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Introduction - The Power of Simplicity

Lesson 6 from: From Structure to Style: Master Your Copywriting

Shani Raja

Introduction - The Power of Simplicity

Lesson 6 from: From Structure to Style: Master Your Copywriting

Shani Raja

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Lesson Info

6. Introduction - The Power of Simplicity


Class Trailer

Chapter 1: Copywriting Fundamentals


Class Introduction - Overview of the Course Content


The Five Aspirations of a Superior Copywriter


The Importance of Defining Your Intention & Audience


The “Secret Sauce” of Good Copywriting


Quiz - Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Simplicity


Introduction - The Power of Simplicity


Lesson Info

Introduction - The Power of Simplicity

after dedicating the last chapter to the mindset and tools of a superior copywriter in this one will begin diving into the four ingredients, one at a time, and we'll begin with the glorious ingredient of simplicity. And by the end of this chapter you become very clear on the many different ways in which you can enhance the simplicity of your writing to give it more impact. Now there are many writers around who imagine that it shows intelligence or sophistication to write in a long winded and flowery way, such as this in the light of the extent, scale, range and immeasurable complexity of the uncertainties that persist on the economic front. We conclude having evaluated the country's mid to long term prospects, that multifarious scenarios could yet unfold. Now, if you want, you can pause this and have a go at stating that idea more economically and plainly. But here is how one of my clever students rewrote it in this economy. Anything can happen now in the following lectures, I'll be sh...

owing you that using formal official fancy or convoluted language for its own sake, and having sentences replete with unnecessary words, like in the previous example, doesn't in fact make you come across as either more intelligent or sophisticated? More often than not. It makes your writing seem rather pretentious. Therefore, I suggest that it's usually best to keep your writing a simple, plain and economical as possible. You'll find that when you do so, your prose naturally becomes more light, fast and punchy and therefore much more engaging to read in the following lessons in this chapter, we're going to explore the concept of simplicity in its many dimensions, beginning by looking at the benefit of using as few words as possible to express your ideas, something that journalists refer to as creating tight writing.