Analyze The Results Of Your Promotion
Lesson 8 from: Create an Instagram Paid Ad StrategyMorgan Sutton

Analyze The Results Of Your Promotion
Lesson 8 from: Create an Instagram Paid Ad StrategyMorgan Sutton
Lesson Info
8. Analyze The Results Of Your Promotion
Class Introduction
02:23 2Instagram Ads Basics
13:59 3Organize Your Ad Promotion
18:44 4Instagram Ads Creative
22:00 5Successfully Target Your Ads To Your Audience
10:25 6Boost Your Posts in the Instagram App
06:57 7Set Up Your First Promotion in Ads Manager
11:28 8Analyze The Results Of Your Promotion
11:10Lesson Info
Analyze The Results Of Your Promotion
Where can you look at results? You can look at results both inside of the Instagram app and on the Ads Manager. So there are different places to look, which is great, and it gives you different information. Inside of the app for each post as it's promoted, you can either hit the Insight button up there, which will show you insights about your entire account as long as you have a business profile. But if you scroll to the bottom of Insights, there's a section that's called Promotions. And that's where you'll find a promoted post currently on Instagram. You can also, if you navigate specifically to the post, it will say that it's currently promoted, and you can view your results there. So inside of the app, you have the results from the original post as well as the results from the promotion. So this had been running for a day, or something, for $3. And so with this post that originally had had 3,000 views and 20 saves, we're now able to get more clicks on it, because the post was two we...
eks old at the time, but it was a good post. And so we're able to have new people click over and read it, that now wouldn't necessarily see it unless they scrolled back into your photos in your account profile, right? Okay, you can also see results inside of your Ads Manager. So if you notice down here, so we have the tabs that we've been touching. We have the Menu up at the top with the three bars, how we navigated to Audiences. But you also have every campaign and every asset listed on each tab, right? So there's a campaign right here, where you can see the name of it, that it's active, and what results are occurring. So you can watch the reporting in real time directly in your Ads Manager. And you can also look at different statistics, again, right in the Ads Manager through this little dropdown here, that shows changes around the columns based on different types of reports that you like to look at. And it changes the breakdown based on different things, which I'll show you right here. So the columns that you can change can look at different stats based on what goal you had. So say you wanna see how the Delivery of the ad is going, so you wanna see the Reach, the Impressions that the ad is having, you could go to Delivery. But if you wanna see Engagement, you wanna see... I believe Engagement shows you, also, how many comments you're having on it and clicks and likes to your page that are coming directly form someone clicking on that ad. You could swap to these different kind of preset reporting options. You can also head down to Performance and Clicks, which is a good one that gives you a lot of the metrics that I'll point out as the important metrics that I like to check. But you could customize the columns as well, if you see all the way below, Customize the Columns and add in the metrics that you would like. The Breakdown thing is really cool as well, because if you want to see how an ad is performing for a specific, either time, action, or by delivery, which I think is helpful to refine your audiences. So say you ran an ad to the United States, men and women, but with your age demographic and with a specific interest. And then you ran it for three days, and you came over here to Breakdown and you had it changed to Gender. And when you clicked over to Gender, you saw that the results are that 90% of the people that have taken action are actually women, then maybe it makes sense to refine that audience to have it only be served to women. Maybe it makes sense to refine your demographics all the time to only be women if this is something that all your promotions are performing at. You might also notice that specific ages perform better for you. And you didn't even notice that you were skewing older than you thought or younger than you thought. And so maybe that will help you inform type of creative that you create for your ads. I also like looking by Platform, Placement, and Device, those types of things, because it will help inform, again, the type of creative that you're doing. I have used Automatic Placement before, which allows Facebook to choose where it wants to go, Facebook, or that AppOne audiences, or on Instagram, and to just see when Facebook organically chooses who should see this ad, how does it do? And I've had Instagram win all the time, which is great. But it's a useful thing to see that, "Well I'm gonna put this ad on both platforms "and see how it does." Well actually, 80% of my conversions are coming over from Instagram, so let me let me focus on Instagram only, or let me focus on content that's optimized for that. Or maybe it's Device, mobile. Is my content best for someone who's on mobile? You can also create your own ads reports. And there's a new ad reporting version coming out very soon, a couple of weeks, but if you hit the three bars here and go to Ads Reporting, that will allow you to save the columns that you've set. And so instead of having to go through that breakdown thing and build out custom columns, you could create a custom report and have that be something that you produce regularly, if that's what's important to you. Finally, the important metrics for you to review. In my perspective, the first thing is the "cost per" whatever result we're going to be using, right? So if the point of the traffic... If the objective is traffic, then we're paying cost per click or landing page view. So the cost per result, that result changes, depending on the objective that you've selected. So if you're paying cost per conversion, I'm more apt to pay more money per conversion than I am per click, because the clicks might not always lead to even loads, much less conversion. So whatever the objective has created as your cost per result, that's the first metric that you could be paying attention to, as a good teller, if you're comfortable with how the ads campaign's performing. Reach is a great metric to pay attention to, because is your ad not performing, because it's not being shown to people? Or has your ad been shown to a lot of people, and it hasn't had any result, right? So noticing the Reach could also help you notice that there's something technically wrong with your campaign, that why isn't Facebook showing it to as many people as it should be? Also, it could show you that, maybe, your audience size isn't large enough, that if you're retargeting audience for 200 people, it's only gonna reach 118 people, right? So maybe I need to pile those people together and put one audience. Relevance Score also helps show you what the success of the ad will continue to be longterm, because Facebook gives you a score, but how relevant this ad is to the people that it's being shown to? And so if you have a relevant score of eight, nine, or 10, then this ad is working. It's relevant, it's being sent to the right people. And so create more creative that are like that. But if it's low, then there may be something off in your messaging or what you're showing, what the product is. So it's a good metric to use. And lastly, I would say Frequency is another one to pay attention to. If your ad has been shown to someone six, seven, eight times, and they're not taking action, you're most likely gonna end up with some kinda negative feedback on it, right? You'll have people start hiding your ads. So pay attention to frequency inside of the Ads Manager with that Performance and Clicks one. And you can see, once an ad is getting that higher frequency score, that maybe it's time to move it to a new audience. Try that creative with something else or if it's not performing well, a new piece of creative with the same audience. But, really, you just want to be attention. Watch what happens. Give the algorithm the fewest days to work. Like I said, Facebook wants your ads to be successful. And pay attention to any errors that could possibly arise while tracking. So if you're noticing that no conversions are coming in, but you see them inside of your email marketing software, maybe there's something somewhere that's not tracking appropriately. So the only way to know that is to pay attention to what you're actually doing. But as we've talked about today, we're done here. So the final recap, we planned out our campaign. We defined the goals and objectives of the actual program. We have spent time in Creative. There are four types of Creative that you can use in Instagram: photos, videos, carousels, and stories. And paying attention to what your options are and what you would be best at and what would be best at positioning your offer. Targeting as being a majorly important part of this. Who is your audience? And what audience in Facebook looks most like that audience? And trying all the different types, warm and cold. And adding that to your document as you plan. Then finally, Testing in both of the app and in the Ads Manager. And paying attention to the metrics, right? So this is our five steps to doing Instagram ads. If you wanna learn any more from me, you can find me @sbzteam. You can also head over to to see what kind of fun resources we have available for free. But other than that, I'm done. Like I said, I go by morganize_it, so you can find me, personally, on Instagram morganize_it, and you can send me a DM about any of this stuff. But thank you for your time. (audience applauding)
Ratings and Reviews
Thanh Nguyen
Personally I appreciate her speech and her knowledge. I like the way she constructs the creative from Single Picture, to Carousel and make it clear which platform can be used for each creative. There is one thing I concern is the screenshot from Ads Manager or IG Report is kinda old version. Hope it more updated to make it familiar with the current version
I thought Morgan's information was really good and helpful. She talks rather fast and it is complicated information. I was trying to take notes, but that was challenging. I highly recommend this class but you will have to watch it more than once to get all the info. The thing I didn't like was the person who videotaped it. Not good!!! He or she didn't spend enough time showing the whiteboard so it was difficult to keep up. He needs to focus the camera to a place where we can see her talking but still see the notes and not just a 'flash' of the board. That is my only issue.
Joshua Proto
I had never looked at making an Instagram ad before this class, and now I can confidently say that I feel more than prepared for the task! Morgan demystified the process of setting up ads on this platform and showed us different styles of effective advertising from key brands. Very informative!
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