Product Overview
18:31 2Photography Basics
09:40 3Button Layout: Top Deck
34:10 4Button Layout: Back
25:15 5Button Layout: Left, Right, Etc
15:09 6EF vs EF-S Lenses
02:08 7Q&A
19:26 8Lenses
17:58Lesson Info
Final Q&A
Well before we kind of wrap up can we ask you some more questions? Absolutely all right. Any questions in the audience brains are fried are seventy expert here ready? Teo get outside and serial shooting alright, what we got lori all right. Uh monica by the shore is wondering she's from hawaii and she says uh uploading from camera versus a card reader which is better she says kill card readers what did she say about says I killed card readers kill cars were well, she needs to get a good card because there are some cheap card readers out there that kind of die and they don't work really well I spent the extra ten or twenty dollars and bought a decent one and it's been working wonderfully it's much faster than uploading from the camera it probably will upload to three four times faster and if you've ever downloaded and kind of want to see your image is so you can start editing them it's well worth the twenty to forty dollars that you might invest but up leading straight from the camera's ...
okay it's not gonna damage anything it's just slow and sometimes you have to use proprietary software and I just don't like doing it thanks question from marine picks in the uk if taking a portrait without a tripod and you are on the subject are moving a little is it still write to use one shot you can use one shot you can use the motor drive personal preference there I think you're good either way I tend to like leave it in the continuous moz that if there's something really good I could have a burst of shot to choose from in case they happen to blink and so sometimes when I'm shooting portrait and I am by no means the world's greatest people photographer uh but sometimes it's nice to just shoot a short burst of three shots so you're shooting these rapid short little bursts so that you can avoid the blanks hello tim chow ass while he says I'm goofy eyed two and he says when I breathe my view finder gets fogged up how do I stop the dog now does he mean the lcd breathing is yes no no I mean sometimes I think I'm a dragon because I breathe my nose it blows out hot air onto the screen and so I have to kind of wipe it off and so we were constantly talking about knows grease on the back here and that's just keep a cleaning cloth around I mean I'm I'm trying to become better at being left I'd but it's difficult I mean I gotta like squeeze I gotto contort my face and over here I'm really I'm really comfortable the advantage but being left ideas I can keep my right eye open and I'm looking at the black of the camera here and I don't see a double image when I hold the camera over here, I see a double image and that kind of freaks me out and I like it it's, weird, and over here I can keep both eyes open and it's perfectly normal because there's no overlap on the images, so it's a benefit and a drawback in different areas I've had a lot of people are going to start trying to shoot now with their left eye, I mean, one of the tricks that you can do and this is kind of funny if you don't know what I you r is pointed something, pick something very specific to point at and then open and close your left eye so I can tell right now I'm left eye, so if I point right at you, I'm actually pointing at you with my left eye, not my right eye uh, good check and so just point at something very specifically and see which I that is actually you're aligning with, and that will determine where you could just pick a camera that probably will go to your nationalize well left eye and right eye dominant, and I don't know that it has anything to do with being right handed or left handed cause I'm left I I'm right handed, but I'm left eye dominant and I don't know if that has to do with you know, left brain right brain it goes back and forth maybe you can teach a course on that sand. Okay um question from prague leash thank you for all your questions today from india iss is there any problem that I used reverse lens technique for macro? Oh she's getting into special area you know what that isthe it's when you take a lens typically you would take a wide angle lens and you buy a special adapter so that you can mount the lens reversed on the camera and the idea was this that you could take your wide angle lens and turn it into a macro lens and it works and it can work quite well it doesn't work as well as a macro lens, but if you can't afford a macro lens, you don't want to go out through the expensive buying one you can do that. The problem is is that your camera does not elektronik lee communicate with a lance and so you're gonna have to adjust the aperture and canon cameras have no way kanan lenses have no way of controlling the aperture it's all done electronically so when you do it depending on the lands I believe most of them are going to shoot wide open you can't stop the lens down now older nikon, pentax and some other brand lenses you khun manually set the aperture force so you would have to basically, you'd have to open it up, focus, close it down, do the meter and shoot the picture, open it back up to refocus. It's, cumbersome and awkward to do, uh, and it's not as good of sharpness as a true macro lens, but it's a it's, a good way of getting close up with equipment that you already have mugged alpha is wondering if you ever use an expo dis to set the custom white balance in the cannon seventy do you think that an expert disc is practical and a timesaver tool for, you know, specific genres of photography, getting the correct white balance? The importance of that depends greatly on the type of photography you're doing? It depends on the environment, and I don't use one. Some people swear by him that they're absolutely necessary. We're doing different types of work, and so it's not that one person's writing one person's wrong if you are shooting under a controlled environment, if you have a studio that has a certain type of daylight to it probably be a good idea to get something so that all your shots are consistent and using an expo desk is a way for you to basically measure the light it's basically the same thing as shooting the white card and programming that him in under your custom white balance it's just different ways of doing the same thing and so it's a matter of technique and personal taste and style what if this is from solomon gr gr g? Would you recommend detach teen lens from body every time I'm storing my camera or leaving it attached? Who in storing the camera leaving honor I don't know because I have I have too many lenses and I never have the right lens on the camera and this is one of the advantage advantages of a higher and lands is one of the cheaper lenses have aplastic bayonet mount on it and they tend to break and wear down and they have little fine dust that it kind of shreds off because it's plastic ware eden wearing and then that's more dust to get in on the sensor. And so the higher quality lenses we'll have a stainless steel lens mountain and they're pretty durable having you khun, you know, set it down like that it's not a problem, I want it busted up against the table or anything but changing lenses is something that you can do over and over and over and over again, you know I would not be completely careless about it, but it's, whatever works for you, I mean, I tried a number of different systems all store my cameras often without a lens on it so that I just have one switch sometimes I'll store the lens that I used the most or the one that I'm most likely to use I was kind of funny one day I took my seventy out and my five d and I just took two lenses because I was going to try this new style of photography where I have different size sensors and two lenses and I could actually have four angles of you because the lenses act differently on each camera and and I started off and it's like the lens that was on the other camera I needed on this one so I needed to do a double lend switch and then the next time I needed to another double win switch and it was just a horrible situation where I was changing lenses way too often so I would either stick on the lens that you're most likely to use next uh for most of us I guess we're pretty lucky if we have so many lenses we don't know which one we're going to use, but for a lot of people you're going to stick the mainland's on there oh god, I'm sorry just a follow up question to that from little and if you have a lot of lenses in your change in the back and forth, what about leaving the back lens cap off is not a good thing or bad thing you'll find there's a lot of different personal preferences in caps on the bodies for instance, I am happy to say after twenty five years and photography honest to god, I've never lost a lens cap because I took the lens cap off when I got it and I put it in the box and they don't use it anymore I don't use lens caps, I use high quality filters so I don't have a problem leaving with my lens without any thing on the front of it in my bag like that now I will use a rear cap because there's just more stuff sticking out here and I have a protective cover essentially on the front of outside so I will generally leave a cover on the body and cover on the lens when it's in my back ask my family I've probably lost tens if not twenties of lens cap, so I think I need teo take that money and invest in a higher quality and if anyone wants to create a personal hell for me here's what you do is you take the lens cap and you dangle it with a little two inch cord and have that thing dangling and jingling around while I'm shooting I don't understand how people do that I know people don't want to lose their lens caps but that would just drive me nuts maybe make a video everyone everyone has their visit you there out online? That little video that would be a funny joke. Professional photographer could do just have a big old lens camped is hanging on the bottom of their camera john's back tomorrow if somebody wants to do that, teo love you. Uh uh see a few more questions us that one question to refreeze. Oh, thank you. I did from marine picks. I'm gonna ask you this again. Would you use a circle or a focus for shooting close up portrait's, for example with no tripod and that was okay. They might be getting in some trouble here remember that a focus is artificial intelligence focus where the camera is deciding whether to track the subjects or not. And that's not a good thing to use for portrait photography. For the most part you're going to want to be in one shot. If the subject is standing there were sitting there and you're not moving closer or further apart you want to be in one shot now if you're going to have the model or person walk towards you, then you would be in the survival mode so it contract their movement depends on the style of photography, but I would definitely not be in what's called a I focus, which is the artificial intelligence focus music lover is wondering what are the basic steps for micro adjusting lens the basic steps from micro justin is that you're going to need to set your camera up on a tripod you're gonna have a very specific subject that you were shooting, you were probably going to use a ruler or yard stick at a forty five degree angle, you're going to focus on this subject that you're going to take a picture and you're gonna look over on the ruler to see exactly what's in focus is that what's in line with that subject? Or if it's a little bit in front or a little bit behind at that point, let's say it's a little bit behind, so you're focusing let's, say one centimeter behind your subject. You would then go into the micro adjustments, and then you would have just for back focus and you can do this in increments of one, two, three, four, five and they don't decay eight specific distances. They just indicate amounts so you might do one and you chewed another picture and maybe that's half the distance, and then you go to to and that would fix the problem, and then you would put on the next lens and you would go through that same process and then once you get it set up, you take several more pictures you would focus away and then focus back on the subject to see if it's consistently accurate now, one of the options that you can do in micro adjust is you can adjust all lenses by the same amount where you can adjust specific serial number of lenses, make sure I got this right pretty sure this is the camera going off in my memory here, rather than my notes, which isn't nearly as good. Uh, I believe you could do it by either len's group or by serial number on it and it's probably better to do it by serial number, because each lens is they're slightly different tolerances, and if people are kind of wondering, what is this all about? This camera is not perfect. This lens is not perfect, it falls within a tolerant standard, and there are some tolerance is where when they meet up together, there are tolerances when you combine the two of them, and this will just help it get back to closer together. Cog prod is blundering. I recently had an air thirty have not gotten that sense that wondering how bad is an era? Thirty you know, I don't have the error messages memorized, but you can go to cannon's website, and they have a little too taurel page on what their error messages mean, I was, I was just looking at the other day, looking for some research, I didn't go through all of because there's a whole bunch of different errors like a communication air with the lens, a communication with the battery or the memory card something like that something was wrong if you get an error message in general take the lens off take the battery out take the memory card off, turn the camera off, put them all back together it'll probably work you may need to clean something off. Maybe you need to kind of mount the lens on there a couple of times to make sure it's solid there were the same thing with the memory card if it continues and persists, you will need to send the camera two cannon to have one of their technicians go through the cameron fixit question from cooder is that you said you disable the a f beep and how do you know? Therefore when the camera has focus well with my camera, I left the little red lights that boxes that come on so they blake when it's in focus and I also used my eyes I don't know that sounds like a smart alec remark, but, um I'd like to manually focus a lot of time and I'll just focus to what I think it looks like it's in focus um using the live you focusing is even more accurate than my eyes and so you get used to what looks right and so I don't even need to have the red boxes on anymore I can focus on something and I can't tell if it's coming focus and so the beep is something that I would kind of recommend for brand new users of a single lens reflex camera to get used to that system and once you get used to it then you can kind of turn it off I just wanted to say how amazing it is it's literally going to change my life thie rotate on computer like seriously I have been bothered by that because I hate I hate this small version on here but having to go through an individually rotate every single one yeah bugs the crap out of me so thank you so much so was that turned on in your camera? No, it was defaulted. Well, it defaulted to rotating in the camera and then I turned it off because I didn't want I didn't know what on you didn't know you had her knowledge is so oh yeah that's so thank you I have nothing else I mean there's a lot of other stuff I learned but that one thing totally were that yeah, right there with your twenty nine ninety nine all right thomas from sweden that high I have a question about jon's photo courses in the field alaska and burma is it possible that you could come to europe and teach a course I would love it is certainly possible I've been to europe before I think they'll let me back er and so we'll have to see I would say if you want that send john gringo a tweet at john gringo oh no friend him on facebook finding a john gringo and let him know where you want him to come to my record what he say it's a matter of time before I conquer the whole world that's just going to take some time fantastic well john I just like to say again like that that last section about the camera settings and what to dio for the basic the landscape, the portrait that action like that is my favorite section of your workshops and I love that that isn't colluded in the pdf ahs well it's like the best little thing teo put in your camera bag which I have done and do d'oh what did he recommend again way like he she it's just like so clearly laid out how all the variables worked together? Well, it's good to hear that it helped out yeah, at least one person at least for me maybe two maybe russ anyhow, I don't have the seventy but me and I feel like now pick one up and run with it uh maybe I'll borrow one because I don't have video on my other camera so anyhow very exciting. Thank you so much. I wanted to read out a quote from pinto that says, I want to thank john a lot for helping me get my camera all over and phone love with it again. Nice. So thank you again for an amazing class, john, your teaching style is just
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Ratings and Reviews
Excellent class. Lots of great info demonstrated in a very easy to follow presentation. John is superb at slides, and little details. Thanks for a great day of learning. I love my 7D even more :)
a Creativelive Student
If you already shoot with a Canon that is not a 7D, a lot of it you may already know, but it will help you get to know your way around the 7D's features, such as its autofocus system which, with exception of the more recent 1D MK4/X and 5D MK3, is one of the most advanced in the Canon DSLR range - this means it can take a little while and practice to get used to. The course is probably best suited towards the beginner and possibly intermediate users - and maybe someone coming from another camera brand such as Nikon and Pentax, etc. More advanced users will find it basic, although there is some good information on how to set the camera up, and setting the more advanced custom functions. Conversely, this is not a workshop on basic photography, so a little basic photographic knowledge will help you understand the topics being discussed (but that's not to say that a beginner won't get anything out of it). At the time of writing this review, cL have bundled this course with another of John's courses, "Fundamentals of Digital Photography". So I would recommend you take advantage of this special price if you are starting out.
Very useful. Picked up some good tips even though I've had my 7D for around 12months. I feel a lot more confident in using the camera and love the back button focusing set up for when I'm composing images using a tripod. Love John Greengo's relaxed, unassuming style and his openness in sharing his knowledge and experience. GT New Zealand
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