Live Recording Session
Lesson 29 from: Voice-Over for Real People: Complete Freelancing GuideKeith Harris

Live Recording Session
Lesson 29 from: Voice-Over for Real People: Complete Freelancing GuideKeith Harris
Welcome to the world of Voice Over
02:13What Is Voice Over?
2Myth Busting
03:17 3Where is all the money?
02:54 4Quiz: What Is Voice Over
The Voice Over Performance
5A Conversation With One Person
03:34Vocal Warm Up
03:43 7Breaking Down the Delivery Components
04:21 8Nailing the Feel
04:55 9Hitting or Noticing Words
03:28 10Becoming an Actor
03:26 11The Magic of Lists
04:34 12Five Key Characters
04:03 13Tongue Twisters
04:19 14Mic Technique and Studio Etiquette
05:53 15Quiz: Voice Over Performance
Case Studies
16Education in Mauritius
03:12 17The Ventsar ColorTouch
06:04 18Dodge Maps
04:16 19Quiz: case Studies
The Home Studio
20Check List
02:46 21Microphones
06:34 22Preamps
02:51 23Finishing the Check List
04:33 24Creating Your Recording Space
04:57 25Sound Proof Booths
03:34 26Quiz: Home Studio
27Practice and Review
02:58 28Quiz: Closing
Recording and Editing
29Live Recording Session
10:01 30Adding Music
06:41 31Placing Audio into a Video
06:10 32Extra Services
04:23 33Quiz: Recording & Editing
Making a Demo
34Your Demo is your Business Card
05:48 35Designing your Demo
02:30 36Recording Your Demo
03:25 37Quiz: Making a Demo
Self Employment
38Customer Service
04:37 39Expectations and Delivery
03:57 40Storage and Organization
03:31 41Gig Photo and the Fiverr Forum
03:56 42Quiz: Self Employment
Vocal Health
43Water and Sleep
04:15 44Recording When Sick
04:17 45Quiz: Vocal Health
Staying Motivated
46Setting Goals
02:52 47Daily Schedule and Fiverr Forum
04:06 48Nerves
02:52 49Bonus Vocal Exercises
03:57 50Take a Break
01:51 51Quiz: Staying Motivated
Final Quiz
52Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Live Recording Session
in this lesson, I'm going to show you what a live recording session looks like and I'm going to do this by letting you watch my computer screen as I record a project, make any edits needed and save the final file ready for delivery. So let's get started. The first thing you want to do is to make sure your microphone is turned on and depending on your system, this may work in different ways For me. I have a nice interface here, I just hit this 48 V button and you can hear me. The next thing you want to do is to make sure that your computer recognizes whatever piece of equipment you're using and you can do this in your sound preference. Just double check and make sure your computer recognizes your device. Now we go to our daw and we're going to want to open a new window, Most recordings, you're going to set a bit depth of 16 And a sample rate of 44, and always model voiceover is always model. There's no there's no need to go stereo. Actually, it's just one voice, one person we click OK, ...
and now we're ready to record, We are five, a marketplace of incredible freelance talent like these people in this guy, this guy helps hundreds of people solve their graphic design needs. But this guy is not just a graphic designer, he's a photographer and an analog film shooter. In fact, he's thinking of getting into photo editing, you're doing a great, you're doing great buddy, but you could be doing better meet, learn from Fiverr a platform of on demand courses specifically created to meet your professional needs featuring professional instructors, industry experts and Doers and just like Fiverr learn is simple to use select a course, watch and learn select a course, watch and learn practice with exercises and quizzes and prove your knowledge with a test, then receive this cool badge and what's even cooler you can immediately transform your new skills into money and improve your marketplace ranking because with learn from fiber, once you learn more you can earn more. Now we've set up our recording, we've made the initial recording and now we're going to do some editing as you noticed I made some mistakes in there and we're going to talk about that as well. First I want to capture some room tone and what is room tone? Well room tone is literally what it sounds like. I shut the door on my booth, I hit the record button and I let the computer just record what was happening in the room and why would I do this? Because this is a great way to edit and to remove breaths if we just hit the silence button are are recording for the listener goes in and out and in and out. But room tone actually has a little bit of tone, a little bit of sound to it, space to it which will match our recording and we want that because it'll make our recording sound more consistent except however, at the very beginning, at the very beginning and the very end, we do want complete silence. So we're going to hit the silence button there and now let's go through and listen and start to do our edits. We are fiver a marketplace of incredible freelance talent. Like these people in this guy, this guy helps, wow, did you hear that loud breath? This guy helps. So we want to get rid of that. And what I'm gonna do is highlight and then I'm going to copy over it, that room tone that we paste that that we copied. And this guy, this guy helps makes a nice clean transition now. And this guy, this guy helps hundreds of people solve their graphic design needs. But this guy, there's another breath, We're going to take that out. But this guy is not just a graphic designer, he's a photographer. Now that's a small breath. But you know what, I'm going to take that out because what it will allow me to do is make a smaller transition almost like I never took a breath at all. It's not just a graphic designer. He's a photographer. Pretty neat. Huh? Yeah, it's a nice trick if you don't have a lot of breath and then we'll do that here too. Now let's see what that sounds designer. He's a photographer and an analog film shooter. In fact, he's thinking of getting great, let's get rid of that breath as well. In fact he's thinking of getting into photo editing. You're doing a great you're doing Now you notice how I made a mistake there. That probably would have worked in the text, but that's not what the client wrote. So I want to delete that. Now, here's the trick whether you're by yourself or in a professional studio making mistakes is expected. All you do is go back to the previous sentence and start over again. So you'll notice I made a mistake. Then I left a space making it easy to edit and then I started again, you're doing a great you're doing great buddy. So this makes it easier for the editor or in this case me to be able to go highlight that and then either delete or paste over it with my room tone and it's like it never happened. Photo editing, you're doing great buddy. But you could be doing better. Me learn from Fiverr. Now we got a little bit of noise in there from the room So I'm just going to get rid of that, learn from fiber, a platform of on demand courses specifically created to meet your professional needs featuring Now we'll get rid of that breath featuring professional instructors, industry experts and Doers and just another breath right there will take out with some room tone and just like fiber learn is simple to use Great. Another little breath there. Now here's another trick if you want a smaller space you can highlight and delete some of that room tone making it like you didn't breathe at all or there was no space in there like Fiverr learn is simple to use select a course. What we'll get rid of that one a little bit so like the course watch and learn. I hit my microphone on accident. I got so excited with my gestures. You hear that bump in the line watch and learn boom you hear that boom in their watch and learn. And I said oh well that'll be a mistake. So what we can do is highlight and delete of course watch select a course, select a course. Ah so see I made a mistake on where I put my edit but that's okay because I can highlight and get rid of the whole thing. Simple to use select of course watch and learn. So it's just like using a word document. If you make a mistake, highlight delete, change it around. It's so nice makes you recording much easier than having a tape like in the old days right? This digital the digital age has made this very accessible to many people practice with exercises and quizzes and prove your knowledge with a test. Another breath there then received this cool badge and what's even cooler you can immediately another little breath there and we're going to make this one smaller as well cooler you can immediately transform your new skills into money and improve your marketplace ranking because one last little breath here because with, learn from Fiverr once or maybe one more here, once you learn more, you can earn more and I'm going to put silence at the end as well and then we have our fully edited file, let's take a listen and see what it sounds like. We are five er a marketplace of incredible freelance talent like these people and this guy, this guy helps hundreds of people solve their graphic design needs, but this guy is not just a graphic designer, he's a photographer and an analog film shooter. In fact, he's thinking of getting into photo editing, you're doing great buddy, but you could be doing better meet, learn from Fiverr a platform of on demand courses specifically created to meet your professional needs featuring professional instructors, industry experts and Doers and just like Fiverr learn is simple to use, select a course, watch and learn practice with exercises and quizzes and prove your knowledge with a test, then receive this cool badge and what's even cooler, you can immediately transform your new skills into money and improve your marketplace ranking because with learn from Fiverr, once you learn more you can earn more and the final piece that I like to do is to normalize my recording what that does is it brings the average recording level up to a certain point in this case we want to use negative three D. B, which is kind of the industry standard. Now watch what happens here to my audio. Not a big difference there, but it does shift it just a touch. Sometimes you'll see a big difference and and it's nice because it brings it up to a nice level. And the final thing of course is to save, we want to make sure that we save our file so we'll put a name in there and then you'll have many choices. Most of your clients will either want a wave Format or MP three. Let's go with MP three and under bit rate. Often you'll have clients request a certain bit rate. Often it's either 1 28 or 1 92. But if they don't ask for a particular bit rate, I go with 3 20 just give them the highest best quality recording possible. Hit save, hit save and you're all set to go. And now you can send your project to the client via email or a doc sharing program like google docs. This may seem like a lot of steps. So I encourage you to watch this video again and download the checklist in the next section, basically record, edit and save, record the script, the client provided, Edit the recording, remove breaths and mistakes where necessary and save the audio as a wave or MP three file. The more you go through this process, the easier it will become in the next lesson, we'll discuss adding music to your project.
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Joe Wiese
Keith Harris is an amazing teacher. His coarse is timeless. Thank you Keith. Please come up with another coarse.
Matthew Longmire
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