Using Sound Effects and Creating a Crescendo
Lesson 14 from: Making Remixes in FL StudioDave Pezzner

Using Sound Effects and Creating a Crescendo
Lesson 14 from: Making Remixes in FL StudioDave Pezzner
Class Introduction
07:14 2Analyzing the Song and Preparing the Stems
27:43 3Constraining Scale: Kontakt and Massive Inside Patch
23:36 4Setting up the Bassline
12:21 5Creating Different Bassline Options
26:23 6Creating a Sub Bassline & Using Dump Score Log
12:31 7Adding Vocal Stems
26:09 8Routing & Using a Peak Controller
28:52Lesson Info
Using Sound Effects and Creating a Crescendo
Does anybody have any questions at this point in time one of these yeah we had one question about plug ins and what plug ins use besides massive and guitar in five what or maybe some of your other favorite plug ins or do you primarily stick to what you views no I use I use all sorts of plug ins I mean um I like the plug ins that come with the m d a side it's like a free plug in said that you can get online m d a there really simple um plug ins I um I um let me see here the have a whole bunch in here when's the use the most the focusing on is one that I I find myself gravitating tio a lot it's basically a three out of three emulator but made by d sixteen and it sounds fantastic it's is it gonna play here oh oh oh oh oh three or three emulator pretty realistic and I use it a lot um d sixteen also makes another thing called nephew ten which is basically like an eight await emulator works pretty much identical and the sounds air pretty pretty realistic as well um and see her um first uh ef...
fects plug ins um the way a tend to use the most I mean reactor has just a plethora of awesome effects that come with it in the reactor user library there's there's a time as well the and see here I'm actually browsing if that's okay the rez accord um affect is one that I use quite a bit um it's kind of a resonating delay sort of effect um it can also be played kind of like um like synthesizer patch as well um and I mean this is justa few there's so many out there you know, the rez accord a is quite a bit um there's another synth effect that comes with reactor that a also use a time um open up reactor the synthesizer it's called steam pipe and that sounds pretty piping more flute stuff I just use them all the time. Um yeah, you want to talk a little bit about the atmospheric sounds that you made in the ramps and like where you do use them for anybody that's not familiar with where he put those I know you just put one into you know? Yeah, yeah I mean like these sounds are just basically like I mean, I have I've always found that like, you know what sounds that lead in convey be just totally useful like like a reverse crash. For instance, if we were to just take a reverse crash and put it right here instead of this sound right e take a drum sample these are all lame sounds um fashion splashes, so if I were to just put the sound in reverse and make it lead into right here it is another one of those things that just sort of helps punctuate a moment of your song helps create some kind of suspense that leads into something interesting that you're about to do in your music on dh reversing a crash is something that producers do all the time some producers will do just take a piece of white noise and lead it into something and hear it and adm all the time um my sounds were are a little bit more atmospheric than that I just figured it would be more interesting to do something else with that type of element it's kind of quiet but wait um so what I had done creating these sounds was I initially took and sampled um a sample they uh scroll down to my my project here so it started with taking kick drums and running them through really long river bs and then reversing them and so I believe reversing them taking some reverse element like a you know reverse crashes like crashes running them three verbs long river bs and then reversing them and a lot of the environmental ones were done by taking sound effects it could be anything really I uh when you go into my sound effects director on say always sure that's a computer noises and maybe cem people sounds you go into another directory that has just some people that the my sound ideas office um now in aa I didn't really talk too much about automation clips nfl studio and I know that nfl studio the they like to sell people on using automation clips all the time and I don't really use them very much, but when you do things like this it's actually makes some sense you select a range of of time and so you select a range of time and then you choose to say on this computers one I'm gonna set the pitch range to like twenty five seven tones right click on the sample may go create animation clip and it was the thing on here which is basically like a on automation clip that khun workout is a busy occurred on, so I'm going to start this at the bottom and then it's going to come up to, um this point where everything seems is going to sort of christian dough, right? Um kind of create this little bit of a curve and I'm gonna do the same thing with this office sample, which I guess that was the sample that I had been working I could read automation one last thing they need to do is make the sample these two samples stopped because they keep going and the a t end, so I'll just make another automation clip that tells them to stop, so I'm gonna double click on this on dh er right click and create an automation clip here this is going to be the volume for for the bbc sound kind of faded in and then have it stopped at the end maybe just kind of fade out a little bit I'm going to do the same thing with, uh with the sample, a automation clip put it right here so that fades and and stops right about here so these sounds were yeah for the most part made this way thiss one needs more, it starts um yeah, and there's like I mean, I don't know like sixty or sixty to one hundred of these sounds in there basically, yeah, basically I made I mean, this spent a day on and made this template nfl studio that I could just plug any sound into and it just did this, you know, molten, you know, some of them are panning left and right and doing all sorts of stuff and it just made for more interesting in background, uh, crescendo type of sound and you could do this in your own project, but it might just take up a lot of space, so anybody making these I would recommend and just doing it, um doing the sample separate from the project that you're working on so it doesn't really hog um, how about the project
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