Lesson Info
The Straight Stitch
So now we're going to switch gears and go to the straight stitch and if you're all comfortable with using the three strands or forced her and I would say stick with that, I'm going to stick with the six because I think it's easier to see what I'm doing so again pull out a length that feels appropriate to you if you're having trouble threading your needle or your needles coming off the thread, the best thing you can do is is just make a clean cut it doesn't have to be a big cut, it can be just, you know, tiny like that, but that's really the best way to threat easily is just keep keep a clean cut on it and then again with the not that's a pretty good one. Okay, so the straits touch there we go okay, straight stitch has a lot of variations talk about thes appears you can see it. So this is the basic straight stitch and then there's a spoke straight stitch and a little bundle straight stretch there's a lot of different things we can do with it. So I'm gonna be showing you the straight sti...
tch the spoke and then the bundle, which will start toe make sense once you see it and you start doing it but you can as you can imagine, you khun do all different things with these different color attacking stitches, different color spokes you, khun go on forever, never with giving some variety to the patterns, but the straight stitch is just like it sounds you're coming up through the hoop and just going back in, and this is where as we were talking about before is do you want to put the fabric on a bias or not? This is where having the fabric, not on a bias you can follow the weave a little bit with your straight stitch kind of keeps them looking straight, but all the streets itches is just coming up from the back and then going back in and you'll see is we get involved in some of the other stitches. They are a takeoff of the straits touch and you can very just even the most basic part of the streets touch in length and then in spacing between stitches. So here's a little grouping with one super long one and then to closer together and then went farther out here okay, I'm gonna come around and see how they're doing yeah, okay, okay one yeah, I'm not looks good you did some nice little variation there, so it looks like a women too of course, the key to this is if you want on the straight stitches to be the same you have to be very precise about and then the variation of it makes the design but if you want them to be all straight and they're not that's where you yeah that's where you make a decision about how aren't so you want to be if you're doing something with a border and you want the straight stitched to be the exact same height and the same with the part you're going to want to take uh dressmakers markers something like that or some chalk and you're gonna want to measure it out and usually that's done with dots at either side so you would have your fabric he would take a ruler and you win no dots to make sure that it's going to stay uniform that's like are you an interpretive dancer you a ballerina what yeah rto but it really does make a difference in how it looks afterwards yeah can it's it's like you know awesome coin different sides of the coin yeah quest you're doing this trace it dear recommend coming up from the thing like from the top always or from the bottom always or can you kind of come out from the top put it down here and then come up from the bottom that's up to you traditionally you're supposed to use the same in motion or like this yeah you'll see when we do the bundle stitch there's there's obviously this there's a proper way to do every stitch I'm kind of like whatever works for you. And then once you know, you get comfortable. If you want to go back and say, oh, this is the way where everything looks uniform on the back, then that's. Great. Like I said, I'm not a purist. So whatever works, whatever is comfortable for you. The key is to enjoy it and to keep doing it. So if the motion for you is like bothering your hand or it's uncomfortable, and you like to switch it up, whatever keeps you interested and engaged in doing it is what I'm in favor for.
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