Email Marketing Introduction
1Class Introduction
02:09 2Course Files
00:14 3Email Marketing Overview
05:57 4Email Lists and Segmentation
03:48 5User Journey Overview
06:16 6Email Automation Overview
03:00 7Checkpoint 1
02:30Checkpoint 1 Review
00:57 9Email Service Provider Walkthrough
05:48 10Quiz - Email Marketing Introduction
Creating Your First Campaign
11Navigation and Features of Mailchimp
04:25 12Campaign Planning and Checkpoint 2
07:47 13Checkpoint 2 Review
07:47 14Creating Forms
12:55 15Creating a Campaign
10:34 16Quiz - Creating Your First Campaign
Analytics and Testing
17Analytics and Checkpoint 3
12:08 18Checkpoint 3 Review
02:16 19Anatomy of an Email and Checkpoint 4
03:18 20A-B Testing Intro
10:25 21Creating an A-B Test
04:52 22IEM Drip Trees and Checkpoint 5
06:51 23Checkpoint 5 Review
04:49 24Quiz - Analytics and Testing
00:36Final Quiz
26Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Checkpoint 3 Review
Alright, congratulations for looking over the data. Here's how I would analyze this. First Things first. We need to know whether or not people are actually getting the emails and opening them. So I will look at overall sample size. These are getting bigger as they go down. That was intentional. So depending on the sample size, the story is slightly different. The next thing is I look at the efficiency metrics, so the percentages or ratios the percentages here, I want to see anything that is high and anything that is low and that's as simple as that. But they do tell two different stories. So first we want to look at click to open rate. Alright, which of these are people actually clicking? So we have 53% in this top one, but it's only a sample size of four or 10. And then down here we have click to open rate of 64% and it's a sample size of 1500. So the efficiency is highest down here and for the highest um percentage and sample size as well. So that's a double win for me. If you look a...
t the one that's performing the worst, we are looking at 34.1% and it's in terms of sample size, right in the middle and I think that's just fine. Um for our analysis, we now need to look at okay, 34.1%. Quite frankly, that's still pretty high, click to open rate. Um if you're ever curious how much you should be doing? Male chimp actually has a great industry benchmarking that they publish regularly. So what they do is that they take all of their client data and they anonymously pull it together to then show you benchmarks by industry such as agriculture, consulting, government and all the way down. So whatever your metrics are one compare against yourself. This really is like running or swimming, you are competing against yourself, However, you also want to know how you're competing against the overall industry. So then I would double down and look at sources like this male chimp benchmark report. You can also find other industry reports, usually they're paid. Um but they are all over the place. This is a great place to start.
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