Top Reasons to Podcast as a Business Owner
Lesson 2 from: Launch a Successful PodcastKris Gilbertson

Top Reasons to Podcast as a Business Owner
Lesson 2 from: Launch a Successful PodcastKris Gilbertson
Lesson Info
2. Top Reasons to Podcast as a Business Owner
Day 1
1Why Podcasting
18:13 2Top Reasons to Podcast as a Business Owner
19:06 3Students Goals for Podcasting
19:58 4Q&A
07:54 5Interview with Guest Srini Rao
19:33 63 Questions to Ask Before Launching a Podcast
23:55 7Listener Avatar Exercise
18:25Student Hot Seats
21:58 9Interview with Guest Bridget Chambers
14:25 10The Foundation Formula
19:16 11Show Theme Creations
08:39 12Keyword Research
32:15 13Interview with Guest Abel James
26:24 14Content Curation & Creation
40:46 15Content Strategy & Q&A
13:02Day 2
163 Formulas to Create a Magnetic Show Title
40:38 17Cover Album Design
42:39 18Video SEO Formula with Wendy Stevens
34:11 19Video SEO Formula (Part 2)
36:22 20How to Create Epic Interviews
23:32 21Your Delivery Style
43:43 22Doing Epic Interviews
19:05 23Setting up a Home Studio
07:57 24Interview with Guest Jason Van Orden
11:42 25Setting up a Home Studio (Part 2)
09:18 26Using Audacity
13:25 27Exporting Your Content
17:19Day 3
28Hosting Your Show in Libsyn
41:31 29Uploading & Scheduling Episodes in Libsyn
35:14 30Interview with Guest Rob Walch
33:48 319 Steps to a Successful Launch
41:58 325 Surefire Marketing Strategies
34:19 33Marketing Strategies Q&A
13:46 34Mock Podcast
19:26 35Monetization Overview
07:21 36Interview with Guest John Lee Dumas
23:18 377 Ways to Monetize Your Podcast
34:45Lesson Info
Top Reasons to Podcast as a Business Owner
So let's go into really the top five reasons of why you want a podcast for your business and really help you understand. So the number one reason is that it does create results is that podcast establishes what we like to call a person to person p two p. And I'm gonna be referencing that the next couple of days relationship where you listen where thousands of listeners can tune into your podcast and each and every one of them can feel like they're connected to you individually. Which really, if you think about that is truly epic, it really, really is. When were ableto create that community and then have a funnel where you can actually connect with them and bring them into other areas in your business? So what is the pockets? I just want to briefly break this down because I know there will be some people that are like, Well, Chris, this sounds great. But way actually is a podcast, and how do we actually use it? So the one thing with a podcast, all it simply is, is an audio or a video fil...
e, and you can actually do pdf's. We're not gonna be talking about that these three days, but typically with audio or video, Father, you could easily be downloaded to your player of choice, whether that's your phone, whether you have ah, IPhone or an android phone IPad anything, and it's simply a simple as touching an ab an APP. You can go into ITunes and download the ITunes app, or you can download the stitcher radio Apple just phenomenal as well. So it's really simple. So one click of a button people can connect your podcast and download them to your phone and take them with you on the go wherever they want to go. So who is podcasting? I always get this question will be. And I think some of you actually asked me in the beginning to They're like, Well, you know, this sounds great. But, you know, will it work for me because this, I mean, that I can really do, and I totally understand that. So it's really great and what I love about our live studio audience here. You're all in different niches, and you're all in different segments, and I'm sure we probably have some people telling us where they're at now. So I'd love if you want to just pop in and let me know some of the responses that we've had absolutely, absolutely urban, Gypsy says. I'm a fiber artist. I've loaded a couple of YouTube videos but interested in transitioning to video podcasting. Not sure, though, about the difference between YouTube and podcasting. Perfect Love it way have a lot of great quotes here, Angie says. She's never podcast. She wants to start getting into, and she's an author and a speaker. I love it, Suri says. I'm looking for how to put together the story in the podcast, how to set up and on an outline for the interview and quickly at it. Perfect. That's a brilliant We're going to go over each and every one of those questions and even Mawr to really make it simple. I'm all about really making it stop by step, holding your hand through the process so that you by the end of these three days you actually can be up in launching your podcast, which is really exciting. So really, this is just to show you that you know, every niches out there. There's over 800 million blog's, and I know that's number is off. I know there's more than that. But, you know, if you look at the podcast market, if you're blogging, a podcast could be a great way to connect with the audio listeners and the people that want to take content on the go as well, because it's hard to read text and some, you know when you're in the car. So that's what any of these industries and most of my clients are all over the place. I mean, I work with entrepreneurs, business owners to very, very, very narrow niches to very big niches. That's one of the great things that we can do in the world of podcasting as well as you could be very niche specific or you can go abroad. So what I want to share with you here is really kind of what's happened with podcasting and why it's such a great area for you to be scouted. If you look at here, we've got the featured podcast providers, and a lot of people don't realize how Maney major networks all have a podcast. If you look at here, I'm sure maybe there's one show or channel in there that you probably watched. So you know whether it's Discovery, HBO, ESPN, CNN. There's all the different networks that are out there. So what's great about that is it also allows you to be in a pool where there are talent scouts already looking for top experts. I have a lot of clients that use their podcast to get booked on TV on radio because they already have a showcase of their talent and a great channel toe. Refer people over to get booked for business that way. So if you look on the right here, these are a lot of the experts in the business world. So, obviously, Lewis, he's been here on creativelive. Pat Flynn has a very phenomenal podcast. Amy Porterfield in Social Media. You've got able Who's gonna be joining us here later this afternoon, talking about his podcast as well. He's in the fitness industry. Brendan Bouchardeau just launched this podcast. He's one of the number one number one world's expert on how to help you become an expert and get your products out. So if you notice here a lot of business owners air, seeing what is going to be able to enable them to get their content on the go, connect with her community and also create that epic connection for their business and got Shaw malarkey down there in the corner with the money pill that we just launched a few probably a few months ago last summer. He's at a phenomenal email response. He's actually gonna be launching a book, and he used his podcast to grow that community and then audience. So that's what we're gonna talk about, really the positioning for how you want to use your podcast. And there's just some other examples. A lot of mom podcasts different. You know what a finance. So no matter what industry you're in, you can actually use this to position it for yourself. So how do we find them? This is a big question that I get where people are like, Well, where do I You know, how do you find this podcast? So the biggest directories out there are going to be the ITunes marketplace and then stitcher radio. So I tunes has over a 1,000,000,000 podcast subscribers. It's just it's absolutely mind blowing. That's his biggest Facebook user sips so very, very exciting and stitcher radio. I'm gonna go into some more statistics of what's going on with stitcher radio as well. But it's very, very simple. They've got make it very easy to search in their platforms to find podcasts. We'll go into that in a second, but then also just finding a lot of people stumble onto podcast when they're on their blawg. You have the audio and the video follow, show you how to do that, and that's what people will find out. Oh, this person has a podcast, and they might want to connect with that media versus the text Social Search engines. I'll show you how to rank on page one of Google for your keywords, based on how you want to set your podcast up and then social media, a lot of other different places. And like I said earlier, it's very simple by just having the app on your IPad IPhone, whatever device that you want to use to download and search for podcast. So this is what I really want to talk about, though, because I still a lot of times they're still questions about you know what really is the right person to be podcasting for in the high teens marketplace and I like to go over the five. Um, I don't know what you want to call him. The five he's but the first is experts. So your an expert on anything that you talk about, whether that style with its fitness, whatever the case. Maybe that's what I consider for that when maybe you're a dentist. Maybe require Proctor. Photographer. Maybe you have a very unique business that people come to you for expertise. People today are hungry for content. They're hungry for the right experts that they could tap into, learn from and engage with. So today we really want to control our content. We don't want to be told what to watch anymore. We want to tap it. And that's why Netflix has taken off so much because people want to submerge themselves in 10 episodes of their favorite show. They could do that. Same thing will happen with podcast for you. When your tribe finds you, they want to tune into you, and they want more and more. So that's what's great about that Now edge detainers. This is This is really I believe we're information marketing and content. Marketing is going because you know today in an education, especially with more the Gamification side. People want to connect with people that are engaging that they can learn from but also have fun with. So make your content fun. That's why I say we're gonna talk a lot about that. How to create that up a connection by having fun, showing up authentically and being yourself. Because when you show up yourself, a lot of people try to be somebody different. I want you to be who you are because the more you show up as yourself, the more you're going to engage the clients and customers and prospects and listeners that you really want to have in your business. Next is enthusiasts. Maybe, you know, there's a lot of people that have podcasts. Well, let me back up. How many people? How many of you have seen a block? That's just someone talking about their hobby that just have Yeah, And so the same thing with a podcast is I like to call them the enthusiast. So maybe you're I know a friend that slashing a fishing podcast. He's like this world class fly fisherman you know, gonna give tips on that. So no matter what your in in that area. If that's something that you want to learn, how to actually get your message out and build a community around or monetize or whatever the case may be, that's another area. Then we have the entertainers. I have to think all the comedians that have launched their podcast cause they really paved the way for us and really set the table of what has happened with the podcast world. So if you're an agitator, if you're are an entertainer, I called a couple different twists on that. But anything in your music if you're, um, Comedy, obviously. But if there's anything that that you have, that's an entertainment, you can definitely be showcased because I teams obviously does start with that music platform. But that's what people are looking for is really engaging content and then enlightenment. So if there's anything in spiritual outta here, or any areas in that where people are looking to tap in form or information on, that's another great category. So everybody conf it really into every one of those areas, and you can kind of mix and we've them. But those air kind of the main areas that will people are searching for. So the number one thing that I want to talk about that I've probably hit over the head already is that ITunes equals massive leverage. How would you like to joint venture with a brand that is probably one of the most well known brands in the world? You know? Thank you, Steve Jobs for what he's created for the following and the technology advancements that we've had, but also because of how people are actually engaging with ITunes. You know, it's like the one brand will. People will stand out, you know, seven hours in advance just to get the next piece of technology. And you're gonna be in front of that loyal audience by default just by launching your podcast. So there's like I said, there's over a 1,000,000,000 podcast subscribers. There's over 575 million plus credit cards on file. That's a huge platform, Um, and also so it really has a built in audience for your message. Right to start, which is very, very engaging, very exciting. So the other thing is podcast creates that instant connection, and that relationship, like we've already talked about, it's stronger than other forms of marketing because of that audio vocal connection. Like we talked about this morning, people gonna tap it to hear what you sound like, really good to hear your voice. And really, the trust factor goes up tenfold because they actually got to hear that you can't fake it on a podcast. You can't fake who you are on a podcast Now, writing I could have somebody hire out to write that out, But on a podcast, you just can't do it. So that's one of the cool things as well that you have that epic transparency that people are looking for. I like the one topic if you haven't noticed. So you really get to become memorable. That's what we want able. I don't know if I'm gonna ask him this later today. But I just interviewed him a couple weeks ago and he goes, Chris, you know how many city how many blog's have you read? And just in the past couple of weeks and I'm like, Oh, yeah, I have read. Probably be in a five block post. He goes, Tell me the name of one person that wrote that block. Can you guys think of you know any top? Maybe the big blog's that you follow, But the name of the person that wrote it, I was like, Oh, my gosh, Able You're so right. I don't even think of one name. He goes now, How many podcast do you listen? Teoh, Can you tell me exactly who they are and what they're what they're about? And it's so true. So that's one of the things that makes you memorable to stand out in that prospects are that listeners mind. So Number three is massively increased traffic, so the connection meat on your podcast creates a strong connection. So what happens when you incorporate a called action where we're going to go through formulas and systems to set your podcast up to drive that traffic back to your website? What happens is it allows you to easily grow your email list, but more importantly, the people that already listened to you again. They know you. They like you. They trust you. So that's a really qualified lead when they come over to opt into your email list for whatever you're looking for and who doesn't want great qualified leads that are already engaged in your prospect in your process and who you are. That's another great thing of that traffic source. The other thing, like we've talked about it's easy to consume on the go makes it easier being where the hockey puck is, where people are already wanted to go, what they already consuming, what they're doing. And I love you know, really, that volunteer, where people actually get to connect with you and then lastly, is the shortens, your stale cycle. It's It's so important because today we need over 10.2 peace and I forget the study who did this? But it's over 10.2 pieces of content, and we have to connect with before us as consumers trust that person to buy from. That's a lot of content, if you think about it. So what's great about this is it actually shortens your sale cycle with leverage. So when you produce that content, it's out there. People can tap into it whenever they want. I mean, I have people that email me and saying, Chris, you know, I just found you. I'm going back to all the archives now, and so they actually going to go and really listen in on all the different areas and really educate themselves. What? You're sleeping while you're doing other things in your business. So it's really fun. So that, like, plus, trust factor happened. So this is Stephanie. This is one of the case studies that we have that you can actually look through and what Stephanie had done with with her podcast. Know what a little Stephanie. She didn't even have an idea of wanting to launch a podcast. She didn't even know what it was she didn't even have Have ah ah. Thought to want to do it. She actually heard me on one of my webinars. And what happened is what her ears perked up for. That I haven't talked about yet. Is the audience members of ITunes. So Edison Research does a study. Well, Tom Webster does a study with podcasts almost every other year on the demographic of listeners. And they've stated that their affluent they're hard to reach, and they're highly desirable advertising targets. And so when I explained that the audience and ITunes is affluent, they're hungry for content. They're looking for experts. They're just like you and I, you know, we all have problems things that we want solve things, that we want to figure it out when I understand more about. And so that's what people are searching for. So when she heard that, that's when she decided to launch your podcast. But what uniquely happened and this is what I was telling you about earlier is that she had listeners that were emailing her and telling her, You know, Stephanie, I've never even heard of you. And this is actually in the case study that you could see the emails, but it says, I've never heard of you. I don't even know what you do. But I love your show. I love your personality. I love what you market on and I want to. I want to work with you. You know, the positioning that happens. So what happened? Because of that, she doubled her rate. She realized the expert positioning that ITunes enabled her gave her even more confidence in her business. Double the rates in the less than seven weeks she had two clients come on, bringing in $26,000 plus in revenue. They bought some other products as well, but even more importantly, she increased her email optimum rates by 500%. Now I'm talking thousands per month. This isn't just like a couple 100 she actually has. I didn't put that in there, but she actually has the numbers directly for the past eight months, and it just keeps going up and then just got booked for a Ted X talk. So how many of you want some of those results of your visitors? Exactly. I love it. So this is just some of the power of what can happen when you launch your podcast and be able to have it set up for success. So this is the other thing that I love. So, like we talked about earlier. There's over 800 million blog's out there. I know its way higher than that, but for podcasters as a man, there's and this is for more rubble. Choose the VP lips and we're gonna have him on later as well for some great stats for the future of podcasting. So I have to thank him for the staff. But he says there's 900 blog's to everyone. Male podcaster women, though This is your platform, ladies, there's 3500 blog's toe. One podcast And what are women? Naturally, Great at exactly? We're natural communicators. But even more importantly, we're natural refers. We will refer anything that we find that we love. And we do it without any need for anything to come back to us. And that's one of the beauties that I love with podcasting. So my one of my message missions is to really help women get out there, step up on their message and really create a thriving business because it and then as well I know Nathan like outnumbered, but it so it's really exciting. Man. Man, better weather, whatever. There. There's an opportunity for you with your podcast. All right, So do we have any questions that we want to take in right now? Yeah. I have a good one here from the appropriately named IPod in the chat room. But you know what comes first? Should it be the podcast or the email list that will drive podcast listeners? Okay, so that's a great question. So I pod, what I would suggest is So when I first started, my I didn't even go over my story, Really? But my backer and I was actually working in real estate before and I wanted to actually create a lifestyle business. I wanted to not have to be on the road. I was traveling six days a week, gone all the time. If you've ever been a road warrior, you know how tiresome that is on your body, your health, everything. And so I wanted to flip that, and I wanted to create more of a lifestyle business. I had no, lest I had no contacts, and I was going into a whole new industry. So I launched my podcast to start to grow the community. And a lot of the experts I'm gonna have on later today have done the exact same thing. So it's not the chicken and the egg in this situation. You want to actually create your brand crate your podcast. That's what's gonna create and drive traffic back to your website so that you can actually start to grow your email us. Now I'm gonna show you step by step, how to do that and do it effectively. Terrific. Terrific. Um, and givers asking how they're they're looking for ideas for how to attract their try, but at the same time, keep my competition out and is that something that needs to be concerned with? You know, that's a great question. I think a lot of people today, we especially when you first get started out in your business, there's a natural scarcity mindset and that that's normal. We've all been through that. We all have that at different levels in our business. What happens is what you want to do is you want to put out there your best self, and if you know you're gonna have competition, that's doing them. But I don't believe in competition. I believe in cooperative in working together on DSO You know how many other coaches air out there in your industry. What happens is when you put your yourself out there, you have your own unique message and spin. Nobody can take that from you, and so you have to own that. So I'm gonna actually be talking about that on day two. I'm really how to own that and grow that for yourself. But I would be concerned about that. I would be focused on put the best content out there, do your best and keep, you know, being competition with yourself. That's really what you want to dio, and that's gonna help you get the results that you're looking for That way. Awesome. So anyone? Well, last thing I want to end with on this part here right now is that the main thing that I want you to take note of? That could happen for you. With ITunes, you'll be discovered done. They're done one more time, you could be heard. And then, more importantly, you're gonna leave your impact. This is a legacy building tool. This is something that you can, you know, create a huge community and following around. And this could be around for years to come. The great Zig Ziglar and he has a podcast. And that legacy now is left behind where people can connect with all of his amazing content and still keep influence people down the road and in the future. So I want you to think about that and how powerful that really is today in our content world of how we can really inspired
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a Creativelive Student
This is the best $149 I've spent on my blogging/podcasting journey so far. The course was so rich, so jam-packed with information and ideas. I am on fire with ideas (couldn't get to sleep last night because so many ideas were rattling around my brain!) and truly inspired to go out there and do it. I'll be posting my podcast launch on the Facebook Group when the time comes. Thank you, Kris!