Lesson Info
3. Brightening Eyes in Photoshop
Quick Image Tune-Up in Photoshop
08:58 2Cleaning Up Skin & Blemishes in Photoshop
16:22 3Brightening Eyes in Photoshop
10:48 4The Patch Tool, Content Aware Fill, and the Clone Stamp in Photoshop
16:53 5Basic Dodging and Burning in Photoshop
08:23 6Real World Teeth Whitening in Photoshop
07:57 7Face Swapping, Flattening, and Merging in Photoshop
19:52Lesson Info
Brightening Eyes in Photoshop
A lot of times people want to do things like brighten eyes. They I get request for people to know how to do that. Ah, and there's a lot of different ways that you can try it. The method that that I would share with you would be a small levels adjustment. So here's how how I would do that and then I'll show you how I made the action and how it works. This is a case where I would not do the levels adjustment up here. This would be a separate adjustment just for the eyes, and I want to be able to mask it. So we're gonna use a new adjustment layer. So I'm gonna grab this and I'm gonna click levels, and I'm not gonna worry about any of the rest of the image, so I'm gonna brighten it. In this case, I'm just gonna grab the mid tone slider and dragged to the left. So I'm watching his eyes until they are slightly brightened. We're not going to do anything ridiculous, but I'll just drag it slightly to the left to brighten it and the rest of the image maybe to right now, that's okay. I'm not worr...
ied about it because I'm gonna fill this mask that comes with layer that with you doesn't wear. I'm going to fill it with black. And that will allow me to, um Onley have this adjustment take place on his eyes. Okay, so let's do that quickly. When we made this adjustment layer, it automatically comes with a mask. The mask is by default blank. What I want to do now is fill it with black. That's gonna hide the entire adjustment that I just make. So to do that, I'll just use my keyboard shortcut. I have black already active as my foreground color. Um, so I'll just press all tor option delete. And now this mask is black and it's as if this adjustment doesn't exist, so I can hide it and nothing changes because basically, this adjustment is blocked by the black in the mask, which means that now I can paint it where I want it, which would be on their eyes, I guess. So I'll zoom in so you can see I'll grab the brush tool, which is right here. I want to make sure I don't have a crazy brush like some of the things I was doing in my other classes. Just want a nice, soft round brush so I can click here to pick a soft round brush. Or I can. If I already have a round brush. I just want to make sure that it's soft. I can do that by looking up here and seeing if this preview is fuzzy or if it looks like this, which is a little harder. I can change it with my keyboard by pressing and holding shift. And then if I press the left bracket, it softens it, and the right bracket would harden it. So I'm gonna do shift. And if I press left bracket like four or five times, it will be all the way as soft as it goes. What it's changing is actually the slider right here. And every time you press it, it moves, I think, in 20% increments. So even if I was 100% fighting shift, I won't do it while I have it. Open shift left bracket. Um, no. You see, it's a theory, so you want it nice and soft, and then left. Bracket by itself will make this cursor smaller Now I want to be painting with white here because white is going to reveal this adjustment. Right? Remember, this is a mask, so it's It's just like if you wear a mask to cover your face. This mask is covering this adjustment with black so white putting white areas will allow this adjustment to show through. So it's literally like we're gonna cut his eyes out. Like if you put a bag over your head and you can't see your face, we're gonna put holes in the ice now. So to do that, I'm going to use the brush tool with white paint so I'll flip flop these and then I'm just gonna paint over the eyes. And that adjustment is not I'm gonna exaggerate it just for on camera, so I'll make it that's too bright. Okay, sure, we can all agree, but just so we can see what's happening, I am gonna exaggerate that a little bit. If you make a mistake and paint like woops too far, we don't want that. Of course you didn't undo it with a keyboard shortcut, Commander Control Z. But what if you don't catch it until you've gone too far until you're like way later and you're out of undoes. So let's they do that to fix that. You just press X on your keyboard to exchange your foreground and background Swatch. So it's the same as if you click this flip flop arrow. So I press X to exchange and get black paint back. And then I can actually just paint. So I think I went a little too far and got some of his eyelashes. We don't want to brighten those, so just do something like that. And now, when I look at this, I think that looks freaky because it's overdone, which we did on purpose so you can see Ah, and that's okay when it's overdone. Then you just come in the layers panel. You can adjust the adjustment, I guess, or you can come up here and just fade it. So maybe I'll fade that down to like, 50% or even probably more. I don't I'm not someone who really does this a whole lot because it tends to look. You really got to be careful or it just looks silly, but I get questions about it a lot, so it is a very popular thing. Let's come over here and we'll get Big Brother. So I'll press X to flip flop my paint. And now it's so subtle. I really don't see a huge difference. Weaken. Toggle this. There we go. Very subtle. Toggle that on and off, Teoh. See? And again, I got a little carried away with the eyelashes. Good. All right, so that is pretty simple. So we can call this I Bryant And guess, um and then sometimes people want to then burn in the darker areas around the eyes and I'll show you dodging and burning separately. But in this case, we're going to do something else a little bit different. I'm actually going to create another adjustment layer. It's going to be a solid color that I'm going to fill with black. So the hex code for black it's six zeros and then again will make the layer mask black toe block that hole adjustment. So I'll fill it with black by President, alter or option delete. So now that adjustment is gone. I'm going to change the blend mode from normal. Actually, let me make the let me undo the white mask. So here's what it looks like right now if we don't mask anything, but I'm gonna change the blend mode from normal to like soft light, which is going to darken things a little bit. Uh, and then maybe we'll leave that at 100 for now, just so you can see what's happening and have changed the blend mode. Soft light. How's it overlays? Even more. Let's stick with soft light and then we'll fill this with black. So alter option delete groups. Yes, Photo shopped. There we go. Make sure when you're trying to fill the layer mask, you actually have to have the masks highlighted. So not just this layer, but actually the mass, because you can click to have the image active or the mask. So the mask active and I'll do all option delete. And now, if I come in here, I can paint with white again, just like we did here. And I make my brush really tiny. I can It's really too dark will adjust, but I can paint the edges of his eyes in darker, and I want this to be much soft. Save can get this. This is gonna be really subtle, so I'm just gonna burn around his eyes a little bit and we gotta fade that down. But you see how it darkens the little drama we can dark in his lashes a little bit. That's too much. Now he looks like, Ah, a rocker with eye makeup on uh, but if we toggle this on and off, we can see that it just adds a little more definition and helps by darkening the edges of the irises. That helps also the white areas to separate a little more. So some people really get into that. And this is one of a gazillion ways that you could do it. Okay, So the important thing is that when you're done with that, you want to fade it down, because if you leave it at 100% hoops, if you leave it at 100% there's nothing realistic looking about that. We want to fade it nice and down like that. Okay, so how that looks like if we throw these whales show you, I've got them loaded here. Retouching bonus. So we have bright eyed and we have smoldering. So bright eyed is going to be the brightening action. So with that active, you can click play, and it it makes the levels adjustment and adds a layer. Matt, while the layer mask comes with it makes a levels adjustment, and then it fills the mask with black. So all you have to do then is grab your paint, brush with white paint, and then you can paint in the eye brights. And, of course you have to fade it because every image is going to be different. So I had, you know, got to do some work. But I'll save you from having to go click and make the adjustment and fill the layer mask with black. So, um, that's the I Breitner, and then the smoldering I. If we run that one, we hit play, it will do the same thing that we just did. So it makes the adjustment changes. The blend mode has the layer mask black, and then it fades. It already down to 50%. You would then paint with white, and if you want to fade it more, I would recommend it. So then you can dial that back. Okay, so that's a little look at how those work
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I am glad I got this course. There was a lot of really good information, and it was really helpful to be able to rewind, pause and be able to study her screen at various points to see what was going on as I was worked on an image simultaneously on another screen.
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