Day 1
1Why Podcasting
18:13 2Top Reasons to Podcast as a Business Owner
19:06 3Students Goals for Podcasting
19:58 4Q&A
07:54 5Interview with Guest Srini Rao
19:33 63 Questions to Ask Before Launching a Podcast
23:55 7Listener Avatar Exercise
18:25Student Hot Seats
21:58 9Interview with Guest Bridget Chambers
14:25 10The Foundation Formula
19:16 11Show Theme Creations
08:39 12Keyword Research
32:15 13Interview with Guest Abel James
26:24 14Content Curation & Creation
40:46 15Content Strategy & Q&A
13:02Day 2
163 Formulas to Create a Magnetic Show Title
40:38 17Cover Album Design
42:39 18Video SEO Formula with Wendy Stevens
34:11 19Video SEO Formula (Part 2)
36:22 20How to Create Epic Interviews
23:32 21Your Delivery Style
43:43 22Doing Epic Interviews
19:05 23Setting up a Home Studio
07:57 24Interview with Guest Jason Van Orden
11:42 25Setting up a Home Studio (Part 2)
09:18 26Using Audacity
13:25 27Exporting Your Content
17:19Day 3
28Hosting Your Show in Libsyn
41:31 29Uploading & Scheduling Episodes in Libsyn
35:14 30Interview with Guest Rob Walch
33:48 319 Steps to a Successful Launch
41:58 325 Surefire Marketing Strategies
34:19 33Marketing Strategies Q&A
13:46 34Mock Podcast
19:26 35Monetization Overview
07:21 36Interview with Guest John Lee Dumas
23:18 377 Ways to Monetize Your Podcast
34:45Lesson Info
Students Goals for Podcasting
The one thing I want to talk about what we're going to go into the next segment is really focusing on on what is your main goal with your podcast what's the number one thing that you want to accomplish with your podcast to set yourself up for success. So what? I wanted you to each go around and just tell me what is the number one goal that you're hoping tohave, um, happen with your podcast and then if you're open to sharing what your number one question is not a fear, but maybe a little apprehension, because what I really like to do is help people bust through anything to break through and move forward for more often than not it's, not the technology peace when it comes to podcasting, it's actually knowing what you want to talk about, how you want to position yourself and that's what we're going to go over here the rest of the day. So I wanted to love for the audience to tell me as well, what your number one goal is that you wanna have from all those benefits we talked about, and then ...
maybe any questions or anything that you have where you're thinking, not sure what about this, just so I can understand where you're at, and we can help you, really? Push through, because, like I said, at the end of the three days, you will be able to launch your podcast and really get out there and fly so well, let's, start over here, let's, go backwards, put me on the spot. I do that a lot. Um, why I really do need your help helping me hone in on my message, because on the one hand, I want to help people tap into their passions, monetize that, um, there are a lot of people that I know who are miserable in their jobs, and they tell me, you know, I'm scared to be an entrepreneur, but I'm you know, I want to try that out, and so I would like to bring experts on and experts who have helped people transition from their job or whatever they're doing or tap into their hobbies and find out what their passions are and move forward with that. But it's not enough to do that mindset because you could tap into your passion all day long have fun, but if you don't have the right mindset, if you'd see, I figure if you over that mindset over that passion and then the next worker who can help you monetize that? That's what I need I need your help help me hone in on that so doesn't sound like I'm all over the place I want to be really focused on that and have fun though too I don't you know I'm gonna be all serious all the time but jack klein yeah it's not fun it's done you gotta have fun with it you really really do especially the podcast to because that's where that connection happens and that's where people really goingto you know embrace that and they learn more making it fun on engaging so we and I've got you covered we've got formulas and systems and blueprints to make a really simple toe help you honing because that really is one of the biggest and I know it was for me when I first got started is we have all these ideas were all over the place is entrepreneurs I mean, how many of us have an idea a minute that's a unique gift and our ability to be entrepreneurs but it's really channeling that and focusing that so that you really can't actually get get success and start taking action in your business? So thank you for sharing that I love it, we're gonna have some fun all right? I think my number one goal is the community building for at the helm was wells for myself and I'm making amazing connections with the experts that I'm interviewing and bringing onto the show so that's been great and I think the number one sort of issue a challenge I have is figuring out how to differentiate or, you know, do I consider unleashing down at the helm itself started as a women's event, but the idea for a podcast or a platform to bring these experts on predates that, ok? And that is open to anyone, and so I'm wondering if I should need down to women in terms of really focusing on the podcast or if I leave it sort of open it was originally intended. One thing that we're going to go into is a listener avatar exercise you will have access to that for justin rolling in the course that I really want tohave you dive down into because with what you're talking about, even just women we're all different there's so many different subcategories of women even then, so I really getting narrow and specific a lot of times I think when we start out in business, we think that if we you know target everybody oh, our business is going to grow it's going to be great but that's the exact opposite of what happens, we want to get very narrow, very niche and very clear on who it is that we want to track because then we have what I like to call those me too. Moments that's when really the laser focus comes in for your prospect were no matter what's going on out on social media, you know, the next pop up, the next ad, I mean we'r e t d society with, you know how fast people are connecting around? What happens is they get tunnel vision for you because they're like, oh, this is exactly who I want to work with. You know exactly what I'm looking to deal where I want to go, so really getting focused on that, we can definitely work through that and some things that were coming up so excellent. Thank you. Hi. So let's see, my goal really is to serve moms at the highest level possible and also to be able to deliver my expertise. So I've worked a psychotherapist with parents and moms for over twenty years and it's been that one toe, one model, so I'm really looking, I guess my biggest obstacle is looking how to scale that, uh, build the list to bring them back to the website, and I have a product now, so using that podcast to deliver great content, my expertise, bill community and bring them back and continue in community with me and be able to serve more than just one mom at a time, right? Will you share your products? Yeah it's ah eight step product getting mom's moving them from overwhelmed back into ese so um and then we'll have some parenting content as well. For the last twenty years I was teaching parenting and then became apparent myself and soon learned that oh, it's more than parenting you have to be you really have to be well to do well and it's really easy and parenting teo burnout so I've developed a system to really help mothers to take care of themselves and to build back the resiliency and capacity it's worked for made its work for my clients, but at this point I just do it one toe one and I would love scale that bigger fantastic but I just I love that and thank you for sharing because what's great with the podcast to is that you can reverse engineer than what you're content is to drive people in to those type of models whether it's for your programs for webinars, for tele summits for events, live events I know a lot of people get book for stage is that way, so if you don't have a product yet that's completely ok, I was right there I had no product, I actually develop my product leader and that's what I used to drive business with my website, but so I'm gonna show you different ways to use affiliate marketing and other formats that you can actually monetize your podcast but if you do already have a product I want you to really pay attention to what we're going to be going over and how we systematize and put your podcast together because that's how you will be ableto sell programs and have that set up right where it makes sense and it connects a lot of times sometimes people launch a podcast but it's like one off of their business and it doesn't make sense and it doesn't correlate and that's where they don't get the results are looking for so I really wantto you know give credit to that and really see stay on par for our focus with that toe help you launch for success um I really want to help people live more connected authentic and present lifestyle um and I have lots of questions I'm totally new to this but the biggest question that comes into my mind is audio versus video can you mix a bull should you stick with one why would you go with what are the other great question thank you for bringing that up so um the one so this is going to be personal preference based on really who your listeners who your avatar is and what industry or and so for me I started all with audio podcasts to begin with and I really might my show now the lifestyle entrepreneur I do a video podcast or excuse me, I do a video interview, but I only put the audio on itunes, and then I put the video out on youtube, but what happens? It depends on what your listeners looking for, and I really think if you already have both and you want to do that will go over those ways to be able to do that you can put the audio in, but the majority of listeners today or still audio listener. So it was just how one of the biggest conventions for podcasting new media expo in january, great event to go, teo for podcast, blog's content marketing, anything that you want to dio great to get interviews for your shows as well, but also know what's going on in the future of podcasting and what was really unique about this, about when they were talking about the future state of podcasting just now, I might be off on the exact months here, but just about twelve months ago, it was over seventy percent were still consuming on their desktop, like downloading a podcast listening at they're at their desk in the last twelve months. It's actually lipped on their phone, so the one thing that I do want to give credit to with that is that audio is still the easiest format to consume when you're driving. When you're when you're walking the dog when you're, uh, you know, doing the dishes, whatever the case may be, so it makes it really easy. So depending on your listener, though, on what your goal is, I always suggest to start with audio it's easier, you don't have to overcomplicate I'ma talk a little bit more about that when you're interviewing in different things with video, but I think that's the best place to start unless you have, like, a cooking show or you have high demonstration where you're going toe really wantto have the you know, if you're doing the photography show and you're actually giving the tips like what chase does and he's got the video and teaches everything what I do suggest, though, still put the audio in because people are still going to want to listen to you and then come back to your website later so I hope that helps you a little bit, but definitely I like to start with audio to keep it simple to start and then you could always out on more port for your shows in the future. My turn, your turn great well, I feel very lucky and fortunate to be living my passion I broke out of the corporate gig just like probably most of you guys here, and in turn, I want to deliver that to as many people as I can see, my goal with the podcast is to educate people to what true health actually is so that gives them the energy and vitality that they need to then live their passions. You mentioned that everybody is unique, they have their own unique set of gifts and skills that they khun deliver too everybody else so the more people that we can get living their passions and their dreams I think it's just going to make for a better society better world in the whole my big question is how to break through that paralysis by analysis, you know, we want everything to be perfect before putting it online and everything and, you know, that's a big kind of just roadblock, so I know it doesn't have to be perfect, but often times and just thinking about oh, well, maybe I need to add this maybe knew that that it's just that process by analysis, yeah, I had a breakthrough. Well, thank you. I've had that and I know every single entrepreneur of worked with has had that it some point and so the one thing that I want you, that I've really set this course up to be where you take action, I think the biggest thing most of my clients tell me is that I just make you get out there and just take action and move forward and just launch, because until you launch, you don't even know what's gonna happen for you, because when I launched all of a sudden, all these new ideas started a happy and, you know, an object in motion tends to stay in motion, but what more importantly happens, then the more you commit to your cause and what you're doing the universe khun support you more, the right connections are going to start come coming in, so we're going to we're going to go through that stop by stop to help you. But the one thing I want you to think about teo is that we've all heard billed it as you fly it and you just I know sometimes that could be scary, but it's never going to be perfect. I mean, there's so many things I still want to change on my website and this and that and the other you just gotta let that go and focus on what the most important thing is launching. And then you tweak it as you as you fly my brother's, a pilot for the air force, and he flies big casey casey. Ten planes have come back, but the jets and oftentimes the plans he flies home are broken, and so with with that even just that, though. It's redirecting the plane just a little bit and that's every plane that's not just you know what they're doing there but so we have to think about that on our course is well, you just have to keep flying it and just know that a little tweak a little tweak and that's how we get mad massive result in our business is just the little tweaks it's not all everything perfect that we have to tow focus on so we're gonna have stopped by set formulas and big on formulas if you guys like mad libs you're gonna love my course yeah alright yeah it'll be fun come in or go online audiences well, three eighteen media said I'm excited about interviewing people and also about how much my audience learns from each interview but my specific challenges growing the community around the podcast perfect we have another great example here from jennifer james and she says as a photographer I want to help clients prepare for photo sessions by interviewing stylists, hair and makeup artists, self image and self esteem counselors but I need help with strategic planning with that editorial calendar and how to encourage sessions without being too sales love it yes way we also have the rainy day store who says I want to talk to experts from western and eastern medicines along with what supplements help and hinder cures and diet that help people with illnesses and chronic diseases fantastic we have such an amazing audience is going to be really, really exciting, empowering and all of the questions that you just had we'll walk through that and be ableto hold your hand to get that set up and be ableto really crafter podcast for the results that you're looking for a building the community I've got like I said, a lot of great experts coming on and then also a lot of waste to market and to grow that community based on what you're doing to take it to the next level for your podcast some love it we'll still if you want to share your sure um well, you know I think community building which is what you guys brought up is a big factor in why I wanted to do this podcast I've been a professor for the past eight years on fashion and actually a lot of my students are watching today I guess on and they encourage me you know they're like we love to hear you talk and I'm like, ok, so what I need help with is just defining I think the theme in the format of the show you know, do you have the same format every time you speak? I've been listening to a lot of podcasts recently on how they go about it and I'm wondering if that's monotonous or if that's the thing to do is there a formula you know or do you just talk because I know when I would teach I would just start speaking on dh I'm scared on the podcast to do that, which I might be doing that right now so you know, it's semen format, I think and then the other question I had was also about monetization of podcast yeah, we all want to see you so theme and format are very, very crucial for your podcast, so the format though can be very, very organized or it can be off the cuff and couldn't be talk show style there's quite a few different styles of podcast that you can have so you could have a very specific you know, these that questions that you ask every time you could actually go into where you have a lot of other, you know, there's a lot of my friends that have multiple people on their podcast that's a really unique dynamic that you could have if you want a multiple guests or different hosts tuning in and sharing content and incorporating that way. Or if you want to have a tip based show, maybe your you know what? Jill for you a style one of the best ways as an expert to be able to leverage that is tohave one tip per podcast keep it short and then you can actually drive traffic back to sign up for a free bonus free offer freebie whatever that is to get to grow your email list and to start to grow that asset for your business. But also then you could bring in expert interviews where you can talk about style fashion, the new things that are going on because one of the best ways that people find you through podcast as they search for somebody else, they stumble on you, and then they come into your tribe. Happens to me all the time. I think the majority of people find me from somebody else, and then they connect with me from that so and that's what's really powerful, so you could still position yourself. Is the expert giving great tips and being able to use that for leads in your business? If you want to have high because any of hyeon coaching clients that's a great way to do that for podcast, give him a great tip and then say, hey, if you want to get ah for big style consultation or something that's, how you can monetize and we'll go through all the different models in ways that way. But definitely having a solid theme because if you think about it, if you're stumbling into itunes and you find a podcast and there's no theme to it, you don't know what the show is about, you don't know what the expert of the listener I mean, the person talking and a lot of people did this on their podcast, would you stick around to listen to that podcast? Probably not, you know you're going to just go back to the to find somebody else that has the answers to what you're looking for, because typically when people search their looking for a certain expert or a certain pain point that they're looking for help with or they want to just, you know, have fun, they want to find a podcast that's entertaining and engaging, so we'll go over that we've got, you know, formats to set that up and really help you set up to use teo, put your podcast together, but then also how to monetize it and systematize it that way. So more stuff for you way have both questions and comments coming in everybody's very excited to be here, and everybody seems to have a very unique perspective on their path with this podcasting adventure um, I wanted to read you something from rebecca, artistically speaking says, I'm transitioning my five year old podcast from artist interviews to the artist as a spiritual explorer trying to do this without losing my fave five thousand a week listeners is is her challenge so she's very excited to learn everything that you have to share, excellent and so on and that's a great point of what you're talking about. If you already have a podcast and you're transitioning, this can be done. The one thing that I really like about podcast audience and the listeners is it's, a very fluid marketplace. If you meet other podcasters, there is down to earth, they're cool people like you can connect with them. You could talk to him, I think that's just part of the the uniqueness of being a speaker in this platform. That's how we all kind of connect, but the one thing for transition your audience is just being sure that you're propping them and understanding if you already have everything all set up for your show it's letting them know the direction now you may even want to launch a new pot cast and set out that new track if it's that much different I mean you could easily. The one thing I like about podcasting is you can change. Anything on your podcast when you want like dave ramsey's changes album artwork like three different times eh? So it doesn't have to be perfect you can actually change it as you grow I know when I first started my first podcast I was just kind of figuring out how it all worked in understanding how you could actually use it in your business and then I started a whole new brand and a whole new business from it because of what I learned within myself and then also what I started to realize about my audience of my prospects of my listeners what they were really looking for was different than what I thought so if you're if you're at that point which is very, very exciting there's a way to be able to make that transition and we'll talk more about that so definitely ask questions later on we get more into the media details on that but that's in congratulations on your show already that's fantastic so I'm excited to help everybody get get launched here with their ideas as well yeah, you want to share one more example of someone who already has a podcast out there and want to share their topic? This is from elsie guerrero and they say I'm a romance writer and I want to talk to people about romance reviews and releases but also expert readers might want to hear from the podcast is called romance me radio and what's. Great about podcasting, too, is if you're an author, that's. How you can actually bring in the listener side and move them over to go find out more about your books, your programs, it's one of the best ways itunes and amazon play well together that way, where you can actually drive traffic back to one of the other to use but that's very, very exciting that's, a great niche as well. And people, you know, look at how big audible audibles is. An audio books again, it's, that we want the content to take with us on the go, to make it so simple for us to engage with so very exciting.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
This is the best $149 I've spent on my blogging/podcasting journey so far. The course was so rich, so jam-packed with information and ideas. I am on fire with ideas (couldn't get to sleep last night because so many ideas were rattling around my brain!) and truly inspired to go out there and do it. I'll be posting my podcast launch on the Facebook Group when the time comes. Thank you, Kris!