Day 1
18:50 2Optimizing Your System
11:30 3The FCP X Interface
43:20 4Importing and Organizing Media
1:05:14 5Projects/Timelines
43:06 6Working with Clips
37:22 7Editing Audio
1:00:09J and L Edits
15:49Day 2
9How to Dissect an Edit
1:24:19 10Let's Edit Something For Real
1:18:45 11Introducing Music
1:18:56 122:45 pm - Audio Mastering
1:22:18Day 3
05:14 14Color Tools and Effects Part 1
1:07:44 1511:00 am - Color Tools and Effects Part 2
1:07:44 16Effects and Titling
1:17:04 17Exporting
47:49Lesson Info
J and L Edits
I want to do some editing called jnl at its because these air paramount to how I build my stories and tomorrow you're going to see me do a lot of jnl editing all right, so I kind of wanna explain what jnl editing is and then demonstrated for you so you have an idea when you see it tomorrow you can go rob just did a j at it not that I won't point it out to anyone but just so you have an idea. Okay, so j edits you looked you imagine the letter j the letter j okay goes like this the letter l goes like this ok, ajay edit the bottom comes in before the top before that so this line comes in before that's what does it represent to me that represents I hear audio first and then I see video okay on l ed it would be I see video first then there's audio okay j edit l l let me see if I can demonstrate this I have some clips here that are put together and I'm gonna play this back as is and then we're gonna change it to using jnl edits to make it what we want it to be so let's play this back for you...
for me yoga has helped my photography it keeps me active and it lessens the pain that I have while doing my job and as good a prayer and then she looked like a tree and your hips back in yoga for photographers we are going to address all of the symptoms that photographers have back pain elbow pain hips, knees all here joints okay, so I've got some clips here of vanessa talking, which is our main action it belongs in a primary storyline and I've got these b roll shots okay, but there's some audio attached home and I do consider them part of the primary story in this case because I want to blend these together seamlessly. Well, how do we do this? A common a common thing that's used in broadcast and film production our jnl edits which allow us to kind of hear things happen before we see them. Okay, let me see if I can sort of demonstrate this if I come down in here what I want to do with these two shots actually let me zoom out you see the viewer if I have enough talking okay and then I want to see this clip but I want to cut to this clip and hear the audio before vanessa starts talking again and I want to see her over here again let me explain that again vanessa's talking then I want before she stops talking I want to see this clip then I want to see this clip and hear what she says then I just want to see this clip and hear her talking at the same time from this clip don't worry if you didn't follow that I'll show you watch this for me yoga has helped my photography it keeps me active and that lessens the pain that I have while doing my job right when she says pain I want to see this shot but I want to heat continue to hear her talking watch this it keeps me active and that lessens the pain okay lessens the pain I'm going to come down here I'm gonna double click on my audio to expand it so now I can share my video and audio separately right? I'm going to grab the end of the necessary clip and we're just affecting her video not the audio I'm going to drag that over I've just created a knell edit okay we're going to see video and we're going to hear audio underneath it watch when I play this back for me yoga has helped my photography it keeps me active and that lessens the pain that I have while doing my job okay that's a simple l ed and I can kind of get in here and find two of this a little bit maybe have a coming a little bit sooner I don't want to hear the audio on this clip on this clip I don't want to hear it drag it down get rid of it another way we can get rid of that audio if we really don't want it it is we can detach the audio and deleted by right clicking go to detach audio it's also control shift s would do this is well you'll notice that it took the audio that was part of the video clip and detached it and burn it down here and I could just delete it okay now it's gone I can't get it back all right I have to come back up to where this clip is in the media browser which believe it or not is not that hard watch this if I wanted to go retrieve that audio I can right click on this clip and go to reveal an event browser or click shift f and it will show me where that clip is okay and that's really really helpful so let's just go back here it keeps me active and that lessens the pain that I have while doing my job as good a prayer and then she like tree ok now this clip came in a little bit premature so this next clip of her talking I do want to hear her but I don't want to see her right away I want to hear her audio coming in while I'm still seeing this shot how do we do that again? We're going to double click the clip that has the audio okay to expand it I'm going to trim that clip over but the problem with that is look it's rippling all this I don't want to reveal that what we have to do come on pee tool yeah sweet pea told my best friend okay, grab that p toll and dragged us over right? So I'm making some room for this clip with my pizza like you now grab this clipping extend it now watch what happens it keeps me active and that lessens the pain that I have while doing my job as good a prayer and then she tree okay it's still not perfect because I have the audio comes in a little bit too soon esso I do want to kind of adjust that a little bit so sort of what we can do is a couple different ways we can sort of grab all these clips and just kind of pete told them over just to kind of make that audio start a little bit later on okay? And then maybe perhaps even with rp told us drag this little forward so it makes the cut and we'll start our audio because I think it came in a little bit as the audio it already started. So I'm gonna drive you see how I'm just dragging audio and video separately here so I'm bringing it out so the audio starts cleanly and let's play that back and see what it looks like photography it keeps me active and that lessens the pain that I have while doing my job hands good a prayer and then shoot him up like a tree okay, so that's a j edit the audio came in before the video the audio of vanessa talking comes in before we see her talking right now this clip is a problem for me the perfectionist in me says I don't like the way it stops at the end okay, I want this clip to continue moving the entire time by hit t for my trim tool and just drag it in the other direction until that window on the right I see the clips start moving that should be good let's play this back for me yoga has helped my photography it keeps me active and that lessens the pain that I have while doing my job hands good a prayer and then she came up like a tree everybody follow that cool now we have some volume issues here. Vanessa sounds great therapy it keeps me active in that lesson but she sounds like crap here it's good of prayer and then she like tree ok that's mainly because this is this is audio recorded on camera. Okay, this was not she wasn't miked up for this on that's unfortunate but we're not gonna worry about it too much, but what I can do is make the transition when we start to hear her talk a little smoother so I'm just gonna zoom in here to show you how to do this. This is my favorite part about working with audio final cut pro I want this audio to fade up, okay? I don't have to go through and do a whole bunch of crap. All I have to do is it's hard to see but there is a little you can see it there just to the left of my trim tool cursor ah, little node with a little line in the middle of it that's a fader knob if I just grab that and drag it, you can see this curve it's actually fading up the audio right there that's awesome and that's really, really helpful when trying to do audio fade ins we can also adjust by control clicking on they're the type of curve that it uses and we'll get into that a little bit more tomorrow but now let's play this back and let's see how it sounds active and that lessens the pain that I have while doing my job hands good a prayer and then she came up like a tree. So now it comes in a little bit smoother, right? So we just successfully made an l edit and a j at it those are used so often in my films especially when transitioning from one scene to another let's say for example I've got a bride getting ready and she's getting ready she's getting ready and she's talking about how she how nervous she is right and I cut to the groom standing up there at the altar looking nervous and I still hear the bride talking about how nervous she is but I see the groom and just win the bride stops talking the groom says man, I'm so nervous perfect use of ajay at it okay let the bride continue talking and I liked the video from something else come in we will you will see this used a lot very extensively tomorrow let's round this out let's finish it off for me yoga has held my photography it keeps me active and that lessens the pain that I have while doing my job hands good a prayer and then she looked like a tree fingertips okay so I I do want to hear her and I do want to see her here but it's too abrupt. Okay, so let's, go down here and let's use our p tool and just drag these two clips over. So I'm gonna overwrite some of vanessa's video here so we get this blending effect and if I zoom in here and use my fate or novel, just expand this audio so you can see it separately I'll just blend these two together like this. Now we should have a seamless transition video and audio between these two cuts or this cut job hands good a prayer and then she about like a tree in new york for retired. Okay, so a little bit better. Not too bad with smooth that out a little bit more. I'm just going to play this back a prayer on and she like tree? Ok, I'm going to just I'm gonna have her and a little bit sooner I'm going to drag her audio back and I'm gonna bring this other audio in a little bit sooner just by dragging it like this my job, hands good a prayer and then shoot him up like a tree and your hips back right after she says right foot back. I want to start hearing vanessa here, but I don't want to see your just yet we're going to do another j edit, okay? Simply by moving this over, I'll actually know what we could probably get away with this with the school because it's gonna ripple? Uh, look at that. So now I'm going to try to visually mark where should where she stopped talking, he says fingertips let's play back right foot back! I'm just going to kind of use my trim tool here to bring the audio uh vanessa just to this point right here and you know, maybe we'll make this other shot a little bit longer so you know what? Yeah, maybe we will use the p tool just bring over a little bit there too so I don't want her to come in too fast like I wanted her to sort of I just wanted her to sort of linger her audio for a second before you got her video in there. There we go. It's placed back your tips on yoga for photographers were go okay, good and I liken smoothly blend these this by grabbing the little fader knob on the nat sound audio clip and just dragging it over like this and now let's put another one any time I blend two audio sources together I will use a fader just to make it smooth and you're going again it's another thing you're going to see tomorrow very, very, very much what's what's all that for me yoga has held my photography it keeps me active and that lessens the pain that I have while doing my job hands good a prayer and then shooting him up like a tree in your tips frank I'm yoko for photographers we are going to address all of the symptoms that photographers have there we go we successfully used jnl edits to tell a story using primary action and b roll right here on the primary storyline and you see how many different tools we had to use in order to accomplish that but once you grasp the concept of working with expanded video and audio and by the way guys just because I had these expanded doesn't mean I can't go back and just and just close him I can just to make it neither on the timeline I could just double click these and close him up and nothing changes yoga for photographers we are going okay so makes things nice and neat that's great stuff tomorrow you're going to really see how we combine multiple clips into scenes using what we call compound clips for example when I tease you guys with this for example if I have a primary story here okay and then I've got a lot of b roll let's let's go back into our tutorial event and let's just type in lying down because we know we had some quick I'm clips of that and let's just grab a couple of b roll shots here and this connect him to this this line down here this first scene where this first cut let's just say on one hand I know this is probably gonna be too long but we'll just trimming up the deal and let's say for example I had some audio to I'm just going to detach her audio just for the sake of illustration here I'm just going right click and go to detach audio. Now, all of these clips are connected. This audio clip you can see by the connector I just looked out of sync is connected. Okay? And these are both connected to this clip. Well, what if I wanted to combine this clip this clip, this clip and this clip into one clip that looks like this because I don't want to have to look at all these clips on my timeline. Well, that's, easy. I can simply grab all these clips. Option g creates what's called a compound clip. I'm going to call this compound clip test it's going to happen. What event I wanted to be associated with. I wanted to be associated with a tutorial event and click. Okay. And watch what happens to all of those video files. They know it shifted everything over. I knew that was gonna happen, but it combined them all into one clip. If I now double click this in the new timeline, I now have that edit represented right here. This is so powerful when you combine jnl edits with compound clips. There's, no limit to what you can do creatively and editing in this program.
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Ratings and Reviews
Crispino Dourado
I've been using FCP since 2013 or so I thought! Until I went through the lessons here and boy was I hooked on! I've learned a ton of stuff that I can use from this course! Really awesome course for beginners to professionals and a must for wedding cinematographers! I loved every bit of this course! Thank you.
Ryan Pierson
Rob Adams and Vanessa Joy are incredible speakers and thoughtful educators. In three days, they take you through the basics of editing theory and explain everything you need to know to dive into FCP X. Rob even details how to do advanced color grading at a pace that is clear and easy to understand. Without a doubt, this course has done more to improve my personal and professional use of FCP X than five years of experience working with video and audio. A+ great course.
Simply brilliant! I had no idea where to start with FCP and even though I am now using an updated version... this course has been invaluable!!! Thank you Rob and Vanessa!
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