Lesson Info
29. Core Principles: Recap
Day 1
1The Dilemma
42:18 2The Resolution
35:44 3Expertise Levels the Playing Field
37:04 4Interview with Photographer Sara Mark
22:24 5Building Confidence & Overcoming Fear
15:04 6Interview with Lana Staheli, PHD
42:26 7The White Board Process
31:16The Dyslexic Advantage
12:38 9Virtuous Cycle & Interview with Jim Copacino
34:08 10Design Meeting Example
30:02Day 2
11Core Principle: Inquiry
31:49 12Separate Issues and Interests
47:22 13Core Principle: Collaboration
30:07 14Turnstyle Team Example
30:02 15A B Exercise for Collaboration
12:41 16Time with Karen Moskowitz
43:53 17Core Principle: Time
34:03 18Core Principles: Behavior
26:20 19Interview with Keith Brofsky
30:34 20Q and A with Keith Brofsky
15:41Day 3
21Core Principle: Context
21:07 22Interview with Devin Liddell
28:06 23Context Exercise
33:45 24Core Principle: Planning
31:54 25Pounding the Table
39:24 26Core Principle: Bullying
28:55 27Bullying and 13 Negotiating Tips
30:51 28Core Principle: Conclusion
49:22 29Core Principles: Recap
17:26Lesson Info
Core Principles: Recap
So any other thoughts about what we should emphasize from this seminar just keep that in mind anything comes up and I'm gonna introduce us to our last guest who is on video john graham in and uh uh I actually managed to get john grant and into the same studio where we filmed the alfa group a better world and did a little quick interview with him he's flies all over the place in fact he's in des moines is right now doing something I don't know what he's doing he said the weather was nice in the wines you know, in an instant message he sent me an hour ago or so john granite is a photographer and he's a northwest photographer and he is totally engaged in architectural photography and interiors does beautiful stuff in fact he shot chase jarvis's studio for chase yeah yeah you know him? Yeah he's very talented he's great friend of mine and um does these wonderful interiors on dh really understands how to represent design which is which is one of the things I love about his work and he likes...
to talk about his lighting beings expired inspired by the ever changing weather experience in the pacific northwest which is kind of a nice way to think about it think about it so could we run the john gran in video? I believe we can yeah good it always seems I always afraid what perhaps was your earliest thing that you can remember in your life which kind of led you down this career pals I started out creatively with music taking pm that's it led to my guitar I wasn't terribly successful you know I took me forever to uh learn apiece I signed up for no elective class and photography and uh uh that's uh be interesting something different anyway so uh what I quickly found out was through the little bit that I uh learned in class I took the camera out on a ski trip started shooting shots of my ski instructor doing backflips and crazy stuff yeah, it just gave me a sense of like, almost instant gratification right uh I wasn't getting through music end of my creative world right point is that expertise starts really early and you've already invested a huge amount of your life improving your expertise even at the beginning of your career yeah and I think also uh the areas that I've really focused on even prior to shooting interiors architecture have uh carried over into my current work such as when I did quite a bit of still life through the composition lighting those elements translated well in the realm of interior talk cool thank you very much, john that would really appreciate it a pleasure to have you now on dock on uh we're gonna gonna wrap this thing up thanks so much for you better I forgot how quick that was anyway guys an expert and uh but he still struggles with negotiation yeah he he calls me up or we go have dinner and then he says okay so I have this client I've been working with and I haven't worked with them for years and and uh um and you know I charge quite a bit more now than I used to charge and uh um how my goingto like get her to kind of realise that understand that I have war so then we kind of role play play and practice things that he could say and I think I find it you know it's fascinating here's a guy who's top of his game he's good as you could get in your categories you know he's totally in demand he has troubled scheduling stuff like like karen does because people call him up all the time and ask him to do things and uh and he's still struggling with you know howto how to deal with these fundamental issues you know if uh of money on uh I guess it's just our fate as creative so now what I thought I would do is summarize all the principles that we have sprinkled throughout the training and read them off and if there's any questions or comments or along the way um I think we should I think we should bring him up so principal number one is know your vulnerabilities no your vulnerabilities and this is actually in the uh in the packet or whatever we call it that we that goes with with the show I just gave the guest just gave it tio hitler so so no your vulnerabilities that's principle number one uh principal number two this is the most important way to think about your marketing and sales effort and that is uh that the virtuous cycle builds your expertise and it builds your business basically so you you do the work you gained insights and experience from doing the work you share the insights with uh potential people who would be interested in hiring you prospects and you do that through the traditional pr online social media whatever contests and so on and then inbound calls come and so once and inbound call comes to you it puts you in a much more powerful position and you're the very fact that they called you means that they're recognizing your expertise and so you negotiate from a position of power and more than likely will win the assignment have a much higher percentage of winds and uh uh get the work and continue your virtuous cycle uh think of negotiation as first step in your creative process so don't be afraid of it don't think of it as this horrible thing that you that you need to avoid that you need to be afraid of you need to be concerned about think of it as an opportunity to learn about the client, learn about the assignment, learn about what the possibilities are, get excited about it, get passion about it, show that your passion through the process of the negotiation and, uh and uh uh and use that as both an and, uh, karen emphasized heavily in their in their talks using that passion and and, you know, in the negotiation process, it'll help you win collaboration. Two heads are better, one than one three are best of all. Um, you saw the coaching video, we talked quite a bit about coaching and how to use it. You could get professional coaching, but you can also use a friend, but the fundamental concept is that you're emotionally involved and engaged in the transaction, and when you get advice and help from others, you uh uh, you you that can give you insights that you don't have because you're so emotionally involved, so to bettors, heads are better than one three or best of all time remember that you have all the time in the world don't rush the deal, even though we are kind of hardwired to want to get going. We found from our creative traits we want to kind of resist that recognize that that's something that urge to just get moving along I mean I feel that way myself watching the videos even though I've seen him a few times myself already I'm like come on guys, hurry up close the deal you know it's actually back in my head there it is going away so must be my lizard brain working full time principal your behavior either ads or reduces the power of your expertise so maintaining your your expert demeanor through the process is critical to keeping the the relationship on a plane that is beneficial to you and actually is of benefit to the client because they can see you as they see you as a professional professional and they trust you to interact with the rest of their organization on dso on so behavior what we want is behaviour that adds to the power of our expertise always principal changing the context is in your clients best interest and its sidelines the competition and we sure saw that with alfa group but we saw that in many other cases as well that that changing the context changing the context demonstrates actually your creativity demonstrates your your imagination as jim campesino would say changing the context shows that you're thinking emoting smart, creative, professional who knows howto take facts, synthesise them and make those creative leaps that other people can't make and that's why they pay you the money so changing the context is a really creative way to think about negotiation and gives you a huge advantage in the process and it's fun to boot planning is key to understanding personally I can only hold hold three things in my frontal lobe at a time actually at this moment I can barely hold one and uh but when you make a list you can have ten things on the list and you can go on glance at it once in a while have to remind you what the other nine were so planning is key to understanding and grasping what the assignment might be bullying works because it taps into our own insecurities it sort of pushes us down this road um that we don't really want to go down, but somehow it taps into something you know, being told as a child that we didn't measure up in some way and for some little moment we kind of believe it and that is bad we don't want that to happen so when if bullying is happening to you my advices leave the table leave the table or if you're feeling particularly in control, try some of the techniques that charles suggested like moving to process um uh and avoid trying avoid trying to compete with the bully which results in escalation uh he calls you baldy so you call him fat so you know that kind of thing, okay okay, I asked people online to share some of their big takeaways and I'd love to share those and I loved to hear maybe you three kind of your big takeaway from from the course after after I'm done sharing this we have gsn diva who says one of the biggest takeaways for me from this entire course has been how to be polite without selling out and instead sent to stand my ground with strength and grace and there's a backdrop to that and that I have experienced severe imposter syndrome and segment after segment interview after interview I find my skills and approach being validated fantastic awesome fantastic we have command shift who says to stand your ground because you respect yourself and what you're work huge takeaway mark our says to bring it full circle to the first day session especially now with all this information let's not think of ourselves as impostors look how much we've been training and top tomato finally be earth authentic self in all aspects of your business it's your brand I love those thoughts thank you for sharing them everyone one more came in to share this last one uh elwood says big takeaway there are a lot of benefits to a right brain approach to negotiation I'm more familiar with the left brain approach where you think of the zone of possible agreement, et cetera this version is more organic and flexible I also like thinking about the five questions during the negotiation to ensure you're getting in all the relevant details and that's I think the key to all this is that it is bringing in a, uh, right brain a creative approach that is more familiar to most of us that would be watching this programme, it's something that feels more natural to us, something that feels more doable and thus more likely for us to actually put it into practice. Yeah, the uh uh, the reference list that's part of the packet includes I don't know how many books I put in there, but there's a, you know, like there's, like ten, ten, twelve books that I refer to from time to time, and none of them really deal with is this the emotional side as much as I would like, and I always find myself there's tons of great information, I mean, lots of research on dh, lots of insights, but but so I find myself as I read these books, I find myself going, okay, how would I how can I make that work for me? And so, you know, kind of adding this sort of creative dimension, you know, how does it how does it fit someone with a personality like mine? I don't like confrontations, I don't like to do duri tricks I mean, some of these books have negotiation have like tricks that air really manipulative tricks and you know, I guess they work but it just isn't you know, I want a relationship with a client where we feel like we're doing something together to be successful and I don't like doing something that that feels like I'm manipulating somebody it just makes me feel less of myself so so I like I want I want to have a good relations I want to get playing money and I want to be affirmed for my worth by being well paid and expect to be well paid but but I don't want to trick somebody into it I want him to pay it to me because they feel like it's a fair deal if it isn't then what I offer is just not for them and that's that's fine that's perfectly fine so that's my my life philosophy if you will all right philosophy we actually had a question earlier about the manipulative aspect of that so I'm glad you know I hate it. Wait, wait. We have final takeaways from folks in the room here anybody got one that they want to step up? I mean it's uh like I said a couple times before, I think just slowing down the process is one of the biggest things um definitely one of the when I constantly want russia the room at any moment on and get me out of here yeah exactly and holding you know having trust in your expertise yeah and knowing that that whole imposter syndrome is a huge huge yeah yeah definitely find my probably biggest takeaway from me is building that virtuous cycle but also having a very clear and concise context of your own work on that you share out to clients for it's like this is what I'm here for now this is what I'm worth you can speak to me yeah yeah can't like I know I need that in my business that's something a concise statement seriously gonna look at you now I wrote wrote one from john for john grant but I forgot to put it in I was going that I made up come already it's pretty easy to get like sidelined by your emotions and then it clouds your judgment and then usually you they'll offer you exactly what you want but you're afraid to like ask for it or you don't even like see them offering it to you because like you're stuck in your own head yeah so you know it's like being really authentic like in the moment you know acting appropriately uh you know it's just like knowing you're worth and like believing in that yeah you know it's not the number it's you know the fact that they called on you right that means something
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Ratings and Reviews
While I walked away with some amazing knowledge and skills to apply to negotiation, more than anything, I appreciated the authenticity and humility with which Ted crafted and delivered all of the materials in this class. As a fellow creative, every word spoken in this course resonated with me on a deep level, and led me to retain and integrate the materials far better than I expected. A most sincere thank you to Ted for sharing these pieces of his inner life with us.
Kal Sayid
Love Ted. His desire to help creatives shines through. Lots of great nuggets as well as strategies for both the newbie creative and the veteran.
a Creativelive Student
Another terrific course from CreativeLive. I would and did recommend it for anyone, creative or otherwise. Most negotiation courses leave one with a "bad taste"-not this one. I vastly prefer this approach. My life would be very different right now if I had this information available when I first graduated from college with a BFA in Graphic Design. Oh, and an unmentioned bonus-a design agency soap opera is included. Ted is a marvelous teacher.
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