Your 10,001st Photograph
03:24 2Camera Gear
03:03 3Piece of Gear We Always Forget
03:47 4Be a Storyteller
03:09 5Finding Ideas For Photography - Know Your Subject
06:59 6Cae Study - Why Are Zebras Black and White Striped
01:30 7Photograph What You Love
02:00 8See the Extraordinary in Ordinary Things
01:31Have an Opinion
01:46 10See With a Child’s Eyes
02:34 11Tell Your Story
08:46 12Find a Needle in the Haystack
01:38 13Lions Hunting Under Star Trails
04:21 14Ansel Adams and Visualisation in Practice
03:20 15Keeping an Open Mind and Thinking on Your Feet
02:47 16Case Study - The Maternal Bond
02:42 17Don’t Tell the Same Old Story
02:38 18Relevance
01:06 19#1 Reason Photographs Fail
02:57 20Getting Rid of Clutter
03:59 21Post Capture Cropping
02:04 22The Elements of Design
02:31 23Elements of Design
01:38 24Elements of Design - Shape
02:21 25Case Study - Shape
02:11 26Elements of Design - Color
01:55 27Case Study - Color
01:50 28Color in Camera
01:42 29Pattern
01:54 30Texture
02:24 31Seeing The Elements of Design
08:52 32Gestalt Theory
05:10 33Case Study - Cove
01:36 34Case Study - Hat
02:09 35Light and Contrast
01:54 36Light and Form
01:26 37Light and Depth
03:48 38Perspective
02:28 39Lenses and Perspective
02:47 40Rule of Thirds
02:48 41Centre of Frame
01:36 42Case Study - Positioning the Subject
01:48 43Positioning the Subject - Dynamic Symmetry
03:20 44The Horizon Line
02:52 45Should the Horizon Line Always be Straight and Level
02:13 46Other Lines
04:57 47Rhythm, Balance, and Visual Weight
02:59 48Negative Space
02:29 49The Two Most Important Controls on Your Camera
03:41 50Training the Mind
04:26Lesson Info
Camera Gear
before I talk about what you'll need to get the most out of this course, I want to say what you won't need. You don't need an expensive camera or a pallet load of gear. Think of a type of camera I've probably used it on. What I've learned is there's no real difference between a camera like this on the very latest in digital wizardry. And that's because on any camera, there are just too controls that changed the look and feel and mood of a photograph lens, aperture and shutter speed. The shutter determines how you depict motion lens. Aperture controls depth of field, which in turn controls emphasis or those other buttons, dials and switches. Well, they're just peripheral there to make certain tasks easier. And what about lenses? When I first started out, only had a 50 mil standard lens, and that was a case for a couple of years until I could afford another lens. Now I didn't know it at the time, but those two years were formative in my understanding of composition and perspective. Now, ...
today I do use a range of zoom lenses from wide angle to super telephoto, but different focal length simply mean more flexibility. When it comes to composing an image, you don't necessarily have to stuff your kitbag with them. In fact, I think sometimes too many lenses simply confuses the issue. Because you spend so long deciding which lends to use, you end up missing the moment. Now none of this is to belittle the role of the camera or undermine the need to learn how to use a camera instinctively. But if your eyes aren't on the subject on your mind isn't on the moment because you're thinking about camera settings on equipment choices, then you're in the wrong place creatively. What I'm saying is, is not not about the camera is just know all about the camera. There's a lot more to photography than that. My photography is based on a simple philosophy I borrowed from ancient Japanese artists called Hand I Heart in photography. The hand is camera technique, the subject of part one of this course, the eyes. What this course is all about composition, how to design a photographic image, using elements of design, light and perspective to tell your visual story in the very best way you can. The heart well that's all about you and the creative idea, which is where the photographic journey begins. Because that's the secret. You are the most important element of any photograph. How you see the world, your perspective on life, your life experiences, your thoughts, your feelings, your reason for being your wine are all reflected in the images you make photographer your self expression, and that's the reason it's such an intimate, rewarding pursuit. So don't worry if you don't own the latest camera. Don't fret if you have just a single lens. And don't concern yourself if you can fit all the gear you own into a waist pouch. The most important piece of equipment you carry with you always they are your hands, your eyes and your heart.
Ratings and Reviews
Edmund Cheung
Perhaps the style of presentation and simple, short, and direct messaging does not "jive" with some; but others may really love this. Yes the production of each episode is stylized and perhaps a bit formal (like a TV Show?), but there is something to be said about it. Perhaps this is not meant for professional photographers? I think of myself as decent amateur / high level photographer. I found lots of great nuggets of wisdom and inspiration from this. Especially when I an in a rut for creativity. Yes I have heard all these concepts and ideas before. BUT it is always great to hear and see a different way of presentation and voice. Please do NOT take the naysayer reviews as the end all. You should judge for yourself and watch a few episodes. If the style and content click for you, I would highly recommend this course.
Abdullah Alahmari
Thanks a lot to mr. Chris Weston This course is great and It is a 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 course for me. Beside the other course ( mastering the art of photography ) both courses are Complementing to each other and highly recommended.
Kai Atherton
While I am perhaps more advanced in my photography then this course. It is always great to be able to go back to fundamentals and remind ourselves of the basic principles, and even camera function. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and Chris's other. It is a great motivational jumpstart when lacking fresh creative idea's.