Class Overview
13:34 2Photo Basics
05:55 3Top Deck: Mode Dial (Auto Modes)
17:57 4Top Deck: Mode Dial (Manual Modes)
15:17 5Top Deck: Auto Focus
05:46 6Top Deck: ISO & Movie Mode
12:32 7Top Deck: Flash
04:39 8Back Side: Viewfinder Display
10:57Back Side: Live View
05:32 10Quick Menu
18:10 11Back Side: Buttons Overview & Playback
09:31 12Left & Right Side of Camera
06:18 13Bottom & Front of Camera
04:00 14Lenses
09:37 15Menu Overview
03:48 16Shooting Menu Page 1
05:44 17Shooting Menu Page 2
11:13 18Shooting Menu Page 3
07:53 19Shooting Menu Page 4-5
09:27 20Movie Shooting Menu Page 1-3
07:42 21Movie Shooting Menu Page 4-5
05:34 22Playback Menu Page 1-3
08:37 23Set Up Menu Page 1 (Wi-Fi)
15:16 24Set Up Menu Page 2-3
05:41 25Set Up Menu Page 4 (Custom Functions)
15:21 26Display & My Menu
06:46 27Camera Operation
16:16Lesson Info
Let's talk about some of my favorite lens options and things to know about when it comes to working with different lenses on this camera. You can use two different sets of lenses from Canon. Canon makes many different types of lenses. The EF lens and the EF-S lens are the ones that we want to talk about here. Now, the EF lenses are clearly labeled, as are the EF-S. They have their little red dots and their white squares to help differentiate which models are which. So the EF lenses are designed for full frame sensors. The S, the smaller ones, are designed for the smaller size APS-C sensors. So, as light comes through the EF lens, it creates a large image circle, large enough to cover the entire area of the full frame sensor. Perfect. The EF-S lens is designed a little differently. It's designed to produce a smaller image circle that's just big enough to fit the smaller image area of the APS-C sensor. And so all is perfect in these two different worlds. Where things get interesting is i...
f you were to start moving things around. If you mounted an EF-S lens onto a full frame camera, it would not project a large enough image onto the entire sensor. Now, Canon knew this was a problem and so what they did is they designed the EF lens with the EF-S lens with a special lens mount, so that you cannot even physically mount this on their Full Frame Series of cameras. And so this won't work in any way on their full frame cameras, and so if you were to upgrade from this camera to one of the higher-end, full frame cameras, you're gonna need to sell the lenses with the camera, 'cause they're no longer gonna work on that full frame camera. However, the reverse is not true. You can take an EF lens, which produces a very large image circle, and the small image area is just gonna be kind of a crop in the middle of that image area, and the image is gonna look totally fine. And so, there's nothing really wrong with using EF lenses on this camera, which means that if you have this camera, you can choose from the full lineup of Canon SLR lenses, which include EF and EF-S lenses. So, as I mentioned before, they're pretty clearly labeled, but you should be aware that there is a third category of lenses called the EF-M lenses, and this is designed for their mirrorless cameras. There's only a few of these mirrorless cameras currently at this time, and a very small collection of lenses, but they work off of a very different system, off of a very different mount, and they're using a white circle. So be aware that you don't want to pick up any EF-M lenses for this camera. Looking at the lenses themselves, we're gonna have the Auto Focus switch, the Stabilizer on the lenses that have those particular features. The Zoom lenses will usually have a pretty large Zoom Ring and all the lenses will have a Focusing Ring for those of you who want to manually focus. Filter threads will vary from lens to lens. The standard 18 to 55 uses a 58 millimeter thread, so look for that circle with the line through it. That is the symbol for diameter, so if you want to get a polarizing or a UV filter, that's what size you would want to get. There's some little notches in there which help allow for the hood to be attached. Now, each lens has its own dedicated lens hood, and so you want to make sure that you have right lens hood matched with the right lens. And, just kind of as a little side note, the basic Canon lenses do not come with lens hoods. You gotta pay extra for it. This lens hood cost about $25. Some of them cost $50. Some of them cost much more. Now, the lens hoods are a great way for protecting flare or light hitting the front of the lens from causing a flare problem in the lens. It's also nice just as a protection, as a bumper, on the front of the lens, and so I recommend getting a lens hood and using a lens hood as much as possible. The one time that it doesn't work real well is when you're doing flash photography, because it may block the flash from hitting where it needs to, where the lens is going to see it, and so you may want to not use the flash when you are using flash photography. So let me talk about some of the basic lenses that you are likely to encounter, and what I would recommend. The 18 to 55 has been the common kit lens with Canon for quite a while. They do have a couple versions of the 18 to 55. One that's kind of interesting is the STM version of it, which stands for Stepper Motor. And this is a lens that will work better in live view and in video. So if you plan to shoot a lot of video, you want to use this partly as a video camera, but also as a still camera. You'd want to look to getting STM lenses. They focus more smoothly back and forth when you are shooting video, and so they're fine for general photography, but they're just added extra goodness when they are shooting video. So we do also have an 18 to 135 STM, and there's a few other STM lenses in the lineup. And as you'll see, the Canon is like most manufacturers, they use a lot of letters to designate some of the different features of their lenses. And so, the STM is that Stepper Motor that you will see. If you wanted a really big zoom, you can get the 18 to 200. You would rarely ever need to switch lenses, 'cause that would be a huge range. And so if you look zooms, those are lenses that you might encounter and would make sense on a camera like this. For telephoto work, that's probably the first lens that most people are gonna get besides the kit lens. If you want to be able to zoom in for sports action and wildlife type things, the 55 to is an EF-S lens designed for the Rebel Series of cameras. Fairly lightweight, compact lens, and so it's pretty easy to carry around. If you want to step up in quality, look to the EF 70 to 300 lens. In this case, you're gonna get a metal lens mount, and you're gonna get better construction, little bit better optical quality, little bit better feel in the lens, you might say, as far as the ergonomics and the control of it. And so, it's gonna be a little bit more money, but it's a little bit better lens, and it also works on all their full frame cameras as well. Primes are lenses that do not zoom, also known as Fixed lenses. And a few different lenses here, and all of these lenses are very affordable. These are all under $200. The 24 and the 40 are what we would call pancake lenses, so if you want a really small lens. If you're a mom or dad, and you're going around with the kids, and you got a lot of other stuff you're worrying about, a lot of other stuff you're carrying, and you just want to carry a nice camera with a single lens, the 24 millimeter lens is a nice, slightly wide angle lens, good lifestyle lens, and it would make for a very, very light package. And if you want to shoot a little bit more portrait, you might think about the 40, or if you're a little bit more serious, you go for the 50. The 50 millimeter 1.8 lets in a lot more light than the standard zoom lenses, and so with the standard kit zoom lenses, in many cases, a lot of people get that telephoto zoom, but I think in many cases the best next lens would be that 50 millimeter 1.8, especially if you like portrait photography. You're gonna be able to shoot with a slightly narrower angle of view, but with very shallow depth of field. And as they say, all of these are very, very affordable in their price. Just a few other lenses that you might be interested in for special purposes. The 10 to 18 is a very affordable wide angle lens. If you're a landscape photographer, maybe you're into hiking and backpacking, and you want to take those grand, wide landscape shots, but you don't want to carry a lot of heavy equipment, the 10 to 18 is a lightweight, not too expensive lens. Previous versions of this lens, which were much heavier, bigger in size, were three times the price of it. This is under $300 currently, and so it's a great wide angle, inexpensive option. If you like to shoot flowers closeup, jewelry, anything really close, take a close look at 60 millimeter 2.8 lens. It's also not a bad portrait lens, and so it could serve a number of good purposes. If you really like doing portraits, you might also look at the 85 1.8. This would be good for outdoor portraits, where you have a bit more room to work with your subject. You're gonna be a little bit further away from your subjects but you're gonna really be able to throw that background out of focus with this lens very easily. And it's a very affordable lens as well. And so, those are some of my favorite options for lenses for this camera. Now if you are really interested in lenses, I do have a lot more to say on this subject. In fact, I have a two day class that has tons of information, pretty much everything that you would want to know about lenses, and specifically Canon lenses in this class. We go through every different lens that's available, I talk about all the different focal lengths and how to use them. I go into a lot of the specialty lenses. We talk about fisheyes and macro lenses and tilt shift lenses, and so there's a lot of fun. And if you want to get to know about lenses a lot more, then this is a great class for you, 'cause we really get to dive deep into the world on lenses. And so, take a look at that one, I think it's a great companion class. Once you've learned out to use the camera, then you (mumbles) learn how to use the lenses. They work really well together.
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