Alignment Exercise
Lesson 5 from: FAST CLASS: Fast and Effective UX Design: Learn the ProcessJose Caballer

Alignment Exercise
Lesson 5 from: FAST CLASS: Fast and Effective UX Design: Learn the ProcessJose Caballer
UX Facilitation Overview
06:29 2Brand Attributes, Customer Profiles, & Business Goals
18:21 3The Facilitation Framework
13:30 4Introducing The Client: SmartFeed
03:45 5Alignment Exercise
06:41 6Creating an Agenda
07:22 7Defining Awareness Goals
20:28 8Establishing Efficiency Goals
22:34Lesson Info
Alignment Exercise
So the first thing I'm gonna do is the alignment exercise, which I did with you guys. And this way, I'm going to do it up there, here this way. So here we go. And I'm always checking the time and making sure that we're doing it. So give me a beat, give me a three, give me five minutes on the clock. And ladies, here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna have myself up here at the end, and I'm actually going to include Chris too. Since now that we know. Chris, what's your last name? Donnelly. That makes sense. CD, JC. And then we'll start out here with Lin-- LD. And Dee, what's your last name? Engel, E. E, and Susan? SG. SG, perfect. I'm just using initials just so that it goes faster. We have a few hours together. Chris, what do you want to get out of the couple of hours we have together? We got a smart team, but I think there are some conflicting views on some critical issues. So the alignment of-- Alignment. which consumers-- Alignment on users, specifically? Yes. G...
ot it. And that would then translate into the prioritization of the user aspects. What traits are most important to be able to address those users? Not in the long term, but for this space. So prioritization? Just prioritization. Yeah. Prioritization assumes that it's now. So alignment of users and prioritization. Anything for you personally, like you want to get out of it? Like not just for the business. A game plan that leads to series A. Ah, series A. So that's good to know. Thank you. Appreciate that. Knowing everything is-- knowing is half the battle as they say. So and I'll go-- Notice I'm working backwards. So, SG. That's me. I think prioritization is a big one as well. Like we have a lot of opportunities and we need to understand what to hit. One word is okay, one word is okay. We're gonna be using one words a lot. Prioritization is one. Another one? I would love to know a little, go deeper on the customers because that falls over into marketing and helps with what my specific job is. Customers? So maybe something like-- Customer insights. Customer stories, insights, like in action. Cool. Anything for you personally, like that you want to get out of it? I'm down with series A as well. Oh no, no, no. For you personally. You can't copy Chris. I think that I just want to have fun with it. Okay there you go, fun. I think it's a lot of times we're in a basement with just our team and here we're out with the world. I like it. Thank you so much. I appreciate that. That's actually a good one. The fun one is awesome. Dee. Okay, I would say I'd like to figure out how do we combine communicating the value of our service with the ease and simplicity that parents need to use it? Got it. So value versus ease. I love that. Thank you so much. One more, or two more. One for you? One for the road? I'd love to learn more about this process. I'm just excited to hear you teach. The process. Excellent, I love it. To learn more about the process. So those are two there. One is personal, the other one is for the team. I like it, thank you. And last but not least. I'd like to know really what our reason for being is with the mobile app. What problem are we solving for whom? How? Being and then the mobile. Being mobile. So my handwriting is a little like sloppy sometimes. I do for the most times, understand. If you're at home trying to read this, my apologies. I'll try to write a little bit cleaner, but when I'm in a hurry or I'm fast, I'll write a little sloppy. That's okay. Or when I can't spell something, I'll just scribble it. And like, eh, it'll be kind of like, you know, hieroglyphic. So being mobile, and then give me two more. So I'd like us as a team to walk out of here, all knowing what we're doing next and why. What's next and why. I like that, that's awesome. And for you personally, something for you. I think this UX process, it should be DNA in every company. So I'd like for us to start this in our DNA now and take away this process, so that we can repeat it ourselves. Awesome, I love it. So repetition, that's what it is. I put it up as DNA. So I'm using black, my favorite type. It's a Sharpie Flip Chart marker. And then I'm gonna switch to red and I'm going to go now backwards. Only choose one. If you could only get one of those things out of the session, what would it be? DNA. DNA, excellent. Awesome, interesting. So that already tells me a lot in terms of what to prioritize the session to get out of it. So, Dee. Value, ease. value and ease. Ooh, that's an interesting one. Thank you. Susan? I think deeper customer insight. Deeper customer insights, awesome. And Chris, out of all three, align users, prioritize and series A. Prioritize. Prioritize. Boom, that makes sense. Notice that I'm there, I'm in the session. It's actually, also-- I'm a member and I should have probably filled it out earlier, but I wanna share my experience in my-- this, right? I want to facilitate, share-- So this is share experience. One is facilitate the process. And the third one is fun. So I'm sharing that with you. So notice you start seeing similarities or the ones that match. Sometimes themes come out. If it's like fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. It's like, you know, forget the agenda. We're just going to like, you know, boom. So since all of these, I know I'm going to give, they're kind of like a given. I'm gonna choose fun. Let's make this session fun. So if I were to unite all those things, again I broke them down into points and I forced you to prioritize. Remember what I showed you this morning? The goal of our session, the goal is to... bring... UX to... Smartfeed as DNA... Understand... Value... versus ease, which is a prioritization exercise. Have deeper... have deeper customer... customer There's a spelling one right there, understanding... Comma prioritize... All while having fun. Tall order, right? So the goal of this session is to bring UX to Smartfeed as part of our DNA, understand value versus ease. What's valuable to the user versus how easy it is to use. Have deeper customer understanding, and prioritization, or prioritize, all while having fun. Does that sound like a session that we want to do? Yes. Great. That's a collective goal. Does that make sense? Great, I need to accomplish that now during the session. I will put this aside as a measure as to whether we're accomplishing this in the whole session and I'll move on to the next exercise.
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Great example of how to work with the client in order to avoid infinite corrections during the design process.