Lesson Info
15. Segment 15 - Building Your Sales Process
Day 1
1Segment 1 - Changing the Context of Sales
27:17 2Segment 2 - Building a Beautiful Company: Culture
30:53 3The Marketing & Sales Hourglass
26:49 4Segment 4 - Defining Your Ideal Customer
28:04 5Segment 5 - How to Create Your Ideal Client Persona
36:55 6Segment 6 - Map the Customer Journey
31:25 7Segment 7 - Content Creates Authority
23:46Segment 8 - Total Content Toolbox
22:25 9Segment 9 - Platform Essentials: Blog
34:35 10Segment 10 - Platform Essentials: Podcasting
22:27 11Segment 11 - Platforms Essentials: Public Speaking
28:46Day 2
12Segment 12 - Mining Social Networks
25:23 13Segment 13 - Top 4 Networks to Mine
30:09 14Segment 14 - The Social Media Journey
27:43 15Segment 15 - Building Your Sales Process
37:42 16Segment 16 - Apply to Your Business: Buying Process
33:23 17Segment 17 - Jill Rowley: Always Be Connecting
37:22 18Segment 18 - Koka Sexton: Building Social Selling
24:01 19Segment 19 - Expert Panel Discussion
15:24 20Segment 20 - Strategic Partner Network
32:32 21Putting It All Together Part 1
27:29 22Putting It All Together Part 2
22:12Lesson Info
Segment 15 - Building Your Sales Process
Building your sales process everything we've really been talking about kind of leads up to this point and I may have said this earlier in the program but I will say it again that if you were to come to me and say we're really almost any business or to come to me and say you got thirty days see what you can do to really make the biggest impact in thirty days this is the actually the place where I would kind of drop in first because it's a place where I think you could have in many cases the greatest impact but it's also the place where I see people kind of total neglect right I mean it's we do everything to get the phone to ring or to get somebody to tow want to meet with us and then it's kind of make it up on the fly as we go that day and as you can see I've been talking a lot about this idea of a system systems thinking a systematic approach to everything well you know this this actually wants somebody comes to you the sales process what what actually takes them from no like and trust...
and turns it into tribe I repeat refer has to be a significant system and it has to be thought out it has to be scripted almost in a way and that doesn't mean that you you become a robot but that you have a really intentional process that you go through because you're your clients you know will over time you know behave the way you teach them to behave right and so if you if you talk about here's how we get the work done here's what we need from you and then you just let him run all over you when they say they want to become a client because you don't have any process and they sell can I get it cheaper and I'm not going to do that step of it but I'll be here next tuesday too you know and you kind of agreed all of that well you've created a monster right? I mean and that's that's your own doing and so a lot of this idea of a sales process is not just to make sure that your efficiently getting people through and you're converting mohr people to customers but that you're actually creating the right experience for them as well because you know I expand a lot of people think of this idea of a sales processes this is very nero narrow window when somebody says yes or no um and I'm going to show you that my thinking is that part of the sales process particularly for small organizations where you might actually be doing theo only interaction with the customer or the prospect the sales process itself really extends across this entire journey in some ways so that's really the part I want to talk about and build but the reason I say it's it's such a significant element is that if you are generating for example you're a business that's generating say a thousand leads a month I'm just round numbers because it makes the math easier andi you are converting say one or two percent of those people to customers which not uncommon depending upon you know the business and you khun do a nice build a nice business actually doing that but if we came in and installed a sales process that actually allowed you to convert maybe three or four percent of those thousand leads to customers we've got a one or two or three percent increase in lead conversion right? Anybody know what that does to the bottom line we've doubled we've doubled the bottom line effectively because you are if your if you are converting just two or one or two or three percent but it actually happens to be if we go from one to two percent to three to four percent we've actually doubled the amount of customers you're generating so it doesn't really sound like that big of an impact but the impact on the bottom line is you actually doubled the business and so this is a place where one or two or three or ten percent increase or change can can significantly can mean the difference between making it you know or not making it quite frankly but it's also an area that with a little focus I think is very very possible to make sure that you are converting more these leads now having said that everything that we've talked about you know previously in the program is also leading up to the fact that you're talking to the right people right? So a lot of a lot of successful lead conversion unit comes about because you now we're talking to the right people I've worked with organizations over the years where we actually cut the number of leads they were generating in half at which you know freaked the owner out right when they first started seeing that but what they realized is that they were now not wasting their time on people that weren't good prospects and they were effectively closing more of the people they were actually talking to and so ah lot of times you know being busy by talking to lots of people makes us feel good but it can probably in some cases it can be the greatest waste of time and so having this set process that make sure so many of the things we were talking about that make sure that that you're talking to the right people then we want to make sure that we are are bringing them in and creating the right experience so that they they turned into the right customers as well. So this first but what I'm going to do is go through my actual sales process now for some of you will be components to this that just they're not applicability that you don't know how you might be able to use but it's really a to me it's one of the better examples of a kind of fully thought out process and and process that I could use and it's one that I could obviously readily draw from but our process has seven components seven stages seven steps and this sales process as you can see doesn't start with you know, selling it actually starts with education on dh my belief is that everything we've been talking about previously in this program you as you're educating is your building no like and trust you're actually in you need to have the mindset that you're actually in the sales excuse me that the sales process that the actual customer experience process actually starts there on dh that mindset I think is what is going to help you attract the right client on dh to the point where in are in my world at least you know I won't and I say this like their definitive but we make sure that we don't I should is probably better way actually even really engaged or talk very seriously with someone who hasn't gone through our steps of education hasn't at least consumed some amount of our content there's another person speaker that I heard speak recently that I really he's now he's now turned himself into an industry expert and a speaker you know, using a lot of the things that we've talked about but had a pool business his name's marcus shared and you can find him now online the sales line and he writes really good stuff I you should check it out because he's really is not specific to the pool industry but he still owns this pool and small business and he decided that you know he was getting you know it took him three hours to sit down with somebody explain what a process of building a pool was and how much it was gonna cost and he was finding that that many, many people were coming to him that weren't qualified that didn't understand what it was going to be that had absolutely no idea that it costs this much you know, to put in a pool and so he wrote this I think at the beginning it was like a thirty five page document and it actually had test questions on it I mean extra review you know you had to go through and he actually made people that people came in and said we want toe you know we want to talk to about a pool he actually made them go through this process they had to take this test they had two fully prove that they had written read this entire document before he would actually even talked to him. Now you don't have to take that kind of brazen approach but I think the idea ballpoint behind that is if people are coming to you and they don't understand how you're different already they don't understand what you do that that certainly it is not like what everybody else does that they're comparing you to you know you're going to struggle to to you know to talk about pretty much anything but price so if you started saying you know what if this education process what if I actually looked at them as a client great again many many of them will not be but what it does I think is it raises the bar in terms of you're working with them so that you feel like you're actually that that education process is actually part of delivering value and not just in a way to sell them does that make sense so and I'll go through each of these steps but this is you know this is our process so once somebody we know they're educated then we have a very specific process for then saying ok here's how it's going to work for you we have a very specific process for saying okay here's how can we get started how can we discover how we conserve you best uh there's a big part of our our work that involves around the research you know, for creating a marketing action plan for them then we actually sell them you know, on here is what we're going to do, right? We've done all these steps down here too now finally now we've got we've got a contract signed in here and we're getting paid you know, to do some of this work to prepare this but we actually then go back and say here is you know, here is the plan I mean here is what we think you need here is you know, the starting point in a lot of ways and if we don't get them to buy off on that you know, we either go back here and start over again or we you know, find some sort of compromise plan and I'll talk a little about each of these elements but but the real thing that that I'm trying to convey here is that this is an end and process so obviously a great deal of the time that we spend with them some cases is all the implementation all the doing all the projects that come out of the work that we've been specified but then we have a very are part of our sales process is that we're going to have a you know, it's some specified time we're going to have a time to come back and decide did we get to the results is mean some cases maybe we'll work with them long term so we'll have those kind of built in check ins in some cases will have a project that will do for somebody and we'll come in and we'll come back at a specified time and part of the sales process for us is to quantify measure and quantify the results they actually got wasn't what we promised was greater than we promise is there something else we need to do but this is all kind of one connected chain so before I dive into each of those is there are there any kind of global questions about that is that are we are we completely confused already on this does it make sense at least what I'm talking about? Okay all right so and I'll go over these fairly quickly because some of these components there just components in our in our process so it's really just an example or a case study almost all right so you have to kind of use your imagination so ok how would we apply that? But here a couple of the tools that we have so we have an e book that again we make sure that everybody has read or they've attended a seminar or workshop and we happen to call ours the seven steps too small business marketing success and so years ago you know I did those two generate leads and does those to generate leads today she gives out this free book that's a thirty page document that kind of mirrors this but that really that's that's our point of view people we I don't wouldn't again maybe it'll have a different story but wouldn't actually work with somebody that I didn't feel at least some of that point of view resonated they came to us and said hey what you guys are doing is unique or different I want to talk to about doing that for me we also have because we've documented our entire system we use a lot of the actual tools and checklist and things that we use with clients a cz examples of here's here's what you get with working us here's a way for us to show you how we're different nobody else is coming to you as a marketing consulting firm and showing you you know all of this you know, documentation all these checklists all these guides all this training you know that are actually a component of what we do so we actually use our end product if you will as a way to to educate because it is a tremendous differentiator and I think going back to that question yesterday about giving too much away no we you know again it's the execution in our particular instance there are certainly things that we give away that somebody could take out there and try to figure out on their own but the people that we want to work with the people that want to make sure that we know what we're doing and we have lots of ways to show them that we've actually then taken our entire system they put it into a kind of a one page plan that really that graphic kind of that graphic I showed you guys at the end of the day that had all the community things on it it's not that exact graphic but it it's an element that actually one piece of paper you know something can look at this and say oh these are the stages that I'm going to go through this is how it fans out into all the projects so we've taken our entire what might seem like complex at times system and boil it down in a way to show them look this is so we've given you all this read all the information that goes into detail but in the end we're going to show you it's really pretty simple and we can put it all on one page and so you know those air just are those just happen to be our education tools and again if somebody came to me and said I want to hire you I would make them go through that process of least understanding even if that process meant I was going to go out there and talk to them give them I would give them what amounts to a presentation almost I over the years called it an internal seminar so I would make sure that they understood our key point of differentiation so then the conversion process somebody says okay this you know, I've I've studied enough you know this really works from here. I you know I want to I want to see how this can work for me we use and again I'm just using my our terminology we use something called a signature brand audit is really just a tool now that says okay before we can really get serious about talking you know tell us about your business actually some of you guys fill that that format so it was a way for us to learn a little more about your business so you guys experience that but it's also 00:14:03.772 --> 00:14:06. you didn't see behind the scenes of what we were doing 00:14:06.2 --> 00:14:09. with that form I don't mean anything evil all right 00:14:09.36 --> 00:14:12. but but that that form is actually structured to follow 00:14:12.92 --> 00:14:16. along our seven steps methodology so as you were answering 00:14:16.22 --> 00:14:18. those questions we were asking you about strategy 00:14:18.58 --> 00:14:21. and about content and about the hour glass and about 00:14:21.05 --> 00:14:23. lee generation and about lead conversion in about 00:14:23.26 --> 00:14:27. planning which is our entire system s so we were able 00:14:27.19 --> 00:14:32. to actually get your answers or your feedback structured 00:14:32.56 --> 00:14:35. in a way that that could guide a sales conversation 00:14:35.94 --> 00:14:39. but even though we we had it's structured to guide 00:14:39.41 --> 00:14:42. it in the way that we wanted it was using your information 00:14:42.54 --> 00:14:46. that makes sense and so consequently if we were going 00:14:46.16 --> 00:14:50. to meet with you then and go over that form we would 00:14:50.05 --> 00:14:53. be using your information to basically make a sales 00:14:53.72 --> 00:14:57. presentation so you kind of guided it and all of a 00:14:57.75 --> 00:15:01. sudden it was real for you rather than me getting 00:15:01.63 --> 00:15:03. up there and saying ok here the things that you need 00:15:03.57 --> 00:15:06. to think about for your business generically I was 00:15:06.64 --> 00:15:09. actually I would be actually able to in one of these 00:15:09.69 --> 00:15:12. kind of evaluation or conversion meetings actually 00:15:12.3 --> 00:15:15. be able to kind of spit back a very personalized amount 00:15:15.51 --> 00:15:19. of information spits private termism but I'd be able 00:15:19.29 --> 00:15:24. to to give you in evaluation that was based on your 00:15:24.59 --> 00:15:29. information and so effectively you participate in 00:15:29.15 --> 00:15:31. that sales conversation so that doesn't make sense 00:15:31.97 --> 00:15:36. how that that change of bringing somebody in and using 00:15:36.44 --> 00:15:39. their data and their information to guide that conversation 00:15:39.64 --> 00:15:43. is is how you personalize the sales process now we 00:15:43.78 --> 00:15:46. also have and this is where it gets a little tricky 00:15:46.41 --> 00:15:50. but we also have a much deeper so you you guys did 00:15:50.61 --> 00:15:53. what was kind of the short version for us we work 00:15:53.1 --> 00:15:56. with organizations and all kinds of sizes andi in 00:15:56.29 --> 00:15:59. all probably stages of their education right so some 00:15:59.8 --> 00:16:01. cases people just find us and they fill out that form 00:16:01.99 --> 00:16:04. and we have a discussion with them and we learned 00:16:04.7 --> 00:16:06. it well they're much large orders they don't have a whole executive team I mean that we can't really we can't go forward in this that might be a school district you know would be example right is one person's not the only stake holder in this right? You realize all this has to be much deeper on dh so we actually have kind of a stage to conversion that we then would say way need to facilitate you know a much deeper meaning say with a um the school board or you know a full executive team or whatever we're working with on dh so we actually have something that goes much deeper that quite frankly people would pay thousands of dollars for it's a forty five of question fifteen page evaluation that really gets into every element of the business we start digging into culture and we start digging into all the things they're doing from a marketing standpoint organisational development standpoint way beyond marketing quite frankly and what we typically proposed doing in that case is to actually go and deliver and facilitate a meeting with the executive team based on all of those people filling out and giving that information okay and this won't apply to all of you again I just want to show you that that the sale a true sales process in many cases has these kind of larger steps or these you know the steps that you can actually use depending upon what the client the size of the client or the clients needs or how complex it is but we actually use that meaning to instead of now selling those people to actually just demonstrate its like it's a try and they don't even know it. It cost us money because we have to we have to take in that information, we have to evaluate their forms, we have to go and agree to meet with them on and facilitated discussion, but we're actually able to use that tool to get we can find out if there's alignment if there's misalignment in the organization, we could find out that's gonna be a good client toe work with if we, you know, if that's going to be a really bad client to work with, or in some cases, we actually can decide at that point that we don't want to move forward. But the biggest thing that it does is allows us to it allows them to actually just try us because we facilitate a very valuable meeting with them without ever actually acting like we're selling to them now. Typically in that meeting at the end of it, we will that we will say, you know, here or three things three or four things that we see or that we recommend and those will almost always lead to what we do, right? But they've never felt during that whole process that they were sold to we we started in my mind. Quite frankly, we started with the assumption that this was going to be a client was going to be a good client on we're going to start delivering value before we ever get paid. And so you have to sow so if you're attracting the wrong client right is a really big risk this is a really big waste of time but if you're attracting the right clients it's not at all because you're all of a sudden you're going to realize that you're making the decision about whether or not you want to move on here and you're probably going to move on here fifty to sixty percent of the time instead of two or three percent were you gonna ask something about that you were just going to address that was scaring you know I just got an image of you actually holding a customer's hand that it's actually ah holding and the right person is going to appreciate that is this going to lead to a hug oh I don't know I think you know you're right that that is such that such a great concept I probably hadn't used that but that in a lot of ways is what you're doing and I really do think and you'll probably hate this the people who come to us a lot times that is what they're in need of great need especially business owners I mean they don't really have anybody telling them if they're doing the right thing if they're a mess you know if you know if or if they'll tell you know they worse they don't have anybody telling them they're doing absolutely the wrong thing right and so I think there is a little bit of that whether it's accountability or holding their hand or you know whatever you know metaphor it ends up being I think you're absolutely right that's that's part of what it is but here's the really the key thing is that I've looked at that as though we are working together already even though we've not signed a contract and that can be a scary place right because if you're attracting the wrong people if you haven't done the education step correctly you will get burnt you will get abused in doing that because the world is full of people who want you to work for free and unfortunately no free scales to infinity right so so you thats why so much of what we talked about earlier in the program is so essential that you that you have built and that you have this education sort of filter that that you are placing you know squarely in front of the market you almost look like you have a pained look it could just be misinterpreting your like deep in thought but I think because what you say is a cz your business you are your client's business owners but I'm thinking and how how I can apply each state to my business right so that's like a deep slow process yeah and you know what I am going to do because you're absolutely right I mean I'm giving him a very specific case study and I actually toyed with do I flip this around and just tell you the basics and then come back with the case study or do I give you the much deeper kind of case study so that you understand each of these elements because then I'm gonna come back and say okay here's what your system needs to look like and so we will dig into that and it's kind of a you know which one do you give first because they have different different purposes but so so hang on to that thought and we'll try to try to maybe help herself but I know what you're saying how awful for me because I'm I'm applying right away good a couple of the other tools that that we use again in the conversion were eight were actually we document everything and so we're able to show people if I'm going to help you set up a social media plan by the way here's what it's gonna look like on dh so it may not be their specific plan but I'm able to show them you know here here is the process we go through here's the checklist that we go through and it's amazing how I mean if you've if you've figured out how to get people a result is amazing how powerful a sales tool it could be to show him here's actually how we do it now here's the checklist of the forty seven things that we think of thirty two of which you've never you've never considered and and that could be really really powerful we actually use a contract on dh that can't I for years I did not I called it an agreement but I decided that that if if this is going to be a mutually beneficial relationship than the idea of a contract is we actually use it to spell out in very specific terms here is exactly what we need from you here's exactly what we're going to do for you you know here's exactly down to the point of saying it will be a white binder with thirty two pages that we will deliver on this state maybe that's a little extreme but again you know, really setting very very clear expectations all the way to the point of saying we're going to need x amount of hours of time per week you know from your executive team you know really really set this up is this is a mutual agreement that that not only because I think so often in business we have a tendency to feel like the buyers buying from us and they you know dictate everything that they control everything and you know in most of your business is you can't get them a result if they don't participate would that be a fair statement, right? And so I think that it is I think I think one of the greatest ways you khun differentiate your business is to is to demand that they participate or walk away because neither of you are going to get the result unless they look at it you know as seriously as you do and I you know, years ago came to the realization that in many cases you know, one of the biggest traps that we fall into his entrepreneurs is carrying more about the result that our client does right and and while we can be very carrying about the result that they get and really want them to get that value you you know it's emotionally draining to care more about it than they do and so it's a part of this idea of a contract is to really set the expectation that they have to participate fully if they want to get the result that you're going to do it together that's a collaboration I'll tell you about one tool and again this is it's strictly a bee to bee tool but it's called first research that again it's it allows you to pretty inexpensively kind of a couple hundred bucks a month have all access to thousands and thousands of industries and you know what their trends are, what their issues are pre sales questions actually if you're calling on somebody that's in the heating and cooling industry you actually can know you're here the five questions the ceo is going to care about here the five questions the cfo is going to care about him it's just really if you're if you're doing prospecting in sales into b to be particularly its which again I very few of you are but it's uh it's a great tool so certainly out there in the in the internet land there are people that are so something really interesting that this process that you go through is getting me to think about is on thursday I have a meeting with the director of an entire youth football organization little league youth football that that called me and and they're affiliated with the oakland raiders it's in oakland junior raiders and I've been uh talking to him through ah email and trying to organize this meeting and now we have it set up and I'm really excited about it because for many reasons one we could obviously blanket a program for all their teams also get a celebrity athlete endorsement which is really important but hearing what your process makes me think I should probably come up with some questions ahead of time to send him and then build my meeting around that so I'm wondering if if we're going to go into like, what are some of those essential you know questions that we would want to as a business owner offer a potential you know I have a page about questions the tough thing about what are those essential questions? They're going to be different for every single one of you dramatically I have some categories of questions but I do want to come back to your date you know what you're thinking is definitely a great idea sent you no homework some sort of conversation starter you know it becomes what happens I many of you have gone to that meeting you sit down you go well okay tell me what you're gonna do for me, right? I mean that's how the meeting starts and you're immediately on the spot and now you're scrambling right because you really don't know what they want, what they want to hear what they think of anything on day much better conversation is okay, now that you've read our seven steps, this moment is marking tell me what resonated with you and all of a sudden the conversation becomes you know, that person talking about what their challenges are but you have a framework for you I've talked about it in terms of taking control of that sales meeting and that that's really what we're talking about control may be too strong of a word for sometimes for some of you a lot of people that you're going to actually sit down and call on you know, they don't know what to do, right? So you got there and they start peppering you with questions you know, which may or may not help them in any sense, but they you know they're stuck right it's like, okay, we're having a sales meeting and you're not going to guide it if you're not going to take control of it I guess I'm the buyer so I get to take control of it right? So then they immediately start saying, well, why do you charge so much right and all of sudden you know you're dead so better question would be a better approach would be that they that they say wow, why do you do these ten steps? I didn't realize the value of those you know tell me more about that on dh then all of sudden the conversations about value rather than cost the idea is don't go into any business meeting cold don't just think you can go in and sell an improv your way through it I yeah I mean it's short answer jest to that absolutely that that's why you know before salad I mean before conversion you know, education is a step in the conversion process is a step in the sales process if they don't already know or have some understanding about how you're different and what you do, you know that that is clearly not like anybody else or at least what your processes you're going tohave I mean, you're basically there than to convince them you know, they really I wouldn't take a sales meeting unless somebody is actually to the point where they're saying you know what? I want to hear how this would work for us. I understand what you do I want to hear how it would work for us on because otherwise you're completely on the defensive and you're you're justifying maybe and not very not very elegant eloquently you're justifying your cost is all your doing absolutely that has that has to be there even if you know even if what it is is oh I found you on facebook or I find you this and I hear you do x y z come out and tell me about it you have to have that step to say well let's slow down here is the way that I know you can get the most value out of us meeting that's how I love to position that is that you take this step on dh then when we meet for an hour you're going to get a ton of value got it yes one comment on that is you know when it was early in my consulting they're so many companies that need marketing health but for me to go to somebody and say you need this health if they're not ready for it or they're not in that part you know they're not interested then it's a huge waste of my time and kind of the same might be for you if they're not open minded to actually think about taking on a program like yours then the conversation won't go anywhere and it might be better to just nurture that relationship and educate them and that's why you know so it's not saying anything related to whether they are not ready but they need to be at that point if you're going to be having the conversion yeah and you almost need to think in terms of this is going to start getting into the egg zigler old school of selling approach your but you almost think need to think in terms of taking it away until they're ready and until they're ready might be that they understand you know more fully what it is that you do and so you're actually not throwing up roadblocks but you're actually making sure that you know you don't get cut out at the knees because you know you haven't you know they think you are oh you're a marketing person come fix my website right is what what they know interpret your marketing person is you in your sales method you don't even talk about money or how much you're consulting program costs in that initial not in western education so when I reach out to this director before the meeting would you say I shouldn't talk about money at all? I should just kind of ask questions to get information typically that's the best approach because money and costs and how we evaluate is just a function of value if they don't if they if you haven't been able to express to them the value of what you do then all they're going to do is say, oh, I could get that kind of thing for half that somewhere right so you at some point you obviously always have to tell people what it costs but but if you don't take the time to build the value or the rationale for the cost they want they won't be able to consider and they might dismiss it without even going in it's kind of like what you said yesterday wouldn't most people want to skip steps you want to go from like noto bob because they said they would buy they said they're interested I want to run out there in solitude right right but they weren't prepared to buy you know where they thought they were buying something so the uh price will be introduced at the conversion state yeah I mean or in some cases so we do this I talked about this two faced then we do this discovery piece and we actually make a recommendation in a lot of cases then they will say okay yeah these are really great recommendations I would like a proposal and so because well we do have kind of a set price for you know a certain type of program there's always variables that we want to make sure considering on dh so we don't you know there isn't just a you want a b or c so we actually do a proposal now in some businesses you know it's not gonna be a long term engagement it's a it's a one time kind of fixed thing, you know, you may want to get to the price faster, but you want to make sure that they understand why your price they understand the value of why you charge more so that education step. So so again, this is this kind of an in between step this so it's somebody's maybe hired us at this point, we definitely do have then this whole process for orienting them for getting the information that we need from them we ought it, you know, all kinds of information. It basically is a very formal process that we can extract what we need to do the work for them on with them. And so, you know, rather than us saying, ok, yeah, we'll set up a meeting in two weeks and you know, we'll get started that we actually have a very okay here's exactly what happens next, it's part of the contract? Actually, you're going to get this form. We're going to need you to do this by this time, you know, here's your orientation package, you know, the television, everybody and, you know, what's gonna happen over the next month. S so we really are communicating and hopefully keeping that buying experience, you know, really high, you know, at the point at which they've hired us then we have had very you know a very set processing again this won't apply to all of you but this is you know to me we're still in the sales process even though we've started to do work for them were actually being paid for that this is how we we stay really focused on getting them the results so we call it research but in your business is it you know it may just be you know setting up the shot it may be creating the programme for them but this is the first step for us and so we have very very step process for we have tools that we developed and documented for this and I will tell you one of the ways it every single one of you can differentiate yourself is document stuff you know create guides create checklist create here's what's going to happen next create orientation pack it is because nobody else is doing it and you know in your competitors and you can't you can't over communicate enough and it's a really great way first off a great way for you to run your business you know I mean I even today when I'm I'm trying to create a social media plan for somebody I have a checklist you know I could stand up here and talk about it till I'm blue in the face but that checklist just makes me more efficient it makes me go yeah we need to put this in the plan. Oh, yeah, we forgot about this, right? And so just having all of those for everything that you do, um, and I give you a great book toe pick up on this idea is called the myth revisited by michael gerber, probably the most widely purchased entrepreneurial book on the planet. It's actually called the myth revisited and that's really he's. That was really a great a great influence. That book was a great influence on me and this system's thinking. I mean, now we don't, we don't. We don't do anything without them saying, how could we turn that into a system or or document that? So again and our you know our world and I think some of you after listening to some of you you go out you get this you create all this stuff we are being paid now but there's a point where we have to say okay here's what here's the plan you know here's what it's going to look like here's what now is going to call cost because in many cases and again in our world you know we're telling somebody okay you need to do this you need a new website you need all the you know these kind of recommended projects and you better budget you know x for that because I mean over and above you know what what our fee is going to be because that's just the way kind of our world works is that a lot of times people are going to buy advertising because of our recommendations they're going to do direct mail because of our recommendations and so you know we develop a budget so there really is kind of this final sort of okay here's your new strategy here's your new core message you know we've developed your personas you know is everybody on board on dh infact in in larger organizations we actually kind of not demand but we recommend a step where we're going to come in and educate everybody in the everybody in the organization you know here's the new marketing strategy you know here's the new core message. Here are the priorities for the next ninety days, and then, you know, for for us, we just, you know, we start doing the work that we started implementing on dh. We do everything by project plan. We draw from libraries and check checklists and examples of past projects. And, again, this won't apply to all of you all as much as it's. The concept that plot that, I hope, applies in terms of building this stuff out and documenting it. And then the final step is for us. Part of the sales process is this review that we build in and typically it's, a quarterly planning process. But we also try to we try to very early on measure, okay, what are the results that we promised? Where are you today? You know what the results were promised? What are the key things that were kp eyes, or just keep performance indicators is what that term stands for. But, you know, what are the things we're going to measure? And we actually one of the tools we create pretty early on is a tool, a metrix tool that says, okay, if the the's air are three priorities, how are we gonna measure if we're making progress on we use? That is kind of the baseline for results that were achieving.
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