Before The Negotiation: Interest Matchmaking
Lesson 5 from: FAST CLASS: The Power of NegotiationVanessa Van Edwards

Before The Negotiation: Interest Matchmaking
Lesson 5 from: FAST CLASS: The Power of NegotiationVanessa Van Edwards
Lesson Info
5. Before The Negotiation: Interest Matchmaking
Class Introduction
15:07 2Before The Negotiation: Assess Your Assets
08:08 3Before The Negotiation: Diagnose Their Pain
06:13 4Before The Negotiation: Do Due Diligence
05:46 5Before The Negotiation: Interest Matchmaking
03:34 6Before The Negotiation: Prep Purposefully
05:52 7Before The Negotiation: Bring Aids
08:57 8Before The Negotiation: Prime Value
04:53Before The Negotiation: Ask, Ask, Ask
06:38 10Before The Negotiation: Leverage Agreement
05:29 11During The Negotiation: Money Talk
11:45 12During The Negotiation: Money Chasers
07:29 13After The Negotiation
03:05 14Bonus Lesson: Email Negotiation
03:26 15Bonus Lesson: How To De-escalate
04:03 16Bonus Lesson: Dealing with Deadlock
05:12Lesson Info
Before The Negotiation: Interest Matchmaking
number four interest matchmaking. So now you've done your research. Hopefully, the top half of your negotiation cheat sheet is filled out. Now our goal is to match your assets to their pain points. How is what you're offering? Going to solve their pain. How is what your assets are? A perfect fit for their needs is what I call interest matchmaking. The big thing here I want you to think about is baking a bigger pie number. How we talked about compensation. You go into a job interview and the pie is this big. If you think about all those other things that go into compensation, you've actually brought in a bigger pie. This is what I want you to do now the mawr interest, you can connect with their pain points. The more value you have on the table to offer, the more alternates you have to offer. So we're gonna bake a bigger pie. There is more than value than just money, and this is about baking that bigger pie finding where the value is beyond just that dollar amount value is in the buy of ...
eye of beholder. That's the most important thing. Don't you think about when you're filling out those top three columns. This also helps you with increased bargaining power Journal Applied Psychology found that individuals who prepare what are called alternate alternate options prior to negotiating had increased bargaining power. Better alternatives prevents you from being dependent on your partner. The more assets and alternatives you think of, the more freedom you have specifically. And this is a term that was despised. By William Fry and William Worry. This is called a baton. Patna is best alternative to negotiated agreement. Anyone ever heard the term baton before? So baton is something we were talking about for the rest of the time. These are your alternatives other than your number, whatever that is. What are all the other pieces of value that you can have to offer? What's your bigger pie? So baton is the more alternatives, the more options, the more bargaining power, the more likely you are to get a deal. I want these columns filled to the brim you have to duplicate on the back side. You have a two sided sheet. That's okay, too, because numerically the more you have on there, the more likely it is that you're gonna get a deal. It gives you a lot of flexibility and freedom. How many will, by the way, have usually going with one number in mind? So I usually I used to go in with about one number, maybe one alternate in mind. I want you to have different alternates. You could have to increase that value. A couple of examples. So, yes, there are monetary alternatives. So it's not just the number. It might also be how you pay the number or how they pay you. So it could be paying in cash, paying in installments, offering a guarantee. Those are all money related values. Okay, non monetary alternatives. And there these are all the ones even talking about. This is what we've been talking about the last hour. Job parking, vacation days, office, location, home. You're buying a home closing costs, adding cabinets, having them do a scope. Sewage scope, clients, bonuses, timing referrals. What are other things you can ask for that are gonna brought in that pie, so you'll notice this brings us to that next line. So this is not at the top of your sheet. Write. Your number is not the first thing I want you to see on your sheet. It's your assets and their pain points those come first. Then you have your goal number. And then I want you to have at least three those stars air for each alternate. So alternate things that you can ask for at least three there mawr, if you can think of them.
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