Day 1
1Day 1 Pre-Show
02:20 2Course Introduction
20:55 3Be Self Critical
25:33 4Remove Creative Barriers
23:44 5Warming Up Your Brain
17:43 6Defining a Riff with Todd Jones
21:16 7Using Key Changes
23:05The Right Album Lineup
30:58 9Inspiration with Ryan Clark
17:49 10The Right Hook
23:22 11Influences VS Stealing
23:26 12Metal Underground Submission Critiques
36:23 13Busting Writer's Block
19:14 14Making Transitions
17:31 15Day 1 Wrap-Up
02:44Day 2
16Day 2 Pre-Show
09:07 17EZKEYS: Basics
30:57 18Refine Your Writing with Pat Lukens
44:11 19Demo Arrangement Notes
13:48 20Rhythmic Variations Exercise
28:10 21Chord Colors Exercise
14:02 22Chord Progression Exercise
20:30 23Theme and Variations: Intro and Chorus
35:15 24Theme and Variations: Bridge and Outro
25:27 25Song Critiques With John Browne
36:18 26Theme and Variations Breakdown
28:59 27Polyrhythms and Layering
28:46 28Day 2 Wrap-Up
02:14Lesson Info
Day 2 Pre-Show
Well, good morning, Internet. And if you're on the other side of the world, good evening. Welcome back to Creative Live. This is mastering metal songwriting with a levy a day two of a two day course and yesterday we had a fantastic day and covered a whole bunch of different topics had amazing guests, Ryan and a bunch of amazing topics that we covered. So if you're joining us just today, that one will be rebroadcast. I think as well we have a ton of really exciting stuff that's coming up on creativelive. If you head on over to the music and audio course page on CREATIVELIVE, we have, of course, coming up with the manager Incubus on Steve Rennie on how to take your music and your projects, Whatever that looks like for you to the next level, it's gonna be a really cool course. I'm super excited about it, and there's a number of other courses. So check those out on the music and audio course page. And in addition, we have, uh, gear give away who doesn't love free stuff. Right? So we're doi...
ng pre show right now, so I'm gonna take a few minutes and we're gonna we're gonna talk about some of the some of the other rats Stuff is coming up on Creativelive, one of which is this gear. Give away. So if you head on over to the creative life Facebook page, if you just search creative live music and audio, it'll pop up and there's information on there if you click on the sign ups tab. So if you need to realign because it's early and hear that again, you go to the Facebook music and audio page. Click on Sign ups, and that's where that there's information on the gear. Give away. We're giving away an apogee one a boss tuner on Apogee Jam 96 K So some pretty cool little gadgets and gizmos there that you can get for free just by signing up. So make sure you do that. In addition, you can always be part of the live in studio audience here in Seattle or in San Francisco. But most of our music and audio, of course, has come out of the Seattle studio. So if you're just tuning in and you don't know how to do that, you can head over to creativelive dot com. back slash front row. And there's all the information that you need. Teoh get there. So we're just doing our pre show right now. We got about 10 minutes of pre show where we're checking the microphones and cameras, making sure everything's work in making sure you can hear and see everything you need to hear and see. Uh and so we, uh we're gonna take a minute. Now, toe, meet our in studio audience members. If you weren't with us yesterday, we have we have to in studio audience members with us today. Erin, how you doing this morning, Man? Feeling good? But there you go. A little tired. You stay up late. Like going over tonight. All in general, like you don't have to be up early. It's just hard to go to bed early. Yeah, I hear that. There you go. That's awesome. So what? Where can we find you online? First of all, people are what do you What do you do? And, um, I'm a record producer in a mixer. So envisage audio dot com is my main website for that. And then I also play guitar in a band called Seven Horns and seven eyes. She's all and us on Facebook or wherever. That's very cool. Yeah, uh, and what was what was one thing one take away, like, poignant moment from yesterday That you, uh, that you liked? I don't know. I understand. Had a lot of fun talking about transitions because it's such a simple thing sometimes, um, and it's nice to be reminded of, like, you know, you don't have to really over think them. You just have to, you know, just just a little something. Sometimes it's enough to really make a song, really flow And, uh, you know, I don't know. That's part of the one thing that comes to mind right now. Yeah, it was a lot of contact yesterday. The tears I'm racking my brain trying. Remember everything talking cover, this kind of stuff, you know? Yes. Good. It's really good and awesome. And Don Good morning. How's it going? It's going good. Good. And what do you do, Don? I am a software developer by trade for a company called I am s Health, which is not nearly as as metal is anything here. But I've been playing music for a while and I love doing it. I'm finally getting back into making new stuff, which I've just been, uh, it didn't really didn't really work on much for a while, but then all of a sudden, it's just this tsunami of of creativity that I haven't felt in a while. This is coming at the perfect time for me this experience and probably yesterday I had a similar ah, similar, similar favorite stuff as Aaron. But the transitions, because for me transitions are maybe the most stressful part of it, cause I've got this stuff that I feel is grating. It feels like the big picture. It feels like a song. But going from one part to another, it's like God hasn't worked. But, um especially what Todd from males was talking about yesterday, um, with I, um I forget which song it was. I think it was the first for he was referring to the first track on abandoned all life where they start with that. Or if that was originally written further, you know, to be pivoted on the open sea string in their case. And then But then they re shifted. They shifted it up a half step up a fret so that they could go down for the for the verse. And, you know, I was thinking, It's just so cool that there's, you know, it's just a very subtle thing. I I think that it resets the listener's brain, or kind of you know, pulls a fast one on them and distracts them so that you know, they're willing to accept this, this jump in them using, willing to accept this transition. And I was experimenting with, ah, the exact technique last night. It was like a kind of worked out. That's awesome. Is that why you're tired this morning? Stayed up too late. Yes, but it takes tow work. That's awesome, Don. Thanks. So if you're just tuning in, we are doing our pre show. And those were two of our awesome in studio audience members. We have been getting hang out here at the Seattle Creative Life Studio. If you ever want to be part of the live in studio audience here, Creativelive, I said earlier. I'll say it again because I think it's a wonderful opportunity to not only learn but actually get to rub shoulders with these amazing instructors that we bring into Creative Live just head over to creativelive dot com. Back slash front row and there's all the information on there. It's pretty easy, though. I mean, if you're interested in motivated to be part of learning in this creative community here, that's just a great way Teoh really get involved and get to meet some really cool people. So, um, I want to let you know to that. Like I said before, we do have a bunch of amazing courses coming up. I'm just gonna tell you about a few of those real quick so you could be marking your calendars. If you have your calendar on a smartphone, get it out of your pocket right now and take these dates down. Go to the course Page are SVP for the course because there's a ton of really cool stuff coming up. Like I said before, of course, to Steve Rennie, the manager. Thank you. Best talking about music business is called Dream It. Do it breaking into the music industry. That one is on July 2nd, Um, and so he's gonna be talking about how to just take your project to the next level if you're serious about what you're doing and you want to try to make a make it go for it in the music industry, that's there's no better way than to learn from somebody who's had that level of success. It's pretty pretty insane, actually. July 9th interrupt a home recording with Zach Varnell. We have Zach in here for the Summer Gear Guide course, which actually is free, so you should go get that course. We talked about a bunch of the gear that's coming out this summer, and as working musicians, it's always hard to tryto figure out what gear will really help you the most, because we were all on budgets and so that course is really cool. We got to talk about a whole bunch of really neat gear. Zack was a guy that came in and taught there. So he's gonna be talking about home recording, how to optimize your space, whatever that looks like, whether it's in your basement or if you're dedicating a room or two in your house. Teoh to recording. He's gonna be talking a lot about that. It's gonna be awesome. July 17th we have Sam coming back. He was part of the summer gear guide as well he's gonna be talking about making the using drum samples. Really smart engineer. And then on the 18th of July, he's gonna be talking about guitar. So back to back courses there, make sure to go over to the music and audio. Of course, Page, uh, we're not course pages, just the music and audio home page and R S V p For those courses, the way you do that is by clicking on that little blue button On the right hand side, there's a little star. You just are three people and what that does is it basically, uh, gives you reminders for when the courses were coming up so you don't oversleep and miss free education that will really take your craft to the next level.
Class Materials
bonus material with purchase
Ratings and Reviews
user 6f3d0a
Eyal and all the guests are awesome here and really provide a solid education on Songwriting and writing within the Metal genre. One thing that Eyal said that really struck a chord with me, was how Songwriting was being taught at the music school he dropped out of and how it was uninspiring. I completely and thoroughly agree. I own many, many books and videos on Songwriting and I cannot get past the first few pages because it doesn't speak to me and my needs as a Songwriter who is focused on writing Metal. I've been playing Guitar for 25 years now and this is the very first course I've seen that takes Metal songwriting seriously and as a subject worth studying. I would like to commend CreativeLive on having the guts to feature heavy music so prominently in their courses and thank them for helping us establish Metal as a more serious genre. One that is worthy of awards, praise, distinction and honor. In Metal and Strength, R. Ross Strength Keeper Songwriting/Guitars/Vocals/Arranging
Marco Ramírez
Great course, I have enjoyed it a lot and I'm sure I will come back to reinforce many of the concepts shown through the videos. Right now I'm good to go with ideas to apply to my songwriting skills and reinforce several concepts I already had developed prior to this course. This is a great lesson series... even for advanced musicians, anyone can get stuck in this wonderful world of writing and this course shows you tools to get out the best of this process.
Mike Lamb
This was a massively inspirational and incredibly helpful course. By the end of it I had a notebook full of incredibly useful tips and tricks, and I definitely plan a rewatch as soon as possible. I've been in bands writing songs for the better part of 15 years, but this has put a lot of focus on some of the corners I've cut or the areas where I've been lazy with the smaller details. No matter where you are in your songwriting you'll definitely benefit from this, and Eyal articulates everything in an engaging way and positive way. Even if you think you're a good songwriter, there's a tonne here you can benefit from. 10/10 - Thanks Eyal!