Lesson Info
10. Layer Comps for Smart Objects
Lesson Info
Layer Comps for Smart Objects
when you have a bunch of layers and photo shop. Typically, you know you have, like, a series of layers. In this case, you can see by looking the layers panel. I have different versions of this logo, so I want to have different options for myself if this was my logo, when I went to use it in other documents. So what that would use to mean was I would save umpteen separate files called logo dash bread dot PST or let's be more realistic. Logo dash red dot final dot psd dot final to, you know, whatever you have all these different file names to remember. This is the black one. This is the white one. Just became a bit of a nightmare to keep track of. Now what I do instead is in one document. I have all the pieces to make up all these different versions of the logo. But instead of now, if I want to use this and some other documents said of worrying about while I'm gonna have to click on that the correct layer instead, this thing called layer comps what layer comes to do for you and this, by ...
the way, has been around for a long time in photo shop. Probably one of the lesser known but really cool things you can do in photo shop is a layer comp allows you to, in effect, record the current set up of your layers panel I e what layers air showing what layers air, not showing where they are. Anything like layer styles and blend modes and things like that. So I've already made a few. And here it all I did was I decided, um, whatever combination I wanted, like here they have the grayscale version off the logo. So I clicked on this new button, I gave it some name and so I'd like you to remember the visibility, position and appearance comments are just for you. If you want to think remind you, this is the version with the blah, blah, blah. So already did that. So in this document now, if I want to show someone well, here's the color logo or here's the other low instead of me going into layers Panel on going Hold on a second Hide, hide, Wait, show. Move. Now I just go to the layer cops ago. Here's the full color one. Here's the one with white. Here's the black and red. Here is the gray scale. Now, as I'm doing that, look at the layers panel. It's automatically turning layers on enough for me. So the layer cop is performing the function you used to have to do of Gold Show, show, show, hide, wait, move, capacity. It just does it, whatever you record. So it could be a simple as something like this where I'm just saying different versions. It could also be on this layer cop. I want the logo up here on this one. I want it down here and it will move it for you. So that's the function of what Layer comes does. So independent of smart objects? Layer compass. A really nice way when you've got we wanted, explore different options of the same material like different positions. The thing you have to know about Layer Conference. Very important as let's say, that I wanted one version logo where I used this typeface and in a different one with the different font or typeface, I'd have to make two separate type players the words you can't record a layer cop change that same layer and make a new layer calm because that type players used by all the layer comps so you'd have to have two. For situations like that, you have to kind of think about if I'm changing the size or the fill color or something like that, that requires typically either a separate layer or different type player or whatever once you get used to that, so that by itself that's what Layer cops do. You can use it for lots of different things, including having multiple adjustment layers to see what different black and white photos you can make or whatever. Typically, it's, I would say, mostly used by people are doing layout type things like that album page I showed moment ago with the couple and the floral thing and said to be kind of experiment with different options. But what this does So now you've seen what a layer comp looks like, and I decide that I wanted to be, you know, that big down there and I could do of course, other things like lower the opacity do all you know, the kind of things we would typically do with layers, etcetera. So if we think about what we would learn so far with smart objects. I could double click on this file to open the window, have all those layers, and I could pick the layer comp that way, which is the way used to have to do it until, you know, two versions or so ago Photoshopped, because they're never used to be. When used to place there was the command called place. There was never placed linked place embedded. It was called play Place. But now that it's linked, it knows that I'm linking to this multi layered PSD file that happened to have layer comes in it. So now I can go to the properties panel and oh, look, there's all my layer comes right here. So I just pick a different one and just updates on the fly. And that's because two things have happened. The PSD I placed has layer comes in it, and because I placed it whenever you place a file in it automatically becomes a smart object. So if I had just dragged this in as a PSD file that wouldn't show up there, I'd have to go on just do it myself. But imagine you're having like 14 photographs. You want to place this logo win and then you realize after the fact Oh, I should have done them all the same or whatever. Now is just one place. Just goto this menu change it updates very simple. So layer complex that are are somewhat independent of smart objects. There could just can be useful for lost different things. But happens that when you do this linking of a smart object, if that linked smart, all great happens tohave layer calm Senate. It's even better because I don't have to go back. I mean, I still could just so you know, I could double click on it will open the file. There it is. I could find the right layer competence. You don't have to because it's built right into that Properties panel. Ifit's sees layer comps. Which reminds me to say I am typically not that great at remembering to name things. But if you imagine over here, if I went to this Properties panel and all I saw was layer Camp one layer comp to layer company, that would not be terribly helpful. So a lot of people like me have a bad habit of going layer to copy seven, but with layer comps. You don't want to do that because otherwise you're like, I have no idea. So it's a good idea to name your layer comp something that is descriptive. That makes sense to you. I worked with a fellow. His layer compass that's like You should name your later comment was like OK, and he sent me. If I was like Doc, one slash b and I'm like, Thank you. That's much better than Layer Comp one. To him, it made perfect sense. I was just like, No, that's not helping.
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Ratings and Reviews
Clear explanation of smart objects and smart filters in depth including a wide variety of options. Demonstrations show how to use and why these functions are so valuable. Dave is a great teacher, with excellent pacing and explains every salient detail. Very highly recommended.
Very informative class that provides great insight into a concept I was completely unaware existed. Pace was good and Dave presentation style was great.
Beatriz Stollnitz
Dave explains smart objects, from the very basics to more advanced scenarios, in his usual clear and simple style. A great class!
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