Navigation and Features of Mailchimp
Lesson 11 from: Email Marketing Fundamentals Using MailchimpJon Chang
Navigation and Features of Mailchimp
Lesson 11 from: Email Marketing Fundamentals Using MailchimpJon Chang
Lesson Info
11. Navigation and Features of Mailchimp
Email Marketing Introduction
1Class Introduction
02:09 2Course Files
00:14 3Email Marketing Overview
05:57 4Email Lists and Segmentation
03:48 5User Journey Overview
06:16 6Email Automation Overview
03:00 7Checkpoint 1
02:30Checkpoint 1 Review
00:57 9Email Service Provider Walkthrough
05:48 10Quiz - Email Marketing Introduction
Creating Your First Campaign
11Navigation and Features of Mailchimp
04:25 12Campaign Planning and Checkpoint 2
07:47 13Checkpoint 2 Review
07:47 14Creating Forms
12:55 15Creating a Campaign
10:34 16Quiz - Creating Your First Campaign
Analytics and Testing
17Analytics and Checkpoint 3
12:08 18Checkpoint 3 Review
02:16 19Anatomy of an Email and Checkpoint 4
03:18 20A-B Testing Intro
10:25 21Creating an A-B Test
04:52 22IEM Drip Trees and Checkpoint 5
06:51 23Checkpoint 5 Review
04:49 24Quiz - Analytics and Testing
00:36Final Quiz
26Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Navigation and Features of Mailchimp
So in this section I'd like us to walk through the main navigation and the most important features of male chimp. So go ahead and open it up. Alright at this point you should be logged into mail chimp and this is what the general dashboard looks like. It will evolve as you run. Campaigns might not look exactly like mine right now, but you will have all the main components such as on the top navigation. We have four million options campaigns, templates, lists and reports. I don't know if you ever used a choose your own adventure book, but I did as a kid and essentially you get to choose exactly where you need to go based on your current need an objective in the platform and that's why these are so blatant for us to use. What else is on here on the right. You have your general information about your account where you can integrate things like google analytics, which we will do. You can create a new campaign landing page form and then as you scroll down it should have all the data from yo...
ur previous campaigns. That is the standard layout. It's important to note general navigation on the very top. You have your campaigns, templates, lists and reports, all the things we've talked about and very well consolidated on the right now you see different ways to create a new campaign. You see multiple buttons here to do so and as you scroll down, you'll actually then see your reports, your analysis. I don't have much here because this is my demo account but we'll send out some emails together and then you will be able to see the data immediately. So let's click create a campaign so I can show you some additional features and then we'll pause there. So great click create a campaign. We've talked so much about user journey mapping and everything from creating a landing page sign up form to sending an email and this is what you see here. It immediately gives you the options to create that form. The landing page on the email. So now click email and asks you to create one of four types of campaigns A regular and automated, a plain text or an A. B test. Let's just choose regular for now because we'll get into automated A B test and very much depth. I'm just gonna call this test. Maybe we'll just call it test for fun because hey, we're having fun. All right. Core building blocks and this will be the last screen that we look at. The core building blocks here are your recipients meaning your list the from legally you need to say who this is from. But you can also have a little bit of fun here. For example, at General Assembly we tested two things. One we sent emails that said from general Assembly and then the other type of test that we ran was is from name. That was SAM SAM at General Assembly. I'll let you guess which one performs better. Yeah, it was SAM people were more likely to open an email from SAM a general assembly than just general Assembly would be a great test for you to yourself. You'll see the area to add your subject line and then to design your email and we'll get into that in a lot more depth. So very important functions and features here and you've heard me say many times we'll get into it later but I promise we really, really will time for an email hack. There is an amazing website called good email copy dot com and I'll give you an example emails and a variety of types using real examples. So let's do that together right now. The reason why I love this website so much is because the person who created it so graciously has curated real life email marketing examples and then tagged them in all the variety of emails that we would ever send out. So what I want you to do is click welcome and in this welcome entire dashboard we have slack some all Pinterest and so forth. I want you to just take a couple of minutes. These emails are not very long at all. Click through some main examples that align with lift and then tear it apart. Figure out what works best for you and align it with all of the things you just learned
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