Day 1
1Backing Up Your Life
22:35 2File Organization
30:59 3Building Your Preview in Lightroom
29:24 4Library Module: Nuts & Bolts
32:10 5Sorting & Selecting Images
30:58 6Keywording
26:39 7Exporting Your Collection
29:47Manageable Organization
28:58 9Importing iPhone Photos
29:17 10Critiquing Your Own Work
34:10 11Storytelling with Images
16:55 12Image Quality
28:21 13Develop Module Basics
28:30 14Develop Module Controls
24:59 15Installing Presets
29:55 16Saving Styles to Presets
38:02 17Making Every Image Better
24:29 18Correction & Calibration
24:14 19Heal & Clone Brush
31:12 20Videos in Lightroom
32:13 21Adjusting Video
23:22 22Creating a Collection of Videos
18:06 23Intro to Print & Book Module
18:25 24Organizing Your Story
39:35 25Framework of Building Your Book
39:13 26Stylizing a Photo Book
27:52 27Power of Page Arrangements
31:02 28Making Simple Slideshows with Video
30:11 29Mobile & Publish Services
16:11 30Creating Catalogs for the Web
28:24 31Printing Your Images
21:35 32Printing for Scrapbooking
26:53 33Final Q&A
25:33Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Making Simple Slideshows with Video
We're going to talk right now about video so we're ready we got that you know how to share a aa book you know how to make a book now let's talk about those videos so yesterday we talked about cutting video so we showed you how to adjust the video we showed you how to actually take a video and use the power of the developed module and even like the tone curves and things like that and even down in the camera calibration area I mean there's a lot of tweaking that you khun do but remember you got to use that you've gotto you make the j peg from the video go to the develop module, work on it and then come back and then synchronize it so we we showed that yesterday so you have the ability to adjust your video you have the ability to crop your or cut your video so that you're only getting the best parts and some of the videos we actually went through a long video and made multiple versions of that same long video and cut those up so that we can get little clips from a very long video and tha...
t's important because remember when we were talking about video and it's the same thing with books you don't want to bore your subject and if you show a minute and a half of what could be thirty seconds or ten seconds or one second you you're boring the people watching so you want to take small segments of things rather than large long interview files and stuff like that? So you're going to notice that I've cut mine very short and that's going to make for much more pony poignant video segments and plus it's just easier to watch so when I send this video to trade jin's family and they watch it, they'll be able to watch these little clips even when they're segmented like this and they wont bore the people they're showing they'll be able to show someone you'll hae a look at this this is cool and it'll play for a minute well, people going what for a minute but not for eleven minutes or twelve minutes they get a little bit bored. We talked about like eighty songs and the cure songs were always so long, right? Esso and now you'll notice that most songs or between about two minutes and forty seconds and three minutes and fifty that's about as long attention span is anyone has. So if you're making a video that you want people that actually watch the whole thing keep it under three minutes and fifty seconds and you've got them, you can probably do it my son makes a lot of videos, he makes movies with my his cousins and they run around making all sorts of movies and they have I think they've done four five movies called I think it's called save the world or something like that saved the world or get off the world I think it's called get off the world anyway so it's a constant going to the moon and stuff like that and uh so I've been helping him make these movies not I don't film it with him but I help him cut him and stuff like that and so I keep telling him every time he cuts it I go ok make it shorter okay make it shorter okay make a shorter and and he's learned the value of shortcuts and now when he makes a movie it's pretty quick and he tells the story real fast because he knows how to make the cuts he says oh I all I need is him moving up and then we know he's gone up and then I need him doing this and we know he's gone there and he's done a great job but learning to do short cuts and so if you want to make your your movies more intriguing and enjoyable make the shortcuts as much as you can alright um unless you're doing like a stanley kubrick type film then you leave him long and then everybody's like this is artsy alright so we're going to go back into the library and I have collected some images are some video for our discussion here and so I'm going to go to those videos so if I click on final video files, these air video files with a couple photographs in interspersed that I think are valuable to us in in aa right now and I haven't cut all of the videos haven't looked through all the videos, but I've I've gleaned some stuff from all of them, and yesterday we made a slideshow and the slide show would show a picture and then I'll show a video and then it was show a couple pictures and a shell video and remember, we we told the video um, that when the air we told the slideshow program that when uh video came in, the music would die down so that the video would come above it so you could hear the video in this case what I want to do is show you how to simply cut of video no music we're not gonna put any music at all in it. We're just going to do video and so when we go to the slide show module again, we've already selected our final video information are set here and this is the video that we're going to show and I've I've made some I've taken some specific photographs and interspersed them just so that there's a break in the video and so the because I would typically want some kind of photograph over the top of something in order to give a break between say two cuts that were not quite right so if you have a cut and then you got to somehow go to another cut and it jumps then if you just put a photograph or another video take in between then you khun it looks like when you come back to it that he was in the right place, that kind of thing and so it's a it's a good idea tto remember that you khun you khun intersperse photographs and with the videos things like that um one thing that I didn't do that the photographs that really would be valuable is when you take a photograph like this um if you want it to feel like an entire movie rather than a movie with slide show um you can see that they're black areas right? Hear me change this to medium great. Okay, so there is this is the this's just light room here the medium gray thing but if you look at the photograph there are black bars here on the left and here on the right that's because the photograph isn't big and it's not it's, not sixteen by nine ratio it's a four by six ratio and so it's not it's not gonna fit in there. Um so if you in the slide show program are the slideshow module tell it to zoom to fit the frame then whatever photograph you have in there will zoom in to fit that sixteen by nine frame for the video or you could crop them to be sixteen by nine before you came to the slide show and then they would show a sixteen by nine and that way, when it shows a a photograph, it doesn't necessarily feel like it's a photograph that's in place they're being with the black bars it just it's just over the top of the moves, so it just looks like a still frame to the movie and so that can help toe make it less look like a slide showing that more like a movie with just some photographs being shown. And so I what I've done is I've created a template for this style of video, and I called it cuts on lee, so if I click on that, I get cuts only on and I'll show you what I've involved in that, but I'm gonna zoom to fill the frame, and now you can see that any photograph that I click on so I click on this photograph see out fills that frame. Now if I don't fill the frame that's what I get, so I like it when it fills that frame and I could just scan through and look just make sure that any photograph that I have fills the frame properly so that it works well with the way that the photograph are with the way the video's looking in it and it seems to be looking fine that way, the other thing that you're going to notice that I have here is this it's, a black frame with jared platt, photography on it that's just a black frame that I made inside of the print module with text on it, and I exported as a j peg and then imported it back in the light room. So even if I don't have photo shop if I want to make some title sequence, you know, titles and things like that that I want to show to people as slides light room in the slideshow module on lee has one identity plate for the slide show, and then it has a central screen and ending screen, but if you need to show to ending screens, you can't do that, you can only show one so that's when you would go into the print module and inside the print module, you would create a ending screen that sixteen by nine you'd come here to the page set up and you would create a sixteen by nine page and then you could do whatever you want with adding text to you know, at an identity plate move that anywhere you want it to be, double click it, type something in, say, uh, movie and okay and now you've got movie you can add it you can shrink it down you knew anything you want in here and then you just simply come down to the bottom instead of sending it to your printer you send it as a j peg file and you save it out as a j peg and then just imported back in the light room easy enough imported in fact, if you print that file, this is a really bad file that I'm printing, but if I print that file to my creative cloud files into I could put it in the textures or templates I'm gonna put it in the template folder here and I'm going to call it bad uh print module example and hit save it has just saved that j peg in there. So then when I go back to my library and I go up to that set of creative cloud inside of temple is right, click it and if I synchronize that folder there's one folded photo in there and when I open it there it is right there it's a very bad design comes in there it is so now whenever I'm in my temple it's aiken pull up that and put it into the movie obviously this won't work for the movie, but you get the point, so that is how I ended up making this, um, this how I made the slide show ending screen that says, jared, plot photography down in the corner pretty easy to do and you don't need voter shop for it. You don't need any external sources to do it. All you need to do is just go to the print module and make something and then send it back in. Ok, so you can you can use the print module in that way also for the book. So if you get to the if you're in the book module and there's a page that you just can't put together because the controls just aren't allowing you to put the text on the photo exactly where you want him or let's say that there's something on the on the cover that you want to do that you can't quite get it in the right place, then just simply go to the print module and make it there and then bring it, bring the entire spread into the book module, and then you've got a very customized page that you've created in the print module, so it's kind of worked around if you end up not being able to accomplish something. All right, so I've got my, uh, ending page here, so I didn't need to do an ending screen, but I've got the intro screen here. That says trade jin and this is what it looks like and I can determine how big that text is going to be I can also double click this are click and edit it so if I click on this and edit it, I can then choose you know what the size of the font is going to be? I can choose whether you know, whatever whatever it's going to be I can choose all of that she's a size that can choose the color and hit okay, and then if I'm here and I want to change the color, I can also click on override color, click on it and then just, you know, determine the color so let's do it as a kind of a light grey and that's going to be my intro screen to the to the movie that I'm making all right, so again, you also see this little thing this is your background image. So just like you could on a page inside of your, um inside of the book module, you could put a background image. So if you're doing slide shows or videos or something like that and you know that there's gonna be some some of the background showing and you want to put some kind of a grady in back there or whatever you could do that, um, quite frankly, I prefer not to color wash does the same thing color washes the background and you can tell it, you know, start at this and it kind of color washes across that as a grady int I'm not all that keen on that either. I love a black background for a movie because when the movie's not showing nothing showing that's the way it should be, I think, okay, let's see what else is in the air? And then now we this is what's essential to this concept of making a movie inside of light room I most if you watch almost every movie except for star wars like george lucas or whatever that you'll see, like fades and wipes and like circle things and whatever like he goes crazy with that kind of stuff, but other than that, most movies, air cuts on lee and everything you've been watching here has been cuts, so they cut from this camera to that camera to those cameras that is all cuts and you don't really see it like they just cut you didn't see that they just cut again, you don't really they cut again. You don't see that because you're watching me and you're paying attention to my hand movement, and so when they cut, you really don't see the cut you just because you're watching me it's a seamless cut and so, um, if you can, when you're making your movie, think of motion because if there's motion in the actual picture while the cut happens, you don't see the cut because you're looking at the motion your eyes so engaged in the motion that you don't see the cut, so it just bleeds over the other reason thing that helps toe helps a cut is if there's sound that goes over the cut and that's. Why that's? Why, if you just have a movie with no sound, you see the cuts more and it looks a little chop here, but as soon as you take music and put it over it that's why music videos are always so cool because there's always some kind of transitionary sound over every cut, and so you never see the cuts and it always looks great because there's music over the whole thing and so you're so in gross in the mood, in the music that you don't see the cuts, so those are things that help in the cutting. What we're going to dio is right here. I have controlled this, and I've done slides at two point nine seconds, so if there's a photograph it's going to show up for two point nine seconds? And then it's going to go to the video, but when it gets to a video, it doesn't show for two point nine seconds. It shows it for however long the video is so the video's three seconds shows for three seconds it's a minute, it shows the whole minute, but the the photos are limited to two point nine seconds. If I go to fades, I ca n't take those fades all the way to zero zero fayed is a cut if you want to do a cuts only movie, all you have to do is give yourself a zero fade, zero second fade and it's literally going to be a cuts on ly experience in that video and as long as you've got the right motion and you're and you're thinking about it when you're filming it and you planet out right and and you find the cuts where motion is going to move past the cut, then, uh, no fades is perfect now. I tested that out last night on the video that I was doing, and some of the videos seemed a little too harsh a cut and it's, mostly because I haven't found exactly the right cut, and I didn't want to spend too much time looking for that cut, so what I've done in order to soften the cut? I still don't want it to be like this slow fade so what I did is I took it and I said point three seconds that's a really, really short fade but it softens it just a little bit so it's not quite as hard to cut but it's still pretty much a cut and you'll see that it's a pretty nice transition between the two it's kind of like the happy medium between a cut on a fade because fades or to call attention to themselves and they fade in movie means time has passed in movie land when you're watching a movie if it fades that means oh, we're transitioning from this to this and there was a time lapse between the two that's kind of what it means in that lingo, eh? So what we're going to do is we're going to say fade point three seconds which gives us a really fast fade, which is a soft cut all right? So now that we've got that all set, we're going to zoom back out and we're gonna play this little film that I've made and remember we're not lloyd we've turned off the audio so all I want is audio from the actual movies themselves and we're just gonna play it through and you're going to see some places where we're just showing a photo in some places where we're showing video, make sure that you're a the beginning of your slide show because it starts from wherever you were, so if you start at the end you'll stay at the end you can hit repeat and then it would start over I think we wait in the emergency room until about three a m and then finally were admitted and put into a room about then and then that begin the journey is still closed. Um this kind of slowed us down made it re evaluate what's really important. I quit my job and dropped out of two of my school classes and slow down and learned to appreciate what really matters foreheads for a change. What about five heads here? Friends, I do feel badly sometimes because I'm here in the hospital a lot and courtney and cameron have to run the show they really have I stepped up and taken on the mother role wait any chance he gets? He slows down and focuses on the family, but he hasn't been able to, um study like he probably should, which it's scary for him because that's our that's our future but we have to pay attention to the present because we just never know what's gonna happen I mean there's some scary things coming up I love you, mama, I love you, dad so you can create some pretty powerful things you don't necessarily need music to do it now adding a little bit of music and they're just a really low you no amount of music might be uh might be something you could do but the basic story there that we're telling is pretty good um and all of it done all of it done in light room all of it done very simply um and I think sometimes the more simple something is the more powerful the story is um and you notice that we were telling ah, we're telling the story from the parents perspective mostly but you could see the photographs of trade gin and so I think I think mixing the two is pretty powerful um but the key to what we were just doing is that we were able to share a important story very quickly um too often I think that we spend a lot of time working on something and we never get it done I think that this is the perfect solution light room is the perfect solution to sharing projects and images quickly get them out, get them into the public, get them to the families, get them to people quickly so that they can experience and enjoy them on a regular basis andi if it's your own family that you're working for then it's a matter of you shot so many pictures for three, four, five years and you still haven't I got a scrapbook out, or you still haven't been able to share it with anybody and that's frustrating. Um, I know my wife gets that way, you know, she'll have three years or two years go by, where she hasn't really scrapbook something, and so then it's a backlog, and then then she has to catch up with it and so much better to be able to take care of the memories while they're fresh. You know, if you could scrap book constantly, if you could constantly put together your imagery and work on your imagery so that so that it's ready for you at the drop of a hat and that's, what light room is best it doing is giving you the ability to collect imagery constantly, work on images it's constantly, and then make it quick to get it out so that your there's no daunting task. Um, and in this case, um, it's hard to do a daunting task and two, you know, toe to deal with a difficult subject matter, too. So it's, it's even nicer that I am able to do it in a simple way and share it in a simple way on get it done, um, rather than because you always find excuses not to do it, if you khun you know you'll be like I'll wait till I know howto use premier or I'll wait till I know how to use, you know final cut pro or something like that and if you if you give yourself that excuse, you'll wait for a long time to finish that project so you have if you have light room, you have no excuse because you understand how to you you know how to organize the images you know how to find the images, you know how to adjust the images, and then you know how to share them, whether it's through a book or whether it's they're posting on your website, right? Or you know, on on your blogged, or whether it's sharing a video with people um you know how to do it now when we want to share that with people, then we would simply take that and go over to the left hand side, where normally in the library module is the import export. Now it's an export video option right here, you can also export a pdf which is kind of strange thing, but yeah, you can export a pdf and so basically it takes every slide and makes it into a page on the pdf never understood I don't know who uses that, but anyway it is there, but you can export of video and so when you export that video, you are given very minimal options. Where do you want the video and what quality ten a teepee is? This is the highest quality they're going to send out that's ah hd quality so you want to send that out on dh that's what's going to go on video that's I post my my videos on vimeo I like it, but you could also posed on youtube you could put it on your own iphone, we're on your ipad you khun share it on apple tv any of that kind of stuff work s o that's I always export the best file type and then let whatever it is that's using it, you know, scale it down rather than you know, if you export this, yeah, it'll save you some space, but then if you ever want to watch it on your big screen tv it's gonna look horrible or it's going to be this big on it if it doesn't not a size it up so ten a tp send it out as ten adp and you get the best the best results and that's it you don't have there's no other are things that you have to deal with to get that out and get it up onto the web and let people see it so very simple, huh? This comes from mocha time in the chat room, and they say, can you mix different size videos say that you have videos coming from two different cameras that were shot at different ratios? Is that okay to import them in the light room? Or do you have to change them up? Absolutely because I shoot stuff on this all the time and I shoot stuff on my iphone and then I'll shoot stuff on my mark three I shoot a cannon, mark three cameras, so I've got lots of different sizes of videos and some different aspect ratios. And so if if if you have a video that's a four by three aspect ratio like the old tv version size, it will just letterbox it on the side, and if you have something that's, a true cinematic like the really you know, uh, the ones that are stalling long and skinny, like, you know, how the west was won or what you know, like the old western spaghetti westerns and suffer whatever those shot like this, those will show with letter box on the top and the bottom, and so it'll just mix and match between them. Okay, now, when you click that export video, but and what format does this get exported as as a dot m ovi okay, sending out as a movie file um so you're finishing the file now remember that we also have the ability to just go to the export dialog box so if we go to export we could send the video out here as different things but it's sending out the clips and then if you wanted to if you want to do more professional editing beyond this you know and put, you know, rolling titles and texts and you know you want to go nuts on it then do your cuts here get him get the ones you want and then send him out as either an age to six four or dp axe depending on what kind of system you're using and how adept you are um but if you send out the original unedited files, it does nothing to him and the cuts that you've made disappear is well, it just sends out the full video file um so either to send it out as a tsh to six four or as a dp ex in your export dialog box okay, so that is making a cuts on lee movie and if you wanted to skip all of the the video are the photos you could do that same movie that we just did by just searching on ly for the videos inside of that collection and hit play and it would literally it's just spicing them together and notice that I wasn't I don't have a timeline I'm not putting things together on a timeline and then I'm not rendering it out. I'm literally just making a collection put in my videos in the order that they should go in and hitting play and it's in real time it's slicing them all together so I can just plug this into an hd mic connection plugging into a computer and hip are into a tv hit play and whoever I'm in front of khun watch it so it's something that can be done live in front of people rather than, you know, waiting and rendering out a copy and then and then playing it all right, good. Okay, so that is making movies it's a very simple process. It's not your again you're not making you know, uh, you're not making ah uh, a really stylized movie or anything like that. You are making a cuts on lee movie, which I think can be very, very beautiful and very powerful e do you want to share it with your family that's like across what do you have to put on youtube in order for them to watch it? Or can you send it in it? If I was trying to send one like in an email or are you could drop boxes? Yeah, absolutely you could drop box it you can put it on your creative cloud
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Ratings and Reviews
I have spent a small fortune buying classes from Creative Live, and I have learned a great deal from many terrific instructors. This class ranks as the #1 best class I have purchased from Creative Live. It was done in 2014, and the changes and improvements in Lightroom since then are far too numerous to count. However, I just watched the entire class again (August, 2018) and I realized that the class is as valuable today as it was when I originally purchased it. The title says it is for Scrapbookers, but it could have been Lightroom for Everyone. Jared covers every part of Lightroom as it existed in 2014, not just Library and Develop! He has a marvelous teaching style that motivates and inspires one to grab a camera and go take great images. Yes, it is dated. Yes, it is a long course - but only because it thoroughly covers a vast amount of information about Lightroom. And, yes, it still has real value in 2018, and I plan to rewatch it once a year now for the motivation it provides and the incentive to bring myself up-to-date on ALL of Lightroom's latest and most valuable features in all modules. Thanks CL for bringing Jared Platt to us, and please bring more of his great classes soon.
a Creativelive Student
Good class. Jared is an excellent instructor and provided good information. I was more interested in Lightroom than scrapbooking and I think the mix was about right for me. While I found the focus on Trajen interesting and heartwarming ... I found that too much information was shared and too much time was spent on his story. It was distracting for me and I think would be hard to listen to over and over again if I were to buy this course. I think that some of the material was rushed because of the time spent covering this and other unrelated topics. I prefer a more focused approach. I was more comfortable when he was showing photos of his kids as examples the first day. However, I enjoyed the class and learned a lot. Thanks!!
Thank you soooo much Jared. I am an avid scrapbooker and still an amateur photographer, but you have given me so much helpful information that my pictures are looking really amazing now. I often share on Facebook and the compliments I have been getting since I started applying what I learned from you are astounding. I have never received so many compliments on my photos. Prayers and positive vibes for Trajan and his family and friends!!!