Day 1
1Why Podcasting
18:13 2Top Reasons to Podcast as a Business Owner
19:06 3Students Goals for Podcasting
19:58 4Q&A
07:54 5Interview with Guest Srini Rao
19:33 63 Questions to Ask Before Launching a Podcast
23:55 7Listener Avatar Exercise
18:25Student Hot Seats
21:58 9Interview with Guest Bridget Chambers
14:25 10The Foundation Formula
19:16 11Show Theme Creations
08:39 12Keyword Research
32:15 13Interview with Guest Abel James
26:24 14Content Curation & Creation
40:46 15Content Strategy & Q&A
13:02Day 2
163 Formulas to Create a Magnetic Show Title
40:38 17Cover Album Design
42:39 18Video SEO Formula with Wendy Stevens
34:11 19Video SEO Formula (Part 2)
36:22 20How to Create Epic Interviews
23:32 21Your Delivery Style
43:43 22Doing Epic Interviews
19:05 23Setting up a Home Studio
07:57 24Interview with Guest Jason Van Orden
11:42 25Setting up a Home Studio (Part 2)
09:18 26Using Audacity
13:25 27Exporting Your Content
17:19Day 3
28Hosting Your Show in Libsyn
41:31 29Uploading & Scheduling Episodes in Libsyn
35:14 30Interview with Guest Rob Walch
33:48 319 Steps to a Successful Launch
41:58 325 Surefire Marketing Strategies
34:19 33Marketing Strategies Q&A
13:46 34Mock Podcast
19:26 35Monetization Overview
07:21 36Interview with Guest John Lee Dumas
23:18 377 Ways to Monetize Your Podcast
34:45Lesson Info
Content Strategy & Q&A
So that's one one of the strategy style, so that second one that we can do this is for those of you that maybe have you got a lot of questions. So maybe you're going to be to be doing the solo up, uh, what I'm trying to say solo show, but the best way, teo, to focus on this, maybe you're still kind of like, well, I'm not sure what I want to talk about, or maybe that exercise didn't stream a lot of ideas for you. This actually is going to focus on what air the frequently asked questions that you get his business owners. We always have so many questions, and this is great content to start with on the reason that's important is because this is the search terms people would be looking for a cz well with regard to your business or your products your programs your services so think about frequently asked questions that you have and I want you to write out your top ten questions that you get from all your clients all your customers we all have these we all know what they are if not, you know ...
sent an email out to your list connect with other people, connect with your career prospects or customers on facebook wherever it may be teo get what their questions are this is really really powerful because again, like I said it's that organic search of people already looking for now second I want you to think about what do they ask that? What don't they asked that they should be asking because ah lot of times what happens? I know I get this with podcasting I get certain questions but there's a lot of other questions they should be asking that don't ever get asked and that's going to be provide that curiosity and that intrigue for for your clients so then you want to write out all of those for your show and that can be a style of a show how many people have block post where they answer questions based on what people have asked for their businesses? This is a great way for it to be found for search as well as to get more fresh, relevant content out there for your business that this strategy is great. If you're a traditional brick and mortar business, you get a ton of questions. If you're you know a restaurant that's got tip of the weeks and cool, exciting thing is that way. Anything that want you want to drive traffic mohr back to your website to be found with the search engines and then what I want you think about us. Focus on when you're doing solo, shows one main topic per episode so again, type out or write out your show now, let's, make it really organized, easy for youto flow through. Make your brief points that you want to make. So have your analogies, have your stories, and then have the point where it makes sense. If you need to practice this, by all means, keep practicing it toe, actually, because that's what's great with podcasting is begin to record it, and then we actually get a have a go live later also stories that you want to tell really, really important. Really covered that today that stories are really important and then comparisons and metaphors analogies just like what jill is doing with you know stories from the designer's having that engaging topic and then stay on topic no ramblin so what happens is sometimes we get excited about our topic we got great content and then it starts to fall off we feel like we have to keep rambling that's okay if it's shorter than what you thought and covered everything that you need to say that it's perfect you don't need to keep going on with that next what we want to do is again now we've talked about this a couple of times already so interviews typically I suggest thirty to sixty minutes like we've talked about you want to make sure you could get really good content out of your interview you know you could break him into individual topic episodes as well and then solo and you know what's great about that as you could use that and other formats you can use that to put audio or video files up on facebook or to get them to want to come listen into your podcaster google plus different areas and then sew shows like we talked about about ten to twenty minutes now this is the most important part is picking your publishing and your strategy in your marketing day so I think a lot of things the consensus here is once a week weak, because that what I'm getting sounds like it. Okay, that's perfect on dh. Then, if you want to do twice a week or by a monthly or if you want to do a lot more shows that's up to you again, it does depend on your strategy. So again, if you want to do more sponsorship of that's an air you're looking at going, then you're gonna wanna have more shows. That's, what sponsors are looking for for the downloads. But if you want to do more, where you're basing it based on your content in growing your email in your audience, and actually just once a week where that fits your schedule, that's perfect. So what I want you to write down now is pick the day you want to launch your podcast? Is it on a monday? Is it on a friday pick the day and time that you want to launch? And then I want you to schedule in and figure out when you're actually going to produce your show, and that can meet at the beginning of the month. You could take a sunday, bang out all your shows for the whole month, and then have them all produced, and then actually all set up to go out on autopilot, so you you get out of having to be in the the a production of everything and you can really focus on the content that you want to bring on your show and then also that's going to be focusing on your marketing strategy as well, when you're going to market and how you're in a market and we'll talk about that day three when we go into the marketing strategies no kind so the big thing that so we had the hot seat in the middle. So do we have any other questions right now from the audience on content, curation or ideas on how to really for the show for the podcast way, have a lot of questions coming in? I'm taking a look att I mean, we we had a question. I guess this this applies, mr iowa says if you're doing a solo show, are you able, teo, incorporate a q and a kind of with yourself and is that effective? Yeah, yeah, you know you can what's great about this, too is if you get questions like if you're doing. Other, you know, events or things where you get commonly asked questions, just let him know like, this is a really common question that I get let me answer that, so you wait not like that, but you could you answer the question, but then you could open that door up to let people know tio tweet you or to facebook you for other questions, to open that door up and get that started for that conversation. Absolutely. You had an interesting discussion in the chat room about the type of content you're using and having creative commons and licensing set, and I know that maybe young may be beyond the scope of what we're talking about here. But, for instance, social goblet says that there are law students, so they're studying a lot of this right now. Are there any tips for podcasters to avoid getting slapped by copyright infringements for any of these topics that they're talking about? Well, that's, if you're that slow, like you know, if you're goingto take a block post, then you copy somebody's content and put it on the web if you're just like verbatim breeding. What? Somebody is somebody else's work? Yeah. That's a big no, no, what I like to do is reference. So if you're talking about a point, maybe a law principle or a point that somebody was talking about you reference that who the person is, give them their credibility and, you know, quote them, and then you can have your spin off on what you think about that that's your own content that's fine, just long as you're not reading and stating it as you when it was, you know, mr, professor x y z and as long as we're on that legal end of questions, mr bill had asked, do you have or do you need to have a release or a contract of any kind for people who you interview? I like to have something. I keep it simple, though I'd like to have a little release form that just lets people know what the show's about, what they're gonna be talking about, what the questions are. If you have it that way, the length your I d for contact of how to get in touch with you, and then also, if you're going to repurpose contact now, some people go a ce faras having people sign. An agreement that's going to be up to you based on how in depth you wanna have that but if you're letting know when people say yes to your interview that you could be reusing their content in different formats just let them know all the different places that you could be doing that and then if you are going to be doing it for paid if you're going to be using these in a format, I really suggest that you have a signed agreement you let them know and that they're open to that I don't do I mean that the amazon repurpose ing it's so little it's not that that's more just for content curation, but if you're actually taking ideas attorney into products that something you want to talk about, what that expert and no don't just turn it into a paper product there's an interesting question here I know earlier we talked a little bit about the differences between video podcast thing and just sticking audio yeah, but here's a question here do listeners want to see your face at some point? Have you seen any data maybe showing that when you do put your face out there that people are more likely to connect with your podcast? You know, I don't know about the data, but I do know it's so interesting because when you start getting out there and then if you're at different events people recognize your voice first and they may not know what you look like I have mr me all the time so I think even though I do have a video side toe my podcast cause I have that on youtube and on my block but I don't put that on itunes I think I think it's great to engage people on other platforms as well to connect with you especially if you're wanting to become you know that expert they want to put a name to a face we always like to do that so that's why I suggest referring them over to facebook or another community where you can start to get them off of itunes or the ipads and more into your world to connect with you so I know what keeps saying google hangouts but I really like him for that ability to be able to connect and the google the rankings that happened for you as well. So if you can incorporate that absolutely yeah um when you had mentioned sort of the product book review is that flag to me? So I think I want to do some product reviews and some more talking about the rituals concept's um is it is it okay to mix those up within sort of my ten uh you know, first podcasts or should I have tuesdays is the product review friday's is the concept I think I would incorporate it I think what I would do is if you're talking about a book that you're reading try and think of a really good ritual book of a book that has that concept you can talk about what that ritual is doing what the benefit is and then talk through that um and use that on the actual podcast instead of separating them to bring it together and having a more cohesive show so it flows so when you're talking about the book then it's the practical side of how they could implement that and create a simple ritual in their life whatever that may be for the transformation there looking toa have okay yeah but I think that's great because it gives third party credibility for you on exactly what that is that principle and then you can actually reiterate that with with your ideas okay? And so even something like there are these little wishing papers though you write a wish on it and you basically set them on fire and they fly away um so that's not something that was specifically speak to a concept but I absolutely could thread that into any sort of group activity and yeah I like that yeah absolutely a couple more questions for you uh I am rebuilding had asked what content should go to youtube and what content should go on a podcaster is the answer all content can go to both you really can't have fun with that, so with you, too, if you're doing shorter videos that khun still work in itunes, I think it depends on the how long your videos are, so if you're doing a tip like a short three minute based show but that's audio, I typically like to see those a little bit longer, but if you're going to repurpose the video, three minute, five minute tips on a podcast could be great there's a a lot of great tips of cooking shows and and how to things that only take three minutes to fix or solve our create this great recipe and those air great for videos, audio I suggest a little bit longer you want tohave closer than a ten minute mark because you need a little bit more content for the audio listeners and then also fit not a little bit longer than that they won't. I think there's enough value in their toe want to tune into it? It's kind of weird because when you go to a video, where does our ago, when we first look at the video, how long it isthe now with audio, you would think would be the same, but what happens is when people tune and you've got great stuff, they want to still keep listening, so I do suggest if it if it's short create a longer audio podcast for that, or just put the video in and then started different show for a longer audio format. Okay, we have a question here from jonah about and he's in a case where he's just getting started. And you mentioned having these ten podcast ready to go out the door, kind of building these topics. So how do you establish these top ten or these fake use? If you don't already have an audience to send an email or a tweet to ask them what they think, is it okay to base some of these on google searches or just looking on trends? Yeah, absolutely. So what we talked about earlier with looking on amazon looking what people are talking about on facebook, on social media, look in your area, in forums or what people are already talking about, that you can get on board with that you have expertise around and ideas around, and then also. Just have fun with that, too. So, I mean, you could structure it where, when you're looking for that type of content, just keep a list like I use ever note. And whenever I have an idea, boom goes right into my podcast episode idea for either people that I interview, because sometimes you come across that or ideas so the same way you can start to create a content file for yourself. So then, when you actually launch, you still always have different ideas on there. So just have fun with that and just go after topics that you really are excited about. I can't stress it enough like abel talked about today, tio being authentic, passionate and realize the power of a podcast, and being able to really have fun with that for yourself.
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a Creativelive Student
This is the best $149 I've spent on my blogging/podcasting journey so far. The course was so rich, so jam-packed with information and ideas. I am on fire with ideas (couldn't get to sleep last night because so many ideas were rattling around my brain!) and truly inspired to go out there and do it. I'll be posting my podcast launch on the Facebook Group when the time comes. Thank you, Kris!