Lesson Info
14. Segment 14 - The Social Media Journey
Day 1
1Segment 1 - Changing the Context of Sales
27:17 2Segment 2 - Building a Beautiful Company: Culture
30:53 3The Marketing & Sales Hourglass
26:49 4Segment 4 - Defining Your Ideal Customer
28:04 5Segment 5 - How to Create Your Ideal Client Persona
36:55 6Segment 6 - Map the Customer Journey
31:25 7Segment 7 - Content Creates Authority
23:46Segment 8 - Total Content Toolbox
22:25 9Segment 9 - Platform Essentials: Blog
34:35 10Segment 10 - Platform Essentials: Podcasting
22:27 11Segment 11 - Platforms Essentials: Public Speaking
28:46Day 2
12Segment 12 - Mining Social Networks
25:23 13Segment 13 - Top 4 Networks to Mine
30:09 14Segment 14 - The Social Media Journey
27:43 15Segment 15 - Building Your Sales Process
37:42 16Segment 16 - Apply to Your Business: Buying Process
33:23 17Segment 17 - Jill Rowley: Always Be Connecting
37:22 18Segment 18 - Koka Sexton: Building Social Selling
24:01 19Segment 19 - Expert Panel Discussion
15:24 20Segment 20 - Strategic Partner Network
32:32 21Putting It All Together Part 1
27:29 22Putting It All Together Part 2
22:12Lesson Info
Segment 14 - The Social Media Journey
What's your social media journey look like just like we had the content and the customer journey I believe there's ah inappropriate place for this idea of a customer of a social media journey as well here are the various functions in social media that I think we need to be thinking about we need to be collecting information right we need to be listening and I'm going to go into each of these in greater detail but this is kind of the you want to take a picture of this or a screen grab of of this particular one this is kind of the whole toolbox those of you that have the curriculum guess what you have links to all of these tools that I've listed in here but you also have I think the need to curate content so I talked about pulse already with linked in getting your content in their their tools like scoop it that allow you to bring content from all kinds of sources and build kind of these custom pages so if you're trying to really promote yourself is an expert one of the ways you promote y...
ourself as an expert is you write some good content but I think you also uncover an aggregate and filter out good content that other people have written and become seen as somebody who knows where all the good stuff is you do need to create some of your own content and and and elements that you share in social media I think sharing is a category all by itself that that we need to develop a practice of routinely sharing other people's content that that is to me one of the greatest networking tools it's available I have a daily habit of sharing probably ten to fifteen pieces of other people's content it's not just mindless yeah click click click you know share this stuff I go through and I find content that I believe people who follow me will appreciate and that I found on I share that but the but the net result of that quite often is that those people whose content I'm sharing share my content too you know they begin to at least pay attention to who I am and what I'm doing and and maybe they come visit my block and they start make in comments we start building relationships on they start linking back to my content and that is that's the ultimate way in which I think google has said time and time again that they want us to build links backto our sights is not to buy them or to get them you know in some odd fashion but people actually who you've built a relationship with in social media are actually now linking to your content and then the last piece of course his you know, social media is unfortunately I think it's been it's probably been tainted in some cases in marketing because my a lot of particularly big company marketers have turned it into another broadcast channel and I think a lot of us then look at that and see oh twitter is just a chance for me to promote myself or facebook is just chance for me to you know, broadcast my new message out but it's really and and and that's why I talked about it a cz being in one of our segments later today jill rally is going to talk about social selling it's really a tool that's best suited in the hands of sales person in a way which we all are in some way shape or form because it's the ultimate kind of personal connection and engagement tool that we have available I mean for many of you instead of focusing on trying to get a thousand fans or ten thousand followers what if you actually just had really deep built really deep connections with fifty people and I think that that's actually what's what's probably more available in this social media tool than we've ever had before journalists used to be really hard to get ahold of used to really be hard to network with now you khun build relationships with journalists and your industry very easily you know by engaging them in a useful way using some of these social media tools. So what might you collect for example, you might collect information you might listen to information from your customers by building twitter lists you might follow journalists and start building relationships with journalists using a tool like talk walker alerts this is a tool that allows us a free 00:03:59.493 --> 00:04:02. tool it's in the links in the syllabus but it allows 00:04:02.85 --> 00:04:06. you to set up alert so you can set up alerts for any 00:04:06.42 --> 00:04:09. name of anybody and you will get a daily alert to 00:04:09.39 --> 00:04:11. says, oh look, this journalist just wrote an article 00:04:11.7 --> 00:04:14. you might want to go participated or somebody just 00:04:14.22 --> 00:04:16. mentioned your brand or your industry or your competitors 00:04:17.11 --> 00:04:18. you can set up any alerts that you want 00:04:19.71 --> 00:04:22. the site all top is a great place to find influential 00:04:22.41 --> 00:04:24. bloggers that you might want to listen to there's 00:04:24.98 --> 00:04:27. a new two allowed called rival like you that I like 00:04:27.51 --> 00:04:30. it's a little pricey if you're not really involved 00:04:30.67 --> 00:04:32. in social media pretty deeply but it allows you to 00:04:32.79 --> 00:04:34. really track what your competitors aire doing all 00:04:34.79 --> 00:04:37. in one place on social media so you can see what kind 00:04:37.06 --> 00:04:40. of growth you can see what people are no tweeting 00:04:40.52 --> 00:04:42. or retweeting of theirs. You can see what facebook 00:04:42.91 --> 00:04:45. posts get the most engagement from them and this goes 00:04:45.68 --> 00:04:48. through to youtube and you know all the various social 00:04:48.01 --> 00:04:50. networks another great side if you want to if you 00:04:50.64 --> 00:04:52. weren't looking for inspiration on what to write about 00:04:53.72 --> 00:04:56. cora is a great it's a question and answer site so 00:04:56.53 --> 00:05:00. anybody could go there and ask questions and the community 00:05:01.1 --> 00:05:03. jumps in and answers I'm the nice thing is the community 00:05:03.84 --> 00:05:06. then votes the answer's up. So, you know, if people 00:05:06.14 --> 00:05:08. are basically spamming, you know, with answers, those 00:05:08.8 --> 00:05:11. will get voted down so it's. But what I like about 00:05:11.95 --> 00:05:14. it is it's a great they you can sort it by industry 00:05:14.74 --> 00:05:16. and follow you can only go there and say, I just want 00:05:16.83 --> 00:05:19. to hear what people are saying about yoga, for example, 00:05:19.34 --> 00:05:22. on dh. Then you can see the kinds of questions people 00:05:22.45 --> 00:05:24. are asking about. Yoga is kind of a gold mine for 00:05:24.97 --> 00:05:28. ah, for forgetting content ideas. Ah, and then we 00:05:28.79 --> 00:05:31. are I think we already talked about, but but feed 00:05:31.09 --> 00:05:34. lee is the tool that I used to subscribe to blog's. 00:05:34.71 --> 00:05:36. And so what that does is it instead of me jumping 00:05:36.82 --> 00:05:40. around to one hundred blog's, it allows me to aggregate, 00:05:40.29 --> 00:05:41. you know, all the blog's that I want to read into 00:05:41.95 --> 00:05:44. one page there's a there's, a mobile app for hurt. 00:05:44.73 --> 00:05:47. So if I'm just sitting there, kind of bored at some 00:05:47.31 --> 00:05:49. point are waiting in line somewhere. I can actually 00:05:49.3 --> 00:05:51. kind of scan through all the blog's that I subscribe 00:05:51.58 --> 00:05:51. to. 00:05:54.84 --> 00:05:57. So there is kind of my collection 00:05:58.1 --> 00:06:01. tool box so I use hood sweet because what I do with 00:06:01.12 --> 00:06:04. you sweet is I fall so I build these twitter list and I I want to know when people have mentioned my name I want to know when they mentioned the names of my books for example s so that I can engage those people and these two and whose sweet allows me to do that so avery talked about these other tools so let me just jump you know that's ah quick screenshot of inside of my hooch sweet account and this is always dangerous showing public stuff but you know here it is anyway then scan it see what's there but so this is anytime somebody mentions duct tape you know I'm this so this is one computer screen that could go very wide I can have as many of these columns as I want this is mentions of john dance mentions of duct tape marketing I think duct tape selling is is the next thing that I have in there so I could just pull this up and I can scan a c o I want to re tweet this or I want to respond to this person I want to send this person a direct message to all the things that I could do on twitter I can now do here I can actually you don't see it because it's cut off I can come here and just I can type a message here put a lincoln and do whatever I want and it'll send it out you know toe wherever I say twitter or linked in her facebook you know I tell it where I wanted to go or not want to go so this kind of becomes my management platform I can also come here and say you know what I think I wantto you know I want to send out these four tweets about you know, creative live my next creative live program but I don't want him to go all out right now right because that'll just bug people and won't have any value because I know people come and they read some in the morning some in the afternoon some of the middle of night so I could come here and I could say I want to send this message out but I want it to go out on may fifth at ten p m then I want to post it again I wanted to go out may sixth at eight a m right so I could do a lot of the scheduling that I might want to do and quite frankly for when I do tweak my content my amplify my block post I will do the same block post I will tweet the same block post two and three time don't over maybe a two or three day period because you know way I think we sometimes have this mentality that well, I send it out there and everybody read it right? But the reality is that you're catching people as they whatever routine there and I happen to have international followers. So there's a really good chance that one o'clock or two o'clock in the morning is the best time for me to be tweeting, write something, and so I will in many cases put something up there so that it gets it gets and I've I've tested this. There are other people have tested this, you don't annoy people, you actually just get more exposure. So this is inside feed lee s o this is these air blog's that I subscribe to. I don't really subscribe to this cross fit one don't worry, this is actually this was research I was doing because I'm sure you have an opinion about crossfit. I'm just sure ugo, but, um, but this is then what it shows up, right? So those are the most recent things, and if I'd read him already, it wouldn't show up there. There's a lot of different ways. You khun set this up so that you can view it the way that you want, but I'm just trying to show you how you kind of have this visual way to bring this stuff together. This is another tool that that I didn't mention. So I'm going to mention it now, because its name is mentioned. Come on, that was that was sort of funny, wasn't it? So this tool is, like, talk walker in that I can set it up, and I could say, any time these terms are mentioned, you know I wanna have. And so look, I did a nice, creative, live one, because I was getting mentions for duct tape. I think, yeah, there was duct tape in creative in creative life, but it just another way, another tool that you can use to monitor the difference with this one. And the real reason I showed it is that there's, a desktop app and some people just like that. So it comes down. You have software on your on your computer, you fired up, and it just goes out to your net and sucks all this stuff in. So you're not actually going online, did it? Terms of curation already talked about this idea of bringing content together those were a couple tools that really allow you to do that here's a quick screenshot of my scoop it for one topic so this is ahh topic on selling I just happen to name this dtm selling on dh unfortunately the first two pieces that are content from me but I also bring other people's content to this page and allows me to create kind of an entire custom page now this has its own unique your l so I can embed this page on my side or I could just send it out to people so I so think about your your instances you could create you could create down to the customer level so if you have a customer that's in a certain industry or is a certain demographic or is it has certain interests you could actually go to scoop it and create a page just for them that would bring in all of this content that you believe based on their interests or their demographic or their industry would be really useful information now you have the ability scoop it will actually seo yoga will hear our trend ten great you know articles on yoga you could say yeah add those to it or you could just go out and find your own and bring anything you want in here and so I typically create these pages and I'll put some my own content in there. But obviously, I'll put other people's content. And I'll comment on other people's content. So just it's, kind of a way to create custom content. And, if you will. So we talked about some of these tools yesterday, but a couple at a couple new ones, but word swag and canvas, really just image editing program. So these air, too pieces that are probably two of the most shared pieces of content that I've ever created, and I created him in about two minutes in inside of word swag. This one, I think I just sort of nailed the message for a lot of people that people were writing me saying that should be a t shirt, this one, I have to share it. I I'm I met ivan old die hard baseball fan in and the cancer royals like him. A lot of baseball professional baseball teams have what they call fantasy camp and so old guys like me and gals we had, we actually had one. I don't get to come and and for a week, play with the old players and actually play real baseball, and you get the real baseball uniform and everything everything, yeah, george, for it was actually my coach yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah I should've showed you that picture instead right um another tool I loves called list leigh people love lists some of the most tweeted shared content is five ways to do extra the twenty three tools to do block well this tool makes it really easy to create it's called leslie and you just create you goto and say here's what I want my list to be about and you put whatever you want in the list but it does all the kind of heavy lifting so this was I created again because I'm just a shameless self promoter a list of books on sales and selling you know around my my book launch I did not put my book on this list ok just because I said best books you know that that's for you guys to decide not me but but it pulls in this pulls in the linked amazon pulls in the description and creates this nice pretty looking little list and then gives me like a piece of code about this big that I'm bed in my block post and while I have a list that not only do I have it but people can interact with that they can add to it they can vote stuff up and down so I get a lot of real traction from that but it's also just another way to kind of easily create a pretty cool content. Okay? Sharing you know who'd suite already I told you you know my you know my favorite thing to do is share lots of content I think it's I think it has to be one of our primary practices so you have to create all these tools so it's easy for you to get that content for you to see it for you to interact with it right? So you know the feed lees of the world actually one of the nice things about feed lee is you pull up a piece of content on your phone and in my case because I have the feed lap and I could say I want to share this sheriff right there right to twitter right to facebook or one of my favorite secret weapons is buffer so that's another tool the free app that you can connect pretty much any social media tool that you want to sew you connected to your network social networks you connected say to feed lee what buffer does it basically does the same time I mean it you could do this inside of hoot suite but I like the simplicity of buffer in that you so let's say I see some blood content that I like I'm reading all my mail and I want to share all my ten piece of content but I don't really want to go all out at the same time so I actually add them to buffer and buffer of course has been set up to then put to as the name implies buffer the content out so it goes out at ten o'clock at noon at two that for whatever my schedule that I set up but what that allows me to do is share ten pieces of content at eight a m in the morning when it's convenient for me but know that I'll have something going into my stream all throughout the day now one bit of disclosure my youngest daughter works for buffer but I used buffer before and promoted buffer before they uh before she ever went to work there but you should check down out that's obviously a great tool as well the last piece is this in terms of the journey is this idea of engagement you have to make it really easy think about some tools that make it really easy for people for you to keep tabs on what's going on in social media with the people that you want to follow so if you use a cr m system that's really stands for customer relationship management but it's it's really just a way for you to keep tabs of your customers if you have a big pipeline of of customers jill who's going to be here this afternoon actually worked for salesforce dot com so they you know they obviously one of the biggest cr m systems out there but the idea and they hear our couple really I think great small business one's batch book and hatchback our two really powerful, inexpensive small business ones but what both of those tools do is if you set up a record so let's say you want to go and check up on your customers however many you have you have the ability to pull up their record and it will pull in their social media so you information so you'll automatically see what they said in facebook you know yesterday or what they did on twitter or linked in or whatever social networks you connect again this is all public information you're just attaching that information to their records so it makes it really easy they're a couple other tools that you might consider let's say you don't use any kind of serum it reported is actually an add on it's a it's a browser plug in officially so what that means is if you're using fire fox or you're using chrome you get the thie report of browser plug in and then let's say you're using gmail which I actually do you know for our company email so you get an email from somebody and down the right side bar reported will say oh that emails associated with these social networks here's what these guys were doing you know so that could be somebody you know something you don't know it all andi it's really great if you know it's obviously great with people you know people that customers you're getting email from, you know that's obviously that's a really great way to keep up I mean you could say oh now when I talked to him like I know they just had their you know susie's fourth birthday party you know I can make sure that I that I mentioned that right so it's a really great data but let's say you get contacts from a prospect somebody out of the blue you don't know anything about him it will show you who they are somewhat custom you know a company if they're associated with the company so it's really just cem cem nice information we get enquiries all the time from people that you know one us to promote things were right about things and it just kind of gives us almost a snapshot of you know who is this person contacting us and so it's a it's really great to have that kind of information at your fingertips contractually you know grates with a number of the c r m systems and does kind of an interesting thing in that it will you khun tell it hey, here are my most important contacts you know hit me over the head if I haven't contact if I haven't been in contact with them in two weeks or three weeks or something like that that so it kind of gives you this report and says, hey, here are ten people that you you know, you're neglecting that you said you didn't want to neglect or at least you haven't had any contact with them so they're a lot of that I think the key and all of this is to make sure that you're creating tools and routines that that don't complicate your life they actually simplify what you're doing so you know things like the sharing things like the keeping up on an industry things like knowing what your what your competitors are doing you know instead of making that just ten more things to do create routines that really allow you to say okay and arbitrarily at eight o'clock in the morning from eight to eight thirty you know I'm going to go through my social media routine that doesn't mean there won't be other reasons or opportunities or needs for you to do it but but set up kind of this routine that allows you to kind of click that off the list is what I usually advise people to do so the last piece on this is gonna be a big part I suspect of what jill talks about is is to really think in terms of with your customers this idea that you have the ability to socially surround now and this could be true of prospects as well as you start identifying and again when I use that term sometimes you know people it's like that sounds a little stalker ish cousin itt and I don't mean in that sense at all as much as to you know make sure that you were following them you know or fanning them or friending them in all of the social networks make sure that you're using some of these tools and these networks to actually go deeper in their lives their deeper into their business is again I think it bears repeating one of the things about a network is it tells you who they're connected to write that's the that's the basis of a network on dh and so having that information to figure out our tow learn who influences them who else they know who they might willingly refer you to I can't tell you how many times people you can go to him all day long and say hey you know anybody who needs what I do would you you know refers to anybody and you knew somebody asked you that what is your mind immediately goes blank right because it's like anybody I don't know that's like this big concept I can't you know I can't think of anybody but then when you go and you look at their profile and you say oh that's that's somebody I need to meet or that this person that they're connected to you know just got engaged you know and so now I'm not going to go ask him know anybody who needs what I'm going to do I'm going to say will you introduce me tio susan you know who you're connected within your you know in your network I'm just like oh yeah ok, sure you know I'd love to right I think you do great work I'd love to introduce you that person because now you've given him really that concrete way in order to help you and so ah lot of this this networking is not just saying you know, who can I get to follow me is really just is this kind of deep mining skills that you can develop to really figure out you know who is influential, who influences that person I give one one tip that I've used all the time is if there's somebody in twitter for example, that I find on twitter that I would like to maybe figure out a strategy for reaching out to them and developing a relationship I will look at the tweets that they have favored it which is just another option on twitter you khun re tweet things you can respond to things you can actually just hit this little star that favorites a post or a piece of content and I can't tell you how many times that has led me to the five people that I need to know or I need to reach out to in order to actually get access to that person that I really want to meet on drily in a lot of cases when you are trying to trying to do that level of networking, being introduced is absolutely the way that you're going to you know, I know in my case if I get an email out of the blue from somebody says hey I'd love to pick your brain and get him every day but but if I were to get any mail oh and just raise your hand so I'm going to pick on her value to get an email from and that's that said, hey, this is somebody I think you ought to meet we're talking about x y z and here's why I think it be a good reason for me I'm going to take that meeting there's a really good chance s o you know that's that's just the reality of you know our kind of time cramped brains and what weaken what weaken process and so what we gonna question why do you think people favorite tweets what's the motivation I mean I know that retweeting give somebody content and to be out there and they want to share it with their network there's actually two reasons that people do it the first reason why was created initially was to say I like this I'm going you know I mean because a lot of people retweet and favorite okay so they want to share it but they also want to have an affair as a favorite because it makes it easier to come back and find so you can then say show me my favorites, right? So it's kind of a sorting tool if you will it also does show up in your stream so if I favorite something it shows up almost the same ways if it doesn't show up the same way doesn't show up publicly but it shows up to everybody that follows me that I favored it so but but the real reason I think the initial reason people of course like in every social network they figured out how to use it as a spam tool to in some cases but what I find that is the original use that people would favorite something is because they really like that or they really like that person but it is another sorting tool too because you can go to your page and find everything you favorite right what's one battery for good bad or ugly that's right I bet you we have some stuff coming in from there because we've totally ignored them no it's ok that was actually a great time when you mentioned favorited tweets we had a question about hashtags on twitter now this comes from future photos and they say how do you know when hashtag is gonna be good to use or when people are just going to ignore it well I mean hashtags were really interesting because anybody can create any hashtag I mean there's no like law or rules or anything so so they are kind of the wild wild west in some instances now facebook is added on google plus now has hashtag so they have become a behavior that I think most people on social media at least recognize and large degree you know use there is no way to know a hashtag is going to be good I mean a hashtag is good because content around it is good because people want to share it because it it taps into maybe a larger theme that other people are talking about one of the things if I were going to say consider a hashtag say for creative life for this event right duct tape love I mean the very very first thing I would do is I would type that hashtag it and search it because there may actually be a cult called creative you know duct tape live you know that has got some very disturbing information that they're sharing on on twitter for example right so that's that's rule number one you know check out your hashtag because anybody can create any hashtag they want you can s oh then you know using a hashtag you know and whether or not it's going to be good is really really it just becomes an appendage of good content right now you typically will see and twitter was the first one to do this you'll see hashtags that are trending and that are popular in places and one of the things that that has become a a little bit of a spam e practice well they call it hashtag squatting so some hashtag that's really popular you start throwing your content into that and putting that hashtag on there even though you're contents not related to that usually really bad practice it first off you're not going to get any value on dh there are there are definitely some people that that have been burned you know terribly by that because they'll jump on they're actually tools that allow you to jump on trending hashtags and just automatically put your content into there and so then when that school shooting happens on becomes the number one hashtag in america you're content selling your products and services is right in there in that stream on dh there have been some instances of that kind of hashtag squatting that have, you know, really really burned cos so hashtags I'm not sure if I answered the question if I went to broad with that, but but the real thing about hashtag says there are no rules necessarily because anybody can create any hashtag ah I'll go right back just for a little bit on this idea of what makes a good hashtag I think the shorter the better in a lot of cases you only have one hundred forty characters if you and your hashtag use up forty of those you've limited people's ability in some cases to use it in some cases I think a good hashtag is one that's intuitive that atleast makes a little bit of sense or is at least related to the product or service or or idea that you're trying to promote because if somebody's going to be re typing that are trying to figure out what it is, you don't want it to be so odd that they doesn't make any sense, and so they're making lots of mistakes. Now I know we covered a lot here, with social media coming up, we're going talking little bit more about the sales process. Is that right? That is right. So we're finally going to talk about selling in stress fee, selling on that awesome. Now everything we've really led up to it has obviously been about that, but a lot of it's been in preparation for, you know, you getting out there and getting in front of a prospect, and so everything we're in the next segment is really kind of this. You have to build this sales process, you have to build what you know what it is you're going to do now that you've got people interested. Once they come to you interested and educated, what do we do now?
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