Day 1
1First 2 Years: The Truth
1:23:37 2Teaching 2 Photographers in 28 Days
1:10:45 3Rate Your Business
1:05:08 4Year One in Business
1:00:34Day 2
528 Challenges
1:21:39 6Fear
1:04:07Price & Value
1:10:17 8Checklist, Challenges, and Next Steps
26:35Day 3
9Day 1: The Natural Light Studio
38:09Day 4
10Day 2: Mapping Your Set and Outfits
1:54:32Day 5
11Day 3: One Composition - Five Poses
35:49Day 6
12Day 4: Flow Posing
49:31Day 7
13Day 5: Posing Couples
55:55Day 8
14Day 6: Capturing Beautiful Connection & Expression
40:47Day 9
15Day 7: The Rules - Chin, Shoulders, Hands
56:24Day 10
16First Weekly Q&A Session
1:00:15 17Day 8: Rules - Hourglass, Body Language, Asymmetry, Connection
28:39Day 11
18Day 9: Styling & Wardrobe
40:50Day 12
19Day 10: Shooting Curves
48:40Day 13
20Day 11: Posing & Shooting - Groups of 2, 3, and 4
28:46Day 14
21Day 12: Posing & Shooting Families
28:36Day 15
22Day 13: Products & Price List
56:53Day 16
23Day 14: Marketing & Shooting the Before & After
41:20Day 17
24Day 15: Phone Coaching & Scripting
52:56Day 18
25Second Weekly Q&A Session
1:02:21 26Day 16: Posing Young Teens
43:02Day 19
27Day 17: Marketing & Shooting - Family First Demographic
33:14Day 20
28Day 18: The Corporate Headshot
1:05:43Day 21
29Day 19: Glamour Shoot on Location & Shooting with Flare
53:56 30Photoshop Video: Glamour Shoot on Location & Shooting with Flare
11:06Day 22
31Day 20: Photoshop - Warping & the Two Minute Rule
1:22:22Day 23
32Day 21: Posing Mothers & Daughters
42:22Day 24
33Third Weekly Q&A Session
1:31:41 34Day 22: Marketing & Shooting - 50 & Fabulous Demographic
1:04:00Day 25
35Day 23: Shooting into the Backlight
58:22 36Bonus: Shooting into the Backlight
06:52Day 26
37Day 24: Marketing & Shooting - Girl Power Demographic (18-30s)
39:17 38Photoshop Video: Girl Power Demographic (18-30s)
1:07:21Day 27
39Day 25: The Beauty Shot
46:32 40Bonus: Vintage Backdrop
04:54Day 28
41Day 26: Marketing & Shooting - Independent Women Demographic
49:40Day 29
42Day 27: Sales & Production
54:30Day 30
43Day 28: Posing Men
52:19Day 31
44Bonus: Pricing
42:32 45Introduction
11:36 46Photography, Style, Brand, and Price Part 1
1:06:49 47Photography, Style, Brand, and Price Part 2
47:24 48Marketing Part 1
38:01 49Marketing Part 2
1:12:04 50Money: What's Blocking You?
49:15 51Bonus: The Folio Shoot
52:29Day 32
52Photo Critiques Images 1 through 10
23:11 53Photo Critiques Images 11 through 27
25:01 54Photo Critiques Images 28 through 45
30:19 55Photo Critiques Images 47 through 67
36:47 56Photo Critiques Images 68 through 84
23:22 57Photo Critiques Images 85 through 105
36:01 58Photo Critiques Images 106 through 130
34:49 59Photo Critiques Images 131 through 141
13:45 60Photo Critiques Images 142 through 167
25:27 61Photo Critiques Images 168 through 197
29:13 62Photo Critiques Images 198 through 216
25:51Day 33
63Identify Your Challenges
35:06 64Identify Your Strengths
22:16 65Getting Started Q&A
22:54 66Rate Your Business
31:29 67Marketing Vs Pricing
33:26 68Facing Fear
23:45 69The 28 Day Study Group
15:02 70Selling Points
40:35 71Interview with Susan Stripling
18:03 72Emotional Honesty
29:09Day 34
73Sue's Evolution
18:36 7428 Days Review
15:14 75Student Pitches
11:28 7628 Days Testimonial: Mapuana Reed
09:02 77How to Pitch: Starting a Conversation
37:28 78Your Block: Seeing is What You're Being
35:30 79Your Block: Valuing and Receiving
37:09 80Building Confidence: Your Own Stories
20:45 81Building Confidence: Your Self Worth
36:05 82Pitching An Experience
34:16 83Pitching An Experience: Your Intentions
18:15 84Pitching An Experience: Social Media
30:14 85Final Thoughts
24:35Lesson Info
Bonus: The Folio Shoot
Today we're here filming a show reel for Jim Nelson Edgar. We're doing a theater show reel, we're doing a movie show reel, and we're movie stills for her headshot acting folio. We're starting with a completely nude look, which is about no makeup, keeping a really simple, taking it back to white. Here we are here. Hair and makeup today, Christine Caban. Staking camera, Stephen Roderick. Groovy camera, Sean Levra and me, Sue Bries. Just look at me, dear. Beautiful. Okay, so just too neat. So now we just want to keep that shape and just move her out a little bit, just mess her up a little wee bit, just a little shake through. It was the shape I'd didn't I like, and now I like that, but now she's just made that, so that's beautiful. Just pull a little bit off that eye, and then we're done. And you can stay close to me. You can stay just outside this reflective line, Christine. All right, so your shoulders can come up and I just need you on this side of this reflector. Your shoulders need t...
o drop and the only way you can do that is to bend your elbows. Yeah, that's it. Okay, touchdown. And I just want you to push your chin towards me that way. That's it, stay there. So just go lips relaxed and bring your chin forward. That's it, stay down. I'm going to clear that. All right, now really nice, close headshot here, so just straighten your head up to me. Don't move. Just push your chin down towards me now, Jean. That's it, love that. (coughing) Sorry. Oh great, love that. Mm. All I need there is a smile through your eyes. Good girl, that's beautiful. (camera shutter clicking) So what I want you to do Jean is don't move your head. Just go, eyes down. That's it, and bring your chin down just a touch. You got it. Okay, from here what I want you to do is just look at me. I want you to do this, I want you to look up at me this way, so I want you to go. Hang on, arrange my own microphone. I want you to go, look up, hold my gaze for maybe two or three seconds, and then I want you to do this. Just let your mouth open naturally, and as you do, go like this. And then go lips together and give me a tiny little smile. That's it. And then slowly move away and then look down. Okay, so you're going to look up. Let you see me for the first time, so you'll come straight up and go. Yeah, that's it. Okay, I'm gonna film it. (camera shutter clicking) Hang on, not yet, not yet. Just look at me, I'll tell you when. Just gotta get focused. Got it. Go for it. Get your bottom lip, go open. Okay, do it again. This time, so before you do it, you'll come up and then lips together. It's such a very, very, very simple move and I just want you to nail that for me. Go. Okay, so what I want you to do, 'cause you went up, I can see you're thinking, you're thinking, and then you went, and I'm gonna turn and now I'm gonna do this. So I want you to look at it like this. Go, you were doing something, and then you just saw somebody walk in and you went like this. Okay, so it's a movement and almost like I'm shy, I'm flirting, yeah. So not, lips went through. Not (faint speaking). Yeah. Go for it. Okay, stay there. Come back to the front. This time, just look straight up into the camera like this and then hold the camera and then just go. And then just look away, okay? Wait. Go! I want you to hold the mouth just a little bit longer. So when you come up into the gaze, I want you to go up. Slight movement, it's like. Okay, and then go, go. Girl, that was beautiful. See the movement in that? Mm-hmm. See how subtle it is? Mm-hmm. See how the movement's got to keep going in the eyes. You just held it too long. Okay. Okay, so you held it longer than you would hold a gaze, so if I was doing that to you, I'd go. 'Cause your first response is to look. Your second response is how you're looking at me and I'm responding to that, and then your third response is to react, so here we go. I'd go. Right? Yeah. Let's do it one time. Go ahead. Do again. Go. Okay, instead of looking away, just stay on me. That's it, stay right there. I like that. Look right down here. You're looking here, right there. Stay there. Okay, now just bring your chin down and straight into the camera, go. Big, big, smile go. Now look down. That was beautiful. Look at that. There. That's what you want, okay. That's beautiful. Suze, can we have, Christine, can you get a hair dryer? (faint speaking) A hair dryer. See that? Mm-hmm. I love that. So hold my, hold this. I want to show you something. When you see this, when you hold this up to me, pull that back and forth until you see my eye come into focus. Just look at the screen. Okay, tell me when my eye's in focus. Put it on the back. There. Now. There? Yeah. Okay, I want you to do this. Is that okay? Okay. So I want you to hold, look up. Don't open your mouth until you look straight up at me. Okay, hair dryer. I just want to plug it in. Hr, we need a very long cord, do we, for the hair dryer? How about? I have another (faint speaking) been high. It's behind the sheet. Yeah, no, no, I don't want that one, obviously. So, we don't have an extension, do we? How about. If we use Sue's hairdryer, then we can use her extension cord. She's not in? No, that's my American one. Oh. Um, should be able to reach this one behind here. Okay, I'll do that one more time. And go. Come and take her thing. I just want you around here to sort of flick it in around, just toss it around, just get some movement. You're gonna do exactly the same thing. No, in here. Okay, you're gonna suck it out, put your hand across. Put your hands back. Like that, there they are, not too much, just enough, flick it up and out. That's the one. Okay, not underneath. Flick it in. I want to flick that out. Now like that and then keep moving. That's it. Okay, eyes to me, hun. Pretty much. Filter it with your fingers, just flick it in and out. We'll bounce it off the wall or come and turn your neck or at like that, so just with the ear, but just don't sit up and under there like that. It's just too much. So you can work your fingers across. We're gonna-- Okay, try not to hit her eyes 'cause it makes her eyes, they're all blinky. Chin down, darling. Stop, stay there. Try and bring it back a little bit, Christine. Drop that bottom lip. That's it, love it. Bring your chin this way. Can you try and cut down the fan below? Yeah. And just come in from the side? That's it. Here you go, it's nearly there. Chin down. Okay, eyes down. Try not to hit the wall hun, 'cause the sound'll yeah. (faint speaking) okay, go, Jean. There we go, stay there. Stay there. Don't move, don't move, don't move. Eyes up to me now, lips together. Hold that gaze, little smile. Big huge smile, though. Look down, look down, look down, keep smiling. That's it, there it is. See this? That's perfect. Oh my gosh. Look at that. Gorgeous. Yeah, look at that. Okay, let's go one more time. Okay, hit me with that air, sideways air. Bottom lip. Straight in here, Jean. That's a girl. Hold that gaze for me. Suze? Yeah? Can you come in with a reflector, the little Harvey reflector? Okay, well, done move, Christine. Don't touch, don't. Stay there, stay there. No, no, stay looking down, stay looking down. Just eyes to me. Here. Up and over me, babe. Yeah, that's it. Come under here. I just wanna just bounce down, bouncing down down, down, down. That's it, bouncing down. Keep going, keep going. That's it, that's it, perfect. Hold there, hold there. Drop that bottom lip. (camera shutter clicking) There you go there. Don't move. That's perfect Suze like, yeah. Chin forward and down a little more. Just go lips together. Looking very (faint speaking) okay. Chin down, touch, drop that bottom lip. Lips together, little smile. Beautiful big smile, go. Gotcha. Chin forward, lift up at the back. That's a girl. Stay there. (camera shutter clicking) Big smile, go! Got chest there. Just up at the back, chin, not long neck. That's it. Lift your chin up to me with that smile. Just close that mouth down a little bit more. Steady Sean, steady Sean. Come over a bit more, Sean. Block that light. Ah, go back, go back, go back. Where were you? It was beautiful. Go back, go back, stop, there it is. Okay, straighten your head up to me, love. This way, stop. Okay, beautiful, big smile. There you go. Good light blocker. (laughing) I like this. I'm gonna take a shot of you. (laughing) Fortune favors a prepared line, that's for sure. (laughing) Yeah, fortune favors the bold. The prepared, mm-hmm. And the well endowed. Look at that. You don't get better natural headshot style than that. That's awesome. Yeah. Wow. That's just so beautiful. Mm-hmm. It is. Look. I like it. All right, let's stand up, stand ya up and choose, might actually get you to come onto this side. All right, (mumbles) shot. Just keep it, yeah. Just go back against the wall and I just want you to give me some shape this way. That's it, so bend this elbow there, not that far, halfway, and that's it. Yeah, I just want you to block. That's it. Now sit back Suze, so that's come forward. Whoa, that's it now. Yeah, you've got it. All right, that down, and let's go, that's one lower. That's it. Push your chin towards me. Good girl, stay there. Okay, start, lips together. We'll work our way up. Eyes to me. (camera shutter clicking) Okay, just let that hand go lower and more hip. More hip? Yeah, more hip, more hip, that's it, that's it. Okay, push that chin forward, straight face there, chin down just a tickle. Eyes up, that's it. Now go, relax your mouth. Okay, and then little smile. Big smile, gotcha. Stay there. Less smile, less than that, less than that, that's it. Chin up, stop. Okay, hit me some sideways air, Christine. Straighten your head up to me, love. That's it, push your chin forward. (camera shutter clicking) Stay there. Just go up. That's it. Chin forward, chin forward, stop. Okay, chin this way, stop. I just heard that camera go off. Susan? Yeah, just one second. All right. Lips together, more on the eyes, darling. That's the one! Stay there, stay there. Oh, I like this. Ooh, but I like that. Bring your chin forward, love. Down, down, down. All right, now can we just, it's amazing that you're here. There, there, and there, that's the one. Chin down just a touch. There it is. Oh, I like this a lot. Good girl, it's amazing. Chin up, relax that bottom lip. You got it, chin up a bit more, that's it. Stay there. Good girl, that was perfect. Mm, like that. (camera shutter clicking) All right, okay, we're ready for our second look. The only other thing that I would do with this look is go back one more time, is just bring your hand up to your face. Okay, so turn your body towards me. Yeah, and just bring your hand to here. That's it. So this thumb has to come in. That's it, and your elbow has to push into your breast line. That's the one. So hold your elbow or hold around your waist so it can sit there. That's it, and I just want you to touch like this. Yeah, now just bring that thumb back, don't turn your head though. Bring that elbow to here and push your bum back to the wall. That's it. So maybe hold, push across, and then just like this, and then that's it. Now stop. Okay, now just bring your chin forward. Straighten your head up to me, don't move. Okay, stay there, Suze. You're perfect. Okay, now I need this with the strongest expression you have. Stop with your hand, keeping your hand cupped in. That's it, don't move. Don't move. Stay there, stay there. Ah, don't move, don't move. Okay, I've nearly got it. Sean, go back, just for the shot. Sorry, your light was-- Keep goin, keep going toward Susan. That's it, stop, stop, go toward Susan. That's it, stop. Okay, you're staring at me, honey. I need you to bring those eyes to me and cup this hand more, make it real. That's it, stop. Now give me eyes like, really work those eyes for me. I want that, I want more, tiny smirk. Lift your chin up, tiny, relax your bottom lip. Good girl. Ah, look at this. That is just magical. Oh my God, yeah. Isn't that beautiful? Wow. I shot at 1.2. Whoa! Beautiful, Jean. So it actually looks like you're underwater. When you get up close, you have look. It's nothing, and they will be in focus about your eye. Whoa, that is cool! Yeah. Oh my God, that's really neat. Isn't that neat? Yeah. I love that. All right, that's beautiful. So that's what we want for our head shots. So let's do exactly that, but with shoulders down. That's it, Sean. You need to come and stand there 'cause you and Susan are just blocking. So the perfect amount of light for that to be. All right, so now I just want hands by your sides. That's it, and just elbows in the (mumbles) and then push your chin towards me, don't move. Okay. God, I love this lens, and I can see freckles and everything. Chin down a touch, smile in those eyes. Good girl, stay there. Relax that bottom lip up for me, that's it. Relax those eyes. All right, stay there. Chin down a touch, give me those eyes, little smile in those eyes, good girl. Lips together, tiny smirk. Chin up, relax that bottom lip. Excellent. Maybe I'll just take a footage here, Sean. Okay, so I just want eyes down, look up, and little smirk. Beautiful big grin, guy. Okay, this time can I just get you to hold your hands back up like this? Yeah, so just this one out like a cigarette so it's more like it's just sitting there, and I want you, when I say so, I want you to go. Okay, so it's like-- And then you can go. You know, just like of the eye. Okay. Go. Yeah, okay, so I just want a hand relaxed, so it's gotta be completely natural movement, so find your own groove. That's it. So you can just walk into it if you need to, that's it, but I need it to be real. And you're just pushing your chin towards me a little we'll bit. Stop. Okay, I need you to just change your hands for me. This is like playing Simon Says. That's it, stay there, stay there. Okay, so the difference between photographing, lips together, so the difference between photographing somebody static and photographing in the actors, I just want to play this game here. It's like an improv game. It's not a posing game, it's just a finding a look as opposed to finding a pose. Gotcha. Yeah, okay, and so when I say change, you're going to just change. Okay, stop. Chin up to me, don't move. Okay, change. Change. Chin up to me a little bit more. And I don't need modeling expressions, I need acting expressions. That's it, so just keep your chin forward, that's the only thing I ask for. That's it, okay, stay there. Just change your face for me here, and again. No, don't change it. Yeah, just change your face for me. And again. Chin down a little wee bit. Good girl, there it is. Don't move, that was perfect. Yeah, love that. Okay, so from here, I want to cut down some light, so I'm gonna bring some reflectors around and just cut down right down the light. Okay, another one'll be good, too. Okay, so I just need to lean these up against each other. Can you grab a chair? You can come around me. Yeah. All right, walls are falling down. Maybe another blocker here would be good. Okay, here we go. (faint speaking) Ah, let's see. We'll try and use one. I don't need this one over George's door. There, that is the one. All right, let's take this to the floor. So I just want you to bring your knee up in front so that you can sit forward into there, just one knee. Do you want? No, don't worry, sit there. Yeah, that's it. So bring your foot towards me. That's the one, and you're just coming forward onto that knee. So let's just leave this hand out. Okay, stop. Stay there. Lift up towards your neck and shoulders, Jen. Push your chin towards me, chin down a touch and tip that way. Stop. That's it, don't move, love it. Okay, this hand, shoulder needs to come back, so whatever you have to do to do that. So just swop those hands around. Bring this hand through here, that's the one. Okay, now you've just swapped sides, so go back the way you were, but your arm was all the way over like this and it made you look short, so just bring it back, bring it up and over. Yeah, take this one back through. Forward would be better. Yeah, so bring it up and over, just not as far. That's it. So come forward with your upper body, that's it, and then straighten this arm out. That's it, stay there. Now lift up toward your chin, towards me. That's it, so when you bring your chin towards me, you do this, so when you come up, and bring your chin towards, that's it, stay there, perfect. Okay, relax that mouth, but not that far. Chin up, chin up a little bit more, up, up, up, chin up, so lift up and then chin forward is not the same as chin up. Chin up is actually chin up, so lift up and chin forward is that, but chin up is actually, yeah, that's it, drop that bottom lip. Okay, from here, that's perfect, that's really cool. What I want you to do is bring some hands in. So this one stays there. I just want you to bring this up. No, mirror me. That's it, yeah, so keep up and over, but just bring this one up, that's the one. So it's about using your hands, that's it. (camera shutter clicking) Let's see if we can't tuck your hair back a little wee bit, just make it a little bit more real like, even if you were acting, you'd be moving your hair. Yeah, just a little bit more, so just tuck it back. Yeah, the other side as well. Shake this one out a little bit more there. Okay, now sit forward again, just sit forward there. That's it, stay there. Just soften this elbow, that's it. (camera shutter clicking) Okay, lean forward a little bit more. Okay, big smile, go. (camera shutter clicking) All right, from there, let's just go a little bit more. All right, I want you to do, why don't you do, why don't you do, instead of posing for a photo shoot, I want you to be a little bit more like you're doing a sequence of acting, so I want to try and get something a little bit more animated. So I want you kind of, okay, so just imagine that you, just thinking about something and that you're going through all of those motions, thinking and smiling, you're laughing, and act it out just like you're being filmed. So nice and slow. Just think about it, and what's your process? Your process can be that you are, I'm giving you a minute to just improv on somebody's watching you on your own thought and you're just thinking about something and you can, and you can look at me, you can do that, you can look at me, but I'm just gonna photograph you doing it. Yeah. So keep that chin forward. Chin forward. Stay there, eyes to me now, pushed in forward, pushed in forward, pushed in forward, that's it. Chin down a little bit, lift up at the back. Okay, less smile, less smile. I like that. Move again. Bring your knee forward, use your hands. Okay, bring your knee up and use your hands up around here. Eyes to me now. (camera shutter clicking) Look down, big smile, look down. (camera shutter clicking) Okay, that was beautiful. (camera beeping) (camera shutter clicking) Okay, from here, I want hair. Hair? I want you to use your hair. Mm, that's exactly right, and remember to watch that chin. Lift up, that's a girl, like that. Okay, mess up the hair a little bit there. Beautiful big smile through the face. Okay, that's beautiful. That was perfect. I want more of that, do that again. Okay, shake hair, look down, laugh. That was perfect, good girl. Stay there, there we go, under. Do that again. Okay, and hair not on ear. Got loads of body language. Not over your ear, darling. It's got to be in your hair but not over your ear. That's it. 'cause that's body language, I don't want to listen to you. Oh, okay. So if you enter your hair and if you fall into your hair, just keep this knee forward so that you can use this hand here. That's the one, so you stay. That's the one, perfect. Not over your ear. So? No, you can go on the outside of your hair, that's it. Now shake it forward. Okay, there, big smile, guy. Okay, move this on two. That's the one. Oh, I like that little smile you just did. And that was it, slide down, slide down. Okay, change sides, change hands here. That's the one. Okay, not over that ear. That's it, bring your chin around to me now. Chin down. Sit up nice and tall. Relax this hand. Okay, from here, now I want you to be a little bit more here so cross the body, protective of the body. That's it, chin up, relax that face. That's it, so you're here. Yeah, that's it. Now fall into your shoulders and not so up right. That's it, perfect. Straighten your head up to me. (camera shutter clicking) That was great. Let's just tuck this hair behind your ear. That's it, perfect. All the way, tuck it right back, more, that's it, more, more, it's too clean. Tuck it right back. Like, pull it back like, that you're not worried about your hair at all. It's more about, that's it, that's perfect. All right, now lean forward to me. That's it, stay there. That it, love that. Give me a tip this way. Tiny smile. Beautiful, big. Okay, now I just need you to tip this way. More, more, more, more, like a (mumbles), that's it. Big smile, go. Gotcha. Love that, that was perfect because it's dressy, but it's really natural looking and it's no so big hair siren. Definitely not a big hair siren kinda gal. Well, you are, actually (laughing). Actually, you are. Okay from here, turn away from me, towards Sean. So just turn your body around, bring your feet back. Sorry, other way. Yeah, and then sit forward. So this hand goes that way. That's it, sit forward. Sit forward to your knees, not to me. Yeah, and chin and shoulder away from me, that's it. So step forward. Nah, come here, let's get this bra strap. Just step forward to your knees. That's it, that's it, so curl your back. Not so far, that's it. Now bring that out, but stay there. Now chin to your shoulder, that's the one. (camera shutter clicking) Can you bring your hair out at the other side, your left ear? That's it, and bring your eyes around to me now. Stay there. Don't move, stay looking down. I like that, it's very cool. Eyes to me. Big smile, go. No, no, big, big, that's a girl. Okay, from here, when you first sat down, turn your feet the other way. No, stay back that way. No, all the way around, turn away but turn your feet the other way. Yeah, you actually had them facing all the way. That's it, that's it. Okay, now relax your posture and then you open your body up this way. That was it. So just sorta halfway, you just turned that, so stay there. That shoulder there, elbow goes down, don't move. Oh, I love those (mumbles). Stay there, stay there. Okay, don't move. I just need you to close your mouth a tiny little bit. That's a girl. (camera shutter clicking) Sorry, don't move. Oh! Chin down a little, that's it. Oh yeah, yeah. I love this, wowza. Okay, come in and get some front action on this Sean 'cause this is fucking gorgeous. I'm sorry I just said fuck. Twice. Fuck, fuck, fucker. (laughing) Come here. Come on down (laughing). Just chin down and then go eyes out to the camera. Just lift up a little, leading off the legs. Big smile, go. Perfect. Wow. Awesome. Isn't it beautiful? Yeah. Okay, I just need to get to here. Just let your fingertips, that's a girl. Bring your elbow back a little bit on the side, stop. (camera shutter clicking) Let that bottom lip go and just bring your chin around to me a little bit more. Stop, a little bit more. Little smile. Big smile, go. Gorgeous. I love that. Okay, so the only other thing I'd do here would be-- Mm. Wonder if I can, Sean, lay her on the black. Let's try. All right, Sean. You go that way, and Susan, bring this around for me. So bring the V, that V around. The corner here? Yeah, Jean, you come this way. Suze, you bring that one around to cover the window. That's it, all the way, stop. And then I'm gonna put this one down on the floor and you're gonna lie on this. So I just need that backdrop to come around so I've created like, a box. That's it, and I want you to come into here and I just need you to hide more light, so if you have to come in. You can put that behind you, that's okay. Just put that behind you and you can come nice and low for this. That's it, stay there. So really lift up. Chin towards me now, push towards me. That's gorgeous. Okay, good girl, stay there. Okay, chin up half an inch. That's the one, stay there, perfect. Okay, I can just see your underwear, so just bring your knee across. That's it, stop. That's the one, perfect, and across even more would be better, knee. That's it, stop. Drop those shoulders, lift up tall, chin towards me. Have that arm, bring that thumb in, push that chin up and forward, up, up, and forward. Good girl, stay there. Now drop that bottom lip. Slow your thinks down, Jean. That's it. That little half reflector, this is. What is that? Okay, from here, sit in the same position. Turn away from me, so knees feet away from me that way. Yeah, that's it, keep going, keep going, and now open your body up to me by turning your upper body. So flatten your knees down, that's it, and then this hand goes there. That's it, and then, that's it, stay long. Arms those, don't worry, it's just, oh, where are you now? That was perfect, what you just did. Okay, chin forward and down. Stay there. Chin around to me now, this way, this way, chin this way, this way. That's it, stay there. Okay, sorry, blink. Oh, I like that a lot. Okay, from there, let's go, sh, sh, I want to take this down onto your stomach, so I have to get onto mine in order to do that. Don't worry Suze, that'll be enough. So you go onto your stomach. Yeah, that's the one. All right, flat hand here, fingertips behind your hair, behind your hair, that's it. Okay, I need to stretch out. Is there any way I can pull this back, Suze? Yeah, (faint speaking). Or I can go this way, actually. I got it. Okay, hand behind your hair, so bring your hair forward. That's it, that's it, and now hair forward, all the way, hair forward, hair forward, that's it. Now just fingertips on the back of your head. Yeah, now just go. Smelly hands. You're in my camera. That's it, looking in my camera. (camera shutter clicking) Okay. All right. Okay, relax that mouth. That's it work that shoulder forward a little bit more. Now keep that hand flat, just work it in. That's a start. Drop that bottom lip. Okay, from here what I want you to do is come on the diagonal towards me a little bit more. That's it, stay there, stay there, cross this hand over and I just want to be a little bit more animated. So from here, I want to get some laughing stuff. Okay, that's the one. So more like this, use your hair, not over your ear, okay, don't go up that ear. Big smiles, relax this finger. Okay, that's a girl. Okay, and relax it down, not up. That's the one. Big smiles there. Okay, stop. You need to get closer to this corner and your feet over there more, so diagonally towards me. Yeah, that's it, come towards me now. More, over, over, up. That's it, stay there, stay there. Okay, relax fingers. Always down, fingers that never first side on and never over the ear. Everybody interesting, but it's, yeah, that's the one. Okay, eyes down. Huge, big smile, go. Okay, and look up, come forward. Now I just want you a little bit more natural towards me like this. What you just did then when you go here, Mm-hmm. Did we eat lunch? No. (laughing) Did we eat lunch (laughing)? Can we have Chipotle? Yes! (laughing) That's on camera, I know. Where did you find this woman? Chipotle. I just thought to myself, we should have had Chipotle today and then I was like (gasping) I don't think we ate lunch. (laughing) Oh, I get so excited when I think I wish I'd had Chipotle for lunch. I haven't eaten lunch (laughing)! I know, we just plowed right through it. And that equals you get to eat Chipotle. Erin's here. Maybe he could go. Have you eaten lunch, Erin? Yeah. I was actually thinking dammit, could I have two lunches today? We haven't eaten till 11:00. We didn't have it first. Yeah. (Sue laughing) Okay, eyes to me. Last sequence and let's go. Change. Change, change, change. Watch your fingers, this. That's it, change, laugh. Change. Chipotle! (photographer laughing) Again! Every day! Watch your fingers, watch those fingers, good girl. Okay, more pensive here. Use your hand around your face, elbows in, that's it, (mumbles) start. Watch those fingers, don't fist. No fist in the front, that's a girl. That's it, stay there. Good girl, that's great. Look down. Big laugh, Susan. Make her laugh. (Susan and Sue laughing) Thought of it, you. Change hands, change hands. That didn't work at all. Good girl. No, it didn't. (laughing) Oh, it's just trying to find (faint speaking) yeah, it'll be all over me and my friend. Look down, not up, not down, then up, that's it, stop. And just into here. Okay, so just here. You know, not like I'm going to hold the world round (laughing) for a million dollars. Okay, more beautiful hands like, don't. You were like this. You're the craw, the craw. Okay, I just want You here. Sit up tall, that's it, stop. Out here, flatten it out, that's a girl. That's the one, long, long, lift up, lift up. Chin around to me, eyes down, huge, big, smile. Go, go, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, woo-hoo! That was beautiful, good girl, thank you.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I have purchased four of Sue's courses and love them all. I have learned so much. I found the lesson on connecting with people thru their eyes has made a huge difference in my photos already. Her before and after's made me cry. I want to be able to take these kinds of photos for my family and friends. I just love what she does. She is such a great teacher. I learn much better seeing things done, so this was the perfect choice for me to learn. I love Sue's humor, her honesty, her detailed teaching and sweet and wonderful personality. Her sessions will or should not disappoint anyone. It is the best money I have ever spent on self-help teaching. Thanks a million creative live. You GOTTA LOVE SUE!
Pure gold. Sue Bryce is likable, talented, funny, and an amazing teacher. She calls you on your BS (your excuses for why you aren't succeeding), gives you business, posing, marketing, pricing and LIFE advice. The class is 58 hours long - and you spend the majority of it looking right over her shoulder, through her lens and watch her walk through many, many photoshoots. She verbally and clearly repeats several critical formulas for success so it's imprinted in your mind. Her advice is crystal clear and your photography will dramatically improve after this class. Before Creative Live, you'd NEVER have had the opportunity to shadow a photographer of her quality... hands down the best photography class I've ever taken.
I have just began this course and I am excited to see how following her model will help me to improve and get my business started. I have been through the first two days and there is lots of information to absorb and things to get in order before I begin the actual challenges. I am thankful that there are photographers out there who are will to reveal there secrets ad are truly invested in others improving themselves in all aspects of their life and not just their photography skills. Thanks Sue Bryce for your passion for empowering woman and your knowledge of creating and sustaining a business by being true to who you and commitment to the improvement of others! I am excited to grow myself and my business, I am confident this will be worth every penny! Were the templates for the email PDF included in this course
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