Lesson Info
1. #WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 1: Arancini
#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 1: Arancini
43:41 2#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 2: Broccoli Risotto
1:03:20 3#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 3: Polenta and Sausage
1:03:41 4#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 4: Chocolate Covered Macaroons
1:13:16 5#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 5: Pasta with Peas (and bacon)
56:38 6#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 6: Chickpea Stew
1:01:22 7#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 7: Ramyeon
1:03:14 8#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani Episode 8: Goan Green Curry
1:03:18Lesson Info
#WFHCafé with Andrew Scrivani, Episode 1: Arancini
Andrew. Welcome to the show today. Thank you so much for being here. Thanks for having me chase. And really happy to be here. It's always always a pleasure to be with you. Create Oh, man. Thank you so much. And, well, I'm here in Seattle. Tell us a little bit about where you are and what we're seeing there in the background. Well, I am in my home in New Jersey, so I get have to get away out of out of New York City, get out of the smaller apartment and get out of the hot zone. So we kind of came down here about 10 days ago. So my wife and my, uh, my niece and her boyfriend are sort of hunkering down here. And I started a feature when my wife had to be, uh, working from home, called The Work From Home Cafe. And I've been doing videos and ah, lot like what you were saying in your open about giving back to the community and being there for our audience and helping out at this time. Need I thought, Ah, a lot of people know my work as a photographer, but the reality is that I've been a cook ...
before. I was a photographer and I learned my cooking skills from my grandmother, my great grandmother, my mom and, ah, I bring that to the table every time I take a picture of food. So I sort of Rhoda blogged about food years ago called Making Someday Sauce, and I had a nice audience there, used to share recipes and people. People knew me more in that kind of aspect, but that sort of went away with the business of being in food photography and and this gives me an opportunity to sort of resurrect that. And I'm calling it something new with the work from Home Cafe, and I've been posting recipes and alternatives for people who don't cook along the time. You know, we have a lot of friends on and colleagues who are back home right now who I spend a lot of time in restaurants and even take out and all of those things. And that's not as not as easy to do right now. So been sharing easy recipes, fund recipes. I've been showing people how step by step, like what I do, and I figured this would be a great opportunity to, um, to step into the void here. We created live and show you guys what I've been up to, we cannot wait. And I'm gonna turn it over to you here in just a second. But before we dio, um, again, I I want toe reinforce the hash tag work from Home Cafe. It's just been a delight to follow you since we, um well, since we originated this idea for created by TV and I was directed, um, specifically to check out that hashtag and what you're doing there so cool. And I know we've got some restaurant, some, um, recipes we're going to share, and I just want to first say thank you. Second, say congratulations on on, um, you know, basically re inventing really cool and important part of the next body of work from you. And, um, if we Segway here into what we're going to be doing over the next hour, um, I understand that you're gonna cook for us. Ah, and then we're gonna We're gonna photograph this, and I might be able to pick your brain at the end. We'll circle back to make sure people know how to how to find you. Um, make sure that we can reinforce that hash tag from work from Home Cafe. Um, but is it true we're going back to your grandma's Aaron Chiney or what? Are we gonna What are we gonna cook today? You know, we're gonna make grandma's rice balls are Mancini in Italian, which means little orange, but they're basically called little oranges. That's exactly what they look like when they're done. They look like little oranges but their rice balls. And this is my grandmother's recipe that I grew up eating. It's super simple. It doesn't. It's not very complicated on talking through it. I'm going to show you the last process of it because part of it has to be done ahead of time because it needs to cool down. So I did that this morning. It's a cooling on the counter, the rice mixture. I'm going to show you how to form them, roll them up, get him and get him in the and get him in the fried 10 and then we'll go over and shoot him over near the window. So I'm gonna take you with me for a second because I realized that when we run Theo full time here, the phone has the opportunity to run down the battery. Gonna plug you. I'm gonna plug you in. Eso that when I'm working with you here. I don't end up losing my, uh, my battery. Yeah. Yeah. What you're doing that I'm happy Teoh to talk to the folks I know if you're interested in food photography, I mean, you know, you can't sit down in a restaurant without seeing someone next to you in a pre covert world, Of course, taking a picture of their food. And, you know, you've taught some incredible classes for us in the past and we've got some new ones launching mobile food photography, for example. You're here in Seattle. I think it was, uh, but it you, eight weeks ago or so? Um, no, its only There's only 3. weeks ago, it was right as cove. It was some kind of coming in, and I was in Seattle food. We were at a film festival where the Seattle Children's Film Festival at the Northwest, One film forum. Um, with Team Marco. My film that is out in festivals now and we were there doing that. And then I was doing Creativelive and I was teaching a workshop of near Kirkland, and the day that I was in Kirkland was when the whole thing happened up there and I was afraid I was going to be able to get home, you know, like it. And in the streets in Seattle were already a ghost town. So it was. I went from that hot zone back to New York, and it's sort of like I've been. It's tracing me. I give you, keep running away, it's getting It's coming down the jersey now trying to stay out of its way. Well, for the folks at home like this broadcast is gonna be super informative and inspirational and entertaining. But also again, stay tuned for mobile food photography, a new class from you on creativelive as well as social media for food photographers. And if your social media aspect it doesn't have to be food because you drop a lot of great, um, great points there. But just, um, look for that stuff up coming. And of course, you can go in Creative Life site and, uh, check those out. So without further ado, I'm gonna hand it back to you where you're going to go. I think we're gonna go to, like, live to your chest, right? You're going to Ah, you're gonna catch us. You said we could sing it out. Yeah, let's be offices where you're gonna be put you right there. And we're gonna work right from the right from here. So I'm gonna flip the camera I'm working with, uh, this is the rice mixture that I made. So this was, uh it's very simple. It's milk, water, arborio rice, which is the right to use for risotto and a little pinch of salt. So if I bring you over to the computer, I can show you the actual recipe card that I'm gonna share with the audience later. But this is the recipe card that was in my grandmother's kitchen that somebody rescued for me, and I photographed it. So I have the actual recipe card that was typed out on a typewriter. And then there's some hand written remarks here that basically shows you how to double the recipe. If you want to make twice as much. Because exactly that's what you really want to dio. I did the original recipe, which is the single recipe. So I made the rice. I made the right smith mixture here by adding two cups of water, two cups of milk of ah, pinch of salt. And the result, though, while everything is cold, you cook it up to a boil and you let it simmer for about 30 minutes until basically all of the moisture is out. Eso it looks like kind of dry at the bottom at the bottom of the pan. And when that happens, you put it on you 10 take to eggs. Um, you put What is it? We got it here to eggs and then four tablespoons of cheese and two tablespoons of butter and you mix them all together until you get this sort of yellowy rice mixture. Which is sort of really I did wash my hands. People wash him. Good. So I'm gonna take you over to the kitchen to the going to take it over to the stove. I'm gonna keep this up. I don't get you the flame going, so that starts getting hot. We're gonna go over to your fridge, grab an egg for the egg wash. I could see my surfboard in the background. Check it out. Okay. So get a little bit of an egg wash in here. That's not what this is. What happens when you cook on television? No, but this never happens on the Food Network, but so this mix up the egg watch, maybe put a tiny bit of water in this little filtered water. It's to stretch it a little bit. It might need it. Might need to make more. At some point, we'll kill you, basically, what we're doing. So now I got my three elements. I'm gonna put him in the order. I'm going to use him. I got my rights mixture, my egg wash, my breadcrumb mixture and then the pen, which I'm gonna put about 1/4 of an inch of oil and and just let that get really hot. It should get up to about 350 degrees. We might be able to check that. You see if I got my my thermometer. So I got a thermometer which will double for human thermometer. If you actually need it will shock Lynn end, but it'll work up a buddy who's been struggling at home with the with the virus who has been taking his temperature with the meat thermometer for the past week. So it's been pretty interesting. So you make him like meatballs. But my grandmother, I mean, a lot of people make him around like this. My grandmother attended to make them a little more oval like a croquette. It's just the way she liked to make them. So I'm gonna make them like the way Mama made them. So my great grandmother, who have dedicated a lot of my food work to her name was or Celia Milo. She's from Ah, Chief a loop, Sicily. This is a town in Sicily. Um, I visited there once. This is tiny little medieval looking town. It's beautiful and she came to the U. S. Mint. Choose a young woman. Um, and she waas the person in my life who kind of introduced me to food culture and a real love of cooking and being in the kitchen. I write about it in my book. That's that photo makes me hungry. Dedicated the book to all the women in my life who taught me how to cook. My mother, my grandmother, my great grandmother and So when you coding these, you just kind of let some of the extra runoff. Sorry. Shaking you guys around a little bit. So all right. Gonna make a few of these while that's heating up. Then it will test the soil. It doesn't matter if the breadcrumbs get in the mixture with you, because it's all gonna get coded anyway, so it doesn't matter. But you could see how this holds together really perfectly now, um, and make him like this so that oil will take a few minutes to get hot so it gives us a problem. Gives us a nice amount of time to come get these ready to go. I'm making these with gluten free bread crumbs because I don't eat wheat. Uh, and I found that there are certain products that worked pretty well for gluten free people. Um, and these breadcrumbs are one of them. You can get him in whole Foods. I look at the package in a minute. I'm sure you guys what it was so But it's ah, like you say. I think you can make them as big or small as you like. I mean, some people make these now with the chunk of Ah, what? Settle cheese in the middle. Um, some people put peas and normal chopped meat, so it's a real staple for Italian, uh, cooking. And it's definitely something that you could improvise and use different types of cheeses. I use pecorino. I like cheese cheese in my, uh, in my orange Jeannie. I kind of like it better than Palmer John. But some people love Parmesan, so I, um, I will tell you, you can go with whatever you like. I try to write recipes, and I have been for the work performed Cafe. I've been trying to write recipes that are really flexible because I know that, you know, particularly now it's hard to get ingredients. Number one. If you're trying to order online, that becomes that's become a little bit of a hassle. Um, and if you are going to the grocery store or certain things that are really not available, I know that I've been struggling to find, um, yeast, which is interesting. Um, oatmeal, like rolled oats. Seek to make ring. You could make cookies. So I guess a lot of people are making, uh, reason. Open your reason. Cookies with their kids, and you cannot find it. So I just had a timer go off, and we're gonna take a second to take a look at something pretty cool. While this heats up, we'll show you that I have about a brisket in the oven for Ah, for about seven or eight hours. I bought a small brisket. I want to work on it. So we're gonna go over the sink, watch your hands a little bit. This will be a good up public service announcement. Wash your hands often as you can. Get some oven. Mittens on. Check out this. What's going on in the oven? So this has been a brisket that I, um, marinated last night. So this is bonus coverage here. I'm now Sorry about the sound. I marinated this last night, and then I put it in the oven this morning. It's a very simple marinade. It's a small brisket, and there it is. So that's been in my open since about 10 o'clock this morning. I'm gonna leave it in a little longer, so that builds a little bit more of a crust on it. Um, it's been at a low temperature about degrees. So, um, that's going to go back in and we'll check on out again later, but back to the or in teeny. So, uh, let me talk about the brisket just for a second. While I'm doing this, the brisket is mustard, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and you and mustard. And you just smeared out all over the meat and then cover it up and put it in the refrigerator overnight. So, like, 12 hours like that, and then you just put it in the oven the next morning, let come to room temperature, put it in the oven next morning and let it cook all day. Warmed up the house Really nice, because it was a chilly day down here today, and, uh, we were able to kind of make some really nice, uh, really nice brisket. So get some more bread crumbs, and I'm gonna make about half of this. And then because I think that oil is just about ready, make the rest later. So it's interesting to make these recipes for me because culturally, um, a lot of these kind of recipes, we see them online, and we see them in other other places. and everybody's family has a little bit of a different take on it. And mine is simplicity. And I think that that kind of speaks really well to how I how I like to cook in general, but also, at the moment, I think it's really good, but we are trying to do things a little more simply. So let's check this out. Let's see where we're at. Oh, yeah, we're about there. Absolutely, actually, a little hot, So I'm gonna turn that down just a bit now that we're attempt. Okay. Oh, I went sideways. There we are. Okay, so I'm gonna get the tongs and going to get some some stuff toe kind of roll these things around in the hot oil, Put him in, then they're not try to crowd the pan two months, I think five. That's probably good. And then I'm gonna roll them around as a cook because they're already fully cooked inside. It's not like, um, we have Teoh cook. Um, we just have to Chris. Paul. Mom. So you'll see as I start to turn him Chris Paul pretty quick. This oil is really hot. I only take a minute or two once they're crispy on the outside, they're gonna be warm through in the middle. You look great. See, that's almost ready to give that another minute like they're not their side. So, getting like now, the temperatures down a little bit after I had that scalding in the beginning. So I will cook a little slower now, which is good. So get warm in the middle. You could also read eat these really nicely indestructible. So this is the most interesting camera work I've ever done because I'm looking, I'm cooking through the phone. I'm actually looking at the phone and trying to keep the frame in in place. All right, so I'm gonna take these off and drain them to a, uh, to a paper towel lined plate. I think he's look really nice color wise. That could a little dark on one side, but that's ah, but they kind of me to come back on the other side, so I'll make a few more now, but culturally, you know, getting in touch with the food of our culture. You know, whatever that culture might be, has been sort of a thing. That now that we're stuck in home and we have to be with a lot of times we're with our extended families. There's an opportunity to sort of look into these recipes a little bit deeper and spend some time cooking with family. I know that my mom and dad are working on a video for me right now of making pizza dough. So they're gonna make some pizza dough, and I'm gonna put publish that on my work from Home Cafe and then, Ah, I know my daughter is working on some stuff cheese in Tennessee. Um, and she's working on some cooking, and she's gonna shoot some videos, too. And I know my niece and her boyfriend who are staying here with us. They cooked, and I published the recipe by then. This morning, they get a Thai chicken curry tight from curry, which was really delicious. And, ah, you know, we had an opportunity now to do these things. You know, when was the last time you got to cook with your kids? Or when was the last time you got to cook with your grandma? You know, like this is a great time. We got to make lemonade. So a buddy of mine is Ah, he's doing our kids quiz show on Facebook. It's called Uncle Julie. Uncle Julie TV. He's all over Facebook and he's on YouTube and he's doing a kids quiz show every night at six o'clock on Facebook during this special time, he calls it, and it's been a really nice way to gather with friends. And people get needing a break from doing there home schooling with their kids. And it's been pretty terrific opportunity for for him to just kind of you, he said. By himself is in his apartment. So he's producing a video show, uh, on his own, like by himself, just like this, you know, with Facebook and with YouTube. And it's pretty cool. So I think we're about good here. In terms of what, these we're gonna look like I'm gonna pop him over here just to dream hot. They look amazing, and I'm gonna come back to this self later and I'll finish it off. I got I could probably make I don't know, maybe four or five more, and I'll give me a nice, nice bunch. So, um, hold on a second. I'm gonna get you out of this contraption. You could see me again trying not to hang up the phone. And here we go. Anna, back. So what do you think of that? That was pretty cool, huh? Oh, that's amazing. Andrew of amazing, Amazing. I got I got a couple questions If I can man so a sfar as the length of time you want those things in the oil, does that have to do? Is that just ah, feel that you get or is it a color? You're looking for a certain level of sort of crunch. What are some of the factors there? Yeah, I think that if you are going to go by color, that's probably the best way to do it. Because ultimately, you know, oven temp if you it's really hard to regulate oil temp on ah, home stove, especially if you're not using, like, a candy thermometer or or deep fryer. But, you know, if you think about deep frying, if you deep fried those, they be done in 30 seconds. So the fact that I cooked each of those from maybe two minutes, I think those worked out really well. So in terms of doing it that way, I would say go by color and feel. And you know, once you start to see like, it's the right consistency of color and crunch. Then they're ready, you know, because And then the fun part of those is if you do put that little nugget of what's it all cheese in the middle when you break it open, you get that big, Really? And that's delicious. Eso So I show you, I got I'm not gonna show you. I got a big container. I'm not going to go back over. I got a big container tomato sauce you like. So I always make a big pot of tomato sauce like my grandmother and I keep it in the fridge at all times, So sometimes I'll eat it with pasta, but then approach an egg in it. Or Ahlam, I'll use it on something like this, like you could make a Parmesan Me chicken. Parmesan is the other day. You know you have ah, tomato sauce in your fridge, even if you use jar sauce. But you put sauce on something like that. It's gonna be amazing to like it's a home. It's a whole meal. It's just it's the great oh man, I'm I'm very hungry. I just want to welcome those who are joining us part with you. The broadcast you're watching, um, Creative live TV, which has created a live dot com slash tv wherever you are, we might be seeing this on Facebook or on YouTube. But I'm Chase Jarvis, and I'm happy to be here with my dear friend and renowned food photographer for The New York Times, Disney and others. Mr. Andrew Screw Vanni, who's walking us through his grandma's recipe for our chiney, which are rice balls. And you get those from your grandma and, um, obviously culturally super relevant staple in Italian cuisine. Um, and if you're curious, uh, he's got classes available here. Creativelive mobile food photography coming up social media for food photographers. Ah, and a couple of other classes. Just search Andrew and your name will pop up there and you can click on those. But if we go back to where you are right now in New Jersey and the hashtag w f H stands for work from Home Cafe, which is a hashtag that you've been, um, operating under since ah Covad 19 really started, I don't know, dominating the landscape. Um, were in your kitchen in New Jersey and maybe you can bring the camera back to what you just prepared for us. And I know Ah, I I was begging you early on before it before we went live. If you wouldn't mind taking a few pictures for us of the people home could see that side of your art as well. It would be amazing. But I just wanted to hand it back to you and, um say thank you so much for this has just been extraordinary. Oh, that's great. I mean, it's it's ah, you know, the work from Home Cafe has been sort of a waiting for me to keep saying as well, it's been something that has been great for me to sort of be able to feel like I'm giving back to on audience, especially on instagram, that that has supported me so greatly and a creative live audiences supported me so greatly over the years. So, um, I know that it's is a tough time and that some familiar faces who are giving you some helpful information could be could be something that helps you get through the day. So I'm really happy and proud to be here doing this with you in this recipe. I've already photographed the components, some of them. I'm gonna finish photographing the components with you right now, but I'm gonna post them on my story on instagram. So you get the full recipe. I know that you guys have my recipe card because they sent it over to you so you could share that with the audience. So if you want to make these or any of the other recipes, you can find any of them that in Ah, in the highlight section off my instagram feed. So, um, but let's check that out. Amazing. And what's a great place, like give us your instagram handle while we're here talking about this stuff? Yeah, sure. My on my instagram handle is at Andrew Screw Bonnie. One word. So I basically tell people if you could spell my name, you can find me because it's pretty much everything that I do on social is just my name. So my website by my instagram my facebook, any of that stuff YouTube? I'm all just my name. All right. All right. Well, I'm gonna, uh, let you go back into, Ah, create mode here. I know we were, um, pleading with you to do some photography for us. So take us over by the window. There are some You got some nice natural light pouring in. And, um, let's let's see. Let's see that aspect of it. Cool. Yeah. I'm going to take you over and plug this in and see if I can get some kind of ah, decent look on this camera that I'm with now, So let me flip for you. Okay? So I'm going to stand you up right here. And this should give me give you a little bit more with Should be pretty good. Okay. I'm gonna go over and get Thea. Hold on. Are you gonna go? I'm going to go over and get the anti me and I'm gonna bring it back to the spot and I'll be back in one second. Great, Greg, like I can hear you. All right. I'll just remind our viewers at home I love it. Uh, this is one of my favorite things in one of the reasons that we actually did creative live TV is because, you know, you get to see so much of our like, highly produced stuff. And what we're getting to see now is behind the scenes Where, um, you know, phones, air falling over and heaven forbid Andrew cooked one. Erin Sheeni. 11 seconds too long, and it got a little brown. Um, but this is the world we're living in, right? And I think it's a It's a world that we can all identify with a little bit more. And now, um, I'm gonna hand it back to you. Is were you already just gone into food styling mode? Here? Three. Close up on those things. That is just so beautiful. Thank you. So just get I can't even see it. Oh, look so good. I got that one right in the foreground there on the right hand side. So I know if I'm down here, you could probably see my face right now. I can't quite see your face. I would cut you off the top of the cannon right there. There you go, E. I got all right. Cool. So I have some nice window light here with north facing north, north east facing, So I have some nice window light throughout the day. It even though it's the end of the day, I have plenty of light to shoot by right now. So I got my trusty cannon, but I D Mark four and my 50. My famous little 50. Ah, um, macro lens that Ah, compact macro, that candle doesn't even make anymore. But I've been a big fan of many years. Eso I got those two items right here. I don't wanna shoot some. And when I'm done with these ongoing process them on, post them on instagram feed. But I'm also going to send a couple over to you guys. So hes hanging there for a second. Amazing. Yeah, well, and keep talking to us. Well, you're like, What are you thinking about? And so, what's your objective as you're shooting straight down or I can tell the camera back a little bit. That be ideal? If not, don't sweat it. I don't think I can do They think you're gonna fall. Okay? Way gone. Try something else. So how does that feel? Even better. Okay, good. That's easy. All right. So, um, I'm gonna shoot, basically, try to get make a nice corner shop here of this on changing from the top, and that's looking already really nice. Um, I know what would make this look really great is if I was to grab some of that tomato sauce out of the fridge and put a little cup of it here. But I don't have Perhaps here, so I don't have a cup. I could probably improvised way. We'll be patient if you do want to improvise. I mean, and also what you can show us the back of the camera a little bit, just through through your phone. There. That's that's enough for us to see. Oh, yeah. There you go. Look at that light. That's just extraordinary. Give us a little bit about the settings. Tell us what you're shooting on right now. So this is this is a teak dining table that I bought many years ago and it lived in my studio. It lived in my studio for many, many years on. Then it would say I needed to get something smaller because I needed more room. So I moved this into my storage unit and the storage unit wasn't, um, climate controlled, so I left it in there for about three years. And when I took it out. It had this beautiful patina to it that basically teak. It's sort of greyish brown when it's ah when it gets older. And this has these beautiful sort of gray tones in it. And like between the marble countertop that I have that I'll walk you over to in a second. Um, and this countertop I missed this table. I have beautiful surfaces, but I have a little Toronto table outside on the balcony. So I have three really nice surfaces to shoot on here. And I can make do and make some really nice pictures, especially with my phone. Um, while I'm doing the work from Home Cafe. So I've been really happy with That s so ideal. Yeah, I know. No question. So I can do that back lit shot that I really like to do here, where I got to pick up a little piece of the window and get that blown out. Hopes it just went off. You hit this one more time on that. There you go. Here we go. It's a little over exposed, but I'm gonna go. No, no. Just for that Looks bright and well. Yeah, full of full of light and love it. Yeah, so, I mean, I can pick that up here, and yeah, that's a little better. Oh, the richness, It's really nice. So I'm gonna run over and grab that that sauce do. So I'm gonna plug a couple of your other. Ah, your other escapades on creativelive. Super excited to have him. Andrews Cavani on our platform. A legend in the field of food photography. Um, mobile food photography is a class that we've got coming up and again. You can't go to a restaurant in a non covert world not seeing someone at the table next to you taking a picture of their food, especially if you, um e don't know where you go to dinner. But, man, you know, I love I love two ends of the spectrum I love, you know, greasy, simple, Um, um, street food. And and then I love it when you know, people really go all out and try and do something interesting. And to me, those two ends of the spectrum make for great photographs and what I have loved about your approach, Andrew and, um, these classes that you've got incredible. I've mobile photography and social media for food photographers, um, is just the accessibility. Like you just watching the photograph you created setting these Erin sheeni on a white plate on your teak table. That's right. And, you know, in your own house, right next to a window and blind, you've got this amazing shot. So, um, please just keep a hand the mic back to you Keep walking us through what you've just done. You got some looks like that sauce from your fridge there and keep your there it is. There's a sauce, and then I have a little extra a little extra cheese. So if I kind of start to do my food styling thing, uh, I don't try to make it to Precious, but this is the next opportunity to make something really pretty. And, uh, they listen, we're already here, right? So why not? That's right. So and of course, my camera is always filthy and full of cheese and everything else that I'm always shooting with. But let's, uh, let's make a little shot here on give that a little more light, messing around with settings, and I think that we're getting on the right track. Oh, it looks like, uh, cover of a magazine right there. I mean, and you just did that in two shots and 11 seconds flat. Man, I love it. I mean, look at this. I mean this This is what excites me about food. Photography is that you know something that you know you love to eat, and you're gonna want toe want to dig right into So I mean, there's a little bit of trickery going on here, too, because that's that sauce is ice cold. And but it still it still looks amazing. And you know what? I'll still dip that are anti me and I don't care. I don't know, question. I don't care. One way or the other, you would be both. So I would like you've got the, you know, Canon five d mark for there. But I've seen you do that with the, you know, if the best cameras one that's with you. The camera in your pocket, right, just off the mobile phone. Of course, we're using that right now for a live stream, so it's a little bit hard for you to demonstrate that, but, um, just talk to talk to us about using the equipment that you have. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I think that it's been something that all photographers who have sort of been in a position to instruct other people talk about is that the equipment doesn't make the photographer. You know, the equipment is just a tool food for the eye of the photographer. And if you have the right eye and you put and you put that vision together in front of your in real life, you could make the picture with the camera. And I really started to embrace the mobile workflow because the camera is so sophisticated now that actually gives me a result that I'm really happy about. It's really flexible, and I like the processing tools inside the camera. I like to work in light room. Um, and I think it gives you this opportunity to do things spontaneously where this is amazing tool and has been my life blood. But it's not a spontaneous instrument. It's not an instrument that I could use at a moment's notice when I see something with my eyes. And I know that some of the work that I admire viewers chases that is that spontaneity that you're able to bring to it with the mobile phone. Ah, and I think that all of us, you know, are striving to create art more regularly and more accessibly. And I think that showing people that photographers who have made a living with a camera off still, you know, enthralled with using mobile photography is it's something that we all need to embrace because it's here to stay. You know, point shoot camera is not a thing anymore. For the most part, um, these are the These are the next generation of what we can use to carry around a little bit altars and our little pocket cameras. So, um, the tool is so powerful, we should, you know, enjoy it, embrace it, and, uh, make great pictures with it. Well, as long as you're not too uncomfortable there squatting next to your Aunt Jeannie, we just do a quick recap for us because, you know, you'd prepared some rice at the beginning before the show started, and then just walk us through. Ah, in a 92nd fashion. What? You just for us here on the show. So first I took a couple rice and I cooked that in two cups of water, two cups of milk and a pinch of salt, and I cooked that down until the rice is almost dry. Then I added to eggs. Ah, quarter four tablespoons of pecorino Romano cheese. Um, and, uh, what's the other ingredient? Missing butter. Four tablespoons of part of How could I miss the four tablespoons of butter? And you mix that all together till the cheese and the egg and the and the butter is all incorporated into the rice mixture. Then you just leave that on the counter and come to re attempt, or at least at least cool enough to handle. But I like to let it come to completely the room time, because then it's really sticky and will hold form really nicely. And then when we're ready to pry them, I put about 1/4 of an inch of oil in a in a shallow pan, and I let that get to about 350 degrees. I roll these in an egg wash, which is just a scrambled egg in water, and I roll it out into some seasoned breadcrumb. Mine happened to be gluten free on, then put him right in that hot oil and about 90 seconds later, 22 minutes. You keep rolling those around until it's golden brown on every side, and this is what you end up with. And they make threes really well. You could put him in the freezer. You can eat a room temp. I tend to like that. My grandmother would do that when I was a kid. She would make food like this and leave it out on the counter all day. And you just kind of walking by in the afternoon. And there's a aren't Cheney sitting there and you grab it and throw it in your face and your happy so it doesn't have. This is not the kind of food that has to be piping hot to be enjoyable. Um, and then, like what I did here is, I put a little tomato sauce here is sort of a dip. Um, this gives it that little mozzarella stick feel like like at the chain restaurants, but way better, way better. It is no, no comparison, but like I said, it's also really versatile. You can add peas. You can add a little piece of chopped meat. You could add a piece of What's it all cheese in the middle. You can have, like, a little surprise in the middle there with some, you know, peas or cheese or any other little sort of nugget of ah, of deliciousness. You can kind of sneak it inside that when you're making those balls. Now I make the mob long because that's not my grandmother taught me, but, um uh, there also you could also make him around. A lot of people make him around, but I like to stick with the way my grandma taught me. Oh, I'm giving a shadow to your grandma right now, and so is a couple 1000 people around the world. So thank you so much for bringing us, um, to your your home there in New Jersey, where you're hunkered down safe with your family. Um, it is a reminder you're doing this on the regular, right? It the work from home cafe hashtag w w f H cafe, um, and give us just a little recap on what you're doing there. Yeah, so and on. And my instagram story. I've been running a feature called Cold Work From Home Cafe and I come on and I thought to camera, and I give some instructional advice on a recipe and things that I'm cooking for my work from home Workforce on I called. I call them my work from Home warriors and that that's something that I'm hoping that people gravitate to who are not necessarily home cooks normally. And they have the opportunity to spend some time in the kitchen now because we have no choice and they have a friendly face who they know who could talk them through some of these kind of delicious but easy to put together recipes. So if you're interested in that, come on over to my instagram. It's also on my Facebook. Uh, but but follow me through Instagram because Facebook it's just to jump over. But I'm also posting them on my YouTube page so all of them will be there in entirety. But if you do want to interact with, you haven't want to ask questions. Instagrams of place to do that. And that's at my name at Andrews Cavani. Same thing on YouTube. If you're looking for me on the working from Cafe will be that amazing amazing, and we are so grateful to have you in our community And, uh, not only you know from today's experience, but again for those of you who Ah, I have enjoyed this show and want to see more from Andrew. He's giving you a couple of occasions. We also have classes where he goes in depth on what he discovered in an hour. We've got that mobile food photography, social media for photographers on. There's another class you you've got on our channels. Well, I am space again it right now. But if you go to create a live dot com and type in Andrew, it's gonna come up right away looking up, just crushing the aren't cheating back. I'm so jealous right now again. I just finished your journal of our way. You were in the middle of doing all that. I just like I'm I'm just 2600 miles further away from you that I want to be right now. I wish I was six feet from you, and I could just You could toss me one of those across the room. Absolutely. They hold together well enough if you if you toss it and touching like light its bond funds, it's not. It's not red hot anymore, so you could definitely do that. So, uh, next time I see you Chase, I'll make make a batch for you. Oh, I cannot wait. I'm so grateful. We in the creative life community and the global creative community are so thankful for your time today. And I was just talking off camera to, um, the booth who is were streaming this live, obviously all over the place. And we need to do this regular. Maybe we can make it weekly. Ah, I know you're doing it daily at the work from Home Cafe, but, um, just it's so enjoyable. And you're a master of so many disciplines both, you know, cooking and photography. So it's a treat to be in your on your chest if you will hear your chest cam there at ah, on your phone. So thank you so so much. Um, any other words of wisdom that you want to share with our audience before we, uh, let you get back to your day? Yeah, absolutely. You know what I what? I've tried to preach in photography and what I'm trying to talk about we cooking now is you got to keep it simple, and you have to not worry about it too much just could go out and create. You know, that's been the thief. Folks have created live. It's definitely the things that all of the instructors China in part to everyone is that just create, just go out and try it. And if you mess it up, that's not a big deal. Try it again. There's no harm in trying. So just don't be anxious about cooking, trying not to set your kitchen on fire. But other than that, it's gonna be great worry about
Ratings and Reviews
Michael A. Gruich Jr.
Excellent information and insight from a professinal who knows his craft well and is happy to share his experience with others