Class Introduction
04:05 2What is Your interview
04:45 3Establishing the Story You Want to Tell
12:35 4Who is Going to Illustrate Your Story Best
06:46 5Strategies and Tactics of Acquiring the Interview
04:24 6Researching Your Subject
03:42 7Getting Everything Prepared for Your Interview
03:43 8The Interview Work Flow & Finding the Magic
03:55Lesson Info
Class Introduction
I'm really excited to be here and it's really lovely to be with this audience as well. I hadn't appreciated that aspect of it until just now and it's a great feeling. I also just wanna give a shout out to Creative Live, they've been really fantastic from the moment I entered the door, actually the moment I got the email, and we'll be talking about that first moment when you get an email and how special that initial connection is. So just as Drew said, I've been a journalist for almost 20 years, which I absolutely cannot believe and I've done everything from making documentaries and interviews, sound insolations, podcasts, radio magazines, public art projects, and I have to say that the interview is still, to this day, my most favorite part of doing anything when it comes to audio. And you'll find out why it's so wonderful. So let's get going. The art of the interview. So, I was thinking about this last night, why the art of the interview? I mean, is interviewing an art? And when I thin...
k about art, I think about the fact that there is a real craft to art. You know, you have to, to a certain extent, you have to be actually really good at what you do. But then there's the whole letting go and chance and magic and openness and curiosity and instinctual things that happen in art and in an interview. So I think the art of the interview is actually a fitting title. So I'm gonna give you a little quick introduction to the workshop. We're gonna be covering several things of the art of the interview. And let's start with if you love having conversation, then interviewing is for you. So I think a lot of people hear the term interview, actually I was on the airplane on my way here and someone said oh you're teaching a class on the interview, I'm actually coming to Seattle to do an interview. They were being interviewed for a job. And there's some nervousness around that, so sometimes you think about, oh an interview, this is gonna be a little bit nerveracking. It's actually just a conversation. We've been doing interviews since we were verbal, since we were having conversations with our parents, and asking them questions. I mean, we do interviews every moment, where are you from? How did you end up here? What do you love about it? What'd you eat last night? So really if you think about it in that context and you approach an interview in that way, you'll say, you know what, I got this. So we're gonna be speaking about all the steps of the interview, the preparing, the research, the actual conducting of the interview, and then the following up, so how do you maintain that connection after the interview is done? Which is important in lots of ways. One, the interview is such a special moment in time between two people, and so you kinda want to keep that connection and you wanna keep it going. It's also important for their network, to let them know that they've had a conversation with you and you're fabulous, ideally. Probably were. And by the end, what I hope you'll feel at the end of this 90 minutes is the confidence that you can approach anyone. You'll hear some brief snippets of interviews I've done with a wide range of people. We'll also hear a story piece that I think is really beautiful and the interviewing skills in that are so fantastic. So by the end I want you to feel like anyone that you dream of, all the people that you look up to or that are your mentors or heroes or people that you've just really wanted to approach or sometimes the scariest thing is approaching people on the street, which is another kind of interviewing, where you're just blindly going out and interviewing people on the street. You'll have the confidence to do that. And like I said earlier, I've been doing interviews for 20 years and I was just in New York doing a couple interviews there for a series that we do on design, and I realized just, I still feel so inspired by it. And so I hope you will too.
Ratings and Reviews
Ashley Pettit
I've just started a podcast - Beyond the mountains podcast. I am really enjoying the process. This is a great class for anyone who wants to become a better interviewer. I am 6 episodes in and I am learning that the magic starts about 15mins into the interview. Now I am trying to be an active listener and just have the courage to go off script and see where the conversation goes. This is a good class for any podcasters and interviewers.
What a great class! The instructor is wonderful to listen to and her samples of interviews are excellent. Definitely recommended.
Margaret Lovell
I loved Tania's passion. I was curious to take a class about the Art of the Interview. I'm glad this class exists. This course is the perfect companion to my copy of Lawrence Grobel's The Art of the Interview.