Lesson Info
11. Back-Up Systems
Free Bootcamp Introduction
1Introduction to Studio Systems Bootcamp Part 1
1:04:25 2Introduction to Studio Systems Bootcamp Part 2
1:22:38Photography Studio Customer Service
3Customer Service Part 1
1:08:05 4Customer Service Part 2
1:20:46 5Customer Service Best Practices: On–Location
58:14 6The Customer Experience: Client P.O.V. Studio Walk-Through & Session: On–Location
1:16:45Photo Session Systems & Image Workflow Systems
7Photography Session Systems
1:13:36 8The Studio as a System to Success: On–Location
55:38 9Image Workflow—From Camera to Client
50:15 10Post-Processing Systems
1:18:37 11Back-Up Systems
53:41Sales & Ordering Workflow Systems
12Overview of Successful Selling: The 6 Ps of Selling Part 1
1:23:09 13The 6 Ps of Selling Part 2
1:17:11 14The 6 Ps of Selling Part 3
1:38:38 15Real Life Sales Consult: On–Location
1:29:54 16Tracking and Packing an Order: On–Location
34:34 17Dealing With Client Objections & Problem Personalities, with Consistency
1:02:34Pricing & Financial Systems
18Financial Tracking—The Power of Knowing Your Numbers
1:02:39 19The Science of Pricing-—A System for Your Products
40:26 20Building Packages That Work
1:15:41 21Your First Outsource: Accounting: On–Location
21:23Marketing, Branding & Promotional Systems
22The Importance of a Solid Brand System
1:02:11 23Living Your Brand: Inside the Studio: On–Location
43:41 24Researching Your Market
54:19 25Marketing Systems
1:19:09 26Understanding Buying "triggers" and Using them in Your System of Promotion
36:33 27What We've Covered: Getting Systems Right
05:48 28Why Systems Are Important - and How They Help
11:10 29What's Your Plan - Let's Talk 5 Years Ahead
37:16 30What's Important - Let's Prioritize
17:33 31Where do you start? - Dealing with the Demon Inside
15:44 32Looking In the Mirror: Finding Success
14:49 33The Power of Never Giving Up
20:00 34Getting Back to Your Purpose - Why Do You Do What You Do?
09:09 35Introducing the BIG WINNER!
13:13Lesson Info
Back-Up Systems
We're going to be discussing some technical things here mainly about backing up and archiving your files, which is such a systematic thing to do and so many people don't do it correctly so we're gonna discuss some ways to do that to really make sure your work is safe and to make sure that things don't fall through the cracks so let's start off first and foremost with a question you guys know I love to ask you questions if your studio burned down tomorrow, would you lose anything? Yeah, everything felicia going no good girl that means she's got a good backup system in place. He wouldn't I'm talking and she asked me if I was just asking images yes, I'm just talking images. Would you lose your client files if you studio burned down tomorrow? A couple knows mostly yeses hominy yes raise your hand most of you would lose everything, right? Okay. The problem with backup is we only think about it when it matters, right? We only think about it when we lost information on the card we have to cal...
l the recovery people when we have a scare, right? That's when we tend teo really think about it consistently. I guess you could say and you all know this but it's truly not a matter of if it's when okay storage is not reliable it's just as simple as that, and the sad thing is, is people we don't think about it until it matters, okay? But chance favors the prepared mind, and if you are prepared when that chance does happen, it's not going to be nearly as dramatic and like I said, it's, not a matter of when if that chance happens, it's a matter of when that chance will happen to you. Okay, so we're going to discuss backup systems today and as mundane as it is because it is kind of, uh, three buffalo girls who, you know it's not the most exciting thing in the world, but when you do work with and create a system that backs everything up reliably inconsistency consistently, your peace of mind is huge, and you don't really realize what that peace of mind is until you've done it it's kind of like having a baby, you know, it's like a parent until you actually have one, and just knowing that everything is safe and secure and nothing's wrong with it not only gives you peace of mind, but it also gives your client's peace of mind right before we get into that, those of you who are studying along with me during this five week course. Very exciting of everybody's pumped up about it it's awesome we have a ten thousand dollar studio makeover grand prize for folks who purchased the creative live course studio systems of photography business boot camp it includes an all expenses paid trip to come see me in bend hotel airfare per diem for food the tuition everything covered to come and privately mentor with me in bend it also includes a fifteen hundred dollar lab credit from white house custom color, one year lease of post like pro which is the software I used teo conduct my in person sales sessions cash and lab credit from a super book album company cash and a six month lease of studio cloud pro, which is a photography studio management software my entire course catalog on creative live five hundred dollars brandon consultation of five hundred dollars social media strategy complication from some experts in the field and of course jule education we are donating my entire studio in a box business template tool collection so I am really excited about that so you have to buy the class to be eligible all we want to thank our sponsors for doing that. They are incredible people that I work with on a daily basis and use their product all the time on but they've been a tremendous, tremendous contribution to my business, so to enter you have to work a bit for it you got to do something I want you to submit a two minute or less video telling us what you'll do with and why you need the ultimate studio makeover then you're going to go to creative life dot com forward slash ultimate studio makeover to submit your video you need to do so by november first that's the deadline and of course we're going to announcing the winner november ninth live when I return here to seattle for the live close out and wrap up of this course that's what we're going to surprise the winner on we're very excited about that's going to be fun so let's get back into things see gate did a study see gate hard drives, you know c gate right? They did a study and this is a consumer study so this is not professional photographers fifty four percent of people have lost files from a dr ok that's more than half a twenty five percent of those have never backed up seventy two percent of consumers ranked photos as their most precious asset. What does that tell you about your business? The photos you are taking and creating for your clients are their most precious asset. Okay, you as a professional I should never see these numbers as a professional. You are expected to back up and maintain imagery safely that is part of your job, okay if you lose something of a client's, you are liable for it pp a freshman fibers america has an indemnity insurance policy for members in case like they lose wedding files that will help them in the event of that a liability insurance policy against that if you lose someone's wedding, you got a problem, a big fat problem. So you need to worry tremendously about data management and file back up. Okay, basically a backup for your backup very, very importantly, specifically archival storage. Okay? And the question is, what does archival mean? What you guys think archival means you get a microphone microphone, microphone, talk to me. What is your definition of archival all the way down to me? And here I was just going to say, maybe a hundred years, one hundred years? Sure. Ok, so in other words, whatever you store or preserve will last past me past, you know, kick the bucket and is still existing, okay? You're right that's kind of what archival preservation means in museums and of the world. Everybody's always trying to make sure paintings and documents last forever. You know the constitution united states is old and crinkled and following apart, but they're doing everything they can controlling temperature archival materials to store it so that the acids in the paper don't destroy the document, okay and it's you know, a hundred years old was it to fifty years old? Okay, so but the problem is there is no such thing in the digital world archival the word archival is a cruel a joke in the digital world okay, digital files are not and are at this point will never be archival I know everyone's like raising their eyebrows going what do you mean by that? Julia okay, I'm not talking about the hard drive itself with its spinning parts I'm talking about the dot j p g file the j peg the tiff the psd whateveryou do that isn't elektronik file and it will eventually corrupt right now they are doing studies at universities desperately researching how to make digital media archive archival because everything we do in the world is digital now word docks a cell spread sheets, everything. Every document that every company produces in the world rarely gets printed. We have figured out how to make paper archival, especially in photography. We have not figured out how to make a digital file archival so it's not the storage mediums themselves. The hard drives, the usb is the cds whatever you put it on it's the actual file dell eventually have I scared you little bit can help, so okay, no I love from blunt had so much fun making all these crazy dude I really hope I scared you a little bit, actually affect some scientists fear this era will be the next dark ages. You guys studied your history back in medieval times was considered the dark ages there, back when printing was not in full swing yet there's so much information that is not available because they couldn't print an archive and make copies of things. It was until the gutenberg bible was started to be published that all of a sudden we had multiple documents of things so there's a huge chunk of our history where information is lost about humanity, basically in the history of the human race because there was no documentation for anything. Okay, so there are some people out there who fear that what we're in now this information technical age will become the next dark ages, because we haven't figured out how to make these all the electronic elektronik files that were producing archival. The beautiful thing about this is it's such a selling point? Yeah, giggle, laugh, scratch, it's. True, this is how I market to my clients that they must print and I doing very nicely. We have a little brochure that talks about how digital files are not archival. We got basically what I told you, but in a very nice language not so scary language, okay? I don't put the little guy up there and go did I scare you but I really all I tell all my clients digital files or not archival they will eventually corrupt the safest place for images is to print an eight by ten copy of at least every single one that you truly love and store them in a cool dark dry place with archival and acid free materials they will last a hundred years or more if they're printed professionally so we recommend that you go to the lab that we suggests not only of the color calibrated to us they also will print it with archival methods so you know what will last we can always make a new digital nega from a print we cannot print from a corrupted file. How many times have I said that can you tell okay seriously they go oh nobody knows this this isn't this is not information that's readily available and out there unless you do your research you really don't know oh yeah I guess it is like sure ironic and it could crash on me and you know we don't know how long it's gonna last digital photography is only what twenty years old really? So things have lasted twenty years but ah, we don't know okay, so the files themselves that this is how I sell printing now granted we're hybrids studio would you both we print and we provide files and we're gonna talk all about this in product development, pricing, sales, all that good stuff, so be patient to get to that segment of the lessons. But what's important is even if the files are not archival, you still need to make them last long as possible. Okay? And that means backing up. So not only do you have an electronic file that's delicate, but you also have storage that is delicate drives fail all the time. How many of you have had a dr phil on you? Yeah, it's happened multiple times and it's painful, isn't it? Especially that backed it up and thank god it was with data that was really old, you know, files five, six years ago that I did with clients and, you know, it's not work that I'm extra proud of, you know? I mean, it's old stuff, so thank goodness in that regard and everyone's got their files and they've got their stuff on their end, so it wasn't a huge loss but still was disappointing, okay? I'm sure you all have that. And when it's critical, like with a wedding or a high paying job or something where you can't repeat it or it's going to cost you a lot of money to repeat that is painful. So let's talk about the ways that you can back up your image is well first of all there's cloud based storage okay we in the last five years have really come up the technology has increased to produce the cloud wherever it may be I still don't know what it is it's like what is the cloud really well what is the cloud basically it's off site and I think the idea of the cloud is a good spin it's a marketing spin is really what it is you're putting your information to the cloud where you could just go up and pull it any time you watch okay it's essentially what it is it's data servers offsite my husband is in construction he does commercial work and right now central oregon is a hub for data servers so companies like facebook and apple and all and amazon are building these huge centers that are just servers like that's all that's in there like six people work there just a huge massive and it looks like you know that movie twenty the george orwell tonight what's the movie not yet not nineteen eighty four but didn't they do a movie like twenty twenty four? Anyway, there was a movie with a body talk about the future and it just looks very spaces you walk into a data center near like all these blinking lights and, you know it's pretty intense on dh those service are extremely reliable because they are super backed up okay, we're going to talk about the six levels of well raid zero through six we're gonna talk about that there's also raid ten rate fifty and rate sixty and those were like the back up on the back of the back back back back up back up there so many backups that it's like you know nothing will ever get lost so the cloud is a safe a place to store your stuff but the problem is it's not very fast and with wireless bro you know cable modem technology if you all know consumer level broadband service service is slow to upload you could download pretty quick but getting your files uploaded like tryingto upto upload an entire session of raw files would take like two days it's ridiculous. Okay, so it's slow it is off site which is valuable. Restoring your backup can be a challenge because you gotta download everything it's just the pain. Okay, it's cheap ish it's not that expensive like amazon as three all those service you can get the services you can get for relatively cheap okay and a lot of do a lot of them do free for the first, you know, two gigs or whatever and then you got to pay a monthly service fear an annual feed teo keep your storage rates up but it may require that higher band with faster speeds, upload and download speeds for you to really use it efficiently um you purchase space some companies to think about our like dropbox and folio on the polio specifically serves photographers I cloud which is you know you're with your apple account you get that one dr google drive for you android people google drive is a popular one and then there's things that are more focused around larger space and larger file format so gf studio is targeted towards photographers high tail mosaic archive mega and amazon cloud drive are all more robust okay, I used and folio for j pegs on lee and that's where my client's order prints from off their files so not serving two purposes so not and I also do my app from there so not my app but like the client I do state will album for them huh? An iphone app that has all their images in it so then folio kill three birds with one stone okay, so it gives me the ability to to my clients to print so I can set prices and they can buy prints from their files and then I also use it as a offsite cloud based storage for just j pegs, so at least there's one there smother you know they're typically just what the client bought but at least it's there and then I also use it for that application so I could give my client's elektronik version of their of their images it's like what today's wallets are back in the day people want to shove things in the world were now everything's on the phone okay so that's kind of what I use but there's some amazing cloud based services that worked really well and I suggest using one because we're going to talk about the three to one method of backup and I'll tell you what that is in a little bit but cloud based storage I use as my offsite storage okay so local storage local storage are onsite drives so basically the hard drive you have sitting on your sitting on your desk top that backs everything up that's local storage okay it's on site it can be reliable very reliable network attacks your systems are extremely reliable it's in your control fast upload and download very easy to restore a backdrop back up, back up back up things went like a software like carbon copy cloner and things like that which is like a forty dollars this software will help you clone your drives clone your drives to your computer like on a scheduled basis okay, so basically will be automatic backup or if you have a problem it's easy restore so carbon copy kloner will allow you to basically restore back up in case you will lose everything okay time machine on mac works but not like as much as you and I need it for photographers okay ah the nice thing too is that local storage does not depend on the internet so you don't have to go up and down with band with and uploading and downloading all right, so there's several types of locust local storage and this is what we're going to discussing today for the most part there is an s and s is network attached storage okay, that means it's a box it's its own little box in your studio that's attached to your computer via ethernet cord it's not on the internet but it is networked within your studio system okay? And those khun b raid configured we'll talk about what raid means and we'll talk about that you can automatic backup to it plus its expandable so if you start with like eight gigs you khun graduate up to twenty four thirty six gigs as much as you want these systems are expandable okay based on your needs now ray drives that local storage but it's just something that's raid configured mirrored two drives talk to one another it's not network attached so other people cannot access that in your system so for example we haven't any s I'm going to show you what we have we have a sin ology system that I think eighteen terabytes right now and it is attached wirelessly to belinda and lawrence computers and wired to mine so all of us can talk to it. The disc station? You guys have heard me discussed this before. The disc station is arson ology dr and everybody can access it, which is really nice so fast. When I'm wired connected, I can edit images off of it. Okay, it's. A very nice heavy duty fast it's ray configured to raid six it's, which I'll explain later. So it's partitions and everything is backed up heavily on a daily basis. Okay, death top drives now sorry. Go back to ray drives. Radars would be ah, hard drive like a desktop drive that's not attached to your system. But is raid configured? Meaning it's backing itself up? Okay, desktop drives are you going to best buy pickup a drive and put everything on it? Okay, not secure. You manually have to copy everything. It's risky. Okay, having just one little drive with all your stuff on it's kind of risky you don't know, so do not keep pertinent information or stuff on there that that you mind losing? Okay, so who at this point, let's just kind of get a brief survey who is working with any kind of raid system, whether it be local storage or in an s dr okay, we got a few people who have kind of read who was doing desktop drives. Only where you just used to have an external it's sitting there and it kind of back stuff up. Okay, this is the inexpensive way to go. I did it at first, too. Okay, however it's risky. Now, if you do something like carbon copy cloner and have that done to to drive you a little bit better off, okay? But when I talk to you about the three to one rule, you're going to see why I'm going to encourage you to try and do something different. I know it's expensive. Trust me, getting started on on any system is about fifteen hundred two thousand dollars, depending on how much space you need. Okay, uh, it's not cheap, but that peace of mind is well worth the expense. And if you lose something that two thousand dollars becomes nothing you would pay gladly pay that to get back that wedding even if it meant losing the cost of the entire wedding that you got paid, you would do it because it's that important. So, yes, I've scared you a little bit that's okay, that's good, I want you to learn the big perspective so that you can create a big a good system that helps you back up so you don't have to think about it anymore you know what? Don't worry about it anymore because we're in waste time and you know me I love to save time. Okay? So let's talk raid what the heck is raid here? He says that term all the time oh it's all raid configured redundant array of inexpensive dis confusing fell okay, I used to think of radio oh, the things they just copy one another their mirrored one drive to drives are both the same if one fails, I got the other right that's kind of how you started out thinking about it when you first learn about raid I go yeah, I got to do that. Uh I got to do that redundant array of inexpensive discs the word and expensive is an oxymoron because it's really not that inexpensive, but basically what happened was is a bunch of scientists I believe at uc berkeley if I'm not mistaken might have been a different university, so don't don't mark me on that but they were doing research on how to create back of systems and they put a bunch of inexpensive drives together to make one larger system and that's exactly what rate is okay raid zero there are several lead levels of raid, okay there's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten okay I'm going to only talk about the ones that really mean something to what we're doing okay so raid zero is very fast drives are striped for speed only you're not going to do this okay you're not gonna do this I'm just going to give you perspective there's no redundancy meaning the data is not backed up redundantly you don't want to use this for backup but it is very fast when you partition array drive at raid zero the drive is like uses itself more efficiently so people video editors will make their scratched disk a ray drive a raid zero drive for speed so it moves so when they're editing they got it going on this is not really technically a raid backup system that makes sense because there's no redundancy that nothing saved over nothing is saved in multiple locations okay raid one this is the simplest form of raid mirror drives are exact copies so if one fails you have a copy that's like when the death top where you have to drive and you know that's the analogy it's not the same but it's the analogy okay this waste drive space because the drives air not using themselves efficiently and it's slow to upload and download but at least right rayed five is safe drives are striped with parody and I know all these these terms are a little confusing there even confusing to myself but it means it moves quickly but data is so if c if you have three drives data is shared across the different drives so if one fails this one has a backup of it partially and so does this one so not all the information and one drive is stored in the same place that's what parody means so data is backed up across multiple drives does that make sense parody if there's a lost drive so you say you have three and one goes down okay? The two other drives will build the parody backup we'll we'll reconstruct the data. Okay, this is much faster it moves quicker but it requires at least three drives took to occur. Okay, so this is safe it's a good thing to go. Raid six is the safest this is basically raid five with extra duty distribution across drives. Okay, so the extra layer of parody across the drives five drives that you have will be shared which not only puts your door in your storage in redundant locations but it makes it really fast. Okay, this requires five drives to happen so network attached storage with raid is the optimist because here's what happens it's connected to your router other computers on the network can access it systems can act as servers too, so if you have ah box with you know your aunt s with all your raid drives in there it can act as a server which means you can host a website on it you can access it from off site so say for example your servers like right now my servers haman my my analysis humming away the studio I need to access files I can go in there ftp getting whatever I want from here so your information is accessible to you anywhere in the world okay if you can add more space is needed as I discussed before network attack storage allows you to expand it's expensive to start up your basically buying another computer is what you're doing. You're buying another computer for your studio. The beautiful part about it is that it's not attached to your computer it's attached to the network which makes it less vulnerable to viruses and issues that may infect your computer. Okay, so the fact that it's not attached gives you even mohr peace of mind. And so the safest thing that you could do is a raid six within an f this is what I have. I have a technology disc station. It is the d s one five one five plus we have twenty terabytes of data on it, so each one of those drives is four terabytes about now the amount of storage decrease is a little bit when you when you set things up in the raid because the infirm in the storage space is needed for the speed so realistically, I have probably about sixteen or seventeen terabytes that I can use on that thing and it lasts me about six to eight months for my clients and then I have to change the drives out. The nice thing is you can pop out all these drives, order new ones and use your old ones is back up and bam, you're done now there are several types of drives. There are your simple death stop drives which our consumer level, then there's enterprise drives. Enterprise drives are used by major corporations and people who need an extra layer of safety. Thes drives are made by manufacturers that they are much more expensive there probably two or three times the amount of money you'll spend on the death stop. Dr, I have desktop drives inside this thing, okay, I can't afford to quite upgrade to enterprise. However, with the raid back up, it does make it extremely safe. Okay, other companies that provide and s so I use technology western digital my cloud g technology is fantastic. This is the top of the line right here. Incredible stuffs, analogies pretty good to kidnap and then netgear also great storage solutions. You can get your box for two or three hundred dollars so the boxes what around the outside my system was fifteen hundred dollar start up, okay but you confined boxes and then you buy the drives for the inside get the highest quality drive you can possibly afford okay? Because they will feel that they're going to hell and you want to make sure that you don't have um you want to make sure that things fail is little spot well the nice thing with raid six back up raid six you can lose to drives and not lose data with grade five you you lose one drive you won't lose data here's happens you lose one dr trust me this is this has happened to me on this system that's why we upgraded to red six you lose a drive there's that lag time between when you can replace that drive with a new one and your information is vulnerable until you do that with raid six you have to lose two drives in order to lose data. Okay, which is pretty rare that that would happen at the same time. Right? So I hope this has given you a little bit of overview of what rate is about what it means and how it interacts with your system. And one of the reasons I love this system is because it's network attached I can attach my I confront get my files through ftp server anywhere in the world and all my employees can work on it plus that's not attached to my computer so it's not vulnerable their accents optical drives optical drives are like cds in us bees on site not reliable at all ok there in your control they're fast upload and download for the most part fairly easy to restore back upon and it does not depend on the internet so there's some some positives and negatives to using optical storage the problem is is that optical storage gets outdated we all know that ok a little floppy disk remember those that's optical storage old optical storage so one of the but it's not bad is it as a triple or quadruple back up you know if you want to do a cd of the clients were all files and throw in their folder it is a way to keep your files but after five ten years you're gonna look a thousand going those air so useless no you know so six on one side half on the other is that the pros and cons and figure out what's going to work for you what you can afford right now okay I want to go over something before we get into that are there any questions before I get into the three two one three yeah I actually have the same disc station that you have and I've been using it for about a year and the one thing I cannot wrap my head around with the raid is if it has if you two drives go down you still have all your data that would seem like you only have about twelve terabytes to use but you know, just makes a question yes s so how can we still use sixteen seventeen like you were saying is available? I can't use that much, okay, no, I can't I can't use that much because the disk station needs that for raid for backup so it would be about twelve terabytes of yeah, so ladder on there. Yes, well, any drive that you put into a system it's never the amount of data that it says it is. Yeah. You mean like a four terabyte drive is always like three point five. You know it it's so that's kind of what I meant when I said that it was about seventeen terabytes. What I should have said was that when we set it up for raid six it dramatically reduces the amount of terabyte that I can have in there because two drives it needs the other information to run parody and strike the drives that makes sense yet so that's, where you get your speed is by using that okay, so to speak. Yes, thank you. I seen somebody needs mike. So, um with that system do you switch out because you said that one of those cases last year about eight or nine months do you switch out each drive as it is one dr fill up and then it moves on to the next drive to fill up soon saying or do they have philip evenly across the board and you replaced all five of them at the same time I have only had to replace drives once I got it let's see when when it was the first guy I've been using mine about a year too and I've only had to replace the drives once and my I t guy does it so honestly I'm not sure how many drives he put into it I don't think I can answer a question I feel kind of bad about that um I think he put in two new drives but here's the thing and I will admit my flaws he I set it up initially and totally screwed up and so when I called paul and said, hey, I need some help with us he's an expert who actually specializes in psychology drives which is a miracle and bend that I found a guy who does that and but he's my I basically started I'm like I made the decision to outsource it I was like this is too complicated for me and I know enough to be dangerous so I let him come in and start configuring it and making it correct so he went in made sure that everything was running on raid six and put in the new drives but he also re configured it so it's more efficient and I thought I was full you don't know you're fine you see one more drive here so I think my my it goes across all drives like that data is stored across all drives okay? So when you replace a drive it starts doing this kind of spreading the wealth of data overall the drives so I'm pretty sure you don't need to like replace like if I have to add more space or like it's full I need to like, make sure I keep those images um I don't have to replace all five drives does that make sense? It's as you need it so and when and parodi means that the data is stored across different drives so if one dr fails that data it's on that system is split so imagine a cup this is a drive okay is one dr certain part of it is segregated for parody? Okay, since we're your backup lives just a section of this is where your daddy lives okay? So when there's additional drives here and this dies so you can see it this dies okay it has a huge failure all that data in it is lost right? That data has been stored down here in all the other drives does that make sense? That's what parody is so the other drives when you replace this bad drive the other drives will fill it up with data from all the other drugs does that make sense? They reconstruct that drive with the backup does that make sense? So raid six is an extra level of backup okay, so the drives are partitioned multiple does that make sense? So that's why I raid six is so reliable because the data is spread across the different systems and so, um when daddy gets full yes you have to take out some and put in some but it spreads the love does that make sense that's why you don't have to replace the entire system to get more space follow okay what? Let her puppet and then we'll come back to mine will be quick. How is that fireproof it's not okay no it's not fireproof at all that's why we're gonna talk about the three two one three pretty soon here. Okay that's why you need an offsite storage? Because if your studio does burn down the sin ology is going with it you know it is so that's why you don't want everything in one place. Okay? Yeah. More questions. Okay, just, uh what would be the reason to hold on to stuff for so long? Because if you're only guaranteeing to your client you know, up to a year they have to come back to purchase images that they've already purchased esther what not absolutely no reason at all it's all totally up to you I keep everything cause I like to look back at what a crappy photographer I was really is it comes down to you see you're growth you know you look back at all the old stuff you shot like wow I really sucked again not so bad now it makes makes you feel better I'm being facetious I'm sorry don't mean to I'm not I hope you don't think it's been teasing you but I I don't keep stuff for that long for five years at the most and then I tell my clients it's one year everything they orders one year and anything they don't order is gone in thirty days so is that the truth? T the most? Yeah for the most part portfolio stuff obviously has kept longer anything that I think I'll need has kept longer, but I'm not going to guarantee that my client what I do guarantees that there j pegs that they ordered will be on the zen feli was site for at least a year if not more I tell them when my lab starts charging me for storage space we're going to take old sessions off first well warn you before it happens is pretty much what I tell them any other questions before I move on to the three to one three yes when you do philip a drive and you pull it off to put a freshman on what do you do with it? Do you have like a safe deposit box could crash site good question I put it into paul puts it into an enclosure for me so it's it's like when you pull it out it's I should've taken a picture of this you pull it out it's just like a raw drive there's no like case or covering on it may look pretty so he'll put an external case on it so I can hook it up to a computer other one with a usb driver thunderbolt or whatever I can't do that unless it's got a case on it okay so he'll do that and then yeah I usually take it home and store at home so that that stuff is anyone that's that information at that point it's really vulnerable because there's only two backups of it there is one off site in the cloud and then there's that drive at home okay so there's really most the time that data is is old data and it's beyond the time that I've guaranteed to my client that all have their stuff packed up does that make sense so I'm really only keeping it for my purposes and at that point if I lose it I'm not that disappointed that I lost it fellow resonate ok any other questions before I move on in three two one three the three to one theory this is a really, really good system to have for your backups. Three backups to types of media one off site. This is how you should think about your files. Three backups on two different types of media, one off site going to say that again. Three backups to types of media. One off site. Okay, I follow the four to one theory. Okay. Four backups to medium one off site. So I'm raid six, backed up clone to an external external sort off site. Back up, jacob's tickets to the cloud. Okay, so don't mean, yes, this is this is advanced professional storage right here. Ok, I really didn't start doing this until about a year and a half. Two years ago, I did the desktop drive thing. I got lucky, didn't lose anything, okay, and then finally, thank goodness woke up and realized, you know what? I should probably do this little bit better. Okay? And the peace of mind that comes from that is really awesome. I mean, it's it's, nice to know that things are safe. Okay? When the disc station goes down, I freak out a little. Yeah, because that's my backup and it has gone down and it warned you so it'll send you an email the diss station is thirty percent from full tells you all these things or the diss station is not operating properly please log in and your expects syria to be in your head going yeah it's kind of reviews to get that email on your the diss station failed to load properly okay kind of thick shell a bit but paul's an awesome guy and I call him and say help me out and he comes in and takes care of it it's done it cost me a hundred bucks an hour to pay paul totally well worth the time and I don't have to deal with it okay you will get to that point in your business for now there are amazing companies out there who will help you with this process if you need to do it on your own ok the ones that I suggested g technology sin ology they're all fantastic cos they are just passionate about making sure things stay alive you know so and then there's so many off site servers which are incredibly safe they're slow as all get out but amazon group amazon cloud storage is incredible I mean they are making sure that their data is safe there are so many tech companies that are out there right now building data centers I mean this is the future of data storage is cloud the minute the internet starts getting faster for people like us who have such large files cloud storage is going to be it people right now who are using cloud storage in professional environment are people who don't have large files and they're loving it but even now the dhobi creative cloud has cloud storage for members like you can back up your work to adobes cloud it's low to get there because of your internet connection okay and can you upgrade your internet connection of course but it's gonna cost you some money so you have to evaluate research the system's figure out what's going to work for you how it's going to integrate with your internet service provider with what you're doing her studio etcetera etcetera but trust me having backups will save your sleep okay let's talk about your cards before we wrap up here what happens to your sd cards or your cf cards we address this a little bit in the very first segment we did but I want to talk about it again many of today's dslr cameras have individual have dual sd or cf lots or they'll have a cf an nst slot they'll have two slots for medium for storage number one the question is are you using both okay but are you using it because you're lazy we're using it because you're conscientious of backup okay so you can put two sd cards or two cf cards or one of each in there double trouble right I'm being facetious there basically many drives they can fail fail many people amount of camera they can fail because you left it in the back pocket of your jeans and then through your jeans in the washer yeah, I've done that because it sounds like you've done that again okay you can use them to back each other up okay so when you you can set up your camera to shoot consecutively on the two drives on the two cards so that it'll go from image number one thousand one to one thousand two or you can set it up to mirror each other which is what I highly recommend okay use them as a back up especially if you're shooting weddings okay yeah it's a lot more storage but storage is cheap. Okay sd cards really in the scheme of things are pretty cheap so it's much better toe waste an extra sixty five dollars on a good card that you're just going to back up too then to pull the card out of the camera try to load it into a computer and realize nothing's there been there done that too it sucks okay really painful to call that client yes, technology happens but it's so disappointing to the client and you just don't want that okay so once you've shot on these two cards now what do you do? Segregate them, split them up okay practice storage segregation, store your cards in separate locations from your drives and don't clear your cards until your files are backed up so you have two cards in your camera that are the exact same copies of one another split him up, put him in different bags or a little card carriers or what have you got? Put him in different locations. Get your computer download the one good information. Great. This one's no longer needed. Okay, you could really help yourself out a lot. Just can't keep that one on the back burner for a while until everything's done. Okay, then put that on your computer. Back it up to your aid. Six texts, proof the images. Send those j pegs to the cloud and you're in pretty good shape. Okay, you're not gonna lose too much. Do not clear those cf cards until the files are backed up. Someone in here was talking to me the other day about, oh, I just download damage to my computer and then re shoot on the card. Are you set up on your computer so that when you downloaded immediately formats the card, you know, who was it that was telling me that? Yeah, and so we think that's what's happening on your system because your card is ready to use again, there's nothing on it that's dangerous, because if for some reason that upload to your computer didn't work or something didn't happen or the files kind of when all catty wapa sonya which their electronic it can happen you're going to end up up the creek because not only do you not have a thing on computer but your computer just formatted your card and erased everything dangerous risky stuff so shoot on two cards and you need to go home and set up your computer so that at least when you download it keeps the information on the card okay, so that if something does go wrong in the upload process you still have what's on the card you could re upload it again and probably chances are everything will be fine okay, you just be really if you like we'll be working on and then you're freaking out but you don't know what's going on okay so have a look at that and if anyone else if you are doing that it's set up like that you don't know it reassess okay I know this is a lot to think compound it's just run its so boring I mean it's like it's so mundane that's like uh who cares? It's not exciting okay but it is so important tense and it's not important until it happens to you and if it hasn't happened to you you don't know the pain of it imagine your studio burning to the ground think about that for a second imagine your studio burning to the ground she's like no I don't it's just sucks you're like I mean then and that that's the first thing that would go through my mind is that's the first thing you would think about it wouldn't be your camera it would be your computers it would be oh that's what you would think about right don't let that happen to are there any questions before we talk about homework and what we're gonna be doing anything peeler I know I've scared you all about how they're like my home I know I'm going to my backup studio there are ways to do it on different budgets okay? So don't think you have to go immediately and do some big network attack storage thing out there that's the ultimate goal, but follow the three to one rule as much as you can on the budget that you can. So three backups two types of medium one off site that should get you on the right track not totally safe but on the right track. Okay. And if you really want to explore like raid ten and raid fifty and rates I mean, you could go that far if you want and technology is getting amazing and as technology grows, you know, other raids are gonna get phased out and already I mean raid five is kind of being faced out now people are going to raid six hundred ten so you know how it is. Technology improves and things get get washed out. So you have to keep up with that aspect of it, too, and that's. One of the reasons why I hired paul some, like I have time to keep. But with this so I just wanted taking care of, and part of me was really uncomfortable without it. First, because I'm such a taipei have to control it all personality, like I need to know what's going on. I need to I need and I don't always know what's going on with the disc station and so but part of when I'm learning as I get more advanced in business, is part of being in business, is learning to delegate and learning to let other people who are much more qualified than you help you with things, and you it's worth it to pay them to do that, okay, for your peace of mind, you know, it's taking care of and paula so dang reliable I call him. He will be there that afternoon to help me out. Okay. And that's, the type of service you want and there are a bunch of people out there who can help you with these kinds of systems, okay? Because this is advanced stuff. I mean, this is kind of like we're not none of us are trained to do this. This is all computer geeky stuff that we're not like. How are you gonna use photo shop? That's it. Okay, so talk to professionals. They will help you. It may even be worth just doing like a consultation. Somebody spend hundred two hundred bucks, talk to someone like paul, have them help you set up, and then you run it after that and learn how to run it. Okay? All right. Homework? Of course. Assess your backup system. Are you doing the three to one rule? Okay. What did you do differently? Are your files easily accessible? Are you giving your client and yourself peace of mind? Okay. Decide on an archiving system and research what product? Our company will best fit your needs. It's a project to do it. But trust me, once you get this system in place, you will be a lot happier. And you will be it's just like it's, just that feeling no, your kids are taken care of you when you find a really good manny and you're just like she's, just awesome. I know I can leave, and I'm not worried. That's, what you'll feel like when you do this, okay? Not that you're worried about it. Now you only think about it when it like, when we have these kinds of discussions are when a crisis happens, but just knowing that everything's, ok, that way, when a crisis does happen, you're like, okay, we're okay, yeah, the dislike. When the station goes down, I kind of freak about it, but I know it's backed up. I know it's, okay inside there.
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I look at this course as a library of amazing and valuable content. Everything that any photographer ever needs to run their business and make it successful and profitable can find all in one place, this course. I always felt inspired by Julia's amazing business skills, she is one of the best in this industry. I have taken all of her previous classes before and never felt disappointed. Instead, I would feel more confident, educated, empowered and inspired. Every segment is packed with so much information and it feels overwhelming at first, but the workbook that this course comes with, gives you sanity and helps you to work through it. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone. You should decide if you want to spend 10 years to get all this knowledge that this course already has, or just spend $199 to get it all at once and not waste anymore time experimenting!? Your choice.
a Creativelive Student
We're only 1wk into this 5wk bootcamp and I have already gained so much valuable information {already worth every cent}. Julia shares so much about how to run a business, and do it in a way that's successful, profitable and enjoyable. Have already started working on a few new systems to help run my business better, and my customer service has already improved. Now to just spruce up my home studio to make it more visually appealing and comfortable for my clients :) Thank you so much Julia!
I am so incredibly happy to have taken the plunge this evening, as I bought this course! Today watching the course a lightbulb went off and I knew I had to have it! This is worth every cent, and I am so very excited to watch the rest and implement these teachings into my business. Its time to take charge and take my business back! I am so amazed after standing back and looking at my business from a distance, of how much i have been giving away. Not only of not only my pricing but myself. I have compromised for clients that aren't right for me. This is giving me the confidence and knowledge to say no, in a nice way, and to focus on the business I really WANT! Thank you Julia, you are an inspiration! An amazing women with impeccable business sense!