Segment 34 - Marketing Tool: Concept Shoot Part 1
Lesson 37 from: Senior Portraits: Create the Ultimate ExperienceLeslie Kerrigan

Segment 34 - Marketing Tool: Concept Shoot Part 1
Lesson 37 from: Senior Portraits: Create the Ultimate ExperienceLeslie Kerrigan
Lesson Info
37. Segment 34 - Marketing Tool: Concept Shoot Part 1
Day 1
1Bonus Video: Beach/Park Senior Shoots
30:35 2Bonus Video: Concept Shoot
32:47 3Segment 1 - Why Senior Photography
20:07 4Segment 2 - Getting Started & Research Your Market
28:55 5Segment 3 - How to Get Started Q&A
27:55 6Segment 4 - Branding: Your Ideal Client
22:05 7Segment 5 - Branding: Define It
26:16Segment 6 - Visual Branding Tips for Websites & Blogs
31:29 9Segment 7 - Educating Your Potential & Current Clients
25:22 10Segment 8 - Get to Know Your Senior Client: Questionnaires
31:22 11Segment 9 - Senior Portrait Experience: Plan the Shoot
14:11 12Segment 10 - Senior Portrait Experience: What to Wear Guide
19:33 13Segment 11 - Senior Portrait Experience: Building a Style Closet
16:44 14Segment 12 - Interview with Senior Photographer: Jared Rey
22:52 15Segment 13 - Wardrobe Consultation with HS Senior
23:19Day 2
16Segment 14 - Senior Session: Hair & Makeup
23:12 17Segment 15 - Senior Session: Guy Wardrobe & Locations
25:25 18Segment 16 - Senior Session: Posing Girls vs Guys
35:37 19Segment 17 - Rooftop Shoot: Senior Girl Part 1
21:13 20Segment 18 - Rooftop Shoot: Senior Girl Part 2
19:21 21Segment 19 - Workflow & Post-Production Overview
18:38 22Segment 20 - Leslie's Editing Process
34:18 23Segment 21 - Senior Session Q&A
13:45 24Segment 22 - Social Media & HS Seniors
15:11 25Segment 23 - Interview With Teen Photographer Sara Cooney
21:01 26Segment 24 - Senior Panel: Teens' Perspective
26:02 27Segment 25 - Senior Panel Q&A
14:31Day 3
28Segment 26 - In-Person Ordering Session
42:28 29Segment 27 - Ordering Session Q&A
29:38 30Segment 28 - Pricing for Your Market
16:08 31Segment 29 - How to Build Your Collections
37:42 32Segment 30 - The Formula for Pricing and Q&A
24:37 33Segment 31 - What is a Senior Model/Rep Program
17:45 34Segment 32 - What Makes a Great Senior Rep & Rep Marketing
34:24 35Segment 33 - Senior Rep Program Q&A
35:10 36Thanks + Credits
06:26 37Segment 34 - Marketing Tool: Concept Shoot Part 1
24:21 38Segment 35 - Marketing Tool: Concept Shoot Part 2
39:52Lesson Info
Segment 34 - Marketing Tool: Concept Shoot Part 1
Okay, We're going to talk about concepts, shoots to market your business. We touched on this a little bit throughout the course, and especially last segment when we were talking about model shoots. But this is a great way for you. Not only market your business but portfolio bill to practice new techniques to step outside your box. All of that good stuff. So we're gonna get right into that. What is the concept? Shoot. It is a chute that is usually centered around a concept or theme that you can create, You know, until the story. So and the one we're going to be showing that you see some photos from it was a glamping theme. So that was my concept. That was my theme. So everything went together with that that thing to create a complete photo shoot. Um, what? What do you use it for? You can use it for portfolio ability. You can use it to try out something new. If you have a new location, you want to try out, go grab one of your models from your senior rep program and take them out there an...
d do a concept shoot so you can check it out before you take a client out there. You know it's opportunity to work with vendors. So actually, in this concept shoot, we worked with the jewelry vendor. I knew this company from from shopping, but I knew it would match the sort of theme them. It's a very cool would Z type jewelry company, so I reached out to them and got to work with them, and they're gonna be ableto utilize photos. So, you know, maybe you want a child in a makeup artists to come up with a concept theme, have them work on that, see how well they do. It's just a non opportunity for you to continue to shoot, continue to grow as a photographer and continue to build that portfolio. So, um, and frankly, it's just fun. I mean, you know, we all are creative, and we all want to shoot all these things. And you can control a concept shoot rather than your client. You needing a certain look or certain won't or whatever this is your chance to be free to, You know, try something new to do something that interest to you and to really just get those creative juices flowing. Sometimes it's really hard because you're constantly in the groove of of doing things for paying clients. And sometimes it's really nice to step that step outside of that and do something for you and your talent and the reason you really got into photography in the first place. Your your love of photography. So, um okay, so planning a concept shoot what is important? Everything that goes into a shoot for a concept shoot really needs to stick to that theme, so it's all very important to plan it out. Write it down, write out a shot list right out brainstorming ideas for your concept. Um, find a location that has that can, you know, tell the story of that concept. I mean, we did glamping, so I needed an area that was, um, campground ish, and I wanted to take it up a notch because I wanted the I really wanted something different. I mean, clearly, you would never wear sequin skirt in the middle of the woods, but I wanted that contrast, So I looked for a location that did that hair and makeup. You want it to continue to tell that story with the colors of the type of hair style. All of that stuff needs to be planned out so that you can have a consistent plan to tell that story. Okay, on. And then also, war driven styling. You want that to fit that thing? Um, again, this was This was a glamping. Same. So I knew they needed to be somewhat reminding of camping, but in a glamorized way. So we utilized Platt's, which you would typically wear on a campground, probably. And Woods, you would see necklaces, the service, all of these things, boots. All of these things kind of help tell that story. Okay, so we're gonna show a video about location scouting so you can see exactly why I picked the location that I did. What areas of this location I utilized for the shoot. Um, and let me show you that. So a lot of times, when I'm doing location scouting for a concept shoot, it is remotely I don't have the luxury of taking a day trip away from my kids to actually scout a location that's out of tail. Now, if I were doing this concept shoot in my own town, I would certainly have time to do that. But we needed something specific to illustrate the glamping concept. So got on. Google did a search, and the closest place to me was this awesome site campground site called North Georgia Canopy Tours in Georgia, about an hour and 1/2 from my house, which is about the limit of what I would probably travel for any type of shoot. I try to stick to about an hour and 1/2 max. Just because time is money and you want to try to, you know, try to find places is close to you as possible. But anyway, I googled this place. I found it. I thought the Teepees were awesome. They would make a really great backdrop for our shoot. Provide us with a unique color because the tops of the Teepees air different than the bottoms and would really be a great backdrop to pop against the girls. So we're gonna walk around and see a couple of other places around here that this huge ling in So we will find all kinds of great places, but the Teepees will definitely be a part of our backdrop. So when we're walking around, I noticed that this group of trees would be a great backdrop. And looking at it from this viewpoint would be something different and unique. Might not be something you'd use in an actual senior photo session, but definitely something to try out when you're doing a concept session. Because the concept shoot is somewhere something that you can try. New things. Try different vantage points, do different posing and things like that. So this might be something that would be a good thing to try out shooting from up here and having the models down there. Okay. Okay. So you saw that I really just a researched it online. A lot of times. Maybe there isn't somewhere in your backyard that will really fit the theme. I'm once I get a theme in my head. I'm very, very particular. So if it took me going to Georgia to find it, I was going to do it. So think about that. In terms of what your concept might be, you can even even create a concept from a location. Maybe you pass by a location every day, and you think, Oh, gosh, you know, that would really be cool or shoot. Use that to try to come up with the thing. There's an old old abandoned gas station that I passed all the time. And I think you don't really cool to do like a I don't know, like a Route 66 kind of old school, um read, throw type, shoot by that backdrop. So that backdrop makes me think. Or that location makes me think of, ah, concept. So things like that, of course, like I say for this one, I just had to trust Google. I do that a lot through. See, neurology when we go on senior allergy tours or shootouts. I really don't know the area, and I don't have the money toe fly to scout it out before I do it. So I just look at Google Maps. My friend Courtney, if she's watching and she's like the Queen Beef or Google, so she'll get on there for me and say, OK, I'm looking at satellite. I'm driving. You know, you can pretend to be driving on Google maps and we'll check it out that way. Eso you know, it's just a matter of looking for what you want to help tell that story of the concept the next part of telling that story is the war driven makeup it takes own a different aspect. You don't want them just to look pretty, but you want them to really be in that style that fits with whatever you're going for. So in my case, glamping. I needed that hair and makeup to kind of fit with my idea. You were doing a beat shoot. Maybe you want beachy ways and bronze E, uh, cheeks and that kind of look, because that hair makeup would go along with that concept. Okay, so let's watch that I love the pulling of the close. That's my favorite part of a concept shoot, because I like to pretend like I'm a stylist. I'm not, but I love to shop, so I love to pull clothes from different places. That sort of fit with the concept that I'm doing Three people is a great place. The feel of their clothes very much fit in with the mood and feel of this concept shoot. So a lot of these clothes actually came from three people like this dress. All these white dresses and then anthropology is another favorite place that seem to fit with what I was doing. So a couple of the other pieces came from there. So really, it's about knowing the different places to shop and knowing what stores going to provide you with whatever mood you're trying to accomplish. If I was looking for something super preppy, I probably would go to, like, you know, Lily Pulitzer somewhere like that. But that wasn't what I was looking for today. So I went with the stores that provided the feel of a very Woogie campy type. Okay, so I brought a bunch of stuff for us to trial on. I have two favorite outfits from her from works for the same glamping. That's why everything sort of glamorized camping that that you would everywhere sequence camping, blaming, but we're gonna work with, Okay, We're trying to get for, like, editorial fund over the top type thing. Okay, so, um, I'm gonna have Brooke. I want you to other song and see if this works for you. Okay. And then Conner, I want you to try this. This top looks tiny, but it stretches. There is just one of those stretchy things you know, to try that on. And if those don't work will go with something else. But those were my two favorite outfits that have picked for you. Okay? Yes, I think that's good. I think that looks awesome. Do you like it on? Will wear the hat with it. Yeah, whichever one. I don't care. You like that one better. Okay, let's see you, Tony. I think that's what you need to wear. Are you okay with that? Okay. And then let's look at shoes real quick. So these are your shoes. Okay. So I would probably where either of those or those, Whichever one and then for you, I think. Yeah, I think that's okay. Are you sure you want this? And we don't want a pair like the red one. Really? Get a little black in that. That way span is kind of right distracting. So maybe you put color. Well, let's never try this on with it. We compare the best with what she's got that all or even care with cream on the best she has cream in. It would be over here. Let's see what this looks like. I definitely think we can use this in some of the chai. Um, but then Let's just have her try this dress on and see what it looks like. We Do you mind doing that? And we'll just compare the to put the best on there. Yeah, I think so too. All right. Oh, I don't know. I like that. I like that better. Your You okay with this? You don't. I think I think that either one of the boots is fine, saying that's what I know. Because they have the red, don't you think? All right. Yeah. This one doesn't make you pop more. I was afraid of the red at first, but the red actually just stand out. Morning. So let's do that. Okay. See, that's why you bring a whole lot of different options because you never know what's gonna look best on it. Okay, so I'm pretty leaning out when it comes to letting you be artistic. OK, but this just sort of a guide. Think, um, editorial would see glamping type thing. That's what we're going for. Um, because it's a concept shoot and not an actual high school senior shoot. Even though they are high school seniors, we can be a little bit more like dramatic and makeup dramatic and hair, that kind of thing. So I'm cool with letting you go free with that, but just, you know, do something fun and unique and different. Okay? Yeah, well, and you can use the inspiration. Okay. Okay. So hope you want to check out what their way on. Yeah, right. So we could do more like the greatest. Okay, Yeah, maybe a little bit more of color since its neutral. Right. That's a good idea. Maybe a pop and I are Tekere live or whatever. Okay. Okay. Okay. Maybe something a little bit chunkier. Yeah, like some chunky curls. Yeah. Okay, good. Maybe some braids in it and then keeping it still neutral, but like a bump up from like, Yeah, that's good. OK, good. Maybe play up the as a little bit. So they stand out beneath that hat. Sometimes when you have a hat on that kind of cover up your eyes a little bit and they make those pop okay. All right. Oh, you look so pretty. I love it. Oh, my gosh. I love the lip. That's off them. I think that'll pop with the neutral outfits and your hair looks awesome. We kind of look like Twinkies, girl. Okay, also, Yeah. So you can see how much fun we had pulling together Outfits when you're when you're talking about a concept shoot, having the options because I originally thought that skirt in that top would be the only thing she tried on. But Jenny was like new. Let's try something else. She was She was working with me that day and it ended up being the red look better. I was kind of afraid the red would be too bright because I had the options. I had her try Ammon and really figured out which one looks best. And then the reason I chose the darker colors for the blond Connor is because I thought it would pot more. Where is the neutral with the blonde? Might She might have blended all ends and think about things like that when you're tryingto figure out who will wear what and just bring lots and lots of options. And then you can see that I, you know, have guidance for my hair and makeup artists. But again, I'm not a professional hair makeup artist, so I give them guidance, but won't them to actually pick out the the colors and things like that. And she did an excellent job. Hope did. Had never worked with hope before, found her through a friend and she did exactly what I didn't know to exactly. Tell her, You know, I mean, like, I gave her guidance, and that is what she she ended up giving may. So being able to work with somebody and give them some guidance, but letting them have the freedom to sort of do what they do best is, is really a great thing. So clarification question from photo. Who asked who pays for the model's hair and make up for these concepts shoots itself and I guess the whole thing in general. Well, again, that probably varies on who you're working with for this particular one. Hope and I worked out a deal because, you know, she was getting photos. I did pay her a little bit, but it was not her normal rate, because not only is she on Creativelive, but she was getting photos for her portfolio and she was gaining experience, and I'm giving her the photos, giving the models photos. Of course, the models did it in exchange for photos, Their their high school girls. They're not professional models, so there was no fee involved there. But that's kind of clothes. And the clothes, uh, one of the outfits actually came out of my style closet. I just repurposed it that that that sequin skirt came from anthropology. I bought it on sale and have used it a couple of times. We used it here. And then we did something back this past winter where we did what I called a concept in a box where I sent it to a couple of different photographers and it was just the skirt and they were then supposed to create from that skirt way. Used it there. Yeah, So it's fun. We had a good time. We're gonna try to do that again. I'm coming up and get some participation with anybody that might want to do that. But basically, I provide them one or two elements of a concept shoot, and then they kind of go with what inspires them with that. So, like, I did a very christmassy shoot with it. Where panna this one right here had on the sequence skirt and like a very traditional red and green plaid button down shirt on, and we were in a Christmas tree farm, and it was really Yeah, it was really keeping. Then my friend Misty, who have mentioned before she took a girl out and did still a Christmas tree, but so different, sort of look, she had all neutrals, and she had the girl had on a big cozy sweater and like a hair thing that Misty made just so just different things that you can do with that skirt. So that came from there. The anthropology dress was purchased and had now have it in my style closet, so I can use it again. But then the three people outfit that's tried on and didn't where we sent back. Yeah, thank you. You're welcome. Okay, so let's move on to the posing of each of the models during the shoot. It's no different necessarily than posing for your normal girls, but you might could be a little more adventurous. Um, supposing especially for something like this particular shoot, which was kind of trying to take on a very editorial feel, you know, while still being in the genre of seniors. So you can see that all right. What? I want you today as I want you to put one foot up here. And I want you to kind of maybe my hair, like, shoot to decide you need You need to be here so I can see more of your face. Because if you're here, you're hairs in the way. OK, but basically reversed one put up and kind of almost bring your knee in down a little bit. So it doesn't look like you're just like this, you know? Whoa. But like, we're gonna bring it forward a little bit and kind of break. Yeah, and just kind of lame back like that. Okay, come a little bit more in the middle. Okay, So when you're shooting with a girl with wearing a hat, you have to make sure that you get enough light in there because the hat will shade her face on, and we already are in somewhat of shade anyway. So a couple of things we did to try to help that is we've pulled the hat back on her head just a little bit instead of instead of her wearing it all the way down on her forehead. So that helps opens her up a little bit, allows more light to her face, and then we're gonna pop a reflector in, and you can see the difference. No, Reflektor Reflektor. That's good. Hang on. Okay, so I'm gonna have you weight on the back foot. Lean back a little bit. Like this arm just grabbed the arm like this, OK? And I'm gonna be standing right there when you look over at me. Okay? Okay. Let me move. You keep doing that. Awesome. Gorgeous. Okay, now we'll have you sit on the edge of this. You can just sit all the way down, needs end like this and lean over just real kind of slouchy. Fix your hair a little bit. It's always better to take the time to fix their hair now than have to fix it in photo shop. So I'm going to go up to our make sure she's OK with me touching her and because she can't see what's in her face. So I'm just slightly removing hairs if I can. Fixing necklaces, making sure the clothes are exactly where I want them. And then we're ready sheet and maybe lean over a little bit more. Yeah, just kind of an exaggerated kind of slapped. Okay, Okay. We're coming close to you. Right there. Believed that necklace. That's perfect. Chin down just a little bit. Yeah, I love the head tilt. That's awesome. Beautiful. And the orange back there is playing off of your neutral clothing. May. Look at that. You can see what you look like. The nature doesn't provide a mirror, but the camera does. Right there. That's awesome. Oh, I love it. I could pull that leg in just a little bit right there. That is gorgeous. Okay, one more Close up throat. You can still you've done this before. Ah, or your dried out. I don't You have. Tell you what to dio. Awesome. Oh, my gosh. This separating. Oh, yeah. Okay. Till she had just a little bit the night they got Perfect. And then let's bring that arm up right. Here you go. But it every almost up there go chin down like this. Awesome. Okay. And I like to kind of make it look pretty silly. So I love any sort of angles. Chris Carlson arms, um, you know, knees a little bit of different, maybe slide one leg out Sunnis or a little bit of different angle. Exactly. Dropped the shoulder. I love that. That's perfect. Awesome. Here, here. And I like to dio several of the same pose before I move on making sure I get vertical horizontal, etcetera. So sit tight for just a few more seconds in the same pose. Awesome. Love it. Okay. And then let's switch it out. Maybe bring it one arm up on your shoulder around your neck like that. What? You just did that perfect. I love it. A lot of times when I'm shooting, I'll be telling you to do something and you'll do something on the way to trying to do what I'm telling you to do. And I like it better. And that's what just happened exactly Like that. That's perfect. Perfect. Awesome. Love it. Gonna come up close and get that same thing, OK, On the count of three, I want you to glance up. It may. Okay. Perfect. Now bring this one up a little bit closer to your face. Almost lean on it a little bit. And then right here. Got it. Okay. I'm gonna do it. Words on already bested on your actual neck. There. You're right there. Right there. Let me come in really close. Do it. And then Perfect. Okay. And then we get one more. A little bit wider. Same thing Ready? Perfect. Okay. With some tried different location. Okay, Okay. Okay. So you can see how we did a couple of different poses. We worked with the environment that we had, um, And again, it's not necessarily that much different for a concept shoot than a than a regular chute. It's just incorporating what your location is your models and trying to tell that story of the concept. So and again. It's not usually a senior paying clients, so therefore you might conduce and things that are a little bit different. Maybe you want to try out new poses. Um, and you want to see how model reacts to you? Guiding them? Do a concept. You grab a model, go out there and do one
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Ratings and Reviews
Lynn Powell Roberts
I learned a lot from this course. I watched all day when CL replayed Sal Cincotta's senior course and I wanted a second perspective, so I bought Leslie's course. I'm really glad I purchased Leslie's course because it was a great complement to Sal's course. Leslie covered different things like using a style closet that I especially found useful. She also did a beach shoot with a male and female model, which I found very useful and different from Sal's style. Leslie is so excited about "her girls" that she photographs - it's very engaging. I highly recommend this course.
Lightfoot Studio
I can't say enough great things about this course! I went into it thinking I gain a little bit of info on posing and social media ideas... boy was I wrong! Leslie covers topics that I didn't even know where apart of Senior Photography. I highly recommend purchasing this course, if for no other reason then for the awesome senior panel that lets you know really want seniors want, are looking for, and actually care about in regards to their photos/social media/etc... I hope to meet Leslie one day and thank you personally! :)
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