Segment 16 - Senior Session: Posing Girls vs Guys
Lesson 18 from: Senior Portraits: Create the Ultimate ExperienceLeslie Kerrigan

Segment 16 - Senior Session: Posing Girls vs Guys
Lesson 18 from: Senior Portraits: Create the Ultimate ExperienceLeslie Kerrigan
Lesson Info
18. Segment 16 - Senior Session: Posing Girls vs Guys
Day 1
1Bonus Video: Beach/Park Senior Shoots
30:35 2Bonus Video: Concept Shoot
32:47 3Segment 1 - Why Senior Photography
20:07 4Segment 2 - Getting Started & Research Your Market
28:55 5Segment 3 - How to Get Started Q&A
27:55 6Segment 4 - Branding: Your Ideal Client
22:05 7Segment 5 - Branding: Define It
26:16Segment 6 - Visual Branding Tips for Websites & Blogs
31:29 9Segment 7 - Educating Your Potential & Current Clients
25:22 10Segment 8 - Get to Know Your Senior Client: Questionnaires
31:22 11Segment 9 - Senior Portrait Experience: Plan the Shoot
14:11 12Segment 10 - Senior Portrait Experience: What to Wear Guide
19:33 13Segment 11 - Senior Portrait Experience: Building a Style Closet
16:44 14Segment 12 - Interview with Senior Photographer: Jared Rey
22:52 15Segment 13 - Wardrobe Consultation with HS Senior
23:19Day 2
16Segment 14 - Senior Session: Hair & Makeup
23:12 17Segment 15 - Senior Session: Guy Wardrobe & Locations
25:25 18Segment 16 - Senior Session: Posing Girls vs Guys
35:37 19Segment 17 - Rooftop Shoot: Senior Girl Part 1
21:13 20Segment 18 - Rooftop Shoot: Senior Girl Part 2
19:21 21Segment 19 - Workflow & Post-Production Overview
18:38 22Segment 20 - Leslie's Editing Process
34:18 23Segment 21 - Senior Session Q&A
13:45 24Segment 22 - Social Media & HS Seniors
15:11 25Segment 23 - Interview With Teen Photographer Sara Cooney
21:01 26Segment 24 - Senior Panel: Teens' Perspective
26:02 27Segment 25 - Senior Panel Q&A
14:31Day 3
28Segment 26 - In-Person Ordering Session
42:28 29Segment 27 - Ordering Session Q&A
29:38 30Segment 28 - Pricing for Your Market
16:08 31Segment 29 - How to Build Your Collections
37:42 32Segment 30 - The Formula for Pricing and Q&A
24:37 33Segment 31 - What is a Senior Model/Rep Program
17:45 34Segment 32 - What Makes a Great Senior Rep & Rep Marketing
34:24 35Segment 33 - Senior Rep Program Q&A
35:10 36Thanks + Credits
06:26 37Segment 34 - Marketing Tool: Concept Shoot Part 1
24:21 38Segment 35 - Marketing Tool: Concept Shoot Part 2
39:52Lesson Info
Segment 16 - Senior Session: Posing Girls vs Guys
client pose plus connection plus composition equals natural posing. So there's a lot more to it than o Place her hands to me. Now granted soup Rice is the queen of proposing, and I did not even attempt to be as knowledgeable as her. So this is my version of posing. But in my opinion, it's a lot more than just where to place a hand or how toe across the leg. I think it has to do with making your clients for comfortable. I think it has to do with how you take the photo. Are you taking a horizontal? Are taking a vertical? Are you taking it close up? Are you taking a wide shot? All of those things play into posing. So remember that and again go back to the relationship that you built with your client. At this point, it's going to make them feel a lot more comfortable in front of a camera. So therefore they're going to be able to pose a little bit more comfortable and then also pay attention to your girl. If she's somebody that's not like Super half fashion, do not make her do some like cra...
zy pose, right? She's gonna feel uncomfortable. So pay attention to your client and make sure that you, you know, know her and her personality. If she if she doesn't really get into high fashion or want to do something real modeling and she's not like the image anyway, so why make her do it? So think about that. I think about what poses moms like versus what poses girls like, because sometimes that is different thing. Girls are looking sometimes at fashion magazines. So while you may not want to go over the top fashion, he may want to give them a little little bit of it to make them happy. And then you want to go to some traditional pose that's really cute and smiley and that kind of thing, because moms are always gonna like that. Probably better, at least in my experience. So remember that here's a couple of tips on natural posing again. Pay attention to your client. That's what you know. I just said so if it's somebody that's really you know, I find that girls that are maybe more into sports don't necessarily get into the fashiony modeling type type poses. Then some girls will surprise you the girl you think is the biggest tomboy ever can rock out a modeling typos. So you gotta pay attention to that and know that I had twins one time and the girl that was really into fashion and clothes and things like that I thought would be probably Maurin deposing. But this twin sister was really into sports, and I thought, Oh, she doesn't even care to have a picture May. But she rocked out supposes like nobody's business. So really, you know, getting to know your client and putting them imposes that make them feel comfortable is a is a good idea. Of course, dancers and things like that know how to move. So those are always some good poses that come naturally to them. But of course, you're not going to make somebody that's not into dance. Do some dancing pose because it's not natural to them. Make your clients feel comfortable again. You built this relationship with them so they trust you at this point. So they're going to trust you to make sure they look good and make sure you put them in a pose that doesn't make them look awkward. Your composition in your style. Remember that when you're taking these photos and when you're doing the posing, give them something to do with their hands. That's huge pockets holding a jacket, maybe placing it naturally near the faith, not unnatural. Um, I think unless you are modelling lots of rings, you probably don't want to do something like that. You know the name because it's not natural. It's not what they do. And then I'll ask them, You know, hey, sometimes I'll stand like this. Do you ever do that? They're like, Yeah, sometimes I do or I stand with my hands on my hips. I told you all that yesterday. That's natural to me. So ask them, you know, or pay attention to when you're like checking your light or when you're doing something, how they're standing because it's more natural to them. To me, that is, that is more them, and they're going to relate to that better. Fine props on location park benches, stops, you know, curbs, anything you could do a wall where they can lean against a wall. Things like that will help you change up posing, but use your natural elements so you don't have to bring a whole bunch of stuff. Now I do have a crate. If you guys can ever get accrete, that's an easy thing to carry up through my reflector and they're in my bag in there and I just carry this crate. But then the Kraken turn over and she can sit on it. I can turn it on its side. She could sit on it a different way. Sometimes I have them have the crates sitting on the ground, have them sitting beside the crate and leaning up against it like this. That is an easy prop that you can carry. And it really goes with any location, pretty much so. That probably is the only proper ever take with me. I used to take chairs and couches and all this stuff, but, oh, that was just way too much. I like to keep it simple. Me, my gear, maybe the crate and sometimes a stepladder, because I am short. So if ever there's a girl that's tall and she has on heels and I'm like, not good to go up the nose right and then try to stand on my tiptoes and I'm like shaking and you know, anyway, So remember that, and then also remember mom and seniors. So make sure you do some poses for both. That's key important, especially when it comes to the ordering session. And it's funny to watch him because they will inevitably like the different stuff. The girls tend to like the ones where they're not smiling. Where's the moms? Like the ones where they are smiling? Of course, there's exceptions to that. I personally think I look weird when I'm not smiling. So I would never like those because I have this huge mouth anyway. You know, they just keep that in mind and change up their smile. Closed mouth, smile, big smile. Um, make sure they do all that good stuff to change it up. Okay. All right. Let's show the video of the senior girl sheet. Okay, Come a little bit out right about there. The reason I pulled her out of that greenery is because if you get too far into the greenery, she's gonna take on a green cast, especially on a day like this. Just because it's overcast and sort of has a gray s coring kind of cast anyway, So I pulled out where I can still get the greenery behind her, but her skin won't be green. So Okay, now, remember. Yes, yes, yes. Turn to the side. Tilt your head a little bit. That's perfect. Actually. Can you do have a pocket? The front pocket? Okay. Just take your thumb on that hand and rested right there and give me that and kind of start your shoulder there. Yeah, that's part right. Coming close. Okay. Same post. Get a horizontal before I move. You okay? Perfect. Okay, now squat down for me. Yeah, And when you squat, make sure that the back leg is a little bit higher than the front leg. Yep. So like that And then just kind of like this they go. Perfect. Well, let's see how well I can balance there, huh? That's perfect. Camera coming close. Look right up here at me. Awesome. The blue in your eyes is really popping. I love it. A little bit of a tilt they get. Okay. Can you give me a a big laugh? Can you fake it? There you go. Look up when you kind of, you know, like when you were, like, kind of like There you go. That's keel! Look that way. The There you go. That's it, Right there. Ok, now come down on your stomach. Lay down in the graph, if you don't mind. Put your feet up. They got cross Member will fix your shirt. Okay, Well, okay. There you go. And then arrested. Right there. Yeah. Perfect. Super killed. OK, take that other hand and hold this one. Yep. Right there. That's perfect. Okay, I get it if angle awesome. Okay. Right here. Okay, so this pose is always good because Mom's always love the cute Smiley poses Classic has been around forever. I think I did it when I was a cheerleader in high school, but, hey, it works. So keep keeping. Remember in that whenever you're shooting to do poses that both the senior and the mom will like and get her smiling and laughing and having a good time. OK, hop up for second and sit on your bottom with your legs out to one side. Okay? Perfect. And then maybe even drape that hand of across your lap like that. There you go. Can we close? Okay, let's try no smile. Part your lips just a little bit and kind of breathe through your mouth, okay? And think of something happy. So your eyes kind of looks. Do you ever watch America's next time all you have. So you know how she says Surmising? Yes. Of smile with your eyes, Not your mouth. Got it? Perfect. Most girls watch America's next top model. So that's all I have to say. Perfect. Okay. Don't bring up Arm up right here. Yeah, maybe tilted that way. They get it. Okay, Awesome. Okay, so we moved locations to give a totally different look before you would have thought we were in a field or somewhere like that. But now at the beach. So it looks like we're a totally different location. That literally was, like, 10 steps. So that's a perfect location. Now we're gonna have her walking so we can do some poses, like with her moving and stuff. And we've noticed that set I have heard this way and then realize that the winds blowing this way. So I'm simply gonna work with wind and turned her, turn her around and have her walk into the wind. So her hair is not all in her face. Less photoshopped somewhat. Look at me and sometimes dont. Um just like you would, like, kind of walk normally. Look out at the water. You can even kind of look down a little bit, and sometimes an over exaggerated step will look more like you're actually walking on camera. Okay, I'm gonna be right over here, and you're gonna be walking toward May. So take just slow steps on. And, like I say, you can put your hands in your pocket and just kind of walk looking a little bit down, smile, look out of the water. And then when you get a little bit closer to me, just kind of stopped and give me a little pose like this. Okay? Got it. I'm going back. Okay. You ready? Hang on board. Perfect. Oh, that's awesome. And the right here. Perfect. Okay, let's run through it one more time just to make sure I got it, OK? Yeah. So good. Right back where you are. I like to do it two or three times just to make sure that I got at that. It's in focus that I got the right expressions, etcetera. So any time you're doing walking stuff, you want to make sure you run through it maybe two times at least. Okay. You ready? All right, hold on. Let me just my light Just a little bit, okay? Before you get started. But you did perfect. Okay, Go. I love the hand in the hair. That's perfect. And then right here at me, I some Okay. What kind of want you to Dio is come behind me, and then I want you to walk kind of skim. Yeah. And then kind of stand right here and kind of play with the graph a little bit. What? We're gonna try it. Okay, Okay. We're trying it right home. That right? Just what you wanted to do it. Okay. Stay right there for a second. Let me get one right here. Yep. That's perfect. Okay, go ahead. You know you're seeing your fighters. We're gonna take you through the jungle. Did you Their guy right there. Okay. Look at me. I got a good picture here. That's right. Less photoshopped for me. And right here. Perfect. I love it. I like this location because it provides green and this, like yellowy color, which is really good, because where I'm from, everything is green and we don't have this really cool wheat grass on DSO. Therefore, you get a lot of green cast, but because this has a lot of different coloring, we have less green cast on her face on. And it also gives more dimension and cool color and a love color, so it works out perfect. Okay, stand right there and kind of look off. I'm gonna get a, um, live it more artistic shot with the branches kind of in front of you, So yeah, you can totally use them. The nature grasses, etcetera to give some foreground dimension. So I've got these, uh, weeds or whatever they are in the foreground, and then her in the background. It looks really cool. And then you can also use it to frame her. If you have an opening in the trees or anything like that, that kind of covers it. It also makes a great framing, um, of your subject. Okay, Now I want to turn around that way, and I want you to look over your shoulder at me like this, Okay? Yeah. Turn your body a little bit more with it. They get right there. You fix one here. It's always better to fix the hair. Now then, in photo shop. Okay, I'll turn your body even more toward me. But not a full sit right there and pull this on the back yet. Right there? Kind of. Yeah. There you go. You stay right there. Ah, that is so cute. The lights beautiful on your face. Your eyes are popping. Pull that hand up even more digger right there and get that gold fingernail polish painted it looked off of other You look also. Okay, Let me get one like this. Me moves. I don't get the people in the background again. Less photoshopped for me later, but I love it. Okay, Perfect. Okay, so you, Saul interaction with the client is key Having a good time. It's just that's what I do. So when they look back on it, I don't think they're going to remember the exact pose. But they are gonna remember me. And I remember when I did that was so fun. And, you know, it just is going to mean more to them. It's going to give them that experience so on and also guiding them in the posing. You saw me do it I probably don't do it that well. But, you know, I show him before I do it. And then also another thing is, sometimes you're showing them. Hey, I want you to stand this way and then they go to try to get into that pose, and they do something that's just a little bit different. And I'll stop him and say, Oh, that looks better. Let's do it that way because it was natural to them and I just I really don't want them to be unnatural. I want them to be as natural as possible, imposes that I think will, you know, be meaningful to them and remind them of the experience they had and really do well with parents and things like that. So pay attention to them when you are guiding them, especially in the squatting thing. Ah, lot of times you really have to show them that or else their squad looks like there going to the battery. Can I say that? What looks like you have to make sure you tell them that's why I have them do one knee up, one need down kind of things. And actually in the video she did it a little bit differently than what I told her to do. But it looked good for her, so I didn't make her change it so on. And there's a photo from the the shoot. There's some photos. These are great for moms. They're gonna love these. I know this. This photos, old school, probably. I remember doing it when I was a cheerleader in high school. But guess what, Mom? Still love it. So I still do it so it doesn't have to be the trendiest supposed to sell, so that's that's always a good thing. Okay, we're gonna go ahead and go to the video of the senior guy shoot with forest. Okay, so we picked this location for for us. I like to look for places where you can sit or incorporate some element to where you don't have to bring a prop. I used to take couches and chairs and all this stuff and drag him out to the location. And now I really just want to be showing up with a camera, remembering garden the lens and use anything I can find the ground. A log, just like this, a stump, Iraq, whatever. I confined to have him sit because he's playing his guitar. It really works well for him to be sitting. So you prop it up on this leg that we could do a couple of different things like that. Okay, so, forest I want you to display. OK, but don't sing this time. Only because I don't want your mouth moving in the photo, OK? Do you have to pretend you can play? I don't mind your hand movements so much. There you go. And look. Definitely Keep that smile there, Ugo. Awesome. Look right here. May that killed playing. Okay, Coming close. Okay, look right here. Way that you turn your face a little bit more toward me. Okay, Now will pose you with it. Okay? I wanted some action shots. Okay? So take it off your shoulder or whatever. Just have it right here and rest your arms. Can you do that? Even like yeah, like that? Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. More like, more like this. Yeah. Yeah, this sort of Ah, well, it's day. Maybe put one arm down and hold it. Let's say sometimes after do something before I can tell you that I don't even have a guitar but I'm gonna figure it out. Maybe something like this Don't touch your head because you're a guy. Yeah, Yeah. There you go. Yeah, yeah. Just casually. No putting more of your forearm on it. They get right there. Give me a smile. Yeah. Turn. Turn your face more. This one you killed Que que cute. Okay, perfect. Okay, Now, um, let's take this out. Give it to you. Okay? Now, I want you to lean over just yet. Give me that. Yeah, Yeah, Exactly. Right there. Oh, that was cute. Right there. That's good. No smile. That's perfect. Okay, Now I want you to look out, okay? Just kind of like, right this way. Yep. And I like your hands just like that. That's perfect. Okay, so, uh, we never again like you are. And then look out like you were, and we're gonna I'll take it from right over here. Oh, by the way, I changed lenses because I wanted a little more wide shot before I was used in 85. Um, and now he's in a 35 millimeter Kremlin's um So I moved to adjust for that because noticing. Okay. Ready? Yep. Just like that love it. Okay. Turn your face a little more toward May. Come there, brother. Okay. Stay right there. Perfect. This, MMA. You really drifting off thinking about the music you're gonna right, right? Pretty killed this time. I want you to have the guitar own, like you are playing it that I don't want. You play it. I just want you to pose with it, okay? We're going to use his guitar because it actually means something to him. It's a great prop because it has meaning. Instead of using a proper props taking, I just bring something just to have something that used this actually tells the story of who he is. He is music. That is what he loves. That is his passion. That's actually what he's going to school for, so it works out perfect. Okay, have a seat right there. Okay. I just want you to know. Yeah, I just want to sit just like that, okay? And look right here. It may awesome. Okay, I'm gonna get a different angle. Okay. I want you toe kind of look out of the water. Okay. Right there. And then Now, look right here. May. You're too young. deny friends, aren't you? You know friends. Okay, You know how Joey? Yeah. You know how Georgia's are you doing and does that Give me a How you doing that? Okay, now just rest your arm up there on the guitar. Yeah, right there. Yep. Perfect. Right there. Get one like this. I get a different angle. Look right down here yet. Perfect. One more. OK, take that. Other rest. Keep this. When were you had it take this one? Arrested over that? Yep. Just kind of Yep. And then put this one back right there, OK? Yes. Melo. You doing, Seo? Oh, that's cute. That gets you laughing. Hey, that's the goal, right? Actually taking the Joey, I'm taking the laugh after the Jilly I see. Ah ha. I get a little tricky. Tricky on you there. OK, Perfect. I love it. Okay. Now, can you Will you come down here on the beach and what can you Can I walk and talk? No. Anyway, yeah. Can you walk and play? Guys, we're gonna do that. Some love it. You're doing good. Keep going. Yeah, you're doing awesome. I like the action shot. I got awesome. You got to get you playing. Yeah, look awesome. And then go on. Super red Look like that. I love that post. You you don't even tell you how to pose because you're just naturally getting into your guitar, which gives me posing, so I don't even have to think about it. Okay, so you can see that when you have a guy that has hobbies such as the guitar, it really was more him to just play the guitar and let me capture him. Now, that's not always the case. So you're definitely gonna have to pose some guys that maybe don't have a hobby like that. But, you know, again, I got to know him. I know that he's going to school for music, and he really enjoyed his guitar when we were shooting the girl, he was sitting over there playing, so I noticed that and thought Okay, well, this is what's important. Let me get him in his element and do more of that kind of natural posing is reading the client and no one you know how to work with that really gave me these natural shots. I mean, I love the one of him laughing. I think That's so cute. He thought the Joey thing was so cheese. But I really got him toe laugh more than I really wanted the Joey Something of the Joey works. But for him, it worked better for the laugh after the fact that I think about things like that. Okay, when it comes to senior girls persons in your guys, you got to give them the same amount of attention you got to give them the same amount of showing and guiding, imposing you gotta, you know, always consider the light and the location and everything that you would consider for a girl you have to do for a guy. The only difference is you may want to do more masculine poses for the guy versus feminine poses for the girl s. I've got a couple examples. So standing poses. So with hunter here, had her bring her knee in, struck her shoulders a little bit, tilt her head a little bit, which gave me a more feminine pose. It gave her a little bit of a curve. She's not standing straight on. Where is this guy? We could do totally straight on, and it worked. Fine. Girls are a little more worried about do Alex Guinea. Do I look this that the other So you don't really want to straight on because, you know, arms they're gonna add with and things like that. So if you turn him or you bring in a knee or you make curves, that is going to be a more feminine look. And then with a guy you can totally have him, you know, total masculine, just standing there, and it looks awesome. So and even his little bit of a head tilt to me is a little more masculine than than her head tilt her cute unity name. So that's that. Hand placement also is a little bit different between girls and guys with girls. You want a little more delicate hand placement telling valet fingers, even if they don't take ballet. You don't want them grabbing things like you don't want them clawing at things you wanted a gentle hand placement. Also, make sure you pay attention to the fingernails when they're doing things like that, because again it goes back to the show up with blue finger now, as you might not want it right there. Or the best thing is to tell them not come. Blue fingernails are green or whatever anyway, and then with the guy you know, he's got a little bit more of a masculine hand placement. I'm not gonna have him do that. That's not masculine. Um, and then sitting poses. So I've got her sitting in a more cute, see little pose that probably wouldn't work for a guy who was sitting on his knees like that, whereas a girl couldn't sit like that because she might have on a skirt or things like that. And you don't want that for a girl where he could totally pull that off because he's a guy and he probably sits like that, you know, domain. So those are important differences between girls and guys. Just make sure you you aren't doing the same type. Then that imposes for the guys. Sometimes that can be hard if you are a girl, because I'll do it and I'll be like, Oh, that's kind of what I would do. But you probably wouldn't do that. So you have to remember that. Okay, so we're gonna jump to the video of both the girl and the guy where I kind of demonstrated a few different poses with each of them. Okay, so with a girl and a guy, there's a difference. Imposing the guy always needs to say masculine. The girl needs to save women. Um ah. Guy could do a straight on hands in pocket typos. Ah, girl, maybe needs a little bit more of an angle. Bring her foot in, tilt her head a little bit. Hand placement is also important with a girl. You want her to have a sort of ballet hands, keep him loose and not tense, um, up and grab things. So just a light touch of, ah, hand on a shoulder with a guy you want more of a masculine posed something like this. So we're going to show the difference in two different, like ways to put hands on the two models here. Okay, So, Amy So I want you to turn a little bit to the side and place your hand gently right here on your neck and kind of lean into it with a kind of shrug your shoulder a little bit. Exactly. Let me get a couple of shots. That Oh, my gosh. Perfect. And you kept that hand. Nice. and loose. There you go. Perfect. Okay. Now, Forest. But I want you to do is something more like this. Maybe even put a hand this hand in a in a pocket like this straight on and kind of Give me this look right here. Yeah, exactly. Right there. Showing up just a little bit ago. Maybe even bring the elbow out a little bit more. Okay, Now I want you take both hands and put it in your pocket and just stand here just like this. Like the part a little bit. Yeah, right there. Yet no shrug just straight on. Like this should not just a hair. They get right there. Right there. Okay, So with him, I can sit him keeping masculine always. But I could sit him to where he can lean over his legs and stuff like that with a girl. You may not want to do the same sort of pose she may have on a skirt she may have on short shorts or anything like that. So you don't make sure you pose her a little bit more feminine and away. That looks good on camera. So, Amy, come here. So I would have you come Sit second. Delicate. More like this. Ok, as opposed to sitting like him way. Want you to have a little more curve in a little more. Um, femininity. You want to sit like that? I would rather that the frog pros and crisscross applesauce is always good to that's killed. Um, so that's really key to you. Like that. Yeah. You go now, your program and take another one of you. I'm also getting really close into her because all the rocks are gonna blur together, which should be really cool. And I just looked like a blue background, almost a blue gray background right up here. The closer I get, the more blur I get, which is also okay. And then right here. Yeah. You want to make sure you keep your girl and guy poses a little bit different. You want to give the girls a little more curve, a little more s curve. You don't ever really want to stand them straight because arms automatically. I mean, if you look at me, I've got with because I've got these arms and that's okay for a guy, but for a girl you want to kind of turn their body. You want to give them curves. You want to give him angles, different things like that. A guy can't do a Strug your shoulder typos without looking a tiny bit feminine. So you want to keep him masculine. You want to keep him straight? You are kind of give him the more like the Jilly. How you doing? Okay. A to end of the shoot That day the sun started peeking out. We were literally packing up her stuff and getting ready to go on day I saw the sun peeking out. Since we have been all day and overcast weather, I was so pay attention to that and grab a few more shots just because it did change there at the last minute. So we're going to show a little video of that. It was reflecting on the water and it looked really cool. So I grabbed a couple of last minute shots that I felt were important enough to stay and get Okay, so the sun's peeking through. So we've got to try to catch this while we can. But I noticed that her face was a little bit dark because the sun behind her. So we're gonna pop a reflector in and you can see the difference away and with the reflector. So Lacey is gonna come hold my reflector for me. You hold it right there. Good. Lovely assistant. Exactly. He'll OK, do me a favor and cross your foot over and hold your arm like this. Yeah, that's right there. He'll deal with you, Ugo. Truck that shoulder. Love it. Here you go. Perfect. Right. That's also awesome. Yeah, kind of going away. But right here. Can you tip your hat or is it too far back? You can tip your hat. You know how people go. Yeah, I got that. Turn your face a little bit more toward May. Yeah. So cute. And now give me one. Not smiling you can do with that laughing Still last far. Can you put your arm through his and lean on him like that? Oh, that's you known each other forever, right? That's killed. Love the reflection on the water of a handle. That is awesome. Okay, cool. I love it. Perfect. Okay, so that is a little bit about shooting with the boy and the girl on Ben. Here's to final final photos. You can see that the light started coming through a little bit on the water and given us a little bit of something to work with there. So we did that there, that you
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Ratings and Reviews
Lynn Powell Roberts
I learned a lot from this course. I watched all day when CL replayed Sal Cincotta's senior course and I wanted a second perspective, so I bought Leslie's course. I'm really glad I purchased Leslie's course because it was a great complement to Sal's course. Leslie covered different things like using a style closet that I especially found useful. She also did a beach shoot with a male and female model, which I found very useful and different from Sal's style. Leslie is so excited about "her girls" that she photographs - it's very engaging. I highly recommend this course.
Lightfoot Studio
I can't say enough great things about this course! I went into it thinking I gain a little bit of info on posing and social media ideas... boy was I wrong! Leslie covers topics that I didn't even know where apart of Senior Photography. I highly recommend purchasing this course, if for no other reason then for the awesome senior panel that lets you know really want seniors want, are looking for, and actually care about in regards to their photos/social media/etc... I hope to meet Leslie one day and thank you personally! :)
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