Day 1
1Course Introduction
15:22 2Why is Design Style Important?
16:38 3Quiz: What Is Your Design Personality?
26:12 4Quiz Answers & Feedback
26:18 5Breaking Down Classic Traditional
39:27 6Breaking Down Cool Urban
24:56 7Breaking Down Artistic Traveler
28:00Breaking Down Sophisticated Stylista
32:28 9Student & Web Questions
21:05 10How Do You Use Your Space?
36:23 11Functional Work Spaces
21:38 12Joining Households, and Other Obstacles
15:27Day 2
13Problems and Possibilities of Mixing
12:54 14Mixing and Combining Styles
37:30 15Students and Web Homework Review
40:31 161Mastering the Art of Non-Style
43:23 17Using What You Already Own
20:46 18How to Use Trends
37:44 19Current Home Decor Trends
25:38 20Trends on Their Way Out
20:14 21Your Interior Working with Exterior
37:52 22Mix Inside & Outside Design Styles?
30:14 23Revisiting Homework
11:57Day 3
24Trendsetters & Tastemakers
31:22 25Trendsetters: Williams, Berry & Dixon
24:15 26Trendsetters: Buatta, Passal, Hampton
14:28 27Trendsetters Continued
22:32 28How Fashion Shapes our Style
37:05 29Decor & Fashion Design: Student Interview
16:38 3012:45 pm - A Case Study on Personal Style
32:29 31Using What You Own
26:49 32Tobi's Inspirations & Fave Things
29:06 33Smart Style Shopping
47:44 34What & How Should I Shop?
20:53Lesson Info
Quiz Answers & Feedback
So how many of you think you're in a wait could be one, two, three, four hey, how do you think you didn't know how many do you think you're primarily be primarily it seems to be the most common in the chat room okay, how many of you feel like here, sir? C c like that collected look so you're borderline be your c on anybody we have any days in here? Yeah way that some days in here so let's, let me tell you what these are s o if you're mainly in a you know, we think you are a classic traditionalist and we're going to break these down later in the next section I'm gonna cover two and then this afternoon we're going to cover two more in detail so you could really start understanding that there's a lot of variety that can fall as you can tell already tale under this category but what does a classic traditionalist really like for the most part? What appeals to a classic traditionalist classic lines so that means on furniture you like rolled arms on the so far maybe a skirted sofa possibly so...
me tough thing that we saw later on in some of the other other styles but definitely classic also this pace of heritage and vintage so antique or vintage pieces are probably going to fall into this category for the most part advantage mid century is really going to come into some of the other ones for like it? Maybe it be also, but definitely those antiques are mainly going to fall into mostly in a category a little bit more formal, so if you like a more formal approach to your home not quite so relaxed you're probably going to be falling into this category. You might be a d on air today, but more format formality and for some people, a lot more like the room we looked at that I said was akin to a charles for dry design and may have been that was definitely formal right with the floral drapery tester over the bed um, so a little or a lot more formal, so if you're a bee, we call you a cool urbanite on and let's talk about what cool urbanites like mostly you're gonna things they're going to appeal to. You are going to be clean lines, so not classic lines that are like those rolled arms but a really simple arm on yourself, a track arm, what we would call a track arm or something really simple urban something urban so maybe it looks like it could be in the city looks like it could be a loft it looked look looks like it could be an apartment in new york city with a lot of glass and hard finishes looks like it could maybe be in some of european cities like I think of germany and a lot of other places having those clean kind of lines to a lot of their design aesthetic do you think that's being or so more masculine perhaps I'm possibly yeah I mean I think in many ways it was fallen if you were going to divide them it's the more masculine of all of them four probably in my opinion it depends now class at a traditional spice could be very, very masculine if it was heavy woods and like a dark paneled study or something that could be very masculine as well but but at first glance I think a lot of these definitely fall into the masculine category geometric shapes and designs so we saw that pattern over the fireplace with the starburst mirror on it graphic designs even things that go all the way into some eighties looks and you know, memphis I don't know if anybody remember what memphis design was kind of pop art and aa lot of those montreal on artwork that's really graphic and primary colors that all falls into this category if you were a sea mainly we call you an artistic traveler so artsy bohemian cool collected always on the go everything appeals to you when you travel and you want to bring it all and make it bring it all home and make it work together s o collections for sure maybe tribal patterns o r of places from other cultures bill how chic might be what you call this call yourself if you're in this category so we saw the difference in the watch with the strap holding it on as opposed to the classic black band you know that really kind of gives you a visual for what this person, those great textiles on the dresses and maybe flowing you know, materials and things that are soft and um sheer and if you're mainly a d, we're going to call you a sophisticated style ista s so obvious as I said, we're going to go into all of these a lot more later, but what are the kind of top things that appeal to you if you're a d category a little bit or a lot of bit of bling, so if you're into bling and shiny glam for sure you're ready medal and mirrored surfaces so acrylic and medal and chrome and brass and aa lot of things that are shining you're going to fit into this category hollywood glamour for sure looks looks so things like the tough ting and velvet and maybe even vinyl tufted sofas that you can imagine like a glamorous hollywood white vinyl sofa that you would sit on s o all of those things fall into the d category so any ah ha's with anybody yet with your defining your style, did you know that's who you were? Does it feel like a fit our have we enlightened to you at all? Anybody turn out with an answer that maybe they weren't so aware of? Are you all pretty much now in your good that's kind of who you are? I think it's more interesting for the online have really been tested of having the hormone where they've been saying, erica says she's a b andy dean of those two, I wouldn't necessarily have thought work that close, you know, interesting. Yeah, here's, what we want to think about over the next few days when you start seeing how those styles work together, what is common between being de chrome glass, acri like maybe, but yes, so clean. Maybe even though something maybe tufted, it could still be really simple. Certainly some of those mid century pieces could fall over into the hollywood glam look. So that makes sense to me, susie saying she's an a b carla cano is saying she thinks a nc glamour coaches that be in the debate, she wants to add bits of sea. So it's really got people thinking thank you for your responses and keep keep them coming and that's funny, and when we think about it, it makes sense. Say for someone to be an a, which is classic traditionalists and a c collected traveler, so you could see how those could also fit together, I think, don't you like you could think about like we're saying campaign furniture, which is very reminiscent of the traveler, but it's also classic and can fit into a very traditional space tio selected travel a sort of does also I feel like more of a little pepper. Allspice doesn't like the other one's saying to be more of us by sick of the style and then collected travel is the one that everybody wants to dip into and, like everybody online is saying, but I'll take it all that video are educated and cultured and fistic ated a little bit of cosmopolitan to think that you would travel and fall in love with things from other places or cultures and be able to bring him back and incorporate them into your home, right? And a lot of people love to travel. S o just that whole concept of travel in itself as you know how that could be part of your design style, I think, appeals to people sort of on their bucket list, yes, how there's all the layers involved and how they put all those things together. How could how do you do that and have it looked like those rooms look fantastic? I would be afraid if I had some of those different styles, I wouldn't be able to pull it all together and have it look like that good finish look, I mean, it depends on the situation and what you're blending, but we're going to talk about this over the next few days, but one of the things you're going to want to start looking for is when people do this really well say in an artistic traveler, look, it looks like they just threw a whole bunch of things in a room and it just happened to look fabulous, but if you really start digging into the design, you're going to find that their element is that are what I would call a point of reference from one thing to the next, whether it's color that ties it together or material or a former a shape and so it's still not about throwing everything in and making it work there's a lot. The rooms that look the least edited probably had the most keen editing eye to them it's just but they end up looking at daniel in a sense because of what the materials are because they're interesting the textiles aaron string the finishes, their interesting, the patina zehr interesting so it feels like it's sort of haphazard but it's not so we'll talk about that what are the elements that you could use within the things that you love that that would make him work together and again it could be a color it could be a material it could be a lot of different things a finish so that's kind of the short version of that s so what if more than one style appeals to me? Well, it sounds like people are already sort of getting a little bit of an idea or neck for how they could start blending some styles together and and I love also that very few people are saying they're just one specific style almost everybody thinks already that there are blend right now it's interesting navarro says they're generous female male they say I'm amazed that I'm in a that surprised them saying they love colors but they would never think of themselves as a traditionalist now then they're asking tobey is shabby chic a style is and we're actually going to cover for that later in our next session when we were going to touch on that because it does fall shabby chic which became very iconic for a person a brand actually but that idea of the soft layered fabrics but gathered bed skirts and things really do fall into that classic traditionalist peace it's just a version of it so we're going to see that there's a wealth of variety and choice within each of these four styles it's interesting that she said she's surprised that she's a and a I'm not at all surprised that I consider myself mostly in a, but a lot of other people are surprised that I think I'm in a and and what the difference is, you look at my work and it's, bright and there's a lot of pattern, but if you really again start to understand and take in the detail, you'll find that almost everything that select has a line, the furniture that really falls into the classic category. Also, the scale of furniture I use a lot falls into the more classic category, so I consider myself a person who uses classic lines, and I'll tell you more about my style later on what other pieces play into it? Because I'm pretty much I'm in a with some b and a tiny, I mean, with a with d and it's, a little a tiny hint of b, I'm not very much see it all in my style, so we'll talk about that, but I really fall into the classic category two, so I'm not surprised that I am one, but a lot of other people are surprised, supposed, what would you all think that my style is from that now, any of you that know my work, would you and I say you would he would get that, I think I would you would have probably we're going, I wouldn't going todo thinking and I do have parts of those in there, so we all have this sort of conglomeration of but isn't doesn't that make sense? Because we're talking about our unique style personality? So think of our own, you know, personality on and think about how many different things play into what you love and you know how you interact with other people, it's the same with your style, personality, there's going to be a lot of things happening in there? Yes, I have a question when you have on your clients, like, do you first talk to them about, like, do you kind of make a quest for them like this? And then based on that you put you put your style into this? And you know what? The most interesting thing? And I actually meant to start with that today, and I forgot to mention some glad you brought it up. One of the first things that we do when we start talking to potential clients is asking them what their style is, and more often than not, people can't. Say what it is so you all could have been a sort of told me but it would have probably been like twenty sentences that you had to use to describe yourself so isn't it great to now I don't want you to get rigid with this but isn't it kind of nice toe have some words and some terms that kind of fit help you express what your style is so already in the first hour we've already started developing kind of that that vernacular that language of how to start describing what we are but we do certainly ask them that's one of the first things we do and for the most part when people come to us to work with us as a designer we have to dig in and do the work because one of the reasons they're coming to us is they don't really know what their style is or they're like you they've penned everything in the world on pinterest and they love it all but it makes no sense to them and I can't really see beyond um kind of face value of all those things and see what are the pieces in the elements that really start tying all that together are making it makes sense for them and it's very it's difficult to do there's definitely information overload and we have a lot of people who go into what we call paralysis analysis paralysis you know you you study and you look at it and you're just immersed in it so much and then you just can't buy anything because you're paralyzed from the fear of making a mistake and sometimes you know I like mid century and sometimes I like classic and which one do I buy and how much of each and how do I put it together so we're going to give you some guidelines on how much and how to make that work for you exactly like you were saying so I think we have maybe a few and I have a few minutes for some questions is anybody having else online have any questions for some questions and some about sally just to sum up I'll just give you some other thoughts dawn is saying she came in as a d but she's drawn lots to norwegian designer norwegian scandinavian I think it's very like wood it's very smooth it's very very much be right that scandinavian modern yeah it's going to definitely fit into that danish kind of I feel a lot of the big bang theory and alameda is saying they never thought they'd be a d but they're definitely d from from following the exercise but with with a touch of drift I would say is that the thing is yes they're kind of saying that like the one wall that we saw in the booth head right rough hewn kind of while they love that or maybe love drift was as an accessory and you can certainly and that's where that that is a great example of how it could really be a reflection of their unique personality is how many of us think hollywood glam with driftwood. One time I had a client we were doing a condo for them it was the second home and for a client and her husband and they wanted spot and they wanted library so we created spa library well, what does that look like? Well, there's bookcases and you know, lots of things that surround them that phil warm and how me but at the same time we felt we brought in the serene feeling of that kind of a papa carrier spot with the finishes. The bookcases weren't like a medium antique looking brown. They were super sleek mahogany with chrome fittings and light fixtures mounted on them that we're in, you know, shiny chrome and said the walls were like a pale aqua blue so you can imagine already how you kind of get spot aesthetic that's relaxing and you get this whole sort of libraries feeling that they were looking for we joke about it all the time I remember the small library, but you can really do that you can take two things that seem almost juxtaposed or like they wouldn't work together and if you have the right elements that speak to both both styles or both parts you could really start to blend them and that's what we're going to be doing over the next a few days very deby has an interesting one I think she asks how to scale fit into those types so is another this kyle which a lot of people love you no more akin to one of those styles it's getting into a few of them for sure um you know it depends um today's classic pieces are a little bit more either human scale or overscaled now a lot of the antiques from years ago were very small scaled and so a lot of times we tried to bring classic antiques entire home and they just don't fit the human scale anymore on and it's a problem but I think a lot of times traditional pieces you think of being a little more overscaled with regard to an arm a rolled arm on a sofa being you know five or six inches wider aid as opposed to a track arm that's really simple on we also saw in the b category the cool urbanite everything was low to the ground so from a scale perspective not very tall more sleeps and they might be be longer wider sofas but maybe all very low so it depends on if we're talking about scale from a vertical standpoint or horizontal and then glamour can be also overscaled sometimes with big tested pieces and really tall dramatic backs we're going to show you a bed later that fits into the d category that's very overscaled with ease kind of wing wings to the headboard like a wing chair that's really fun but it fits into a very overscaled category so I would say typically b is going to be a little more smaller scale for the most part the mid century the clean and simple aa lot of times on some of the more traditional styles are going to fit better with the overscaled perspective now we got yes man who's the designer in the u k she's joining us today thank you for your question yes men she's saying toby I'm a professional interior designer many clients need help discovering their own starting this quiz is obviously going to be great for that but there she's saying fear of color and pattern seems to be their biggest stumbling block how do you encourage people to be more brave in these particular areas? Well, you know we talked all about me and we talked about fearless color sally didn't weigh in my last course on how to use color in your home design so I encourage people maybe to start small if they want and start including a little bit of color if they're really really afraid of it and start with things that don't feel so permanent is so as opposed to going out and painting all your walls cobalt on giving yourself a panic attack. How about buying two blue pillows that really push you just a tiny bit out of the category? What else did she say besides color, color and pattern? So again, I think it's it's all about starting small, so if you think that you love the artistic traveler style and you want to bring in some of these patterns that you know, like a boutique or a hand block, you know, bring him in in a small way of throw at the foot of the bed or a couple of pillows and start easing yourself. It's, like dipping your toe in the water to try a color or a style before you go and make a purchase that you wish you hadn't made so it's it's about testing it out a little bit. Jake trying a little piece at a time. Now, this is good spatula. Actually, julie was saying at the top of the show with individual pieces, you got a question from chevy? Oh, yeah, baby. So having my home reflect my style and may is very important. But one of the challenges I have is doing that within a small budget. So j v asks, is there any advice on how to represent one of these styles of my style on the small budget? Jayvee hasn't actually told us which one he is. Maybe that will be good to know, but if I can't afford to do a whole house a room, how do I make an impact with focal? Well, that's a great question, and we're going to talk on day three about how to shop smart and where to buy things, but in my opinion, of course, again, these air guidelines and rules so it's not like that, that it's my way or the highway and and and it's rigid, you know, it's, there really just guidelines, but I have found that it's easier to make, say, be cool urbanite look successful on a smaller budget, sometimes as opposed to something traditional. I think that antiques and other things can get pricey sometimes, and so when you're trying to knock off a really traditional piece, a lot of times, maybe with an import or something, the quality is just not there, and you could really see it, especially you're talking about stained woods and things that just really aren't up to par, but if you're talking metal and glass or something, I mean, even think about the the example, whether you like it or not, of a nike a aa lot of their pieces, they're going to fit into even target and other retailers. A lot of the people that do cool urban I really will on a low budget it's because of the nature of those pieces, there's not a lot of detail there's not a lot of carving, you know it's simple and so that's easier to do on a smaller budget. So ask him if he's a b if he's a cool urbani, because if so, he's gonna have an easier time and also a c the artistic traveler. I think some of those pieces become trendy people of adding and you could easily go find throw pillows and some of those great prints on bring those in at a at a lower price point. So I think that the hardest ones to do on a lower budget r a nd because of the quality piece, the furniture, the scale that furniture carvings, antiques, a lot of those details are more luxe and and sometimes it's hard to do looks without it looking cheap or inexpensive. If you don't have the budget for the december race kind of not, and you feel like that's been your experience, too, now people are getting a bit nervous now they've discovered what they are they're sort of wondering now how they incorporate other styles into that they're thinking to the aesthetic sunny side up that's a great name by the way they're saying I'm definitely a combination of being c I like modern for architecture and some furniture in certain spaces but I love warm colors and rustic style for others like the bedroom or the kitchen where they like to recycle objets particularly would do you think that's just too complicated to achieve? I don't think so at all and it would be different if she said I like ofour styles and I want them all to be represented in one space I mean there's a point where you do have to edit and even with my design clients that there are things that they love that I say I love that too but it just doesn't work in this house from a function standpoint or whatever there are times were just some things that work or we need to make some decisions but blending two styles any two styles is going to be doable and we're going to teach you that's one of the things we're going to teach you and are mixing it up section which I think is maybe tomorrow we're going to teach people what to do how do you start bringing these in and what percentage do you bring them in and it's going to depend on which ones you like the mist and but what we don't want to do is a fifty fifty split because that's going to be sort of competing focal points and it's just going to it's not going to make sense so we want to one or one or two styles maybe accents that add some punch or some interest or reflect your personality but you're going to kind of live maybe sixty percent of your of your style is going to fall into one category hopefully for most people so tiny we've had a couple of questions but bethany was the first one to ask it and that is with this question it is this question a lot like these styles do you have that as part of your public pinterest do you shave style ties now will certainly leave that for people to see so yeah practice of on I think it's so great that this was a great thing I used these all the time actually, but because we wanted to put it in a teachable format it was great because we've made it something that I could actually tell you in a simple way which is one of my favorite things to do make things common sense so I love that even though I've been using a foe warm of this a version of this in my own design business I love that we've really simplified it and we will leave those out there so anybody that's following us on pinterest and if you want to then pin them to your own board so that they live there permanently and make your own a, b, c and d I mean, you could call them other things you don't have to call them these categories, but it's really just what we think my team and I really came up with that defined each of these four styles, so and everybody seems to be resonating with our with our, um, terms and the way we we broke them into segments for you, so we're going to we're going to take it a little deeper. You're going to see there's a lot of stuff, like just in classic traditional, you might have french country, you might have english style you might have, you know, americana and shaker style, so there's, a lot of things that happened in each of those areas is that you put fashion because I feel like a lot of people going express themselves way better in the way they dress, but once it comes to interior design is like, oh, my god, like, I think that's a great point, and we have there's a lot of fashion in my course over these next three days that you're going to, I think, like, but I think the reason why is it's it's? A knot is expensive for the most part I mean, there are very expensive couture pieces that you could spend a lot of money on, but for the most part most of our fashion purchases are relatively inexpensive and we also don't feel attached to them like we have tio keep them for a really long period of time like we might know that we could buy a trendy blouse and if it's not in style next year we only spent you know, a sixty dollars on it when it's not the end of the world where you buy a sofa and he spent, you know, a few thousand dollars possibly on it are you install hardwood floor, you decide what your cabinetry is, you're going to need to like that for quite some time, right? So I think that's why interiors become so much more intimidating for people, but if you can relate it to something like fashion that they're comfortable with, I think it can give people the confidence to go ok, well, I could do this I feel in my closet and I can see what it looks like. I could just translate that into the fabrics and my interior whether it's pillows or a skirted table or you know the paint on the wall so that's what you're going to like the other stuff I have coming but that's a great observation mariana makes a great point as well. How many times have you met somebody and you get to know them have long before you see their home and you get an idea of what you think they are by the style of what their dress, but then you see their home, you think, oh, well, that's, completely different. So it is great. You make a good point that people express themselves very differently in different ways, but what are we going to talk about when we come back? We're going right down stiles a and b we're going to talk about the classic traditionalists and the cool urbanite when we get back and go really into what all the different options are within those categories. So we're going to get we're going to dive deeper on dh, see what that really means. So some of the people who think they're on the fence about one of those two styles may get some clarity on whether there how much of their person designed personality is one of those two in the next segment.
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Ratings and Reviews
Amy Cantrell
I was happy to get this class on sale at a time when I needed it. We were painting and replacing some furniture so it helped me get some clarity on what is most important to me. As a photographer I can appreciate most styles and colors so the class helped me hone in on what my design personality is (eclectic mostly) which helped me focus on things to inspire me.
LIndsey Connell
What a generous offering. I got so much out of this course. Sure, some of the style references are a little out-moded, but it's incredibly thorough. Tobi is so knowledgeable about all of the styles and is gifted at helping students ensure style and functionality. Dive in! You'll learn so much about your own style and how to make your home flow in a way that you love.
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