Day 1
1Class Introduction
10:02 2Color Models 101
26:46 3Color Schemes 101
45:39 4Debunking Color Fears
44:02 5Debunking Color Fears Pt. 2
25:23 6Evolution of Tobi's Color Style
42:37 7Evolution of Tobi's Color Style Pt. 2
44:12To Trend or Not to Trend
12:47 9Color & Design Trends
31:36 10Color & Design Trends Pt. 2
25:37 11Tobi's Color Inspirations
22:09 12Tobi's Color Inspirations pt. 2
23:29 13Using Inspiration Boards & Q&A
19:43 14Psychology of Color
36:34 15Color Meanings
17:04 16Psychology of Color Q&A
12:55 17What to Consider Before Choosing a Color
26:20 18The Right Color: The Entry & Living Room
19:27 19The Right Color: Family/Dining Room & Kitchen
21:19 20The Right Color: From Bathrooms to Outdoor Spaces
20:05 21Pairing Textile Elements for Success
28:49 22Pairing Wall Color, Pattern & Texture
24:42 23Floorings, Furnishings, Art & Lighting
19:04 24Intro & Top Color Palettes: NYC Showhouse
24:41 25Top Color Palettes: Hampton's & Richmond Showhouses
21:31 26More Top Color Palettes
33:46 27Layering Color Palettes in Your Home
38:16 28Transitioning Color Palettes in Your Home
28:08 29Historical Overview of Color in Design
16:47 30History of Color in Design Examples
43:59 31History of Color in Design Examples Pt. 2
16:32 32Color Mistakes to Avoid: 1-6
31:20 33Color Mistakes to Avoid: 7-10 & Final Q&A
40:06Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
History of Color in Design Examples Pt. 2
Looking at all of these different eras and which ones maybe pop out to them and that they might want teo that they're inspired by teo too taken x project um and work from maybe online as well a cz in in our studio what do you draw on tio? I think it's interesting looking at all the pictures you're showing us how many of the designer room she show us or in that kelly green? So I think that really speaks to how color moves you and the mood that it creates because you've said that's one of your favorite colors. So you've chosen these different slides of rooms from different designers that air a lot, a lot of them are that that color that you love, so really go with what you love and a lot of those it's interesting that a lot of designers are drawn tio uh the same kinds of colors like the colors they like it's not that I just picked the only green room they had a lot of those designers work was in those kind of colors because I think that they are daring and bold and they know that it's no...
t the last thing they're going to dior, you know, that could make any kind of color work and I think that's what maybe even more important is noticing that professional designers through the years are the ones that have always tried things and been on the front end of trends where it's it's people in their own homes that are more safe and less willing tto leap out and use some of those colors yes, I'm actually attracted to like fabrics on dh how fabrics can change colors and manipulate travelers and tell different stories with colors right? And you saw that happening in all kinds of spaces and even moves so and we'll look at some of these trends on then that we even saw in some of those spaces but I think like, for example, here's a red and green space on we saw and this was in recent, you know, not not very long ago that this was in a current magazine, but then we saw dorothy draper using the red in the green in her spaces so that same complimentary color idea but I think it's worth will go back to the history slides in just a minute um but I think some of these even something like this which is a room by mary macdonald, which is a current designer that's her land design, which I love it's, a complimentary palette of blue and orange, but there's a lot of influence here from regency style in the lamp teo there's all sorts of things here that this would almost could be part of my history um, timeline and we wouldn't know necessarily that this was a current room. I think it could fit into some of those strong color palettes from the forties, fifties, seventies or eighties. So that's, when you start saying, looking at something as timeless design it's more about ifit's, good design, and if it's balance and if it works, I think that's what allows it toe to stand the test of time? Because not do you agree that this looks like it could be from any time on its today its recent and she's ah, very, very popular designer today s so it's and also ah lot of the rooms that get photographed for magazines or the ones that are most daring. And look, she is using a really strong ah wall cover another designer I love jeffrey bill, he ber is a current designer, and I think he did train I may be wrong, but I think he trained under billy baldwin, but he's a master of mixing all sorts of colors so even in this tiny little image that's a little hard to see um he transitions from like this periwinkle blue toe orange to burgundy on and he's, just really brilliant at introducing all sorts of colors and transitioning them three spaces, and he was trained by the man who did that um this is a great example cause I wasn't planning this, but he was trained by billy baldwin who we saw that yellow window treatment with the red piping and then look at these drapes right here they're almost a yellow color with the chocolate piping and this is a current design, but it could look just like the one that billy baldwin did in the forties in many, many ways and it's a little bit hard for me to take you on a tour of history in an hour. You know, we were going from prehistoric times two today, so I know that if we had time I mean in school it's an entire semester eso it's hard to cover everything, and I really did have to hit the highlights of a lot of these, which I know is a little difficult, but I'm happy to look at any of them here's a david hicks room that I think again, we see a lot of jonathan adler in this the coffee table and in the rug and his influences today. And even this artwork right here looks very much that kind of pop art kind of thing that jonathan adler would use. What else would you like to look at any of these that you would like to go more in depth? I know people are saying, how would toby be inspired by these even this david hicks room right here the color palette was almost the same oranges the mary macdonald room we just saw on the wall so different style for sure but definitely a color palette but what I find is that most of these people other than someone like barbara berry or suzanne casler who make a very specific decision to keep the walls of it really like color ah lot of the designers and the rooms that we've pulled that her iconic of today's designers and even all the way back through the early nineteen hundreds in america we're seeing a lot of color on the wall aren't way a whole lot of color on the wall actually we have interesting when he is speaking of color on the wall from karen v er and she asked about strong colors I have a dining room that is very dark and mysterious it is very dark eugene almost black I'd love to repeat a dark purple or silver in my powder room and I'm planning at planet this is very full on design all of this I'm planning a trellis full wall stencil will lessen the impact of the dark room in the dining room thinks so I think it's that way it sounds great to me um and I think I think she should go for it maybe she could with the silver stencil on the dock is do you think that's what she's saying using dark purple and silver I think this is an interesting space to with regard teo a lot of things about it but even the way that the textiles air hung on the wall were seeing a ton of gallery walls and homes and if you go to type in gallery while on pinterest, you'll get hordes and hordes and I even have an entire board called art smart that's just full of people collecting things on the wall and I think so this is probably from what this nineteen seventies um sixties or seventies and it was this collection of pieces and things that are looking like probably some of the textiles that you're creating today, but I just think it's really the whole combination of what's happening here the way they display it, the way they use and mixed color that's really most interesting that reminds me so much of my father he's it's kind of interesting because he likes a lot of mid century and then bring it to saudi arabia and their take on it so it's like I'm looking at all this and it's very western and then I keep thinking of it in my family and how it's affected like my grandmother style my father style and it was always my dad style has always been like masculine midcentury but then all this whole like arabic yeah and and you and western culture has definitely influenced designing so much since the dorothy draper and the francis silken in the early nineteen hundreds but private that almost everything that was happening in america was coming from england or france or some other you know, exotic locations so interesting how because that design profession became so prevalent in our country that we had a lot of influence even back to you to your dad and saudi arabia you have a question from walter lewin and bethany says great question where do you see the current trends going in the next several years or wearing you going person so that's what? Well that's a great question about where am I going so where I'm going and it's fun because even the more I look at this now it makes me want to go there faster than ever looking at some of these people using dark color on the wall but I feel like that we're going to be transitioning in the opposite direction as faras wall color from where we are today so we've looked at all of my spaces who from fifteen years ago I had orange on the wall and we've transitioned all the way to like the widest of whites and I would suspect not only in my own rooms but in a lot of rooms and I think even looking at somebody like miles rid who I would consider a major trendsetter today embracing let's go back to that embracing strong color on the wall I think within five or ten years if I gave the same same lecture, we would be saying all the color is on the wall now on because we've tried, we've gone so light on the wall and that was a real reaction even politically and socially to things like nine eleven happening here in america at least, and people spending more time at home and wanting to and then lives are so busy and electronics and all of that noise and clutter in our lives, we wanted a clean slate and but once you have that for a long time, then you start yearning foreign craving color again, so I suspect we'll see a lot more color coming back to the wall. But again, I think things don't go out in the way that they used to, but for designers you will see them trend back towards towards maybe more color on the wall. For me, I am growing a little tired of this may shock you well strong color in general like really strong contrast in color. So you look at something like the new york show house that I really love on I did just about a year ago and how it's more softer colors and maybe more about metallics and golds and other things, so I'm enjoying thinking about how to play with other elements and I think that's a good reason for me to go back and show you that trends board that I was kind of taking us too for this reason to look at some of the things that I selected even from high point market a cz forest furniture I mean this forest trans remember I spoke to the idea of seeing butterflies everywhere not that it's necessarily my personal favorite but but this is something that I especially loved so you know, somebody was commenting of toby you don't use that much dark furniture in your space but I was really drawn at this market two medals and dark stains and I love this brass kind of trim on this um coffee type one you can barely see a little share there that I loved us well, that was brass and dark leather and it had kind of a mid century sort of form to it much more masculine than you've seen my work be before but I'm really interested in playing with other things besides just paint color or fabric but what taking it to the next level of detail and like bringing in different metals and other things so that's kind of what's hopefully on the horizon for me maybe even a little ah little more grown up than I even already am so what does that mean? Um if that gives you an answer let's see if there's any other fund trends on here that will speak to that. We've got some great quotes from color wiz he's been quiting. He she has been crowding billy baldwin for the lost like, how about I throw you out? Ok, let's, think about this one. How about this one? Uh, nothing is in good taste unless it suits the way you live. That's. A great, great quote. Yes. Um, and other people could throw us some other fun quotes from people like dorothy draper and sister pears. Because they were very, very opinionated. Another an albert happy's rooms are amazing. He has, um, that he would do something like this. He has a famous room that is very much in the idea of these bookcases, but they were all painted, um, like a rich sort of burgundy red with brass piping on the front of the shells like brass fronts on. So that kind of, if you can imagine, and albert hadley influence. I could have totally influenced this with this little bit of brass tram right here that really appeals to me. Also interesting in that one. Mary macdonald slide the orange and blue that she painted the frame of the mir. The same color is the wall, so it just goes the wells. But what she didn't paint and I think that's, what makes this room even look a little more fresh is what may be one of the things I'm starting to grow a little tired of is painting all the furniture itself. A bright lacquer finished, though, isn't it almost refreshing here that she decided to keep the furniture piece stained on? And it's, you know, more it's, probably an antique, and so it may be had value on. Then she took something ordinary and painted it the wall color and that's. What is another strong trend right now that I'm continuing to see is this mix of high and low meaning expensive and not expensive, and people it's sort of happen it's in fashion, too, doesn't it? Where you see someone say, well, I have on, um, as seven hundred dollar pair of shoes with the top I got from target on dh, so I think that also so is what's making interiors continuing to be interesting, and I think that was happening as well in a lot of the rooms that we've seen from years ago that people were just taking what they had and then adding new things to it wasn't about every single item in the room being expensive, it wasn't about a designer coming in and getting rid of everything you have necessarily at that time either but it was how tio have a collections of things that represent and billy baldwin clearly lived from that kind of philosophy too, because what did he say said a room isn't stylish if it's not good taste good today basically reflect you yeah, and so I think that we're definitely we have another one yeah, another one that I like and want to get your thoughts on from demand e is I'll always put in one controversial item it makes people talk and that's a dorothy draper quote yeah, always with that contract you know I do that in color so remember when I was showing you and I take a lot of my color cues from from um jeffrey bill haber as a current designer because I think he has a brilliant book that shows where he'll do a room ah and two or three colors and then bring in one element that has no point of reference at all to anything in the space and it looks so interesting because he does that so it looks accidental and it's the farthest thing from accidental on I love that and jamie drake even has a lot of that happening right here too um so there's some things happening that air intentionally very mismatch and could look very haphazard and collected about this space but they're not and look at the color of the floor connect in comparison with everything else in the space, it really doesn't have any any point of reference to anything but it really works and is interesting there's a lot of influence from all sorts of historic design in this piece from a mid century two very french piece is theirs yeah there's a lot going on and even one that you could look at and not know what time period it's coming ivory and that's where we get into timeless design and I think it's really, really difficult to achieve that actually tybee we have a lot of general decorator questions and color things and we also have I think, well, I personally I have a little stunned silence going on here while I'm digesting because this entire three day workshop has been chock full of starfury but this segment is serious visual over like we've had some fantastic responses already. Karen bevin davis wonderful siri's with toby fairly interior design cannot wait for the next one thank you, there's a lot of us bethany anderson have immensely enjoyed these classes and you toby, thank you very much for taking the time. Kathleen to polly oh, thank you, toby fairly you rocked it such great depth and you are amazing at breaking down the content content and after we have to add to that you're amazing at breaking down such intense saturated content into goodbye, sinking so that we may humans can understand it if the idea that you have, I mean, I find that fascinating, that you heavy accounting side. And I love that. You sort of, you know, you were saying, you sort of reconcile the colors in your interiors. It's, it's very, very cool.
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