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Metadata + Header Tags

Lesson 23 from: SEO - Website Technical Audit Fundamentals

Kelly Murphy

Metadata + Header Tags

Lesson 23 from: SEO - Website Technical Audit Fundamentals

Kelly Murphy

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23. Metadata + Header Tags

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Metadata + Header Tags

Welcome back Now. We'll turn our attention to some of the more content focused aspects of S. C. O. In this section we'll cover metadata and header tags, image optimization, schema and social tags. When we see metadata in S. C. O terms, we're talking about the tags that are consumer facing and describe what's on each page. The meta title of the page is the short title that appears when you hover over the tab of a page in your browser. The meta description is a bit longer and appears below the U. R. L. In the search engine results, header tags are less consumer facing but do appear in the pages body copy or in the back end to further describe and organize the pages content. In short, every page on the site has an accompanying meta title meta description and H one tag and that each of these tags is both unique and falls within character guidelines, which are 60 characters, including spaces for meta titles And 160 characters for Meta descriptions. And this is so that those descriptions do ...

not get truncated in search engine results. So we are back in our trusty screaming Frog tool. And if we scroll down to page titles, you want to keep an eye out for if any of them are missing see here. So none are missing for raghu dot com Or duplicate. Under duplicate. And then it also shows you which ones are over 65 characters And which ones are below 30 characters. So these are all things you want to pay attention to when you look in screaming frog. So once you've noted and isolated any pages with either missing or duplicate meta titles, meta descriptions or header tags. The next step is to actually write unique tags for each of these fields. Any of the tags that do not meet. Best practices should be shortened or lengthened to fall within character guidelines. So for example, here are some that are over 65 characters. So for the Ragu vs prego page, The title here is actually 80 characters. So we'd want to download this, export it And then adjust this a bit and take out any unnecessary words in that description to get it under those characters. And you really shouldn't need too much more than that in a meditator, a few characters over under won't break the bank. But following these guidelines will reduce the likelihood that your tags will be unreadable in search results. Keyword research is an important part of the metadata writing process, which will want to perform prior to writing these tags

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19. Bonus Lesson - Site Speed Diagnostics and Optimization

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