The Five Aspirations of a Superior Copywriter
Lesson 2 from: From Structure to Style: Master Your CopywritingShani Raja

The Five Aspirations of a Superior Copywriter
Lesson 2 from: From Structure to Style: Master Your CopywritingShani Raja
Lesson Info
2. The Five Aspirations of a Superior Copywriter
Chapter 1: Copywriting Fundamentals
1Class Introduction - Overview of the Course Content
03:50 2The Five Aspirations of a Superior Copywriter
05:28 3The Importance of Defining Your Intention & Audience
06:02 4The “Secret Sauce” of Good Copywriting
04:29 5Quiz - Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Simplicity
6Introduction - The Power of Simplicity
02:06Tight Writing - How to Make Your Writing Snappy
05:43 8Tell it Straight - How to Write Plainly & Straightforwardly
03:36 9Don’t Overcomplicate - How to Avoid Unnecessary Complexity
04:59 10Quiz - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Clarity
11Introduction - The Power of Clarity
01:33 12Nailing Down Your Ideas - How to Fix Fuzzy Ideas In Your Copy
04:07 13Place Words With Care - How to Avoid Misplacing Words
03:49 14Be Specific - How to Avoid Ambiguity, Jargon & Abstract Writing
09:09 15Quiz - Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Elegance
16Introduction - The Power of Elegance
01:57 17Present Elegantly - How to Make Your Writing Look Good
04:10 18Narrative Flow - How to Structure Your Copy Beautifully
04:09 19Musical Writing - How to Give Your Writing Rhythm
05:31 20Quiz - Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Evocativeness
21Introduction - The Power of Evocativeness
02:28 22Add Variety - How to Reduce Monotony in Your Writing
03:10 23Be Bold - How to Steer Clear of Weak Words
03:34 24Create Pictures - How to Make Your Writing Jump Out
06:23 25Quiz - Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Editing With Style
26Introduction - Get Ready to Edit
01:31 27The Quick-Smart Editing System
16:11 28Quiz - Chapter 6
Chapter 7: The Road Ahead: What’s Next?
29How to Nurture Your New Skills
03:06Final Quiz
30Final Quiz
Lesson Info
The Five Aspirations of a Superior Copywriter
if you want to become an exceptional writer, it's important first of all to get your mindset right? So in the rest of this chapter, that's what I'm going to teach you how to do. And first off in this lesson, I'm going to reveal what I see as the five basic aspirations that anyone who wants to become a first class copywriter must cultivate. Once you learn these aspirations you'll find it easier to craft your copy to the highest possible standard. Every time here, then what I see is the five aspirations of a superior copywriter first, always ensure that anything you write is easily comprehensible. In other words, aim to make sure that everything you put down on the page will make perfect sense to your readers. Now, that means trawling through every paragraph, every sentence, every word and every punctuation mark, to make sure your meaning shines through crisply from start to finish. So that's the first aspiration of a great copywriter to ensure your writing is always easily comprehensibl...
e. Secondly, strive to make your writing beautiful. You see a superior copywriter goes beyond just trying to make their pros easy to understand. They also strive to make it read beautifully in other words, to create a highly enjoyable reading experience. I found that it's only when you write with this aim of creating a beautiful piece of writing in mind that your pros can really begin to sparkle. Now, although beauty can often be subjective, just having this aspiration to create something beautiful, We'll give you a totally different feeling and perspective when approaching writing or editing project, it can help to think of yourself as an artist approaching a sculpture or a painting Now, trust me focusing on creating something of beauty, even if it's just a quick email to your colleagues or a party invite can really make a difference to how your writing turns out. Now, the next thing you should strive for as an exceptional writer is for your copy to be effective and by effective, I mean effective in terms of simply achieving the purpose for which it is being written. Now, whether your purpose is to prove your suitability for a job interview through your resume and cover letter or to persuade a prospect to meet you for coffee or to raise investment capital for your company. Always remember that an effective piece of writing Is simply one that does a good job of achieving exactly what you wanted to achieve. Now, the fourth aspiration that I think a great copywriter should have is to strive to make your writing engaging. How do you do that? Well, if you truly want your writing to engage readers, you have to start by caring for them more specifically, you have to care about connecting with them. In fact, the more intensely you can bring yourself to care for your readers while writing, the stronger the connection you make with them will be in other words don't just bash out words and sentences one after another, hoping that somehow your readers will feel that you're writing for them specifically. You must make the effort to communicate intimately with them every step of the way. You'll find that a lot of amateurish writing comes across as mechanical and one dimensional, precisely because it lacks this concern for connecting intimately with the audience and as a result it's just not engaging. Now, while this may sound a little airy fairy, this quality of caring is actually what takes your writing to another level completely. Caring for your readers will ensure that you communicate with the right content, the right words, the appropriate tone and the best pace that maximizes their engagement. And finally, exceptional writers aspire to be authentic. They don't just go about using big fancy words just to try to make themselves sound smart or intelligent. They don't make their sentences weirdly convoluted and long just to appear sophisticated. An exceptional writer strives to make their writing sincere and straightforward at all times. Whether composing an email to clients, a blog post or a PhD thesis. An exceptional writers goal is not to impress readers with fancy words and sentences, but to communicate with them. Now adopting this approach to your writing will help to eliminate all pretentious nous, including all unnecessarily pompous words and complicated sample sentences that just can get in the way of genuine communication. So those are what I see as the five aspirations of an exceptional copywriter always strive to make your writing comprehensible, beautiful, effective, engaging, and authentic. And up next, we're going to discuss another critical aspect of a superior copywriters mindset, the importance of always being clear on the main purpose of your writing.