Tools & Resources for your Online Business
Lesson 8 from: Start a Profitable Online BusinessLewis Howes, James Wedmore, Derek Halpern

Tools & Resources for your Online Business
Lesson 8 from: Start a Profitable Online BusinessLewis Howes, James Wedmore, Derek Halpern
Lesson Info
8. Tools & Resources for your Online Business
Day 1
1Benefits of an Online Business
13:04 2Turn Your Passion Project into Profit with Lewis Howes
55:59 3Drive traffic to Your Website with Derek Halpern
1:20:47 4Create a Product that Sells with James Wedmore
1:05:48 5Develop & Sell a Webinar
1:26:37 6YouTube Marketing Strategies with James Wedmore
1:12:58 7Build Online Authority
46:42Tools & Resources for your Online Business
15:58 9Build an Email List with Derek Halpern
1:18:43 10Outsourcing: Find the Right Team with James Wedmore
1:16:04 11Facebook Marketing with Amy Porterfield
58:23 12The 7 Steps to a Standout Webinar
1:09:54 13Marketing with Affiliate Links
19:40 14Class Takeaways and Next Steps
39:48Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Tools & Resources for your Online Business
we've been We've been sharing a lot of stuff that some people might feel very overwhelmed with, Uh, we were talking about This is the brake like now my to do list is twice as long as it was before and really the secret. I think this is where we start to transform. The second half of event is showing you how to manage all this. Make it happen. How to automate a lot of this. The magic in the power of the Internet is the fact that there is a lot of automation the reasonably she wants to do a virtual event and even a fraction of the cost me like, Well, if a ticket for a live in a 1600 versus to 97 or 4 97 Why, why wouldn't I just keep doing the live events? Well, you don't have to book a place. You don't have to travel there yourself. You have to be away from home. You don't have to do deal with outside get to do in the comfort of your living from the Internet, obviously provides all those amazing opportunities, and I'm gonna share some of the tools that we all need. At least you don't eve...
n have half of these tools in order to do what she's done so far, which is also very exciting. So I'm always a big fan of making it as easy as possible for people to give you money, and that's a big problem. We have a product. We have service. We're providing a solution for our customers. Yet they have to go. How do I give you money? How do I get my money to you? And we need to make it as easy as possible in order off. Easiest to most robust, I guess. Simplest. Most robust. Here are some merchant accounts, live shopping cart options, and we'll go over these in the pros and cons and how you know where you fit in and plugging PayPal is the one that most people, if not everyone, knows it's the easiest way to send and receive money on the Internet. It was really born about of the eBay days. I used to do a bunch of eBay stuff when I was in high school and PayPal solved the problem, sending money. So for Alicia's, we set up a papal check out button and people can just click on that and they can send their money, be a paper or a credit card and boom. It's in her online PayPal accounts. The next one down is something that's it's a merchant account. It's a shopping account, a shopping cart. But it's also more of like on online merchant shopping place. I don't know what the right word would be. It's a store. In a sense, click bank dot com allows people who sell digital products, software, e books, membership sites, etcetera to upload their products and sell them. And when people pay the money, actually, is the merchant account. All that processing stuff that can give us a headache actually is processed through Click Bank and Click Bank just pays you out like a nice employees, Um, and so you get a nice little checks every other week. I'm a big fan of putting putting proxy on here because as loose it will be talking about when we get into things like affiliate marketing. That could be a headache when you have to, like payout your affiliates yourself and manage that click Bank does it all for you, Um, and because they do it all for you Click Banks. They're so much more eager to promote and support you because they know Click makes gonna take care of it, and they know when they're getting their money. Uh, tracking is set up. All that stuff is set up. It's really easy and safe for your customers as well. It's easy for them to. If they have an issue with their process, they could get it taken care the next levels beyond that will take on extra step for you to get a merchant account, which is why we're not gonna go into this technical specifics of it. But I always recommend it because we can create a product on a fly and name our price point and get people to pay us. And they can pay us by giving us their credit card information through shopping cart. So the first system I recommend and abused for years is one shopping cart. That's what I first used when I got started. Um, you know, there's there's other comparable versions that that that's like $100 a month. You can create products in there and people can give you credit the type in your credit card info to get the processing the next level beyond that, something that's gonna cost a little bit. Um, and that's actually a type of infusion. Soft, not shot. Um, just sell that suggestible written that down, um, is gonna be, ah, more robust, more intuitive. But also have a higher learning curve is gonna b'more. You have to figure out and learn before you. You can start up and running, and another one is office autopilot. So this is kind of like if you're doing your first product and you want to see him on a school, But it's possible it's really this order of just start with PayPal. And that's what we did with Alicia. So question office autopilot back in June. It's $300 a month, and I'm just using it as an email account, right? Basically where I'm sending out and I really wanted to be automated. It seems like I'm always using PayPal and I don't know. Do you guys do you? I'm just kind of thinking, Um, should I just use PayPal or, you know, get office autopilot cause I really want to work with them, but it's kind of, you know, you get upset because it's definitely in the long run one to be using their shopping Kurt service. I mean, personally, I haven't used office autopilot, but it's very similar to infusion soft because for me, for a few reasons, Um, there's a lot more functionally with the customization of your check out page. You can, you know, add images and your testimonials and stuff on there. But most important, I think the biggest thing is that you need to be able to start tracking and segmenting your list of customers. So you have You're selling your live virtual live event for 1600. You have now this virtual boot camp. Well, when you start selling other products and services, you can segment those lists automatically in the shopping cart. So So when someone buys this, they go into this list. When they buy this, they go in here and you could market to them separately and automate that entire process. I don't think we're gonna go into the specifics of the how twos, but that that type of segmentation off obviously more advanced stuff eyes. What can really separate you from taking things to the next level of my butt? I'm going to encourage you to to use more of the tools that office autopilot does have and get off of just PayPal. Yeah, however, I would contradict that and say, If you're not gonna figure it out because it's too challenging or is not your skill set to figure out office autopilot, you can use Click Bank to set up your products and use something like eye contact or a Weber just to email your list and save 250 bucks a month for now, would you? Because I think it's an issue of an either or so. So I tell everybody they should have a product on Click Bank like a 47 to $97 e book. Click Bank is not the place for a $500 boot camp because for a few reasons which we want to get into. But it's really just a great place for an evergreen $50. dollar e books. So from that same way, absolutely. But when you're like we created a thing on the fly like we're like, What's the price to 97 perfect like You can't go to Click Bank and just like call me like I want to sell product tomorrow morning to 97. Can you set it up? And, like, just trust me that this is you know, But when you take so we can have office takes a lead weight through. When you have office auto parts like tomorrow, I'm gonna raise my price. Could do that in office. Autopilot. Um, I agree with loose as well, though. You don't need to learn it yourself. There a lot of people that have a V a that managed infusions offer office all because they get pretty crazy. It gets pretty technical because there are so many options. We need to look at it. There's a good reason why they're that technical. Um, like I said, this is some of the boring stuff, but this is like, these are the tools that make your life a little easier. Here's all the stuff, um, that Alicia may just need and you guys should all need as well t do what we've just done. Um, we're doing You don't even need a website to do what you've done. We didn't send people. I mean, you send him to a check out page that was on a website, but you don't even you could send him straight to the papal page. Eso we talked a little bit about a website. Um, Derek brought this up with blogging and having a blogger using WordPress. Um, there's a great theme that I use and recommend called Optimize Press, which creates beautiful sales pages, landing pages, squeeze pages. There's plenty different themes out there that can do this. This just one more. But I recommend now if we have a, whether it's a live boot camp you're gonna offer or the product you're gonna create from that, I recommend a plug in for wish lists called Wish List Member office Oil has already built in. I mean, that's it's amazing. I'm aware that, um so which what wish list member does is it allows you to take pages or posts on your blog's and making private, so people have to have a user name and password to access it. So now you can create your products, and when people pay you, they create the user name password, and that's how they get access on every product, whether it's a membership site or just video traffic academy like just video training. We use it. We use. Wish this member to get him through that. No. Why do you use it? Cause you want to have a protected right? We want protected Not. I mean, the only people who pay for it should be able to get it. And they have to have a unique use. Ayman password. They set all that up. It's beautiful. It's It's believe they do a great job there. That's like 150 bucks. Mary. Yeah, doing amazing dance. I mean, it's amazing. Um, it's not like a monthly thing, either. So there's some video hosting options. When you're gonna do your recordings, you want to put him somewhere. You want to host him somewhere. These are the 22 or three recommendations. Easy video Player is basically self hosting, Um, and it allows you do some really cool things. It's easy video player dot com, But then there's Wis Tia and Video Pro, um, just different video sharing, video hosting services that will allow you to take these hour long recordings and put him inside the members area because not everyone's gonna able to attend to attend your life boot camp, you need the recordings for them. Otherwise, they're gonna I want a refund. So, you know, it would be like if I missed it. Do I still paid? I don't get toe. That's not fair. So, um, email marketing kind of overlaps what we're talking about with infusion soft office autopilot. If you don't have either of those a Weber, I think you get started for, like, $30 a month. Plenty of others. I want people who have eye contact, constant contact mail chimp to suddenly go. Oh, I got the wrong one. There's free options to for up to 5000 email addresses rain. So this is just personally one option I use, and I like to share what what I'm using. Um, And then finally, how are we gonna record the videos that the webinars and stuff like that those are my two Favorite resource is to share. Screen flow is for Mac and Cam Tasia. If your PC, this will record whatever your screen is sharing. So these are some of the greatest tools where you know that I used you don't need that many more toe like build the business around it, and a lot of them I mean, obviously, WordPress is free. Optimize press the 100 box, which was, like, 200. Um, I think video pros like 10 bucks a month a Weber 30 bucks a month so you can get by for in inexpensively. That's it. These air simple tools to help simple fire life they're not too hard to use. Do we have questions with this? Because I want it. I want to get through this so we can hear these results are trying to rush through. It is a bad, um, questions from you guys air from the Internet. Well, question from Antoine Q. And I don't know if you'll have the exact answer, but he wants to know what is the total cost to get all of this set up gold here. Just when you're gonna start yet. Um, well, let's let's do this way. Eso your you You have office autopilot 3 300 month. So that's $300 a month. I have Vimeo Pro. I don't even think that's like 10 bucks a month. Yeah, I don't even know what that is. Um and, uh, have wordpress. So that's free because I don't That's on a monthly charge and I'm gonna recommend that that you get Wish this member which I believe is 211 50 150 for a single license or something like that. But I think office autopilot has a membership. Oh, that's right. You said that you don't even need anything else like that seeing people here 203 100 bucks online for office output. But it actually takes a lot of those other things. You don't need half those other tools. Or she could have just wish list and a Weber and a Weber, and that's it. Use PayPal and just have unlisted videos on YouTube. If you wanted to write like green screen flow or can't Asian, I'm still gonna record that screen for 99 bucks or screen flow. Best 1983 100 bucks. You could You could get everything set up with, like recording a product, delivering it, selling it, packaging it everything. And one thing we didn't mention because we talked about it yesterday was go to Webinar, get a free 30 day trial for go to Webinar, and then it's 99 bucks a month. So, you know, get your free trial and make sure that you make that you sell your first boot camp for the annual 38 trial is gonna pay for itself. And it may. It just makes it makes sense. Like these air all investments in your business when your profitable that quickly. Okay, I'll keep paying nine bucks for Goto. Webinar Just gotta keep doing weather. So, uh, that was great. Any other questions? One other question from the Web Does click bank let you do a boot camp or only allow you to sell instantly Downloadable progress Question. And I know I didn't clarify it too much regarding Click Bank. They definitely frowned upon live stuff They want to see and review what you've created. So the e book, the video court recording so will kind of be touching upon. I kind of already did. Is the reason we're doing this boot camp is boom. You've got done product in a weekend. You're done with the product. If I'm doing a four week boot camp, if you guys are doing four week boot camp, you're done in four weeks. You take those recordings. Now it's a product that you can put on Click bank for 5200 bucks, So I don't know. I don't do the live stuff up with Click Bank Onley. Not life evergreen. Terrific. Snappy gourmet asks any tools or suggestions for distributing physical products. Yeah, I've got a lot of, um um I'm gonna go ahead and throw out and recommend for Vontae Vontae dot com. They've been fantastic for me to create physical versions of my products and with a physical version, you get to brand it as a home study course, and you put a higher price tag on it. There's still people that want, uh, physical goods delivered. They want to learn in a physical form with people all the time. Like can I have the DVDs and shipping will pay more money for it. And then there's one. How would you spell that? Just for people? I'm sorry, E. Yeah. You don't know. I ve are the a n t Perfect. Thank you for Bond. You talk about knocking. Who Naki is one other. Um, it's awesome because it's great because it's very inexpensive and it's very simple. It allow you to take like a CD or a DVD and ship amount to customers as physical products instantly can't really do. Big bundle, phone off, one on one off DVDs or CDs. You're not gonna really get, like, this big home study course out of it. But coun AKI is a great place to start. If you're selling like a single DVD, uh, or CD or something like that. Did you have questions? It was about the spelling. And how? Um that's great. Anything else? Hockey. But one can AKI hard words over here. Silly making me still these things K u and a k I k u and A. Okay, I
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I loved this program by Lewis and his amazing team. I have been attracted by shine over the years and lacked implementation or really the step by step process. The team over-delivered all their content. They answered questions from the audience and the virtual attendees. This was my first CreativeLive course. I watched some of the replays after the first run I knew I had to buy the program. I am very happy I did. An add benefit was that I now have a private Facebook group for those who attended the virtual event that one of our members set up. It helped me get plugged into a Facebook group that supports each other. It was well worth my time, investment and days in my pajamas till dinner. Lewis made this an EXTRA ordinary learning experience with the team. I am excited to start digging in deeper and get the business rolling creating the income to help others too. A GREAT investment into my today and tomorrows. I love the style of each of the presenters. I can go on but you have to experience to know that I am being real. Thanks LEWIS and team.
a Creativelive Student
Was truly amazed at the clear, step-by-step, easily digestible nature of this live training. I hadn't been familiar with any of the 4 speakers before, but they quickly became like old friends to me within a matter of moments. I watched all three days ALL day on repeat, to help me absorb the information all the more to enable me to easily and confidently put it into action. Was so happy and grateful that I was able to watch on Sunday, as my family and I moved to a different apartment that day. But I ended up taking care of my three month old son and watching the event with him almost the whole time, in between helping my husband pack and put stuff away. Am also so happy to have met such amazing people in the chat rooms, and look forward to growing and developing our business relationships together on the unofficial Facebook group one of them made! Thanks again for bringing us such invaluable training, creativeLIVE! =D Liz Chen
a Creativelive Student
Lewis Howes, his team, his guest speakers...all very awesome! The course content was so valuable, and easy to implement...the message is simple...execution!! Just do it!!! Everyone inspired me so much to finally get to work!!! I recommend these courses to anyone who is thinking about starting a business, online or not! More useful information here than I received in all of my days in college. I'm so jazzed, the ideas are flowing, I can't sleep, and I'm implementing what I learned!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to share your knowledge and help us all become successful! Lewis, you rock! The salsa...was a nice little added touch! :-)