Day 1
1Course Introduction
15:22 2Why is Design Style Important?
16:38 3Quiz: What Is Your Design Personality?
26:12 4Quiz Answers & Feedback
26:18 5Breaking Down Classic Traditional
39:27 6Breaking Down Cool Urban
24:56 7Breaking Down Artistic Traveler
28:00Breaking Down Sophisticated Stylista
32:28 9Student & Web Questions
21:05 10How Do You Use Your Space?
36:23 11Functional Work Spaces
21:38 12Joining Households, and Other Obstacles
15:27Day 2
13Problems and Possibilities of Mixing
12:54 14Mixing and Combining Styles
37:30 15Students and Web Homework Review
40:31 161Mastering the Art of Non-Style
43:23 17Using What You Already Own
20:46 18How to Use Trends
37:44 19Current Home Decor Trends
25:38 20Trends on Their Way Out
20:14 21Your Interior Working with Exterior
37:52 22Mix Inside & Outside Design Styles?
30:14 23Revisiting Homework
11:57Day 3
24Trendsetters & Tastemakers
31:22 25Trendsetters: Williams, Berry & Dixon
24:15 26Trendsetters: Buatta, Passal, Hampton
14:28 27Trendsetters Continued
22:32 28How Fashion Shapes our Style
37:05 29Decor & Fashion Design: Student Interview
16:38 3012:45 pm - A Case Study on Personal Style
32:29 31Using What You Own
26:49 32Tobi's Inspirations & Fave Things
29:06 33Smart Style Shopping
47:44 34What & How Should I Shop?
20:53Lesson Info
Breaking Down Classic Traditional
So we're going to dig a little deeper and I probably should sit down in the second is we've got a lot of pinterest ports to go into, but but just to kind of start thinking about those of you who were in a let's dig into what in a isn't maybe you're going to find that because several of you raise your hands and said we raise right? How many of it whether you were one, two, three, four, five so most people in our studio out of its audience said they were in a but after this segment you're going to find that you're probably very different from one another because we as we were saying they could mean english, it could mean french it could mean americana very, you know, shaker style and things that air that air very reminiscent with america so there's a lot of variety within this category and then after that we're going to jump into what a cool urbanite looks like in those of you who think you're part a in part b we're going to some you up in the section we're going to teach you how much an...
d what parts of your design personality are each of those things so let's break this down a little bit what is a classic traditionalist? So we talked about this a little bit already, but think about a few of these things formality. And that could mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people, a cz well, because what one person thinks his formal, another person may not think it's formal it all. Some people may just think, having started sofas and bravery in your home it's formal, where other people think formal would be tons of mitt max and antiques and entertaining with china and table calls. And you know all of that kind of steven southern decorum that we love to use to entertain so there's a wide range, right, even in thinking what's formal toe, one person or another. So what isthe formal made to some of you? What some of you think about when you think formal, is it? Is it like a room that you can't be comfortable in or is formal actually comfortable? Tio, does anybody have a thought on that? Um, yes, I think part of it is having a separate formal space, like a formal dining room, which I have it's not, I wouldn't call it fancy, but it's definitely formal. Yes, that's a great a great word to use to some people fancy and formal would be the same things. And for other people it's not necessarily about being fancy it's, not necessarily being frilly or, you know, really what some people might even consider over decorated or designed it's just that it's more formal than your casual spaces, you use it for maybe holidays or different types of engagements with people in your home, right is maybe not where you're staying out all the time, and then there are other people I don't know do you feel like your home? Because you love antiques and things? Do you feel like your home is formal? I don't, because I hear the word formal, I think of uncomfortable, and I like to feel that my home is really comfortable and really casual, and anyone could just come in and sit down, so I don't I don't think that, and even that's, why I like to bring in, like the antiques, because they are, like, worn and they've been used, and so you don't have to worry about, you know, the finishes and nikki number, whatever, so ice more of a casual, comfortable look, yes, and that interesting, as some people would see an antique and think, oh, it's really formal in here, I better, you know, minds, my p's and q's and, you know, be, um, ofhis behavior and other people think, oh, it's, just an antique, like, you can't hurt it's been through years of wear and tear and that's what makes it so great and you could be comfortable around it and I also think of this with regard we were talking touching on fashion think think about the difference in some people in the way they like to dress and what you had a lot of people think would consider me formal all the time because even when I'm most casual I don't like to wear jeans I'm a pant sort of girl, so black pants is the kind of the most casual that I really that I like to get that's what works for me and other people would live in jeans all the time so they would look at me as she's so formal but so it's interesting, you know, thinking of men who are most comfortable in a suit versus men who are most comfortable in jeans, this kind of parlays into thiss whole classic traditional style on both of those would work genes could be classic and traditional as good of a three piece suit, right? Or, you know, suit and tie it's also about history. So what does that mean to you? We're going to talk in a second about heritage, which I think is a little bit different than history, but history could mean historic styles that you could pin back to say in english interior from a certain time period or it could be your own personal history as well which is kind of falls into that what I would call heritage category right? What comes to mind when you think history and for yourself if you if you answered a what in your house has history or does anything on maybe this would be an area that you want to start thinking of adding things well, you know I am an a but all of my eyes are reproductions and they look like formal pieces but maybe there's not any history and maybe that's why my interiors lacking some lie for some personality anybody thinking about that for their own home? It's easy to buy new did you have a well, I was going to say that I one thing I love that I love about san francisco is how a lot of the houses are really, really old then once you go in like the furniture can be super modern, I really love that contrast between a very modern interior with a very historical house. I think so the history could come to that with the architecture itself right the structure could add to his history or the things that you bring into the house we're going to even talk about later in a segment I think it's probably tomorrow maybe day three about the exterior reflecting the interior and should it or should it not and how do you blend those things but yes, the history could come totally from the history of the building of the space of the home or a lot of people we have to move into homes particularly like in places where I live. Yes, there's certainly southern historic architecture, but there's a lot of new homes that don't have any history and that's what people really find that becomes a little stale or sterile about them, and so that you need to use other things like antiques or furnishings elements, art accessories to bring the history to the space. And the classic traditionalist is very much about that grandmother's china, even if it's not stodgy grandmother might have been really hip and had, you know, forward thinking ideas are really embraced color, but it's still a piece of of either your history or historic reference in the furniture and the elements, and then that heritage pace is really what I think about handing it down, inheriting things, or maybe you don't actually inherit anything maybe you purchase things that are antiques, but isn't it fun to think about who owned the pace before you purchase it? So there's a heritage to pieces, whether it was from your family or from someone else's family and I think that's what makes traditional classic traditional holmes very interesting sometimes and think about this to history and heritage does not necessarily mean very what a lot of us would consider traditional antiques in the form of say stained wood pieces it could be something even like a glass lamp you know you can bring in a meuron a lamp or another collectible into a classic traditional interior so it's not just about having things that a lot of people might even think we're a little formal or stodgy but it could be something that's really um you know almost glam or some of those other categories that we talked about that still have a heritage or history and then certainly tradition traditional is the category that we use a lot of times the catch all for this type of interior this type of person design style but to think about it from traditions traditions that were passed down through families and why things we use a lot of pieces of furniture were developed because of the function of them traditionally dropped leaf tables and gate legs and all sorts of other things that came from tradition so what is that I mean for you with respect to this style on it could mean a lot of different things but let's look at a few pieces of furniture that give us some examples of something these air this is a reproduction but bernhardt but certainly traditional what makes what do you think makes this piece traditional? I think it's because it's dark wood dark words that's when it's also sort of a style I don't want have to express it may be just a fancy style maybe that sort of that seems to have gone out of fashion clean lines that came in much later, didn't they? And I don't think people now put that much attention to detail into modern furniture so almost like a fridge curve are almost a stylus version of a cab riel shape there that we think of like a queen and is reminiscent so this is an updated piece of furniture but still definitely falls into the traditional category like jake was saying most of us think it's traditional because it's dark brown that we brown stained wood and then also he said fancy so that's kind of that formal peace I think actually way but whichever way you say it definitely has a little piece of that formal appeal to it. Anything else that makes you all think it's traditional maybe the scale of it possibly okay, well here's another pieces of here's a sofa uh that in many ways is very clean but it has some traditional elements to that right particularly these little finney a ls that are on the back of this style of sofa and a lot of times you even see this one's done in a this is from a great company I love called cr line this is done in a more modern aesthetic and more modern fabric and this is one of the things when we start talking about how the blend styles, this would be a perfect way to blend a traditional piece of furniture into a more modern interior because you put this genie match metric print on it, but a lot of times you see these sofas with videos that have tassels that air wrapped around the fin eels writes of a tassel is a very ornate detail very traditional a lot of us would think was formal aa lot of times you'll see self is like this in fabrics like velvet or something that we would also think would fall into the traditional category. How many of you feel like this is a traditional piece of furniture? So it's kind of some people are saying it kind of so it's the fabric on this one that would make you think it kind of translates into another style? Isn't it interesting? So that's going to be important for us to think about as we move through these styles of what can we do to blend and that's? One of the great ways I think certainly most of you would think this is a very traditional piece, right? What makes this piece traditional? This is actually an antique, the legs, the world the borough would detail ing the legs has like a little a little curved leg or cabriole legs the ornate your polls so the hardware is very ornate for sure and yes it's all wood so it's not it's not painted of alright co or anything is the various all stained wood so we get back to the stained wood on and then the car of details that you might could pick up some of those shapes and forms in in the glamorous and the sophisticated style leased it to couldn't have that could be a little blame respect for for the most part because this is done in a dark wood that's probably what most makes us think this is a traditional piece. If it was white lacquer, then we would probably think it fell into the glamour category woodenly um and then just one more piece that's a classic has classic case. So what about this piece feels like a traditional surface it to you all tough thing was skirt the plates so the pleated skirt for sure it's curved arms. So this is one of the ones that we said you know, this could easily go into that glamour peace to write and but for sure the pleating the box please I think they're definitely in a traditional category so it's kind of fun just to have a little a little insight into what some of the pieces are that we might have in our home if we were an a style, which is a classic traditionalist, but it's really a very wide umbrella of styles, which we're going to see. And right now, actually, as we go to pictures so let's, look at the pinterest board. We have a lot of fun things to cover out there, get my mouse working there is ok on gonna spend some time here. And I think this is funny is one of the very first piece is that we're gonna look at has a lot of things about that that could fall into other categories, and I love that right off the bat. It's, my friend, a man is but has a great designer in new york city, but in many ways this is a very classic design. And so what? What resonates what jumps out at you all right off the bat. This could fall into several of the categories, actually, because of some of the things she did but what's most traditional about it to you all, I think the shape of the furniture, the desk, particularly I think is drew my first. But did the chair with the death seems very tradition, perhaps perhaps not the couch, though the couch seems much more, but the cats does have a rolled arm so that's, a very traditional styling here net these pillows kind of bringing this is where you could bring in a little flavor of the artistic traveler kidney with a little pattern but the style of the self it skirted rolled arm these air very traditional pieces we look at the lamps that have the little pleated lampshades said she sends him things like with modern are we'll talk about that over the next few days the way you kenbrell singing in in transition styles but at the root of this design most of the things in this space including the chandelier are bare really fall into the traditional category, don't they? This is very even though this isn't maybe an updated version it's very much a traditional form as chandeliers go with the lamp shades and everything, it also makes us feel like it's not quite so tradition because it has been great green lacquer pain right? We're going to say something that's just going to say it's interesting, you know we had that question before about skiles to may that's really clouded like it looks sort of almost bt there's a lot of people like that could only be I can't be like that, yes and a lot of times don't you think traditional design really is about more stuff and layering too? So I think that aa lot of people that maybe aren't as drawn to traditional style do you feel like maybe it needs an editing there's a lot going on and I happen to have been in the space and I know it's a new us she has a new york condominium apartments event fabulous and but the room you know, there's not a lot of space and when you're talking about urban locations like that so you have to do a lot multipurpose spaces this one which way I would consider more english country is definitely this is sort of the epitome of of ah traditional classic traditionalists, isn't it? So what jumps out at all of you that makes this space really, really traditional? Lam the lamp thinking on the dark lord so like everything I broke a lamp the gang on what about the paisley bed skirt with bully on french hanging from just cannot get any more traditional than that there's the blue willow are flow blue plate I'm not sure which one it is, but collectible there that's very, very traditional the carpet someone said so that pattern we'll pay the disk on the other side with the gold pools. So this is very traditional, a disc with the marble topped with gold pools and all of this kind of collection of art work and probably a bronze bust that looks like that is with a pleated shit I mean, just everything about the scream really is traditional, but in my opinion I don't think it looked step I don't think it looks dated I mean I would enjoy spending time there may not want that as in my own home but I would love to visit a hotel wouldn't it be fun if you were in somewhere that was quintessentially english and that's what the hotel looked like he would feel like it made sense and it was really comfortable on they're still really some clean details about now here is that shabby chic j k o that someone asked about um so shocked what is shabby chic? Well it definitely falls into the traditional category one I don't think this falls in to the traditional category the roof of this ruffles ruffles the demand was a cover lit underneath um the piece of furniture that's quite well actually could still um you know probably believe that the source of that would be and it's an antique you know zo old it's not name it has lines that are very much in line with an antique piece of furniture it's not danish or it's not chrome or anything along those lines maybe the plates so again collectibles but look how much variety we've already seen in just three pictures under the um classic traditionalists and they all fit that category so some of you my interest isn't working some of you are going tio resonate with different one of these ones of these what about this one so certainly still under classic traditionalist but this is rustic this is the lines of the chair very traditional it's a french brig here but it's done in a hair on hide it looks like it's in a mountain lodge but wouldn't we all still consider that very traditional it's a traditional design on and it's very it's probably specific to a geographic location for a lot of people to um but she don't think about this necessarily in shabby chic in english country all sitting under the same category but when you look at the root of it don't we see the same kind of the same lines of the chair wood flooring with on the walls so lots of even some masculine kind of characteristics to this sorry mom interest doesn't want to respond very well today okay let's look at something that's also totally different. So um there's several things happening here the chairs air certainly more of a a splatter back so that comes from an english english origination but they also we see a lot of this in american furniture to the clock probably has a swedish sort of designed to it um we've got a french country thing happening with the little city sofa cabriole legs on the table which is comes from english clean and design so a lot of things happening there but they are all working together because why do you think they're working together same color while it's all the same color palace so it's they're all classic traditional pieces they're from different places, different periods, but they all work together because and they're very traditional but in a sense doesn't that almost look modern the way it's edited so simple and clean there's a there's just not as much layering as you would think about in some of the the designs that would use these sorts of pieces? I think that's a great example to it's kind of reminiscent of what I do just because you love the lines of a classic piece doesn't mean you have to have lots of things in your home it doesn't always have to be tons and tons of layers to fit into the classic traditionalist category. Then we go to something that I would consider maybe more of a mediterranean look, anybody resonate with this style? Do any of you like like this style? So it's definitely has classic lines to it traditional lines but in many ways I think these pieces look more like reproductions don't they look more like a new pieces? But there's a lot of people that love the style that love the kind of a mediterranean appeal on flavor and it is certainly still in the traditional category anybody having any any thoughts this this also is a little bit of that mediterranean kind of feel um but I mean this is this is very what I would consider traditional do you all feel like that's a very traditional space um it could it could be from a lot of different time periods it looks pretty new it looks pretty current I mean the chairs could possibly be antique but definitely falls into the traditional category so this is a little more traditional than I would be if I executed in a dining room with the space although I could take every piece in this and use the toby color method on it and it would look completely different because look at the shape of the back of the chairs on think right so you could take a space like this and actually find inspiration from it even if in its entirety it's a little bit too formal or too much pattern or not enough color for you that's why I want easing your pinterest boards took sort of speak to what pieces you love here's another one of those great rooms that has the split back chairs and a swedish sort of style to the clock maybe even american antique over here possibly something really simple and clean but really really edited is it's very, very edited for a traditional space which I think is really beautiful I appreciate this style so much I don't use this style very often in my own home but I really appreciate it and other people's holmes and I love to visit spaces that feel like this feels fresh. It feels just like it's it feels comfortable and clad and casual yes, it almost has a farmhouse very much farmhouse or cottage look which spits into this category are any of you really into the swedish or belgian or some of those looks that have been sally saying it? Sally likes all style scandinavian look seems to be something that a lot of people are mentioning in the chat rooms and this seems to appeal to them very much so that sort of classic very with a lot of the woods actually, you mentioned about the farm as I agree with you that that is what struck me about that deal, but obviously you couldn't necessarily recreate that style in a bin environmental do you think you can? I think it would be pretty difficult, although you could bring elements of this so on and someone who is in an urban you can imagine someone who lives in new york still having a very classic apartment that wasn't necessarily modern. It was, you know, had antiques and other things, so I think you could bring parts of that I think you would probably least more successful was if it was a blending of some of these things with some other cell, a sense of what really makes that work is the beautiful seeing you have outside of the window if you don't have that have suffered your window what's interesting is so many of the people that I know that live in new york city all have country homes and spent including newell is at house beautiful, they have great when some of our just tiny little quaint spaces but they're you know, out in the country out, probably an hour or so outside of new york city because they want to have this kind of experience city on and it is a little bit challenging to get that in an urban area. So I think that's a great point there's another one that's a little similar but a little bit more simple here that falls into more almost like a some of the shaker style, you know, simple moldings, flat moldings. This even has galvanized metal, which I think is really interesting but certainly still has to fall into the classic traditionalist category mean that's is not urban it's not might it might cross over teeny bit to the artistic travel but traveler but every one of these pieces so if you like a more what I would consider it kind of more primitive, folksy definitely farmhouse, but but simple very, very simple so far different from something that like mediterranean that could be very ornate, but they still fall into the classic traditionalist category in a good way, and I do think it's fun to, as we were just saying, if if you have the option for doing that is having it would be fun to have a country home and have it and ever been home, because you could really have the best of both of this is really fun. T this pace, it could really kind of linking into a mid century kind of design, but these air very, very primitive, I mean, almost like a picnic table at the core of each of these pieces are very traditional routes, but it's very, very modern in its interpretation, isn't it very contemporary? So that's funny us, I think the interesting they all there's four dining rooms now that sort of all correlate in that there that more stripped down traditional and none of them e don't think have window coverings or floor coverings, there's almost like when you strip out the textile, you're taking a lot of that pattern out, and then you just have it almost more clean edges of the furniture that's a great point. So so maybe you're a traditionalist at heart, but you're what may be really a purist teo, and you want to really see the form of each of these pieces and appreciate them for what they are, so you're saying beyond all the layering and what some people used to achieve traditionalist, just to put more things and bring in more layers, bring in window treatments, bringing drugs, bringing accessories and it's. Not necessarily about that. And you could enter. And this is where you can really get into interpreter printing any of these styles to be a fit for you. So one person that thinks they're classics traditionalist could totally have a new english or french or mediterranean style where someone else could have something like this. That is very, very clean, simple and edited. That could be really fun. Um, really almost a modern space. Um, let's. See what else we could look at. That's fun. This is a a new entry hall I designed for a client. Reported it. Um so this these air, some of an example of the venetian glass lamp. So they're vintage, but not antique. And then a reproduction of an antique for the the chest very formal. Still what's. Interesting, though, is the scale of the wallpapers really overscaled. This could borderline and to the glamour if this could hit that glamour look as well. But this client is very traditional. They came to me with an extremely traditional home. Tapestry on the sofas, you know, very, very traditional but they said we really want our home to now feel like the places that we travel, the hotels that we stay, and in some of the cities that we go to that are a little more glamorous on their avid art collectors, they have an amazing collection. And so how did we bring some more updated sensibility to their traditional style without losing sight of who they were? So it was blending some of those pieces it was not bringing in heavy dark wood antiques, but bringing the story in the history with the vintage marana here's one more than kind of fits that other category you were talking about this from house beautiful, so again very, very traditional in the pieces themselves but it looks really modern, which is fun. It almost feels more be in away because the light picture, although it's traditional resident it's a little bit more modern it's all right, so sort of light fixtures so tricky little, isn't it? But it looks you almost think of it as an urban because it's industrial so it sort of hits that medal finish piece. Yes, I love how you have kind of like the more modern looking chairs with the red, then they have, you know, the the lamp and the chairs on the table ends so these air but much more traditional much more antique looking these air almost like a bit of these air probably scandinavian is like danish probably in their design and then we have twelve on the on the, um the drapery the window treatment but doesn't it all really work together and and a sense you feel like this is a modern farmhouse or a modern cottage which at the root is very traditional but it's so fresh and young and interesting on that's what I love most about looking at some of these because the stereotypical classic traditionalists that is not for sure let's look at this one uh hopes sorry about that. These things were jumping around a little bit. Okay, so I love this this is almost even americana like almost a windsor style very clean line shaker I love the beams on the ceiling but then there's a again kind of a little a little danish flavor happening right here too that it could be part of a b category. What do you think about this space? How does this fill in comparison feels more casual? I think, uh, but which it wouldn't you still consider it very traditional clean it simple, like ralph lauren country house the country has so I think what we're finding and when we see traditional a lot of times today in magazines like house beautiful in other places I think that we're seeing and it's and so maybe we could call that even a trend is really a cleaned up edited version of traditional in many ways I think we're going to see a resurgence of what we would call classic traditional coming back because there's been such unfinished e towards you know the cool urban id and the modern pieces in all the key and all of those things for quite some time and I think people have been a little bit nostalgic for some of the things that are maybe more this flavor um that air certainly more traditional and how many of you would still comfortable in a space like this does this represent any of you I think because he does chairs look very inviting but the actual style on deck or is not to my taste my grandmother's I think it will be really way lovingly call these granny chic but but there is there's real beauty in of spaces like this and I think they can still have a am current they were like a lovely place to stay but if you're a home space I don't know I mean it's not me because it's too formal are so that's where that formal peace was into nineteen ninety you must look at something like this I had it but this feels a little less so doesn't it even though there's a lot going on or is this still too formal free um that's better that's a little shabby chic but fun haven't we seen a wide varieties here of what? And then what about something like this that's I think there's there are antique pieces like this this one may actually be yeah this is actually a tom felicia table that he does for I think vanguard furniture but certainly with the eagle very americana but it's really simple isn't it said he think it kind of leans towards cool urbanite a little bit very masculine glam one to the sophisticated I mean that's a bit it's fabulous isn't it could be a little bit blamer with this kind of chalky white finished so right so a lot of a lot of different variety happening in the classic traditionalist anything any body here I love this state let's talk about this about some people this doesn't fit their personal beliefs but their toe have antlers and other things in their home but there's certainly reproductions and and fun paper machete versions of these but certainly think of like the hunt liken english hunt when you think of um antlers but then this spices really, really clean again um the chairs very, very traditional, but we've got the medal based on the table that is moving towards a more modern sensibility I love all of these, so we've seen a lot of variety haven't we in the classic traditionalists which one of these visit me that our classic traditionalists which one of these spaces do you think is most representative of your personal style any of these on a bit off english country? The english country said this one's probably more uh just you're pretty stereotypical traditional then and a lot of things that you love some party, huh? Yes when was the hotel entryway that you did for the this one's for the client that loves that traveling but it's still very traditional so that say you're so you're going to be a with with some d yes, it was mostly a with a splash of isn't it funny how you can start seeing that? But maybe if this appeals to you or something like several of those that were resonating with the added kind of look, those are those air in a with a b so that for all those people out in the in the on the internet online that were saying I'm an a and b they might love some of these places that are really rooted in traditional lines, but they're very, very clean and very, very simple we have had a couple of questions about defining some of the things that air maybe slippery maybe not, for instance how do oriental rugs do our into rugs move more into the first category a or would I be more the traveler they could reduce to both of those actually and you could think about what types of oriental rugs they are and maybe the ones that air more antique or more warn or sometimes they're great oriental rugs that are over died in another color that look very much like an artist traveler piece and that if they're just classic red and blue you know, maybe in burgundy designs very, very classic oriental rugs you might think of them being more consistent with, um with the traditionalists I'm thinking more antique orientals probably that look warn and have some patina I have some age to them we're going to fit the artistic traveler they would if they would actually fit but that they're going toe crossover on don't most cheeky comments about the eagle thank you very much we heard them all before it was made thie the eagle has landed that is in there, of course, but let's say think very cool but few people saying about the antithesis and that's a very something very texas tohave theo and americans texas yes, other than the people yeah, but loved to hunt really and then they want to show they're there trophies on the wall yes certainly get yeah a lot of my customers have a space issues where they live in really small space and I do too and so a lot of like furniture has to do double duty. It can't just be something that's beautiful. It has to be functional, and a lot of times it has toe have multiple uses. Yes, could that fall in with this traditional look like I tend to use a lot of trunks in suitcases and think about them mentality being more of an urban mentality or small space mentality, but it it works beautifully for again, you think of, like campaign pieces like I was talking about that are sort of modular layering ted trunks under tables using a desk for your bedside table is opposed to just a chest of drawers, so it could be your workspace and your bedside table things like swing arm lamps that we saw earlier there's some right here also, I think they're great for multipurpose use because you can pull them in if you need them for reading and took them out of the way. If you have a small space for just a sofa, say, like in this instance and you don't have room for tables, that's a perfect way to bring this and so there's a lot of traditional pieces and elements that definitely fit that multi purpose mentality, even though you think of that kind of idea being more associated to me with that the urbanite, yes. Have a question do you find in doing this survey? Do you find that there's different big regional differences between the styles? I think so. And is there one style that people gravitate towards more, you know, it's? Probably it would be fun to see. I mean, I think it would be pretty close race between traditional and modern our urban because you think about, you know, a lot of the people that are living in, like, where I'm from arkansas, are middle america going to fall into the traditional category in a lot of people that live in cities are going to fall more into the modern, our urban category, the population is more dense there, so aa lot of people living in those kind of space is because they're trying to fit it to their architecture, not necessarily, but I mean, I think probably that would be interested to know the the answer is I don't know the actual answer, but my guess would be more people would fall into the traditional category than any other category comfortable. Is that what you were thinking, too? I'll be really interested to see actually mean, we know we've got a lot of international people joining us on the audience today, I'd like to hear their opinion on this because when I first came to the states which is many, many years ago now I discovered that really americans are very happy to take a space and created how they want to create it or as I found, the europeans tend to find the space and then they try to match their set it to the space it's a completely different approach I mean america think nothing of buying a house and then literally both a bulldozer and yet to create it what's that wanted to be where a brit wood shop around for the perfect house not thinking they could do all these changes so that's let's hear from that well that's interesting and also I think it's maybe because of the history and there are so many more properties that are old that have heritage to choose from in america there's a lot of places that are new homes and so there's not all of that history and attachment to tearing something down you know it's definitely changed I mean when I go back to the u k now I mean, you see beyond I'll swear on your people do now remodel much more they used to just decorate on they would try and fit everything they wanted into whatever space because americans were always keen on remodeling take that down that wall down here we need a window there that's great but there's a very different approach that was almost considered on cool by british, though, isn't that maintain these maintain this nice just to a degree, you know, again, it's changing that is changing where arm or off the got it, bennett, and do it again. I think you think about a lot of british properties that actually have a name, so they exist as a personality, almost into them, you know, on their in their own right, and so designing to fit their personality, as opposed to, you know, you don't see that as much in in the united states, and we're just we're bringing our our own personality and more used to be anyway, typically, boulder, that they would be much more willing to take on a project, just say let's, change this. So I'd love to get some comments on that that's. Interesting.
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Amy Cantrell
I was happy to get this class on sale at a time when I needed it. We were painting and replacing some furniture so it helped me get some clarity on what is most important to me. As a photographer I can appreciate most styles and colors so the class helped me hone in on what my design personality is (eclectic mostly) which helped me focus on things to inspire me.
LIndsey Connell
What a generous offering. I got so much out of this course. Sure, some of the style references are a little out-moded, but it's incredibly thorough. Tobi is so knowledgeable about all of the styles and is gifted at helping students ensure style and functionality. Dive in! You'll learn so much about your own style and how to make your home flow in a way that you love.
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