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Making Your Own Binding

Lesson 18 from: Sew Along: The Sylvie Dress

Christine Haynes

Making Your Own Binding

Lesson 18 from: Sew Along: The Sylvie Dress

Christine Haynes

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Lesson Info

18. Making Your Own Binding

Lesson Info

Making Your Own Binding

Now it's time to bind the neckline I've actually already pressed all of the binding for the arm holes and the neckline so that that's all ready to go, but I'm going to demonstrate how it's done on the smaller piece of white cotton your to follow first the instructions for cutting that these pieces in the layout of your instructions so you're gonna have to pieces for the arm hole and one piece for the neck you can choose to press all of it at once. We're going to focus on how to bind the neckline first, but I personally like to do all of that pressing all at once off you have all three pieces, you could do all of the pressing in one time, so first thing we're going to dio is full, the binding in half and we're going to line up the raw edges at the time and I just slowly make my way from right to left I'm pulling this forward and lining up that rock edge this making my way to the other end, pressing the whole thing in half at that point, I want to open this up and I'm gonna fold each sid...

e into the center from the start with this signed and press I'm being really careful toe on ly use this little tip of the iron so that I don't unprecedented I just did in that first step and it is important that you keep this as consistent as you can because it's going to really matter later when we go to put it on the dress, turn that around and I'm going to do the same and press the other side into center. Now, just to confirm that all of these air now one size, I'm going to close this up, line up that top edge and press it again, which just confirms that all four sections are the same because we really want that to be a consistent distance. And again, as I mentioned at the very beginning of the class, you don't have to make your own binding. You, khun definitely choose to use extra wide double fold bias tape. That's pre may and you can totally pre buy it. If you choose close that up and there it is. So now it's all folded up and it has the four equal sections, all pressed and folded and closed up. So it looks just like I have here in the gray, which is what I'm about to apply to the neck line of the dress.

Class Materials

Bonus with Purchase

Christine Haynes - Sylvie Dress Instructions.pdf
Christine Haynes - Sylvie Dress Pattern.pdf
Christine Haynes - Supply List.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Esther Gonzalez

Great lessons, very detailed and explained clearly. Patterns are easy to work with. Highly recommend it to anyone who loves sewing or is even new to sewing because it won't leave you confused

Maureen Nevers

I loved Christine's clear, pleasant style of instruction. Unfortunately I had to stop watching 1/2 way through - is there really a dog barking in the background through the whole video recording?! Even if I could tune it out (it was pretty faint mostly), my 2 cocker spaniels were not fooled! Perhaps I'll try to resume watching with headphones ... Wish that had been addressed at the time of recording or editing, though 😐

Chelvy Braggs

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