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The Sylvie Dress - PDF Pattern overview

Lesson 3 from: Sew Along: The Sylvie Dress

Christine Haynes

The Sylvie Dress - PDF Pattern overview

Lesson 3 from: Sew Along: The Sylvie Dress

Christine Haynes

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3. The Sylvie Dress - PDF Pattern overview

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The Sylvie Dress - PDF Pattern overview

When you receive your pattern you're going to get it as a pdf pattern so it's going to be a little bit different than if you were going to get a pattern that's already printed on tissue so there are a few tips and tricks that are really important to make sure that it's printed and taped together correctly first thing you want to dio is fine the first page of the pdf pattern itself there's going to be two files one for the instructions that we already talked about this is just for the pattern itself the first page is gonna have this test square on it this is the first page you want a print you don't want to print all the pages that's about forty pages for the pattern I just want to start with this page I recommend opening up your pdf pattern in a file like a adobe acrobat or a reader if you're on a mac something that's like a pdf reader but also something that has the control for how it is printed in the outcome so what's really important is that this is printed at one hundred percent i...

t's cable you don't want to scale it to fit that's going to be a really common checked button. In fact, I think most of the time it's automatically checked when you open up a file so you want to make sure that scaled fit is not checked and that it's scaling and printing at one hundred percent this is what's going to come out. You're gonna have this dash line and its size so that it fits either in a four or a letter size paper, so anyone in the world can use it, and we're gonna have this four inch test square with a print this at one hundred percent, and then we're gonna take it, and we're going to take a ruler, and we're going to confirm that this is actually four inches square once you know that it is, that means when you print the remaining thirty nine pages, you know it's printed the right scale. If this is too big or too small, that means everything is going to be too big or too small. So if you think you're cutting out a size ten but it's been scaled to be too small, it's not going to be the right, his eyes in the end. So this is a really, really important first stab. Once we know that this is the right size, you can go ahead and print all the rest of your pages. What you're going to end up with is a whole booklet of pages, so this is the entire pattern and it's, like I said about forty pages long, um, you're essentially recreating the tissue that you would buy if you had bought uh printed version so if you've used a big pattern cheat before you're basically recreating this by taping all of the pages together yourself there are pros and cons of working with a pdf pattern one of the most um I think one of the best pros about it is that let's say you want to make it for a friend or you change sizes you going to print a new one or if you lose it you know if you easy to lose a tissue paper pattern but this you're never going to lose you could just print it again and again for yourself. So once we have our test square printed out, we want to actually trim around the edges so that we can tape all of these pages together. The way that I like to do it is to actually just trim the right and bottom edges off the paper so there are a couple of ways that you can trim and tape it together we can use some sort of paper tremor which a lot of people like this is a little blade and live stop and you just put your pages in and trim them off you can of course use your paper scissors, which is another on easy way to go or if you're really into your rotary cutter, you can use that as well I'm gonna demonstrate just with my scissors were going to cut the right and the bottom edges off of this sheet. The advantage of just trimming the right and the bottom is that it will overlap with the left and the top of the corresponding pages on the other sign, so all we have to do is trim the right on the bottom. At that point, the numbers are going to line up so here's that same test square and it's now taped to the next page, you can see that the one lines up and that the pattern markings air starting tow line up this one doesn't actually overlap much, but what we're about to do is make that happen, so because I have trimmed the right in the bottom of the second page, I can overlap it with the left of the next page, so I'm simply going toe lineup that number two, as well as the pattern markings I want to again make sure that I'm not overlapping too much or too little or the pattern pieces, they're not going to be the right size in the end. Can I just tape the top in the bottom? And then I'm gonna teeth in between, focusing mostly on where it needs to be taped based on the pattern piece itself. So now you can see that the first four pages are all taped together. I'm gonna take the next four pages together just in the same way. And those four will attach to the bottom of this group, where the numbers and the pattern pieces lineup. Eventually, you'll have a huge sheet, that's going to look very much like this big tissue paper, but made out of your printer paper. And, of course, at that point, we'll measure our body and cut out our size and make sure that we've caught the right amount. Or you can trace off on tracing paper. If you prefer. After you've done all the hard work, you don't want to ever do that again, so that you can trace this off on tracing paper and work from that so that this remains intact forever.

Class Materials

Bonus with Purchase

Christine Haynes - Sylvie Dress Instructions.pdf
Christine Haynes - Sylvie Dress Pattern.pdf
Christine Haynes - Supply List.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Esther Gonzalez

Great lessons, very detailed and explained clearly. Patterns are easy to work with. Highly recommend it to anyone who loves sewing or is even new to sewing because it won't leave you confused

Maureen Nevers

I loved Christine's clear, pleasant style of instruction. Unfortunately I had to stop watching 1/2 way through - is there really a dog barking in the background through the whole video recording?! Even if I could tune it out (it was pretty faint mostly), my 2 cocker spaniels were not fooled! Perhaps I'll try to resume watching with headphones ... Wish that had been addressed at the time of recording or editing, though 😐

Chelvy Braggs

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