Before The Negotiation: Assess Your Assets
Lesson 2 from: FAST CLASS: The Power of NegotiationVanessa Van Edwards

Before The Negotiation: Assess Your Assets
Lesson 2 from: FAST CLASS: The Power of NegotiationVanessa Van Edwards
Lesson Info
2. Before The Negotiation: Assess Your Assets
Class Introduction
15:07 2Before The Negotiation: Assess Your Assets
08:08 3Before The Negotiation: Diagnose Their Pain
06:13 4Before The Negotiation: Do Due Diligence
05:46 5Before The Negotiation: Interest Matchmaking
03:34 6Before The Negotiation: Prep Purposefully
05:52 7Before The Negotiation: Bring Aids
08:57 8Before The Negotiation: Prime Value
04:53Before The Negotiation: Ask, Ask, Ask
06:38 10Before The Negotiation: Leverage Agreement
05:29 11During The Negotiation: Money Talk
11:45 12During The Negotiation: Money Chasers
07:29 13After The Negotiation
03:05 14Bonus Lesson: Email Negotiation
03:26 15Bonus Lesson: How To De-escalate
04:03 16Bonus Lesson: Dealing with Deadlock
05:12Lesson Info
Before The Negotiation: Assess Your Assets
before the negotiation. I'm gonna remind us one more time with one more scientific study that proves this point. Are good negotiators born or made? Now we know they can be made. If you believe you're a good negotiator, you are more likely to be one. This is the most important piece of prep that you can do. Knowing you can improve your negotiation ability helps you be a better negotiator. And one more negotiations. By the way, this is one of, like, seven studies that I could have been in here. I was like, Should I put them in every five slides? And I was like, No, that's little bit much. So I want you to know that we can improve that skill on that knowledge is really important. This brings me to our seconds kind of foundational law, which is a foundation of growth. Every minute that you spend watching this course, I want you to think of it as an investment of getting your negotiated negotiation peak you up. Step number one. Assess your assets. One of these negotiation mistakes will be h...
aving some negotiation. Mistakes throughout the course is not fighting for your worth. Assuming that other people will tell you you're worth more. I would like to pay you more. That does rarely happen, but very, very rarely. So we're going to be putting that out. Ask out much stronger. The most important thing with your ask is that your confidence is contagious. If you believe in your ask, other people are more likely to believe that. Ask So Dr Barbara Wild and her associates associates found very quickly. Our emotions are contagious, specifically happiness, confidence or sadness or fear. So we catch people's emotions on the phone in the room. If we're resentful, we breed resentment. If we're angry, we stoke anger. If we are confident, we create confidence. So we have to be really, really sure about what we're asking for. So they picked that up from us. If we are a little bit unsure, it's like begging someone to negotiate with us, right? We ask our worth. They're much more likely to question it because we're asking it. So let's do a worth audit that's we're going to start off with. So this is in your free bonuses. If you would like when it's also in your workbook for you. So if you pull open that paid in your workbook of you Skip ahead to the Worth audit, forming my audience members. I'm not gonna have you guys do this with me. So this should be rights in B profess your assets section of the workbook. So what we're gonna do is a worth audit. Now, I do this worth audit before every single negotiation. Sometimes I do it written, like if it's a big negotiation, but sometimes I just do it in the car on the way there. I do. Well, I'm getting ready. It's meant to be a very quick way to supercharge your confidence. A little pain killer for confidence. What we're gonna do is I'm gonna give you a couple of prompts. You will have five seconds to write five answers. This is designed to get rid of your humility. A little bit, right toe, like come to the dance. That's first. A top of mind. So you don't judge your answers. Are you ready? OK, 1st 1 at home get a piece, paper and a pen or grab that free bonus for your worth audit. 1st 1 you have five seconds to do. Five answers. What are five of your unique strengths. All right, Next one named five people you have helped. What can you do better than anyone else? This question is incredibly important for you to know. Because if people are paying use, this is one for earning. If your clients want to hire you, they have to know why you are better than everyone else. They don't know why you're better than else. If you don't know why you're better than everyone else, right? I don't mean better than I mean, like having a skill that is a top notch that is above average. You should be able to know the answer. Those questions specifically directed at what you're asking for more on you have to know what differentiates you. What makes you above average? That's gonna be the easiest part of trying to get your services and your worth up Last one. So this one I want you to think about for your specific negotiation goal. So keep your negotiation goal in mind at home. Think about that. And let's try this one for five seconds. Why will this negotiation be a win win? You're about to walk into the room. Why is it a win win. Okay, so this one is a little bit different because now we're talking about worth and partnership, right? We're talking about how do we make sure that we're going into this thinking there is a way for us both toe win, right? There is a way where we're both getting what we want. So this little worth audit, the Siris of four prompts is what I do in my head while I'm in a waiting room. It's what I do while I'm in the car. It's what I do. Well, I'm getting ready. There's a couple reasons for one, it keeps those rationales top of mind writes that when they ask you the hard question and times you get the kind of question that's like, Why are you better than your competitors? Right, right. Like that's usually a hard question. But if you answered these, you know, right, so it keeps the answers top of mind and seconds. It immediately gets you confidently contagious, right? It makes you really contagious in that confident way. Could it's like it's like, you know, when athletes where they go on their like coach like, smacks him on the helmet just imagine, like, this is me doing that. You're worth on. And I'm just like some agony on the helmets, right, Because we're getting ourselves pumped up. It's the fastest, easiest way to do it. Next thing that we're gonna look at, where must be spending a lot of time on this is your negotiation sheet sheet. So this is a loosely for you. If you want to download it. It's also perfect. You guys have it in your workbooks. I also have it loose. Stormy, referring to it pretty much every section from now going on this sheet of paper, this little negotiation cheat sheet. I have one of these for every single negotiation I have ever done. I think it is one of the most important things that we can bring into negotiation. We're gonna be talking about it. Ah, lot. The very first section on the seat, the very top left column is your assets. So your assets column is the very first thing I want to do. You actually want to do it as you're worth Audit. You can kind of put your bullets into this column. What goes in this column are all of the benefits that you provide. They're all the winds that you deliver right, and we have to think about this more broadly. You're not just a landscape centre, your not just a wedding photographer. You provide a lot more benefits than we think. So I want you to start thinking about your benefits in lots different ways. Material benefit, financial benefit. Emotional benefit, right? What are you bringing to the table? That's everything that goes in this column, And if you have trouble filling it out, I would do that Worth audit for this column. So what do you think in terms of emotional buckets in terms of knowledge in terms of what clients have said to you in the past of like, Wow, you do X so well or I'm so surprised that you also do X. Those things should be in your asset column. There's a reason why they're in the upper left hand part of your cheat sheet. Why we read from left to right there. The first thing work you're feeling a little anxious or little nervous or a question is difficult. That is the first thing you look at on your cheat sheet to sort of anchor you have. Like yes, like I'm offering a lot here like there's a lot of winds that I can provide. That is your anchor second step second column. Diagnose their pain. I think this is probably one of the most important aspects of the course for your partner. Your worth equals how many of their problems you can solve. This is where I think we get stopped up, right. People qualify how much they're willing to pay you based on how many pain points and problems you fix for them. That's a very different way to think about worth than all the windy provide we have to look at both at the same time.
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