Class Introduction
Erin Lowry/Broke Millennial
Lesson Info
1. Class Introduction
Class Introduction
06:09 2Compound Interest in Action
02:47 3Time
02:55 4Inflation
01:10 5Setting Financial Goals
10:00 6Must Know Terms
20:00 7Fees
09:42 8Quick History of Stock Market
13:54Lesson Info
Class Introduction
Hi, everyone. Thank you so much for being here. And welcome to Creativelive. I am Erin Lowery. And today we're going to be going through the Beginner's Guide to Investing. We're going to talk about how the level up your money. So first, I just want to get started with this idea of being an investor because I think what happens to a lot of us. It was. We go through excuses and it's things like, I'm too young, you know, investing. That's like grown up. You bought a house, you're married. You have 2.5 kids, a dog and a yard type thing. I'm not ready for that yet, or it's I'm not smart enough to figure out how to be an investor or my personal favorite with a brand like broke millennial. I'm too broke to be an investor, so we're gonna quiet all of those inner critics today through this class. And the thing I think is most important for you to understand. Is it investing as the most efficient way for you to build your wealth? It's really, in my opinion, kind of a great wealth equalizer becau...
se a lot of us almost all of us have the opportunity to get into the game. And one of my favorite quotes from my book came from Jill Schlessinger, who's the C F. P. She's a CBS News business analyst, and she also wrote a book called Dumb Things Smart People Do With Their Money. And she said, Your money when you invest it is doing some of the heavy lifting for you when you're completely risk averse. It just means you're going to have to save a lot more to reach your goals, and we're gonna do some actual math behind that a little bit later to further explain it. But I love this idea of your money doing some of the heavy lifting for you. I think the other thing that's really important to dispel is a myth early on. Is this idea of investing being gambling? I hear that all the time, people saying, Oh, if you're an investor, that's like gambling with your money So let's talk about the differences. When you're an investor and you buy a stock or a share in a company, you're essentially owning a small piece of that company, albeit probably a small one. But often times owning that gives you a voice. You can have a vote in the direction of the company. You get to voice your opinion about how things are being done with this company. But if you walk into the Bellagio or the MGM in Vegas and throw some money down and start playing blackjack or poker, you do not own a piece of the Bellagio or the I'm Jim. So I think it's really important to understand those as two key differences. Ownership is what's involved here. Ownership also gives you a voice. I also hopefully, when you're an investor, you are doing research. There's thorough decision making going into what you're doing as an investor, as opposed to playing a game of chance. So let me tell you a little bit more about myself. I like to call myself your investing translator. I wrote a book, Broke Millennial takes on investing a beginner's guide toe, leveling up your money, and it's the second book in my Siri's, the 1st 1 being broke Millennial. Stop scraping by and get your financial life together. And that one. We talked about the basics, but at the end of that book there was a small chapter about investing that really focused more in retirement than anything else. And in the end of that chapter, I was like, Hey, you want to learn more? Here's a bunch of other great books that exists or you can go learn more. Then I started getting emails and D M's and tweets from people saying So I checked out those books you recommended. They're a little bit too complicated. Do you have anything else? And I thought, no, but I could write it because what happens a lot of times is that when people write these quote unquote beginner's guides to investing, they're written in such a complicated way and in a language that we don't yet speak. And it's confusing and frankly, makes us feel stupid, which is not how you want to be feeling. As an investor, you want to feel in control. So I wrote this book as a way to feel like you're taking back control of your investing life. We're going to spend a lot of time today going over terminology and establishing that common language. But it's also important to know I like to call myself a translator because I don't have a story of career on Wall Street to tell you about. I don't even have a mediocre, crappy one. I don't have any sort of license as an investor, and I'm not a financial advisor. I'm you. I'm your normal person who had to learn how to do this pretty much by myself. But luckily, I worked more as a journalist and researcher in this kind of capacity and got to interview a bunch of incredibly smart and talented people who are far more experience than I am and older than I am and have gone through the ups and downs of the stock market. And I distilled their knowledge into this book. So what we're going to talk about today First, I'm going to go and harp on a lot about why investing is important. Talked a little bit about this idea of money doing the heavy lifting, but we're going to dig into really three key reasons why you need to be investing. Then we're going to get into Are you even ready to start? So I've gone on and on about, like, do it, do it, do it. But they were going to take a step back and decide. Am I actually ready right now? Then we're going to go over. Must know terms. Gonna bear with me. It's going to be the section that you're like. Oh, my God. Can we just get through this? But we have to establish this common language in order for us all to be able to move forward together. Then we're gonna talk about fees. Then. I love this part of grabbing the bull by the horns. So if you're unfamiliar, a bull market in the stock market is when the markets doing really well. It's moving at a fast pace. Everybody's bye bye bye. They're excited about it. A bear market is what it gets called. When it's going down, people are starting to panic. They're starting to sell things off. So the bull and the bear are two things you usually hear. So, in that chapter, we're gonna roll, not chapter. You can hear me being an author and that section of the class. We're going to talk about that feeling of trying to get into the market and trying to invest in sometimes handling the panic of what happens when it goes down. Then we're gonna get to How do I even put money into the stock market in the first place? The almighty debt question especially important for a lot of us with student loans. I have debt. Should I even be investing in the first place? We're gonna tackle that question a few times throughout this class and finally retirement. So talking about how to prepare for that and why it's important to start thinking about it now, even when we're young.
Class Materials
Ratings and Reviews
Tatie Diallo
Wonderful course, she explains the basics of investment and why it is important, for a beginner that's the best class ever.
Liza Davis
Straight to the point basic investment advice. I would say following her conservative strategy is great for the long haul of low-risk saving for retirement. And a great way to ease into investing without worrying about losing your sbirt.
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