Segment 29 - How to Build Your Collections
Lesson 31 from: Senior Portraits: Create the Ultimate ExperienceLeslie Kerrigan

Segment 29 - How to Build Your Collections
Lesson 31 from: Senior Portraits: Create the Ultimate ExperienceLeslie Kerrigan
Lesson Info
31. Segment 29 - How to Build Your Collections
Day 1
1Bonus Video: Beach/Park Senior Shoots
30:35 2Bonus Video: Concept Shoot
32:47 3Segment 1 - Why Senior Photography
20:07 4Segment 2 - Getting Started & Research Your Market
28:55 5Segment 3 - How to Get Started Q&A
27:55 6Segment 4 - Branding: Your Ideal Client
22:05 7Segment 5 - Branding: Define It
26:16Segment 6 - Visual Branding Tips for Websites & Blogs
31:29 9Segment 7 - Educating Your Potential & Current Clients
25:22 10Segment 8 - Get to Know Your Senior Client: Questionnaires
31:22 11Segment 9 - Senior Portrait Experience: Plan the Shoot
14:11 12Segment 10 - Senior Portrait Experience: What to Wear Guide
19:33 13Segment 11 - Senior Portrait Experience: Building a Style Closet
16:44 14Segment 12 - Interview with Senior Photographer: Jared Rey
22:52 15Segment 13 - Wardrobe Consultation with HS Senior
23:19Day 2
16Segment 14 - Senior Session: Hair & Makeup
23:12 17Segment 15 - Senior Session: Guy Wardrobe & Locations
25:25 18Segment 16 - Senior Session: Posing Girls vs Guys
35:37 19Segment 17 - Rooftop Shoot: Senior Girl Part 1
21:13 20Segment 18 - Rooftop Shoot: Senior Girl Part 2
19:21 21Segment 19 - Workflow & Post-Production Overview
18:38 22Segment 20 - Leslie's Editing Process
34:18 23Segment 21 - Senior Session Q&A
13:45 24Segment 22 - Social Media & HS Seniors
15:11 25Segment 23 - Interview With Teen Photographer Sara Cooney
21:01 26Segment 24 - Senior Panel: Teens' Perspective
26:02 27Segment 25 - Senior Panel Q&A
14:31Day 3
28Segment 26 - In-Person Ordering Session
42:28 29Segment 27 - Ordering Session Q&A
29:38 30Segment 28 - Pricing for Your Market
16:08 31Segment 29 - How to Build Your Collections
37:42 32Segment 30 - The Formula for Pricing and Q&A
24:37 33Segment 31 - What is a Senior Model/Rep Program
17:45 34Segment 32 - What Makes a Great Senior Rep & Rep Marketing
34:24 35Segment 33 - Senior Rep Program Q&A
35:10 36Thanks + Credits
06:26 37Segment 34 - Marketing Tool: Concept Shoot Part 1
24:21 38Segment 35 - Marketing Tool: Concept Shoot Part 2
39:52Lesson Info
Segment 29 - How to Build Your Collections
So how do you build your collections? Actually sort of research products and decided what you want to offer. How do you sort of how do you put them together? Like what makes a good collection? Um, you know, some of it, to be honest, is gonna be trial and error. Maybe you put some things together and it doesn't work out well, and you re structure. You can't be afraid to do that. Um, I think a lot of times people get really stressed and the oh, my God, I have to make it perfect right off the bat, and I just don't think that's realistic. Um, I've changed mine tons of times, you know, from family packages to trying to do seniors in the same type of packaging that I did families to realize. And that doesn't work. Teoh, you know, given away too much in the bottom package. And never nobody would ever want the top one because I gave all the stuff away in the bottom. I've done all that on and it, you know, again, nobody's perfect. So you may have to restructure things after you see, but you alw...
ays have to be conscious of how your clients are, reacting to what you're offering and make that decision. And don't keep trying to push something that maybe isn't working or what have you, So I do. Three. I do three collections, but you could do to 4 again. It's just a matter of not overwhelming your clients with too many options. If I were somebody and I opened up a pricing sheet and have five or six or seven different collection, I'll be like, Whoa, what is all this stuff? That's too much, you know? So I stick to three. Three, gives me a bottom of middle on the top and I'm good, you know, that's how I can. I thought I can communicate with my clients about them. So But, you know, 3 to 4 is probably a good a good number again. The bottom package that I offer really does not have that much stuff in it. And it is the least valuable. Um, when you build collections versus all a cart, you know, price, you're all the card a little bit more expensively, so your collection seem more appealing. So they're getting a better deal. You it's like I mean, I hate to compared to like a value meal. McDonald's. But, you know, value Miller McDonald's is supposed to be a little bit cheaper than if you ordered the coat by itself in the burger, by itself, in the rise by itself, all that good stuff. So it's the same principle. So when you're thinking about that bottom one, you want a not give too much away because you want them to go to that next package. I know that you and I were talking earlier in Brake on and Do you mind sharing a little bit about about what you shared earlier? Because my packages have been a mix of digital imprint products and various collections. Um, but the problem that I've noticed is that I am constantly selling my lowest package, and I was asking, like, What am I doing wrong? My lowest package has 10 digital images in it, so there is. They want they just see the digital's and that's that's what they want. So I'm constantly selling up one, and I need to figure out how to get away from my lowest and see, And that's how you start. You start offering something and you realize. Ok? Hey, this really isn't working. What can I do differently? And my suggestion to you then and is now is take those digital's out of that bottom package because if that is a popular product and you've got it in your bottom package and they're getting 10 which is a lot, they are gonna Why would they go to a higher package? They could get it all for, you know, the lowest price. That 10. I think most people maybe they want all the digitals. But I think 10 they're okay with sacrifice, like Okay, I can I can hear it down to 10 before I have to pay more money. Right? I would. So I think in the bottom, you don't need to give away that most important thing. Um, you want to push that to Maybe you're and and I probably would do a little bit less like you move your digital's into your middle, but don't do 10. Maybe do five and then have a bigger jump for your next one. Because maybe that's where you offer all of them. So then the hive Oh, God, really only get she's five not quite enough. And then that might start to them. Think. OK, well, maybe I just need him all but 10. If you're only offering 30 that's 1/3. They might be happy with that. So that would be my suggestion for that. And I used to do it too. I mean, that's that's what the thing is. I was there. I gave away way too much of my bottom package, and I only sold that. And I kept thinking, Oh, gosh. And truth be told, I used to be. I mean, I hate to say shoot, burn, but I used to be the kind of person that would shoot burn a CD, And it would be this price, whatever it waas and that would be the extent of what I could possibly make. And I kept thinking some really mean it seemed like some good amount, you know, whatever. But, uh, what if I'm never going to make more like unless I raised that price? That was it. I was never gonna sell more. I was never gonna Frog boy. Sorry. I was never gonna make more than that. So, you know, structure them in a way that you maybe you do only maybe one or two times. You do sell that low package, and that's fine. But you structure them in a way that you can start building and selling the heart of the middle on the higher package. Um, and you want your most popular items to be something that maybe they have to pay a little bit more before they can get. So that's why those digital's, especially with seniors, because I would guarantee you that most seniors won't Digital's put those in a higher package so that they are not, um, easily gotten. You mean like you want them to have them? I know there's controversy out there about selling Digital's. I don't care if they pay me enough. I'm find with burning the CD because it takes five seconds and I'm done fine with me. But I don't want to pay in $300 for it. I mean anything like I want more money for it. And then that other thing A lot of times clients will ask, Well, why are they so expensive? Was your answer to that? I always tell him, and I don't know if this is a good analogy that this works for May. But I always tell him It's kind of like back in the day when, like The Cosby Show was owned and then now they play reruns. But those people back then didn't know that they needed to get paid. Every time that they run a rerun, they got paid for the show and they get paid for every episode. Maybe Cosby show was too advanced. It might have been Brady Bunch, I don't know. You know, an old show, an old sitcom. They really just got paid for the show and that's it. And then they realized reruns for this great thing. And those poor people. Florence interesting, probably doesn't get a check every time that Brady Bunch plays, and it plays over and over and over and over again, and she never sees another dime. And I tell him that I said, Well, you know what? When you got that CD, you got those images. You could print them 1000 times if you wanted to. You could print 1000 times. You could share him on the Internet. You could do this, that and the other. And you only pay that one price for it. And then I'll get so far as to divide it up. You know, 60 images. And it's this price. Really. You're only paying this much money per image, and that'll get him to sort of understand why. But the thing is, they can print them as many times as they want to. They can order a canvas off, you know, some from Costco. They want Teoh, you know, God forbid, but good. So I always tell them the sitcom story. Because to me, that makes sense. I would be mad of our own, The Brady Bunch, and they were playing it every single day, and I wouldn't get any money for it. I mean, it probably would have been fun to be on The Brady Bunch, so maybe I wouldn't be so mad. But, you know, domain, Like think about things like that. Because you also need to answer questions as to why, um, you know, why are you offering this and why is it this much? Um Okay, so push your clients. We used your example there about, you know, not putting everything that bottom so that you push him to the middle of the top. Don't put too much in each collection. Don't feel like you gotta give away the farm. You know, per collection. I mean, every product I offers in one collection don't do that. Because then again, why would they go to a different collection? Why would they spend more money? I mean, why would they spend money? Why would they add on anything I don't have, Um the This, um no, the graduation announcement. I don't have those in any of my packages because I can add that all so typically they're gonna add that own. And that's another sale. So I didn't give everything away. I put items they know they won't. And then items that I might could sell in addition to those aren't in there because not everything needs to be in there and then the sticky album. I only have that the top package because I know that people think it's a cool idea. Um, and they may want that top package just to get that sticky album. Actually, don't even really sell it by itself. It's actually a bonus in my top package. It's a reward for buying that top package, so that, I think, is a good idea. Um, things like that. Just don't put everything in there and keep some of these special items that you can do is more of an add on or more of a bonus if you get to a certain package. I know there are people out there that sometimes will give a discount for all the cart items. If they reach a certain package. I think that's I don't do it, but I think that's a good idea. That's something you want to do, because basically, you're rewarding them for buying something and then possibly continuing to sell one or two more items. So if that collection didn't have everything in it, then you are giving them Oh, well, but I really kind of want that, too. So Okay, you know, domains like Okay, you can buy that. But let's get this over here on the ala cart, and then you've got that collection and you got everything you want, right? Okay. So, again, rewarding clients for pushing them to the top collection. Like I say, um, each of mine have free Facebook images in, um because I know that people want that and because it helps me. So I'm not giving something away. That doesn't help me. So even in the bottom they will get, you know, a couple of Facebook sized with logo images. Because again, that helps me. I'm not giving them the digital that they can Then do whatever with I'm just posting some on Facebook for them so they can share. And I'm okay with that because sharing them gets me more clients, right? And then the middle one, they get the Facebook images as a reward. But in the top one, they get the Facebook images of everything and that sticky album. So reward as you go up in price, right and make it something that's easy and something that isn't a high cost of goods for you and maybe has been official to use. So Facebook images are beneficial to me because I could get more clients from him. So I don't mind giving those away in those packages. Then what are you posting on Facebook? Because the bottom one I will post Facebook images I don't actually give them. I just say, OK, I'm opposed these for you and tag you and then you can share the middle one has some digital's in it. So they're getting a CD with digitals, and then it has a folder of those Facebook's. That's the same one. Yep, the same ones don't get another. They don't get another set, they get same ones, and then the top one again. They're getting all the digitals, and they're getting a folder with all the digitals there resized immune, combat resize something so fast and they feel like you've done something extra for them. When really didn't take you that long. So then you're only posting on your website Social media. What? They've chosen you, nothing else. Because if you post something they didn't choose and you're essentially giving them something for free, because in general, that's what they want is a Facebook image to post, right? So, yeah, it has to be the ones that they chose that they purchased. Eso I'm not giving anything for free. Um, I mean, if you want to look at it as a marketing thing and you want to post a different one because you like it better and you've gotta weigh the pros and cons of that, um, that's gonna be up to you. I mean, you know, if you feel like another picture is gonna make a bigger impact. And you think you might get more business because of it. The dialogue means post that, you know, because that might be worth it to you. But yet no. For me, it is in the bottom one. I'm posting them because I don't want a hand them anything on a CD in the bottom one at all, or a flash drive or whatever. However you're getting that I don't want them to have that experience. They didn't pay for it. You know, Maybe I don't want them to feel like they got control over some image and the size for Facebook. And it be like 72 db I and they go try to print it. No, no, no, no. Because they didn't pay for that. The middle one. They're getting ringtone. Yeah, No. 55 Digital's in the middle. Um, and so those air, you know, they have to have a CD or some form of something to get him. So I don't mind just giving them the Facebook sized ones for that, and then they can post them themselves, or I mean, I can still post. Um, but they still feel like they're getting something extra, you know? Yeah. So you know what? We do have a slide that actually does show what is in those package. But before that, have some questions around all of this. And one is from Catherine Herbert, who says the thing that I get the most nervous about with that in person ordering session is when clients want to change and switch out items in a collection package. How do you handle that? Oh, gosh, girl, because I again don't like math. And so I'm thinking, Oh, God. Oh, God. I got added up and make sure it fits in with the union of a man like you. Feel like you gotta You want to give too much away. So if they want to change out a gallery rap for a wall print and I'm like, Oh, no. How much is that? How much does that cost me? How much So I get I get me and stress, and it is stressful. So it might help you if you go through your collections and figure out an alternative that ahead of time. So, like, let's say you have a 16 24 wall print in your package, Um, know something that is of equal value and cost of goods so that if you get put on the spot, you can say, Well, this is comparable. So I'll do this. I know sometimes I have switched out the eight gift prints for graduation announcements because by the time you added up all that, it kind of is, you know, maybe they only wanted 25 grand announcements and they're like, what 20 bucks like for our cost. So things no went off the top of your head are preparing for that to know what you can switch out that will be even. And you're not losing money because being put on the spot, you might say, Oh, yeah, sure, I'll give you that 16 20 Calton gallery rap and you're like, Oh, that costs me 100 bucks on whatever she was switching out for only cost me $10 or whatever. So I would say that's the best way to do it is just a try to prepare yourself for that. And then if it gets too crazy, then you're just going to tell them they gotta by Allah cart, you know, I mean, like I don't mind switching one or two things around, but if they're gonna change up an entire package, well, then they might have to go on a cart. Or I have done it where I have said, You know what? If you really want these items, let me step out of the room for a few minutes, figure it out, and I'll I'll come up with a custom package price for you As soon as you say that That were custom. They'll sit there for five minutes so you can get your calculator or go get online and go. Oh, my God. Brody B. I. How much does this call? So I know I'm doing the right thing. Yeah, I mean, I get it. Yeah. I was trying to figure out what to include and how much to charge for it. All right. You have a set, like, you know, this is how much over market. Yeah, hard thing, because there is no right answer for that. Um, actually come from a retail background I mentioned earlier, used to have an invitation store, and there was a standard. You marked him up twice. I mean, doubled it. That's it. That's what the standard was. And that was easy. I could understand that if I bought a pack of invitations that were cost me $10. Well, then they were $20. Done right, Andi. Sometimes you would add in shipping to that. So let's say I bought him for 10. Shipping costs me five. Well, then I'm gonna charge 30. That's easy. I don't think photography is that easy. And unfortunately, I can't say to you oap three times, four times, five times. I'm sure they're photographers that do double. They're probably photographers that good Lord could charge triple quadruple whatever. You know, domain, I think. And then I also think it probably depends on a lot of, um, factors your your time, your cost of goods. You know all of those things and then also your talent and where you are in the business because maybe when you're just starting out, you're willing to work for a little less because you're trying to get that that market going to try and get that business doing. So maybe you're multiply is only two times, you know, domain. So I think you've got a judge that on where you are and I think each year you get better and get more experience and and I, you know, changing prices every year. Um, and that's fine. I mean, if I had to give you a number, I would say, maybe three times to start out with, Um, but there's no real, you know, again, it's very personal to you, and it's very personal. Your experience in your market and what your cost of your cost of goods are very different than my cost of goods. Honestly, the reason you're doing it is different than mine. I don't think a lot of people think about that when it comes to pricing. But why are you even doing this? Are you doing it because it's your passion? Because that's the case. You might be willing to work for a whole lot less than the person that's doing it, because that's their only income, and that matters. I mean, don't me wrong. We all want to make a much money as possible, but where you are, what you're doing in the why you're doing it, it makes a difference as to how much you're willing to work for. You know, you might be willing to work for $20,000 a year. I might not be. I mean, I actually have a husband that makes money, and I don't I don't necessarily have toe work, but I like to shop so and I don't like to explain to him. And if he's watching, I hope you close your ears that these shoes cost a lot of money. Reasoning is different. I mean, in a vain like, you know, obviously we all come to it because we love photography. Hands down, got it. But once you start thinking about it as a business, are you doing it as an extra income as a main income as, ah, hobby that you just want to make a few bucks taken by some shoes like What are you doing it for? And that might impact the number of times you personally need. Teoh. Do it also. How much do you want to shoot? Do you want to shoot every single day and do quantity? And maybe your price point is a little bit lower, and so you don't have Teoh charges much because you're doing so much. If you want to do a very little amount, maybe at one session a week. But you gotta make $50,000. Well, then you're gonna have to charge those people a lot more to get to that number right now. As far as what? All for? Because I know that was part of your question. Do you have a current set of collections? Do you want to share that? Are you at ground zero and don't have anything set yet? Everything looks so cool. Rile. I love the medals. I love the bamboo I love, you know, gallery after love. It's just like here. Everybody would have it. All right. But that's confusing. It is so yeah, trying to think about. Think about your client. If you're confused. Can you imagine if you offered all of that step to your client, they would be confused. So I mean, my take on it. It would be to start with the very traditional stuff, because Prince most likely all over the country, no matter where you are, people understand. Clients understand, Prince, they understand frames and they understand Kim's gallery wraps on and those are very good items to offer. Your parents. I would not start out with those metal prints or bamboo or anything like that because I think you need to set a standard with your market first. And then you may add in a trendy item or a new item or this that and the other. Or maybe you offer that in all a car. But it's not in your collections because it is something different and not everybody is gonna go for something different. So that's where I would start it start out with and then Digital's. Do you Do you have a sense of whether you're seniors want Digital's or not? Everybody wants everybody want. Yeah, right. Okay. I used to just give that, like, I would charge once that amount and give the digitals. And then really, nobody ever printed them. They did. It was target. Okay, okay. Use that experience and now build your packages based on the fact that you know that just a CD may not get them. What? They truly wanted to offer prints and digital's in packages and start that way. And then again, as you see popular items from your Allah cart, many Maybe you then add one of those in there. Maybe you do a bonus item of something different that nobody, you know, like a sticky album. Maybe not a lot of clients know about that. That could be your bonus item to reward your clients for purchasing that top package. So that's where I would start. I would start in your lowest package with just prints and very small ones. Because again, that's not really where you want people to buy. You want them, you want to push them up. So then the next one, you're gonna add something more, You more that they won't said the digitals. Maybe you just do five. I probably would not do more than five, because again, once you get up to 10 or 20 or whatever, well, that's almost all of them anyway. You know, Main, like it's very close to that. And the reason that Oh, well, okay, I'm good. I'm good with 10 you know, or whatever. So make it a bigger jump. So they have to go up. Does that help? Yeah. Okay. Situation we just discussed. I'm pretty much in the middle of my season right now. I've booked clients already, and I have enquiries coming. And so at this point, I don't really know what to do, right? I get it. But I don't know what to dio, right? You change it right now. Midstream. All right. You know, I tend to change it after a season on. Just tough it out. Yeah, Only because my thought processes, if you know they're talking to each other, is Sally booked you and you've already sent her your prices and she knows them. And then she talks so and so that might not give you great customer feedback. And to me, that's a little bit more important. You want that good word of mouth so I would wait to your senior season is over. You can go ahead and start thinking about what you're changing it to and have it ready. And then from the, you know, after your, um, do you shoot like through November? How long? Some schools like a little bit further self for me. I've booked clients through those schools, and they are like into November for their date. Right. Unlike I had said yesterday, I have one school in my immediate area that doesn't do yearbook photos. So I could, in theory, keep going all year, But But it is most likely going to end in November. Okay, So then you could change him in January. Yeah, and that is start. The customers will understand that. Open up, New year. New pricing. Yeah, that's an easy explanation. That's why I ask that because I would rather just wait, um, and not offend anybody or not, You know, explain why one person got something than the other because you're inevitably there. Not gonna understand that. They're just gonna hear that someone so paid that. And they have to pay this. That's not what you want out there, but because you're your true season may not completely be an end in November. You may still have clients in spring, but January is a great explanation. Cut off. You know, New Year prices next year. And there's enough space between the last person. Probably that had their photos done, that if they did talk and could explain it in that way. Whereas during the middle of the season, how are you gonna you know, how could you really explain that, right. Right. So that's what I would do. Yeah. And anybody else have a question from the internet before we move on from Sarah night? Do you have a minimum product purchase per package. And if so, do you have them sign a contract in advance? Have you ever had an issue? People not paying at the boarding session and placing an order at all? I guess we're to talk about that part. Um and so do you take any portion of that minimum amount if you had one prior to the ordering sessions? No, Prior to the ordering session, the only thing they paid for is the session, which is, you know, gets my gets in the date. Gets in the time to actually have the photo session. The minimum order amount is definitely a controversial thing. There's different thought processes. If you really advertise, you have to spend, let's say $300 within that number gets stuck in their head, and I feel like that is Okay. Well, now and I know I gotta spend 300 they kind of stick to that. But at the same time, not having one could result in somebody coming about an eight by 10. And who the heck wants that? Right? All this work and you only get an eight by 10. So, um, I do have a minimum purchase order. I don't blast it out. It is on the bottom of this, so they could see that. Um and typically, I don't have the problem of them not buying at least a collection. And my bottom collection is over my minimum purchase. So typically they're going to at least buy that bottom, which is over a minimum, which makes it somewhat worth it to may. Um, so I guess in to answer that question, I don't like to say, you know, you have to spend this because I don't want to scare them off. I don't want them to stick with that number. But you also have to protect yourself. So maybe do it in a way that's not like crazy advertised. But But one time, you know, I did have a mom that came in and you know, she didn't She was honest with me and said, You know, I know you sent me your prices, but I didn't look at him on, and I really only want a couple of eight by tens. And I said, Well, I really wish you had looked at the prices. That's why I send them to you. Um I said because you know, I don't waste your time. I don't waste my time. And I mean, just be honest with them. I'm not trying to spin it any way she should read it. I mean, you know, domain. And I didn't I wasn't mean about it. And I wasn't yelling at her adjust. And I wish you had you read it because it helps the process. And I said, But, you know, there is a minimum, and I really need you, Teoh. Consider that because I want you to get what you you know. I know, I know. You think you only want a couple of prints, but maybe let's talk about it. And we started talking about it, and I ended up getting her to buy the middle collection and, you know, but that was through talking. And so somebody that just came in 18 by 10 I didn't like, you know, sell sell, sell to her. But I started pulling out of her. What he used in these forum. Where you gonna put him? And you realize an eight by 10 on the wall is going to small ended up, and then the teenager popped up and said, Well, you know, I kind of want some to share. And so we ended up coming up with a custom package that was around them out of the middle. One is a little bit less. So it made her. I feel like she got some special treatment. And didn't you know, you have to spend the amount of money that she just really don't want spend that it got me a better sell than just tonight about 10 which is what she was determined to do when she walked in that door. So, you know, again, that is another reason why an in person ordering sessions a good idea? Because if she were on the phone, I think she probably could have said no to me a whole lot easier. I can say no on a phone or a text A lot easier to eso. I think having her there and really talking through it and, you know, explaining to her that, um, you know, I wish I wish you had read. Read the welcome God. Sounds like a great approach. Go ahead. Is that something that you have put in your questionnaire when they first come to you and they fill out the information. Like what? Are you gonna be using this for what? Yeah, I do. Ask them. You know, what type of products are you interested in? Eso that I know. Okay, well, they checked the CD or they check an album or they checked. Whatever. Um, so then I know that, you know, it is something I I look at before the ordering session on, then also in the welcome God, they're seeing products, and they're seeing prices. So that is another step to it. Um, so Yeah, fantastic. Well, the big question is, what do your baggage is? Have one line. Have it. So let's take a look at that. Ok? OK, so I ended up here just to show you guys the cost of goods versus you know, what's in the what is in the package is the bottom package has eight gift prints. And instead of double sided wallets and a wall print, um, you know, again, most people are gonna want digital, so I kept that out of their, um, you might take honestly, you could really do a bottom collection with eight gift prints in a wall print and be done. You know, it just needs to be very little. It needs to be very little about, you know, a so faras pricing. They're not gonna get as much of a discount for buying that one as they might for the top in the middle of the top. But again, you can see that it only calls me, um 17 60 plus plus 40. Don't. Maybe. But, you know, you gotta know your cost of goods. Okay, there. Anyway, you gotta dio know your cost of goods. So you know how much to price your packaging. But again, it's very basic. It is very, you know, there's no special product, and there there's no digitals. And there there's nothing like that. So it's just a basic bottom collection. And then middle one is where I start given them a little bit more of what I think they won't. Which is the senior is gonna want the five digital files. Um, and then the mom still probably gonna want to gift prints or the wall prints of stuck with that. But in this one, they can switch out that wall print for a storyboard because it's the same size, so it doesn't cost me any more. And it gives them an auction so they could get a basic wall print of one photo or they could get a storyboard. And most of my clients get the wall print. They don't buy a storyboard all that much, but that's an option. And again, I'm giving him a little bit of a bonus here on the 2nd 1 it's the same five as the five they purchased. Okay, as far as the Facebook images and then the top packages where they get a lot of stuff because they're paying for it. You know, that's where we can give them, um, kind of everything that I think moms and daughters won't, um, and charging them accordingly. You know, all the digitals, the box from the middle one. That CD comes in. Just this very basic cardboard folder has a CD in it in a little print out baba five. Print out of what you could do with it, so it's not super special. I mean, it's cute, but I didn't spend the money on expensive image box because again, they're not paying me for that. So I'm keeping my cost of goods now, But then in the top collection, they get the knife pretty image box, and the CD is in there. They get to pick up their image on the top cover, and they get to pick out their background on the back of it. So, you know, so that's in there about seven of all the images. So you know, these air good for the parent stick to give giveaway to Grandma and Grandpa are whoever s. So that kind of takes the place of gift print because it's basically the same thing on Ben again to bonuses. When you get to the top one, they are going to get a full set of their Facebook sized images and they're gonna get that custom out that sticky album So that those those are reasons why they might would go to this top package because they're getting some bonuses. They're getting all the digitals, they're still getting some gift print. So they're getting all the things that I have kind of come to know my clientele, like on Ben. You know, I'm keeping my cost of goods fairly low. Um, because you gotta know your cost of goods. You gotta know your time. You know all that stuff when it comes to actually pricing. So I mean, that that's what's in mind again. I stress that just because that's the mind doesn't mean that's what you have to do. Does anybody here want to share what? Maybe is in their collections? Do you guys want to share? Just People can hear other options. Ask you when you were coming up with their pricing, do you think about like, how much time it takes you to order? Much time It takes you for the ordering session. How much time actually takes you to physically order? Yeah, processing the next. Why can't you give thing? Because this was really kind of more about what was in the collection and the next one talks about. Well, how do you price that? And it's not just cost of good. So So yeah, um, minus almost identical. Yeah, literally. The only thing is different in the sheet collection. Instead of the eight prints, I have a look. Book like eight by eight and that's is is identical. Yeah, great months. Anybody else have anything they want to share about your packages? No, I don't do I don't care packages right now. Are you still doing? I just dio um I have It's just totally different. I have, like, different sessions like you, and they include different different amounts of time, different amounts of locations and different numbers of outfits. And then they I include a print credit in that right and buying whatever they're gonna buy kind of a front. Yes. Okay, well, that that works well for you. Or do you feel that maybe you might want to change that or what? I might change because, like you said, then maybe they stick to that. But most people buy over what the print credit is. Um, but I like your way better. So it sounds like a good idea, though I had the same thing where I had just a session fee on everyone near me. Is shooting burn? Really? Which people want? And I had people more families than seniors who would pay the session fee. And then they'd get especially families with older kids like a few prints. And I'd be like, I spent as much time on you as I did on a session that spent five times as you know, but I just wanted to protect myself and my time and say you and it was a way of having like, a print mental or an order minimum without looking like it was an order minimum. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I think that I think that's a great way it works. I think you should totally do that. I mean, there's no Like, I say, there is no reason why somebody has to do it one way or the other. I mean, that's that's the beauty of it. That's the scary part of it, too, I guess. The beauty of it. You can do whatever you want to dio and what makes you. But then, then, yeah, then you wonder, Oh, gosh, to do the right way. Well, there isn't a right way. It's whatever works for you. And if they are buying more, then it seems to be working. My only fear was, if you say okay, middle packages $500 that's it. That's all they ever spend. And that's all you're ever gonna buy. That would only that would be my worry with with anything structured in that manner. But like I say, if you're given a print credit and then they're going over top of that, it doesn't sound like your kind of shooting yourself in the foot with a certain amount, Only that amount, you know, domain. So I also put that I thought I was telling the other girls this was kind of funny. So I put for my I have four and my second highest one, which was not really true. Maybe this is bad. I put my most popular, the most popular, and it's the one I've booked every time this year I wrote that it was everyone, right, The value of it. So they know that it's you know, if they were to buy this all a card, it would be $3000 maybe only have it as 1000 or whatever and then right, most popular by it. Most people want to kind of do with trendy immunity. May like they I don't wanna be cheapie. I want to be the only one that about the cheap one I want to buy at least the one everybody else does, right? Yeah, I'm sure there's a, um somebody out there is like a psychology major that could really tell left, You know, really? The ends and outs of why people do what they dio, why they purchase what they purchased and things like that. Lord, somebody could do a study on me And why I purchase what I purchase. They probably get all kinds of insight, right? Yeah. I mean, you know, little tricks like that. It was not really a trick. But you are pointing out that the most popular one, So, yeah, that's a good idea.
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Ratings and Reviews
Lynn Powell Roberts
I learned a lot from this course. I watched all day when CL replayed Sal Cincotta's senior course and I wanted a second perspective, so I bought Leslie's course. I'm really glad I purchased Leslie's course because it was a great complement to Sal's course. Leslie covered different things like using a style closet that I especially found useful. She also did a beach shoot with a male and female model, which I found very useful and different from Sal's style. Leslie is so excited about "her girls" that she photographs - it's very engaging. I highly recommend this course.
Lightfoot Studio
I can't say enough great things about this course! I went into it thinking I gain a little bit of info on posing and social media ideas... boy was I wrong! Leslie covers topics that I didn't even know where apart of Senior Photography. I highly recommend purchasing this course, if for no other reason then for the awesome senior panel that lets you know really want seniors want, are looking for, and actually care about in regards to their photos/social media/etc... I hope to meet Leslie one day and thank you personally! :)
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