Email Service Provider Walkthrough
Lesson 9 from: Email Marketing Fundamentals Using MailchimpJon Chang
Email Service Provider Walkthrough
Lesson 9 from: Email Marketing Fundamentals Using MailchimpJon Chang
Email Marketing Introduction
1Class Introduction
02:09 2Course Files
00:14 3Email Marketing Overview
05:57 4Email Lists and Segmentation
03:48 5User Journey Overview
06:16 6Email Automation Overview
03:00 7Checkpoint 1
02:30Checkpoint 1 Review
00:57 9Email Service Provider Walkthrough
05:48 10Quiz - Email Marketing Introduction
Creating Your First Campaign
11Navigation and Features of Mailchimp
04:25 12Campaign Planning and Checkpoint 2
07:47 13Checkpoint 2 Review
07:47 14Creating Forms
12:55 15Creating a Campaign
10:34 16Quiz - Creating Your First Campaign
Analytics and Testing
17Analytics and Checkpoint 3
12:08 18Checkpoint 3 Review
02:16 19Anatomy of an Email and Checkpoint 4
03:18 20A-B Testing Intro
10:25 21Creating an A-B Test
04:52 22IEM Drip Trees and Checkpoint 5
06:51 23Checkpoint 5 Review
04:49 24Quiz - Analytics and Testing
00:36Final Quiz
26Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Email Service Provider Walkthrough
here's an overview of email service providers, they are so great to use because it does everything for the entire customer journey from creating landing pages, getting people to sign up putting those people into the lists, segmenting the lists, designing the messages, they'll get sending the messages and then reporting on those results. It's a lot of steps, but it's actually fairly simple and that leads me to perhaps recommend or tell you what kind of tools are out there. We will use male chimp because it's free. It's actually what we call Freemium. At a certain point you may grow out of it or you may already need something that's more advanced. It's fine to use mail chimp. It's also fine to use something more advanced. But there is a most appropriate solution for you. Mel chimp is great. Usually if you have fewer contacts and a lower volume of sentence I say that a little ambiguously because it really does depend on the industry and the client itself, I encourage you to start with mal...
e chimp to get the basic functionality and learn email marketing. And then when it's appropriate, there are tons of reports out there that then talk about tools as advanced as IBM Watson marketing, the E. S P that you'll eventually choose really does depend on the industry and your client. So you'll just need to assess the amount of contacts that they have as well as the volume of sin and then assess different vendors to understand what is and what is not within your price range and the functionality that you actually need. Now, I'd like you to sign up for a free mail chIMP account. It is going to be super easy. You just need an email address, create a password and it should take you approximately five minutes. What you'll need to do is open up mail chimp, then add your email address and a password and hit go. It really is simply that easy. When you log into mail chimp after you've launched a campaign, you'll see these metrics. These are the most important metrics for you to look at to understand the health of your campaign. We'll just go from start to finish, we see attempted delivered opened, clicked, unsubscribed, bounced, complained and converted. Good thing for you is that compared to most digital marketing, this is actually a fairly small set of core metrics. So from the top attempted, you need to send messages to people and unfortunately not all of those will actually be successfully sent to someone's inbox. So that's why we call it attempted Next delivered of those that were attempted only some will be delivered. The goal is eventually you'll have a high, what we call delivery rate and a really good delivery rate is approximately 98% or higher. After the email is delivered into the user's inbox. They have the option to open or not open. It's really up to them and if they do open, we call it an open, they literally click on the email and one of the biggest factors in deciding whether or not to open is the subject line. We'll talk about that a lot later, especially optimizing the copy for a subject clicked once they open the email, they have an opportunity to click any of the links within it or images as well. And it's up to you to decide where they click to as part of the overall user journey. It's ideal and normal to have them click to your blog to your product pages really any part of your website that aligns with the content that they're currently seeing afterwards, they have the opportunity to unsubscribe. This is something that we really don't want them to do, but it happens to everyone. So don't get freaked out when people unsubscribe. It's just usually cleaning up an individual's inbox and making sure it's clean overall. So I unsubscribed just means that they do not want to receive marketing emails from you anymore. However, because of the ways we talked about lists and segmentation, they could unsubscribe from a specific list of your many lists or they can unsubscribe from all of your lists. It's important to keep that in mind. Then bounced. We only have a few left bounced emails. This is related to delivered and attempted. Oftentimes when an email is not successfully delivered, but it is attempted. It's because it bounces. There's several reasons why this actually happens. One of the main ones is that they just have stronger spam filters or they have a stronger email client email clients are like gmail outlook. Yahoo and they all have their own rules and regulations to protect their user's inbox. Next we have complained, I'm saying this, but what it really means is spam. These are people who are so repulsed by your email marketing that they hit the spam button, be aware of how many people actually do this and then correct your emails as you go along because it actually only takes a few people to hit spam on an email message for you to be flagged with something that's called Spamhaus. H A U S. Spamhaus is an organization that polices um good and bad email practice. So they're the ones who actually enforce, can spam in the United States. So look at how many people complained by hitting the spam button. And finally we have converted and this is the good one. So we just talked about a lot of things you don't want to happen. On the other hand, you have converted users the quantity of people who open your email because they love the subject line and was delivered at the right time. You look at the content and click it because it's the right content just for them and then they complete the action on your site. If you look at all of these metrics from head to toe, when you log into mail chimp or any email service provider. These are the things that will tell you the overall health of your campaign.
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