Class Overview
13:34 2Photo Basics
05:55 3Top Deck: Mode Dial (Auto Modes)
17:57 4Top Deck: Mode Dial (Manual Modes)
15:17 5Top Deck: Auto Focus
05:46 6Top Deck: ISO & Movie Mode
12:32 7Top Deck: Flash
04:39 8Back Side: Viewfinder Display
10:57Back Side: Live View
05:32 10Quick Menu
18:10 11Back Side: Buttons Overview & Playback
09:31 12Left & Right Side of Camera
06:18 13Bottom & Front of Camera
04:00 14Lenses
09:37 15Menu Overview
03:48 16Shooting Menu Page 1
05:44 17Shooting Menu Page 2
11:13 18Shooting Menu Page 3
07:53 19Shooting Menu Page 4-5
09:27 20Movie Shooting Menu Page 1-3
07:42 21Movie Shooting Menu Page 4-5
05:34 22Playback Menu Page 1-3
08:37 23Set Up Menu Page 1 (Wi-Fi)
15:16 24Set Up Menu Page 2-3
05:41 25Set Up Menu Page 4 (Custom Functions)
15:21 26Display & My Menu
06:46 27Camera Operation
16:16Lesson Info
Display & My Menu
We've already seen a little bit of this display menu before. The Shooting screen is what shows up on the back of the camera under normal shooting situations. When you're brand new to photography, the Guided screen is kind of nice. But once you get used to the settings and the operation of the camera, you'll probably want to change it over to the Standard screen. The Menu is what we've changed before on this camera. We've changed it to the Standard one. It allows you to more quickly go from, for instance, the Shooting menu to the Playback menu to the Set up menu without having to go back to your home screen all the time. So you'll be able to navigate a little bit more quickly with the standard system. But it doesn't give you as many graphic, little helpful tips. When you are switching Modes with the mode dial on the top of the camera, do you want this little extra information on the back of the camera? When you first get the camera, it's kind of nice, but once you get used to using the ...
camera, you'll find that it's just kind of irritating 'cause it's not really giving you any helpful information that you don't already know. And that it's starting to cover up other information that is more valuable to you. The Feature guide on the camera is a little brief description of what that feature is about, which is great when you're getting started with the camera, 'cause it gives you a little bit more information about what that is actually doing. But a lot of times, it's showing up right on top of where you're trying to read and look for different information and so, it sometimes is a little annoying once you get used to the camera. So another feature, you might keep it on at the beginning for a while, but then as you get tired of it, feel free to come back and turn that off. All right, time to get into everybody's favorite menu, which is My Menu. And this is where you get to add all of your own items to the menu system of the camera. And this is where you can customize the menu, so that you can quickly get in and get out, without having to really search and dig through all the different menus, to find things that you want. So, we're gonna take my camera and we're gonna start customizing this menu and making this a little bit easier to work with. So, let's go ahead and hit the MENU button on the camera. And head on over to My Menu. And what we're gonna want to do, oh, looks like we've already had this set up with one other thing in here. I've practiced around in here. So, we're gonna Delete all my tabs right now just to clear everything off. All right, so we're back to the beginning right now. So what I'm gonna do is that I'm gonna add tabs. So you can add items and you can add tabs. A tab is a group of items. So I'm gonna add a tab, and I'm gonna say OK, and we're gonna configure this tab, yup, let's configure this tab. And let's go ahead and rename this tab. Now we can go in here and we can rename this tab, and I'm gonna hit the garbage can button to get rid of all of this. I'm gonna use the touch screen 'cause I think this is a little bit faster. I'm gonna add, LANDSCAPE. (buttons beeping) So these are things that I might use... I think that I did not spell that correctly so I have to fix this because I'm bad enough on spelling, I don't want it bad now. That was not misspelling, that was a typo, those are two different things. Okay. That's still not right. I got too big of fingers. Okay, so, we've called it LANDSCAPE, no I don't want extra LANDSCAPEE, I'm gonna hit MENU for OK. So, this is called, my LANDSCAPE menu. I am now going to select items that I would use in landscape photography. And so I might want to check my Image quality, so I'm gonna say OK, let's add that one. Now it's grayed out. Let's see, let's find some other things I would use in landscape. My ISO speed, I wanna make sure that that's set properly when I do landscape photography. Let's just go ahead and set White balance in there just for kicks. Let's look for anything else that we might use. AF method, no. I might like the Grid display in there and make sure I got a level horizon, that could be nice. And we got a long list of items in here. I'm gonna jump towards the end here, let's see what other things do we have. You know what, even though I don't do this in landscape photography, it's nice to have the Format card in there. Okay, so that's good enough for now. So, I'm going to hit MENU to back out of this, and now I'm gonna come down to Sort these registered items. And so these are the items that I selected, and let's just say that I think Grid items is more important, I want it higher on the list. I'm gonna hit SET and then I'm gonna move it up higher. And maybe I want Format card up here 'cause I do that on a regular basis. And so you can move these things up and down and you can add a couple more in. And now I'm gonna hit MENU to back outta this. And I'm gonna hit MENU to back out of this. And so now, I have a LANDSCAPE tab. I also have kind of an organization set up tab. And I could add another tab, Add My Menu tab, so I can add another tab, I could Configure this. I'm not gonna worry about renaming it. I'm just going to Select items, I'm just gonna select the top three items real quickly. And so now I have a second tab, I'll just back out of this real quickly. And so now when I hit MENU, I have three different tabs. I have my general one here, my LANDSCAPE one, and then number three is My Set up one. And so, if you take the time to go through and figure out what features that you really use, and you really want in your camera, and you organize, I think you can have about five tabs and about six items on each tab, that's 30 items. Probably, you're never gonna need more than going back to 30 items in the menu system. You should be able to quickly go back and find whatever you need in the menu system in two or three seconds. You should never get lost looking for things that you use on a regular basis in the camera. If you do, you don't have your camera set up right. And so get your camera set up right, the way that you want to use it, so that it's quick and fast and easy to use. And that menu system, that My Menu system is one of the best on all the cameras in the market. I've seen 'em all, and having those different tabs and all those different items and being able to rename it and reorganize it makes things really, really easy. So I encourage you to get in there. And it's gonna change over time. Your likes, your needs and what your tools that you use are. And so, get it set up the best you can. Don't worry about making it perfect. And then go in and adjust it, as necessary, as times change.
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