Take Responsibility Day
Lesson 11 from: Show Up Like a Boss: 10 Days To Big ConfidenceBeate Chelette

Take Responsibility Day
Lesson 11 from: Show Up Like a Boss: 10 Days To Big ConfidenceBeate Chelette
Class Introduction
03:39 2Strategic Relationship Day
05:00 3Career Opportunity Day
04:33 4Man Versus Woman Day
05:19 5Strut Your Stuff Day
04:28 6Collaboration Day
04:15 7Communication Day
04:37 8KIS Day
05:20Lesson Info
Take Responsibility Day
welcome to take responsibility Day my huh? That's my favorite and years wides, my favorite because it is so easy in our lives to blame on something. Okay, let's blame it on the circumstances. My favorite is blame it on Mom. I did it for a long time. Let's blame it on our parents. That's blame it on the mistakes other people have made. Let's blame it on missed opportunities. Let's blame it on everything other than ourselves. The truth of the matter is, you are here where you are today, watching this because off all the decisions that you choose to make. So how about we take responsibility for our own actions? Let's take a look at this. Be the person in charge. Leadership in life starts with a simple decision, which is to take control over your own life. Nobody's doing it to you. You're doing all of this to yourself, even though it might be the mean boss. And even though your colleagues are whatever and somebody's conspired and somebody took an opportunity away from you. But really, let ...
me ask you this. Are you going to allow them to define who you are going to be? Or are you going to be in control and now taking charge off? Who is defining what I always say? My circumstances aren't defining who I am going to be, But I will define what my circumstances are going to be a much, much more powerful way to look at it. So the next point I want to reiterate is take advantage of personal development. You already here, You already watching it? Congratulations. I really mean that because that sets you apart from, ah, lot of all the other people who are out there because she already identified that. There's something that you want to take to the next level, and you've taken a step to build your confidence with this course with this class and all the lessons. And I know some of these lessons are little, you know, a little tricky, perhaps, but you are pushing yourself to that next level to that leadership position. I really want to congratulate you for that because that shows that you are made out of the right stuff made out of this stuff. The leaders are made out of the ability to look at themselves and to move forward. You do have a responsibility to change. Every time you recognize something about yourself or you have done something, we going, Yeah, you know, I am. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, or I don't know why I acted a certain way. Don't don't be upset with yourself, but just simply noticed that some off what some of these patterns might be and then go ahead and change them because you do truly have the power to change every single aspect off your life. Some of the greatest stories that we heard from some of the great storytellers of people, celebrities whom we know come from the most horrible set of circumstances. And they have step by step, really built themselves to this position off power. Why, for one reason only, Because they took responsibility and they wanted to be in control and in charge off their lives. So my question to you is one question. Who are you going to be? Because that is the great lesson and the action that we're going to be doing today. You get to define that and you get to define who that person is going to be. So let's take a look at this together. You define who you want to be by writing down the attributes and skill sets that will get you there like all the good stuff that you want to be Generous, humorous, funny, entertaining, engaging. So all of these different attributes that you like to possess Well, let's identify them. And then you proceed in the self development to continue to hone those skills until you actually become this person. And this is what we're going to be doing today. This is our final lesson in this course it is. Think about yourself as an established leader. Now think about like you've already done all of this, right? So you're here and you're kind of looking back and you say, Well, all these things brought me to where I am today and write down what that is. Who are you going to want to be? And that's it. And then you proceed to actually making good on that promise that you just gave yourself to be that leader because you already seen that picture in your head and you're simply executing your own plan. That's the final lesson for today. So I thank you very much
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