Segment 8 - Get to Know Your Senior Client: Questionnaires
Lesson 10 from: Senior Portraits: Create the Ultimate ExperienceLeslie Kerrigan

Segment 8 - Get to Know Your Senior Client: Questionnaires
Lesson 10 from: Senior Portraits: Create the Ultimate ExperienceLeslie Kerrigan
Lesson Info
10. Segment 8 - Get to Know Your Senior Client: Questionnaires
Day 1
1Bonus Video: Beach/Park Senior Shoots
30:35 2Bonus Video: Concept Shoot
32:47 3Segment 1 - Why Senior Photography
20:07 4Segment 2 - Getting Started & Research Your Market
28:55 5Segment 3 - How to Get Started Q&A
27:55 6Segment 4 - Branding: Your Ideal Client
22:05 7Segment 5 - Branding: Define It
26:16Segment 6 - Visual Branding Tips for Websites & Blogs
31:29 9Segment 7 - Educating Your Potential & Current Clients
25:22 10Segment 8 - Get to Know Your Senior Client: Questionnaires
31:22 11Segment 9 - Senior Portrait Experience: Plan the Shoot
14:11 12Segment 10 - Senior Portrait Experience: What to Wear Guide
19:33 13Segment 11 - Senior Portrait Experience: Building a Style Closet
16:44 14Segment 12 - Interview with Senior Photographer: Jared Rey
22:52 15Segment 13 - Wardrobe Consultation with HS Senior
23:19Day 2
16Segment 14 - Senior Session: Hair & Makeup
23:12 17Segment 15 - Senior Session: Guy Wardrobe & Locations
25:25 18Segment 16 - Senior Session: Posing Girls vs Guys
35:37 19Segment 17 - Rooftop Shoot: Senior Girl Part 1
21:13 20Segment 18 - Rooftop Shoot: Senior Girl Part 2
19:21 21Segment 19 - Workflow & Post-Production Overview
18:38 22Segment 20 - Leslie's Editing Process
34:18 23Segment 21 - Senior Session Q&A
13:45 24Segment 22 - Social Media & HS Seniors
15:11 25Segment 23 - Interview With Teen Photographer Sara Cooney
21:01 26Segment 24 - Senior Panel: Teens' Perspective
26:02 27Segment 25 - Senior Panel Q&A
14:31Day 3
28Segment 26 - In-Person Ordering Session
42:28 29Segment 27 - Ordering Session Q&A
29:38 30Segment 28 - Pricing for Your Market
16:08 31Segment 29 - How to Build Your Collections
37:42 32Segment 30 - The Formula for Pricing and Q&A
24:37 33Segment 31 - What is a Senior Model/Rep Program
17:45 34Segment 32 - What Makes a Great Senior Rep & Rep Marketing
34:24 35Segment 33 - Senior Rep Program Q&A
35:10 36Thanks + Credits
06:26 37Segment 34 - Marketing Tool: Concept Shoot Part 1
24:21 38Segment 35 - Marketing Tool: Concept Shoot Part 2
39:52Lesson Info
Segment 8 - Get to Know Your Senior Client: Questionnaires
another part of the experience is to offer unique sessions that are different. Okay, so, you know, way back when hair makeup wasn't the thing, it is now a way back then. That was something you can add to your sessions to make it different right now. A style closets. What I add to make it different. What can you add to make it different things that stand out that will make them book with you and know they're going to get something different. So the wardrobe is what makes mine different. So I have three different options again. I go back to the fact that I don't like to tell them what they have to do, So I give them options. That's me. That's who I am. So you know, if you are somebody that just says, Look, this is it, that's fine. You can totally be that way. I'm just not the way. So I try to give him options, you know, again, it also helps educate because with like with hair makeup, I started out having it as an option. And then the more educated and the more girls did it, it became the...
norm. Same thing with these different sessions, I think eventually the norm is going to be the top of the middle or the top, because people are going to start to see that photos look better when you have my help getting the wardrobe and this, that and the other right. So it doesn't necessarily have to be wardrobe, but it could be anything that you can think of that is a little bit different that you can offer. So with mine, I have the Sheikh session, the style session, the fashion session. She accession is just the basic session hair makeup, period. Then you get up to the next one and you have options. Teoh borrows stuff from the style closet on. Do you have a wardrobe consultation? So that's the big thing that's different with that, Um, and then the third fission is hair makeup. The session, the wardrobe consultation option to use anything out of the style closet in you and the hair makeup artist comes with me on the shoot. So that's another element. So you know, every now and then I'll get girls that wanna wear their hair curly. First on, they wanna wear their hair straight for some with hair and makeup. Artist has got to do that, you know? So offer those different options. And there's other things that maybe you can come up with yourself that would stand out that this is just what I do is for a session. So that gives me, are my clients a unique experience? So I'm giving them options to pick what experience they want to do. Now, if it's even the sheikh session, because I'm so in the wardrobe, I might do something simple, like text mayor outfits, because that doesn't take that much time. And I can still kind of help them a little bit, but nothing too much because I don't want to infringe on the ones that get in the middle of the top. But it still allows me to help them a little bit, you know, so that's up to you, is what you want to include, and I won't included every time. It just depends on the girl, she says. I really want to help. I can only do that the sheikh session or whatever I might say, Well, you know what I can at least give you offer suggestions. If you want to text me a photo and leave it at that because that really doesn't take that much more time. The different pricing is to incorporate the different pricing from a makeup artist and for the paying for the style closet. Because, of course, that takes money to purchase. So I'm lucky in the fact that my makeup artists happens to have given me a good deal. Eso ah, lot of my session fee isn't eaten up by having to pay the hair makeup artist. If you have to pay your hair makeup artists hundreds of dollars, you need up these prices unit me on. And of course, it depends on your market. Maybe your markets used to paying a lot more again. It's still relatively new in the grand scheme of things in my market, so I can't charge some astronomical amount because they're not used to doing it. You know the name. So those are the different sessions, and that's how you can set yourself apart and give your seniors a different experience. The next thing is to ask you a couple questions that in particular move on. Okay. Ah, picture. Take a girl along with six more boots if hair makeup is included in the package is what do you do for guys? Even if you do offer hair makeup, which somebody else had asked, do you, um, many would prefer probably to not do it. So what then? Since it's built into your package, how does that work? Well, again, my clientele is not got so minus girls are rarely have that that I don't really, ever get that. So if you do, maybe you come up with the session feet. It's just for guys because they aren't gonna want hair makeup. I mean, what God alone may be some You never know, But yeah, I would just didn't have a different, a different option, Impunity to cover acne. I don't know exactly. But, you know, in general, I don't get guys, so I don't have that trouble or that trouble, but that that doesn't ever come up. But if you do, I would just have a four session for guys and have a price for that and include the session. And, you know, wardrobe changes because they probably will bring that right. Um and you know how many different locations you're gonna include in that session? and leave it at that. So that's how I would address that. Have something separate and just to clarify for a number of folks that the session fee is just for the session and does not include any additional product right now. Granted, you know it's your business. You can you can include a one stop shop type thing where it's an all inclusive. My problem with that. Is that all you're ever going to make you know? Mainly if you charge let's say you charge $500 they get product and session and everything. You're never gonna up charge them. You never gonna up sell them, you know, we're gonna get more than 500. They're just gonna spend 500. You're done. And if you're okay with that, that's great. But, you know, at least with the sessions, the and I'm getting the session fee for my time. And then I'm making money on products and things like that that I can sell them collections, plus all the card or whatever. So mine is just the session basically in to cover hair, makeup and again, my hair makeup artists is not super expensive. So that's why I don't have a huge expense right there, cause I'm not. I'm not having to pay her very much. Does that answer that? Thank you. Okay. You okay? So the next part of given them that ultimate senior fortunate experiences question here, Getting to know your seniors. This is really important, because this is how you can start to build your relationships and start to personalize their experience. I think that's really important because, you know, with teenagers, they do wanna have the same experience of the friends of the word of mouth, But they also want to be unique. So getting to know them will let you give them that same overall experience, making them feel great all that stuff that their friend got. But maybe your location is different for them. Or maybe their wardrobe is different. Maybe you brought some props that help tell who they were, get to know them. So you can. So you can do that. You can give them more of a personal experience. So questions to ask on this, you can ask all kinds of stuff. I have a very detailed questionnaire because I want to know all kinds of stuff about them. I send it to them digitally through a company. The company's name is AP Nitro. The form is called Mock Form or Mac for Miss M A C H form. It's just a digital waiter you could also do. Surveymonkey, I think, is another one. This this is easy. They don't have to print it out. Maillet. Tim, you're standing in an email it back or any of that stuff. I just send it to him. The answer. Right there. They hit, submit, and it comes right to my email. So that's important questions that I ask. Obviously, you want to get the basics right. You want another name to follow number their email that Facebook link, their instagram length Twitter There Pinterest Get all of that information. The basic information. So you have all of that in one place and you can contact them. Follow them, communicate with them. Anyway, I also asked him what the best way to communicate with them is because maybe they're texture. Maybe there, er, phone call person. You know, whatever. Most of them are going to text. A lot of them don't even check email anymore, which is kind of funny, but find out that So you know how to communicate with them? Because you know, you want to be on their level and you want to You know, if they're never checking their email, it's not gonna be good that you're sending them emails. So maybe you tell them ahead of time. Hey, I am going to send you these emails. Please check it. But then after that, you can communicate with them through text, which is the way they may communicate. I well, and you can just put a link on there and just texted to him so they never have to check their email. They just respond to it via text message. That's perfect. Yeah, that's perfect. Yeah, I can totally do that. So that's awesome, because yeah, you're right. Most of them are textures. They don't They don't have time to sit there, read an email. Are you kidding? They got more important things. Todo Okay, so I asked him their birthday because I like to wish him a happy birthday. Make sure again, Build That relationship has nothing to do with me trying to sell them anything or trying to take their photos or anything like that. It's just me genuinely wanted wanting to say Happy birthday today or whatever, you know. So ask him that. Of course, you can always send him a gift If you wanted to do something like that. Just something small on their birthday which will make him feel extra special, which improves your senior portrait experience for them. OK, so then we have school fax where they go to high school. When are they graduating? You know, all that stuff, what they like to do hobby wise or extracurricular activity lies at school. This again will help you kind of get to know who they are. These air great talking points to talk to them about during their photo session. So you're not just here with the camera the whole time you can actually talk to them and carry on a conversation. You might notice something on here. That's an answer to their question that you also like that Bonds. You guys together even talk about it specifically school stuff. What are they? Where do they want to go? To college? Where they what do they want toe? What do they want to study those air? Also great things that you connect and bond with them. A lot of my girls go to South Carolina where I went to school. So I immediately say, Hey, are you gonna rush? I could get you some recommendations. Um, you know, we can talk about that where you live. And I lived in Paterson. Oh, my gosh. So much different now than it used to be. It looks like a hotel and used to look like a yucky old dorm. You know, like talks in them. They think that's funny. I can say I lived on the ninth floor. If you get a night or let me know, you know all these things. So I like to know where they're going to school. Else it might be something you can incorporate into their session. Maybe they wanna wear the, you know, the school colors in their session. Carolina Clemson, a huge in my state. And they all Clemson fans were orange like nobody's business. So they almost all will bring something orange or purple cause us the colors. Eso You know, you may want to incorporate that. I had some girls that are both going toe USC. They brought their USC football jersey and war with their cute little like cut off jean shorts and cowboy boots. That was them. They wanted a picture of that, and then they hung him in their dorm because it was there were best friends and I were going to Carolina things like that. These are all like things that you can connect with them about their going off to school. You can talk to them about Oh my gosh, that's so cool. You know, that's so brave of you to go somewhere you've never been before. Why did you choose that school and all of these things their way? You can really just get into knowing who they are. Then after school stuff you want to know style stuff. That's where it gets real fine for May. They tell me a little bit about their style, their personal style. What they might think about wearing for their session are they know I have a section in here where they can tell me their favorite place to shop. What's their favorite thing in their closet? Because maybe you want to say we bring that because that would be fun to use in your session. Maybe they have a favorite hat or something. Maybe the grandfather gave them their hat, his hat whenever they're young and they kept it all this, you know, whatever. And they want to incorporate that into a session because it's a really cool old hat or whatever necklace that might mean something to them. Things like that fund that out here, what do they not like to wear? I kind of want to know that just because it kind of tells me who they are, you know? I mean, are they somebody that would never wear flats because they think heels or the only thing that they should wear where they never wear heels? Because they only think flats that Khanna tells you, You know, OK, so maybe if they wear flats all the time, they might not be like in toe sequins and heels and stuff like that, right? Things like that tell you who they are. Favorite place to shop. I love this question, especially when I was trying to find a boutique to partner with. I kept looking at questionnaires over and over again, trying to find out the most popular answer because that was who I wanted to go see if they fit in with my brand to connect with on DSO that was informative. If I ever want to do something with somebody else, I can get these answers and really use those Teoh connect with another boutique If I want to pull stuffer. If I want to get new stuff for my style closet, maybe I go to that boutique and buy something on sale toe. Add to my style closet because I know it's a popular boutiques. That means most girls probably like within their domain. Eso that's important Favorite color to wear. I like to ask that because maybe we can incorporate that into their session. Also, when thinking of locations, you know, maybe a color would make you pick a location over another location because you kind of wanted all the mash. I mean, you know, you don't want to put urban grunge girl in all black in the middle of a field of poppies. Probably not. I mean, it might look good, but, you know, it doesn't really fit with her personality. So you want to know that on? Do you know if they could think of anything they wanted to wear dream outfit that they wanted to wear. What would it be? And I like that because they might get a little more of interest and maybe one of their outfits could be a little more concept. You know, domain. Maybe they would love to where, like a complete boho look. But that might not be every outfit. So that's where they might mention that. And so we can start toe work on building an outfit, maybe from the style closet, or maybe from their own wardrobe that will give them that cool, unique, something different. Maybe they're dancer, and they wanna wear their, you know, dance outfit and toe shoes, because that's who they are. That might be the place they put that and then I'll notice to create a session accordingly on Do you know what's your favorite season? I mentioned this a little bit earlier when I said that girls come and they asked me, You know, you know what, what season should get my photos done and I always bring it back to fashion and say, Well, what do you like toe wear the most? Are you a summer girl that likes sundresses? Well, then maybe that's the key to doing your session in that time frame. Are you somebody that loves to layer and scarves and hats and boots and stuff like that within follows? Probably your best bet, because you certainly don't want to take a summer photo in South Carolina wearing all that stuff. You would die anyway. So ask him that. You know, Ask him what? What's in there? What is in their closet? Is it bright and colorful? Is it more neutrals? Is it this that and the other? Because again you want to stick with who they are, so you want to know who they are seeking help to plan that session. Plan a location accordingly, etcetera. Then I asked him, What style profile they sort of fit into our they go back style propel. It's kinda hard to see, but pretty preppy, boho, urban, glamorous. What is their style? Profound. They may check more than one, and that's fine. So maybe you want to incorporate several outfits that kind of show all their aspects of their personality. You know, domain. So I asked that as well. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. You can create your own. Take some of these questions, add your own questions. Whatever. You can make it longer, shorter, Whatever you want. It doesn't need to be for you. But like I say, this is mine. This is what I send. The more I know about the people, you know, the people I'm photographing, the better off I am a person more comfortable. I feel more comfortable. They feel that. That's why I do it. So on. And then I asked for the link to their pinchers page because most often they have pinned outfits and things like that. So that's important. So I could go look and, you know, see what they've pinned. I could maybe say OK, I complain a session. They really penned a whole lot of free people, right? So I'm going to definitely think about a field, you know, maybe like, three people is, like flowing and you think of, like, you know, on the beach or out in the field or whatever. So pinchers really will give us a lot of insight into who they are, especially fashion wise. Okay, so then, you know, asking what they're thinking about as faras outfits. And just to describe those So I get them started thinking about you know what they might wear, and it doesn't mean that's what they're going to end up wearing. But it's what they might wear. You know, some girls have very distinct. I'm wearing this. Some girls are like, I don't know yet or I might need help with that or whatever. So, you know, find that out. What? Describe your perfect photo shoot location wise props. You know what? What are you looking for? Because again, I want to plan a session that is very unique to that girl. So maybe they say, Well, I saw my friend get her photos taken and they were in a field. So I want something like that. But I want something different. Or maybe they have something Expo very, very specific. And there I want to take my photos on my family's farm that has been in my family for years and years and years. And Bubba, Bubba bar, whatever. This is the place for them to tell me that that helps as well. Sometimes they say I don't know. You know, I will leave it up to you, and that's fine too. So find that out as well. Andan. Okay, so which which location that best fits your style again. You ask them earlier, you know. Are they preppy or they Are they urban? Or they What? Well, now you want to know what location best. If it's their style, you can determine that, or you can ask them and get their opinions as well. So because again, somebody that's urban hipster type. Probably not gonna look good next to a barn. You know, not the best location for them that wouldn't match somebody that's a little more country chic. Er, you know, once the were country like Calla loves her cowboy boots and cute dress and whatever will then, yeah, a field, a farm. You know, something like that would fit. So find that out again, helping you plan that experience that is more specific to them. OK, so personal fax. This is where I just asking questions to get to know them. This is where you might use some of these answers to do a blawg post about them. Whenever you share their photos from the session, you know, what's their favorite music? What's Tomoyoshi she mentioned earlier? She plays music on their sessions. Well, this is where you want to know what kind of music they want because then she can download center ITunes and play the right thing. Eso that's important. You know what? What do they like to eat? I mean silly questions, but it's just part of getting to know them. What do they like to eat? What they would have a favorite music. What's your favorite movie? What's your favorite book? You know, things like that again, just personal facts that aren't super personal. But you know something people are willing to share and you can again make a block post out of it. Talking points during your session about it. Oh, my God. Saw that your favorite food was pizza. Love pizza. Do do you know anything? You can get them talking and interacting with you on that federal shoot is gonna have have a great effect on them because they're gonna feel comfortable. Which meal lead to better photos because they're comfortable and not feeling awkward or nervous or whatever. So little things like this go a long way to talking to them about just anything and everything. Now I could talk to, you know, a wall, but some of us might not can so these things will help give you some tips on what to talk to him about. Okay, So favorite magazine and all this stuff favorite favorite memory from high school. I love that because a lot of times they'll have a cute story that I could be like, Oh, my God, that was so funny. Or and then I can tell them about the time in high school when I fell on my head at pep rally in front of the entire school. Yes, I did. Not kidding. So I tell them that they laugh at me because it's funny. I think, Gosh, I didn't get hurt, but it's true. So that is my only memory from high school at the time that I was doing a round off back Handspring in front of the entire school in the Jill and have a fun story like that, you know? And then we can just laugh and have a good time. So that's why I asked him that. Okay, Succession fax. Do you like to have your photos taken? I asked him that because if they're nervous, they'll say, Well, I don't really have them taking that often. Well, then I know, I gotta work a little bit harder to make them feel comfortable. Oh, I have my photos taken all the time. I'm a dancer. I'm a competition dancer, so I haven't taken all the time. Well, then I know that, OK? She's comfortable in front of camera. I might not have to do a Z much bringing her out of her sails. She's probably going to be totally comfortable. So things like that will help you prepare for the session. And then I start asking what you and your family won't like. Why are you booking this session? Are you booking it because you want a document this time in your life? What type of products are you looking for? Is your mom interested in gift parents for Grandma? Are you interested in more of an album? Do you want the digitals? These things help you more so than anything else. Know how to shoot. So if they check an album, then Okay, well, maybe you take a little more detail shot than you typically would, because the detail shot, they're not gonna frame and put on there Well, that it might be a fun little ad in or background of an album, page or whatever is to find that out. Maybe they haven't even thought about it yet. But I list all the possibilities. You know, while Prince give prints, campus gallery wraps, albums, grad announcements, all of these things. Because that way I know to start taking photos with those things in mind. OK, so other. Maybe they've heard of something from somebody else that maybe I don't even offer. Maybe that's a good thing that I could look into, right? So that's important on Ben, you know, asking them if they have a favorite proper anything they want to bring, because if they say yes and you definitely want to incorporate that, you know, if they have a favorite hobby, if they play the guitar, they play the Valium land. You know, maybe you wanna have them bring that because again, that tells who they are, things like music and dancing and things like that. It's a huge part of somebody you know. It makes up who they are. They usually spend years doing it, so having that incorporated into at least some of the photo shoot will make it specific and very personal to down so that's important. And then how did you hear about Leslie? Curator of photography, Of course. I just want to know. So I know I'm marketing. And if things are working and what's working and what's getting me out there in front of them, all that stuff So again, thing questionnaire is downloaded when you RCP so case you couldn't see the actual words. It was a lot of information to try to fit on a slide. But yeah, you can get that. Does anybody else here or even out there send out a questionnaire? And do you Do you feel that helps you or hurt to you or whatever? So if anybody wants to chime in, do you have any questions? I do. And it's not as in depth zero, right. I like that. It's really but it is really helpful. Exactly. So even if it's a short version, you still get some information that you can use your unit to help you give that singer portrait experience to your clients, right? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Do you have any questions that I don't have on here that are good? No, I don't I don't think so. You think it's something that little We'd love to hear that Kennedy didn't have anything out there. Absolutely well. I have some comments, and then a question is from Joanie, who's been with us all day. What percentage of the seniors return the questionnaire to you? Sometimes she gets clients who keep forgetting to send it back is one issue. But then also we have from bloomin it. Do the kids ever resist actually filling out the questionnaire as of its homework? If so, how do you deal with? Well, okay, so first of all, I've never had No, I've never had someone not return it. So if you're having that, I guess you just really we're gonna have to get in, get in their heads about Look, there's a reason why I'm doing this and what that reason is. And you know, I really want this back so I could help plan your session. It's better for you in the end, if I know these things, etcetera. I've never had someone not send it back. But I have had somebody one person, not book, because the father didn't want hurt his daughter answering these questions. And I thought that is the strangest thing I've ever heard of. But hey, it's his prerogative. He's a parent. He felt that it was way too personal when I was like, Okay, what she eats. I mean, you know, But hey, that was his opinion. And I respected that. He was I will say he was a lawyer. So I think he was a little overprotective. And I did point out to him that Do you realize your daughter is on on social media? So most of these things that I'm asking are things I could probably figure out. Oh, well, still, you know. And I said, Well, you know what? Not my ideal plan. Probably better that they chose to not do it. That's fine. I think he might have been worried that I would use the information to put somewhere. So make sure when you send this you include and they're this Onley used for Leslie Kerrigan photography. It's used for this reason and this reason Onley. It's only for me to better your experience. It's on Lee for me to get to know you before hand so that we both feel comfortable on your federal shoot, and I will not share it and I'm not, you know, whatever. So you know, if you ever have somebody that's uncomfortable with filling it out, you definitely need to let them know that. Hey, I'm not I'm not using this for anything. Did you have a question going to send out a really small question? Really? Yours was more end up, but I sent it along with my contract. So when the parents signed, then it's all one for him Through mine on the end, Has that? Yeah. Yeah. So they kind of have toe. Yeah, that's what you know, when I mentioned earlier about Well, how do you know the mom read your welcome guide or whatever. At the very end of this, it says the parent section that I mentioned earlier. So it says, Have you read, you know, the welcome guy? Do you understand the policies and procedures? Do you You understand that your daughter was having these photos taken the model releases in there, saying, you know, I have permission to use them on my website in my portfolio, etcetera. And it is just a one stop place because I don't want to have to send that I don't have toe print something out and have them sign it. What if they forget stuff like that? So usually the digital is pretty good about returning it. I've never had anybody not return it for that reason. So So, Yeah, it's true that anything else removal? You did ask about music? Correct? Because we had a suggestion about the top 10 songs on your IPad. Three. Good thing 10. Most played. Yeah, I think mine just asking you what? Your favorite music or band. Something like that. You could ask them to put their top 10. That'd be great, because session, especially beginning, play music on a session. You probably gonna play more than one song. So maybe you want to know a couple of, you know, 10 or five or 10 songs that you can have on your IPad or whatever. And now with this wireless speakers Oh, my God. There's so little. You take him wherever. Yeah, exactly. So from Sarah Megan, just Teoh just to clarify. So this questionnaire goes out, Do you go over it in a console to or it goes out, You send it to them and they send it back. And then she says I have a basic question there right now, but I find that sometimes it's difficult to get the answers when, especially when the mom is the one booking, huh? I know that I'm probably the only one in my area doing a questionnaire. So part of it is educating them about why I like you talked about, but I can't help but feeling a little creepy asking all these questions when no one else is in her area. So what do you say to that? May be spinning it as your Well, I mean to me, I don't feel creepy because again, my main thing is that I want to build a relationship only way. And I am are journalists by nature. So I ask questions. I mean, you know, all you can say is no. So to me, it doesn't feel creepy because that's who I am. But again, it just goes about educating. And if you are talking to the mom, the moms and one booking that I explained to the mom I need your daughter to fill this out. This is why I'm gonna send it to you. Please share it with your daughter and have her fill it out at her earliest convenience. So you know, it's really all about just educating my clients. And I don't feel that any of this stuff is too personal. I mean, you know, I'm not asking them anything. That and I'm asking them with a purpose that's not creepy. Do you know domain like my purpose is not a malicious or creepy or anything like that? I genuinely want to know who they are. A genuinely know that if I know who they are, I can provide them a better experience. So for me, that's that's the way I look at it. And that's the way I needed. Educate my clients about it. Now, as Faras, the consul to precession Consultations air Great, they're absolutely great. They give you a chance to get to know the client even more in depth than than the questionnaire. My thing is, is I already do a wardrobe consultation and are really don't want to dio a pre constant, you know, precession concentration, wardrobe, consultation session, the ordering session, etcetera. So I kind of want my so called precession consultation in the form of a questionnaire and the wardrobe consultation. So I will continue to get to know them during that wardrobe consultation, I will meet them face to face, but it is really specific about wardrobe, whereas a precession consultation might be a little bit mawr. Let's meet for coffee and find out who you are made at your studio or whatever. I think they're great. But again, with my business, it's just not the way I have a structure. Because, you know, I'm a mom. I'm busy. Whatever. I want to give them a great experience. But I also have to keep in mind my restrictions and what I have time for. So but yeah, if you have time. I think it's great because any time you get in front of the the client before you put that camera in their face, you're going to get a better result. No, hands down. That's the way it is. So But I think like you said, it's important. Identifying what? What is that time spent in the value that you get out of it and which which pieces right for for you, For you? I like Joni's comment. I spent it as I'm offering a custom photography experience. So again, this is a custom questionnaire customize your experience. I'm planning your best according to who you are. That's exactly right. Yes. You were trying to give them a very specific customized session and experience based on who they are. So while they may have come to you because they heard, you know, they're best friends. So and so had a great experience. And you did such and such for that girl. You're gonna do something a little bit different as far as the actual session and what you incorporate into it for the next one. Maybe your location changes may be this that the other, but that's what this question is about, so yeah, totally.
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Ratings and Reviews
Lynn Powell Roberts
I learned a lot from this course. I watched all day when CL replayed Sal Cincotta's senior course and I wanted a second perspective, so I bought Leslie's course. I'm really glad I purchased Leslie's course because it was a great complement to Sal's course. Leslie covered different things like using a style closet that I especially found useful. She also did a beach shoot with a male and female model, which I found very useful and different from Sal's style. Leslie is so excited about "her girls" that she photographs - it's very engaging. I highly recommend this course.
Lightfoot Studio
I can't say enough great things about this course! I went into it thinking I gain a little bit of info on posing and social media ideas... boy was I wrong! Leslie covers topics that I didn't even know where apart of Senior Photography. I highly recommend purchasing this course, if for no other reason then for the awesome senior panel that lets you know really want seniors want, are looking for, and actually care about in regards to their photos/social media/etc... I hope to meet Leslie one day and thank you personally! :)
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