1Superior Drummer 2.0 Intro
09:37 2Toontrack Solo Mode
15:01 3Memory and Status
19:35 4Layer Limits
14:40 5Voice Limits
11:22 6Cached Mode
06:01 7Expansion Libraries and Kits
07:38SDX Libraries Explained
14:18 9Producer Presets
13:29 10Envelope and Pitch Settings
28:27 11Humanize Settings
32:28 12Instrument Settings
39:08 13Easy Mixer and Mixer Tab
26:55 14Mixing Presets
08:05 15Bleed Control
29:14 16Using MIDI
21:58DAY 2
17Mapping MIDI Notes
38:31 18Mapping Velocity Control
16:32 19Mapping MIDI in a DAW
23:20 20Mapping MIDI Nodes
12:46 21Adding X-Drums
43:00 22Microphone Assignment
28:07 23Routing Superior Drummer in Pro Tools
32:25 24Bouncing in Superior Drummer
27:04 25EZ Drummer 2 and Superior Drummer Workflows
15:44 26Superior Drummer Q&A
20:38Lesson Info
Producer Presets
something else. In addition to the tool, settings are what we call combined presets. Now combined preset is different than a project, right, and it's different than a preset. I know we talked. Project is the way we can communicate with other superior users. Save it that way. That's kind of your best bet to save everything. But combined presets are really interesting, because what they do is allow you to select all of the features of functions and options of what you're saving. Now that sounds a little a little redundant, that everyone just catch my porky pig a little, well, redundant. It's pretty awesome. Um, but it's not when you think about some of the actual preset components that are available now a combined preset, we've got the default. But these air tune track presets all right, you're going to see a whole bunch of stuff. You got big drums, Pack ball, pack Joey Stir, just the Colossus Stephen Slate. All of these packs outside of the tune track pack are add ons that you would buy...
and their combined presets designed by specific producers that we'll talk about in a second. But let's talk about the tune track combined presets K. So Avatar Natural is the 1st 1 was selected. Now check this out. When you select a combined preset, it's giving you some sort of dialogue, and there's a lot of information here. Some of this stuff we haven't covered yet, but we're gonna show it to you anyway. It'll all make sense in the end, so the first thing it's saying is, Do you want to load all of the components of this combined preset and you'll see that the drum kit is selected. The articulation volume, the bleed usage, which corresponds to the mixture. The bleed level in phase mixer, the envelope, the pitch. All of these components are here, okay, and then we can load selected channels only so far there are channels in the mixer or things that it's not using. We can load that the entire mixture is what selected as opposed that. So basically, everything the way that it was saved is available and you'll notice something's great out. That's because those things don't exist in this particular combined preset. Now, if I select this weaken de select some of these other things and we can load on Lee components of this combined preset. Pretty cool. Let's say that you don't like the drum kit, but you like all the other components. You can do that in this instance. Let's just Oh, all see how that you could turn it all on off. What's okay? It's gonna open. We noticed it's loading down here. A lot of times people will automatically hit, play or start doing what they were doing before while it's loading. And the audio will sound glitchy because it's loading. And they're not paying attention to the fact that he's the load. Yeah, but now way have this particular combined preset loaded and you can go through here. And obviously there are different sounds. There's different. Nice, dry kit. Okay, weaken, load all that drums come and go. Things change. You can see that it's a much smaller footprint, Theo. The combined preset is cool because it really allows the sculptor to save all of the things that are necessary. So where it gets really cool is even after the fact. I'm sorry. Wrong menu. We come in combined presets. Let's say you wanted to see the Stephen Slate Fat rock preset flying. This is Stevens. Take on fat rockets appeared right here. The difference. What you're not seeing because we haven't discussed it all necessarily at is obviously everything happening on the mixer page. See, bunch of U Q. All of his sort of processing. And then we've got all of the mapping, which we're gonna talk about at a later kind of time, because again, a little more complicated. So very, very cool. You see that we have an additional drum here to called on Ekstrom, which would correspond to this area over here, which we will also be talking about at a later time, but an ex drum in its most basic form, so that as you see the terminology, you're not freaked out, and Ekstrom is basically just a short way of saying an extra drum. It's an extra, um, and that drum can be added to this component of drums. This this kit by itself. Let's say that you have a snare drum that's awesome, but you'd like a secondary snare drum because in your mind to the drummer you'd be playing with would have this other snare drum very common. You can add that as its own instrument or let's say that you like this snare drum, but you want this snare drum layered on top of it, which is what happened there. You can add the Ekstrom that way as well. So that's its whole Walt Disney esque magical ride that we're gonna take tomorrow. But know that we're just starting to scratch the surface of the flexibility. Okay, Makes sense. So as you get into the producer preset realm again, these are all combined presets. Now, there's one caveat that I want to give everyone about the way we do producer presets. That's very important. I'm gonna low to this collapse drums preset. It's gonna take a little longer to load cause it's a bigger file and there's some cool stuff going on under the hood and I want to explain this to you. So are we ready? I'm gonna push this button. No going back once I dio and one anyone. Okay, Boom. It's gonna ask me if I want everything. You'll notice that everything is selected. Fine. Okay, it's gonna load. So the collapse drum set producer preset pack is very unique and it's it's sort of a new change. Don't change, but it's a new kind of horizon for tune track when it comes to superior number two point. Oh, and one of the things that unique about it is that this particular set of producer presets was designed by a producer that used this kid on a record and a lot of times in the production process of doing or programming drums on the record, producers will typical use their own samples that they've acquired over years things that they've created, things that they know can enhance the sound that we may not necessarily have access to. So this is kind of a beautiful Segway number one right now, Superior 2.0, Superior 2.4 point three does not support the use of your own samples. So you can't just bring in any drum samples you have and expect them to work this in Superior. It just doesn't happen right now. But, Rick, why? Well, again, there's a number of reasons I would tell you that for most part because I promise your samples are gonna sound as good as ours. But there are reasons why you would want to use external samples. So as we start to delve into that as the years go on in, the software becomes more popular. This particular preset pack and we have another one or two packs have a unique feature where the producers samples are embedded in the actual preset. So, for instance, when you hear the groove, okay, so there is a kick drum sample and as you lower this down and it says Colossus kick because this was used on the Machida Colas album. So that's what he called the kick drum. That sample does not live in this drop down menu where you have access to it. Does that make sense? It only lives in the confines of this producer pack. So if you do not have this particular producer pack, you will not have access to that sample or this pre set of drums. Does that make sense? Because a lot of people what they will do in this instance is, let's say they have this producer pack and they open another sound library, and they say, Well, I want to use that kick drum cause it's cool. You can't. So there are some things that are sort of locked into play for the benefit of giving you the exact sound off of a record, or that a producer Roy likes to use. And again as a courtesy to the artist we work with in this instance to, you know, I don't think any suit. I don't think every producer in the world wants there really custom built samples just out there for everyone to use, either. So we try. And there's this kind of balance of artistic creativity and trust and to track has always been great at working with artists and directly with artists to help us shape our products. So we're hoping that you understand why this is the way that it is, but I want to make it clear that in most instances again, we release producer preset packs based on the actual library that they apply to. So, for instance, in this case, we're in Avatar, and you'll see that I keep going wrong when you when we go toe. So these are all the preset packs that are available in Avatar. Does that make sense? Right. But if we open another very popular and very, very, very fun STX the metal foundry, you'll notice when we go to combine presets, there's a whole bunch more and none of the ones that were available in Avatar. So they all correspond to the library they've been recorded for. And the reason we do that is so that if you're building special drum kits with special things in them like X drums and extra rooms that all of those drums air coming from the same library, right? Because if they didn't and let's say that in this particular preset, the producer used a snare drum from this STX and a kick drum from that easy and you didn't have those libraries, you couldn't use those presets after you bought him. Does that make sense? Is everyone with me? True. Is anyone Have I lost anyone? Okay, so it's really important to understand how your products are categorized and what you can and can't do with them. Yeah, OK, so and again, at any particular point time, I'm gonna open avatar again. Default kid comes up at any particular point in time. You can create any sort of combined preset you want to and save it for yourself. So, for instance, if I have anything so combined priests EDS User presets. Yeah, So I have an alternative avatar kit in an avatar special kit. So my avatar Special kit has all these other things in it that aren't in a normal avatar kit and click on it. Oh, now I've gone into on it. Now there's extra snare drums, Sam, Marines, Tim ballets, symbols, all kinds of things that wouldn't necessarily be in an avatar kit that I've borrowed from other drum sets. Don't worry, we're going to show everyone how to do this stuff. Just gotta wait for it right. But I also have this other one the Avatar special kit, which is Ah, my play on just the stock it that comes up. It's basically the stock Al Atar kit in its entirety with different drums selected. So I have a different snare drum as opposed to the standard default drum, and you'll notice that obviously I have unlimited layers set cause it's all reflected in there. So this would be something that I might use Think sense simple enough so you can save as many combined presets as you want to, and you can load a project as a combined preset. So remember I told you how you can save all of your superior stuff is a project to share with other superior users. Let's say you share it where they share it with you, and you don't want some of the other garbage that comes with the project. You just want that combined. You can just open. It is a combined preset. You don't have to worry about everything else. Kinda nice. So again, many, many, many, many options and then manage and finder, which is something else you see, is basically just showing you where your stuff is saved so that if you need to change the name or if you want to do anything else, you can do so there. It's more of a convenience feature than anything makes sense. We're good, true, anyone pure. Everyone's with me. Everyone knew that stuff already. Internet. Really? All right. You probably did OK moving on. So we've talked about combined presets projects and just basically saving, either or we've talked about the tool settings we've talked about. I'm going to go back to the default kit here. We've talked about a number of things, so now let's start getting into what some of these other functions and features are. So again, we've talked about memory and status. We talk about voice and layer limits. One last thing about your memory, and then I'm gonna leave it alone. Remember I told you we're gonna be bouncing between construct and settings, right? Everyone's with me on the settings page. There are a couple of cool things you can tick that will come into play the minute superiors open, so you don't have to think about him anymore. One of them is default 16 bit mode. If I check this box every time I open Spirit Drummer by default, it's gonna load all the samples and bit mode. A lot of E drummers use this because again, it's a different scenario. Lower memory footprint, Right? Then you have to think about it. You have to go in and set anything you know about presets. It's just automatically going to do that for you. You can also no visual hits. It doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but when this plays, there's visual hit that takes CPU that takes processing power from your computer. So when you turn on no visual hits, that means no visual hits. It's pretty self explanatory. You're saving a little bit of CPU, and the same thing goes to for no meters. That applies to your group. So it's, you know, when you hit no meters and you go into the mixer as you're playing, guess what? There won't be. Can anyone guess visual hits or meters? I'm gonna go gonna be no meters. And what is that going to do? Nothing to the sound. It's not gonna change, but CPU usage. It's gonna basically be a little less taxing on your computer. And then last but not least, we didn't talk about this gem right here. Classic view. So when you open Superior 2.0, this is what you'll see, right? Obviously, we're gonna default, Kit. Everything's good. Fantastic. But if you want Oh, look at that classic view. That's exciting. Does anyone know what this is? Of course not. Because from superior one point. Oh, this is what the original superior drummer looked like, right? Ouch. Could you imagine? All right, I'm going to get excited about programming squares. Let's go and it's got solo mute. It's got all of your stuff, you know you can select nothing changes with the feature of function, but believe it or not. There are people when they program that are more in tune to programming this way. So this is what the original spirit drummer looked like. I think we can all be very thankful for spirit number two point. Oh, yes, OK.
Ratings and Reviews
Shayne Sheldon
I am very pleased with this course. It was originally presented as a free live stream and is the first CreativeLive course that I have taken in. I am so impressed, that I have purchased it. If you are a current Toontrack Superior Drummer 2 user (or are thinking of buying SD 2) and are looking for a guided way to learning this software, this course is one of the best learning methods I have ever come across. I doesn't matter what your experience level is with Superior Drummer-- there is something here for beginners, intermediate, and advanced. Though I would recommend having a working knowledge of MIDI, audio and computers. Absolute beginners to using software instruments and creating music in their computer might find the information in this course a bit overwhelming. Instructor Rikk Currence takes you thoroughly through basic to advanced concepts showing the true depth of this virtual instrument program. Rikk takes you through the program settings and options; creating custom virtual drum kits; settings for MIDI controllers and E-Drum kits; using the SD 2.0 as a stand alone virtual instrument, as well runninf it as a plug-in in a Digital Audio Workstation (D.A.W.) like Avid's Pro Tools. So much more is covered in this course, that I can't fully begin to share it all in this review. The knowledge I gained from this CreativeLive two day course has given me extra insight, increasing my functionality with Superior Drummer 2. Two thumbs up for this Master Class-- I can't recommend it enough to all Superior Drummer 2 users Thanks to Rikk Currence and CreativeLive for a superior course on Toontrack's Superior Drummer 2.
Ian Stephenson
Great course, the tutor kept it entertaining and held our interest whilst still getting over a huge wealth of detail for all levels of user. recommended :-)
Killer class! Well worth purchasing. Each lesson is effectively thorough, as well as comfortably paced. And Rikk’s sense of humor makes the learning process all the more enjoyable.
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