 23How to be an Expert Interviewer
03:57 24Applying the Personal Branding Framework
06:27 25Thank You Machine
08:13 26Perceived vs. Actual Authority
07:54 27Quiz: Chapter 5: Interviews
Chapter 6: Visual Content
28Dennis' Personal Brand Manager
11:17 29Amplification: Getting More From What's Working
04:05 30Omnichannel and Omnipresence
04:08 31Elements of a Powerful Facebook Page
20:00 32LinkedIn for Powerful Personal Branding
09:10 33Clients Brands and Relationships
00:15 34The One Minute Video
05:55 35Gratitude Videos
04:54 36Your Speaker Reel
04:22 37Making Money
03:37 38Power Hours
07:44 39WHY videos
06:32 40Making One-Minute Videos
05:49 41Remarketing
08:18 42Repurposing Content Systematically
02:59 43Twitter for Personal Branding
02:43 44Quiz: Chapter 6: Visual Content
Chapter 7: Ascension Ladder
45Making Money via the Ascension Ladder
09:48 46WHY Videos in action
08:59 47Quiz: Chapter 7: Ascension Ladder
Chapter 8: Fiverr Gigs
48Using Fiverr to Build Your Personal Brand
05:15 49How to Choose the Right Fiverr Sellers
10:56 50Using Saved Gigs and Templates on Fiverr
08:15 51Quiz: Chapter 8: Fiverr Gigs
Final Quiz
52Final Quix
Lesson Info
Using Saved Gigs and Templates on Fiverr
probably one of the biggest pains that I have which you will eventually have as you start to get further is that you have, you have one person on Fiverr you really like And then maybe a few months later they disappear and you know what? It just happens right? For whatever reason they just are not available anymore. Well if you've got your stuff documented, if you've got these different examples, if you've got the video, for example the way that you like to have it edited, then there's no issue at all with finding another one because you already have these examples like here's one that I use for I think this is an event promo. Look The key to getting attention is to build authority and a lot of people don't understand that on Facebook when you open up your phone and you're scrolling through the news feed. The average person is going 100 m per day. Can you imagine going that far per day on your phone Now the beauty is this is a template and I can give the same template to another video e...
ditor and then all they have to do is switch out some of the things like the beginning of the end. So I used the same one for brand tv. I used it for the military influencer conference. I used it for all these other ones. Like there's all these different look at how many videos I have in here. Isn't this awesome. So I can take the calls that I've had, I can take these little videos that I've created from. Just let's see any one of these random videos. Right? What is this? Oh this is meeting the queen Malaysia. This is like B roll video. So this by itself is not really interesting because here we're waiting for the Queen, waiting for the Queen to pull up with all the Secret service and all this isn't that cool. She's got the armored car and all that. Got the red carpet, here's the general manager of the hotel. But this video by itself, this is a raw video. You can, you can tell the way it's named, it's off of the Sony camera. I need a video editor to take all these different videos that I have here and be able to turn it into a documentary and then someone else to do the voice over and someone else to be able to reformat it on linkedin as a video or on Youtube and what have you and that's the beauty on Fiverr. Right. Had someone asked me just a couple of hours ago do I know someone on my team who can do the Youtube videos and and do the thumbnails and like yes we do. But go get your own bro. Right, so if I have the money and I don't really mind then fine, I'll just do pro services and I'll only select the people that are, you know, top rated, speak english, maybe I want to, you know the United States or whatever and now I've got more people now here's somebody $ and I can see what they have, right, six reviews. I kind of like to have more like several dozen. But if it's fiber pro then we know they're already qualified because fiber is already right, are looked at their stuff, We've managed over $1 million YouTube ads. Okay, that's pretty legit. And I want to talk to this guy right? So I'm gonna come here, I'm gonna message him, I'm gonna say blah blah blah blah blah blah blah or her, whoever it is. Derek. So I know it's a guy, right? So whether you hire someone on fiber or hire someone to build a house for you, you want to be clear on the requirements and you want to save these requirements because you might want to reuse it over and over again. The success that you have on fiber is directly proportional to how clearly you can outline what you want. I've talked to so many fiber sellers and their big complaint is a lot of the buyers don't know what they want and then they go round and round and round and revision cycles, which costs a lot of time. So you don't want to do that. If if you follow the steps here and assembling your personal brand through the personal brand manager by having your topic well and you're one minute videos mapping out your network so that your business goals are reflected In your three x 3 personal goals. You're going to find that you can grow your personal brand for a lot less than you think and you have friends that will come to you and say Holy moly, how did you do all this stuff? Can I hire your people or maybe you just help them out saying, oh, all right, fine, I'll help you out that the sellers that I've marked that I've saved are actually this one, this one and this one, here's the templates. I'll go ahead and give it to you. So I'll let me just show you for example what we have. Just so you know as examples of how we are using fiber, Remember we said before that fiber is one part of all the hiring that you might have, you might have an agency might hire people full time, you might do one off tasks on fancy hands. Right. five is a great way to get started. If you're a small business before you have an office full of people you want to kind of try out and get these pieces in place. Now the beauty is when you have these gigs by categories and you've saved the ones that you like, that you've used and friends of yours that have used. There's nothing wrong with bringing other friends in together. You can see like for the thing you're looking looking for for personal branding. There's ones that we've hired, this one's we've hired for editing video, there's ones that we've hired here, Right for this particular video editing here. You can see how we have done our discussion. Can you know, can you do a video that looks like this? And this guy's like, yes. And for $17, I'm not exactly, you know, worried about that. Can you edit this video and cut it up According to these timestamps, add this headline, make sure it looks this particular way, right? And they deliver it for you. I love using fiver for transcription. Otter dot Ai is great because it's automated and cost me nothing. But if I want to get it done right then I'm going to use fiber and I just don't have time for this myself. Right. Automatic transcription happens in Youtube through the transcription api and through facebook. But I find for about a buck a minute, maybe a little bit less if I don't care quite as much about the quality. This works super good. Remember we talked about repurposing content using fiber. Maybe I record a long form video of minutes of me just walking and talking with my phone or maybe it's an interview and I need to cut it for my Youtube channel, I need maybe I want to publish a book and I have an outline and I talked for an hour and a half and I want that turned into a book. Absolutely. I can repurpose that content. I can turn it into social media posts. I can turn it into ads that drive sales of my products. I can cut it up to fit different portions of my topic wheel right? And you can see where we have used people to do the same thing over and over again to be able to send gifts to people, to be able to call up people and sing him happy birthday to be able to do a drawing using their linkedin profile and and send it out to them. Like there's so many different things that you can use five or four, as long as you've got the recipe, as long as you figured out what your goals are. And I hope my friend through our time together, you've enjoyed learning about how to build a personal brand, you've got some great ideas, you've already started by now. I hope on a number of these exercises and you're well on your way. I would love to hear in the forums how you're doing. I'd love to hear maybe where you have questions and where you're struggling because we want to make this the best dang personal branding course out there and for you to truly leverage this army of people online that will do work for as little as $5. You don't have to hire super fancy videographers or ask friends around for recommendations in the same way that you can buy stuff on amazon right? It's an amazing marketplace, millions of people. This is the largest marketplace for digital services. I hope you will find that this changes your life, as it did in building my personal brand. And I wish you the best of luck in your personal brand endeavors. Thank you guys very much.
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