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Next Steps

Lesson 24 from: Screenwriting for Film and Television: How to Begin

Julio Vincent Gambuto

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24. Next Steps

In this lesson, we’ll wrap up and discuss next steps, including how to get your work read, as well as Julio’s follow-up courses, Screenwriting 2 and 3.

Lesson Info

Next Steps

Welcome to video 25 this'll section is next steps kind of a boring name. Let's rename it Go do it. I want you to go do it. Go and write the story you've always wanted to write. Go and write the screenplay. Make that movie, get that show on the air, Go and do it It's so important to just get into action. I really, truly hope that this class has been helpful. I really hope that it's a significant part of your writing journey and that you are able to take away some really, really valuable things from it. Bonus materials on this page, there's a ton of them. Check them out. Print, um, work with them. I hope that there really helpful to you. Also, some really cool resource is if you're if you're a reader, I know you're a writer, but if you're a reader and particularly like screenwriting textbooks, these air my Bibles thes are the ones that I really, really love and highly recommend. One is story by Robert McKee. Story by Robert McKee is a fantastic, really in depth tome of a book that will h...

elp you understand structure and style and the principles of screen Writing. The Hero's Journey By Joseph Campbell Joseph Campbell has a number of books about myth and mythmaking and the hero Check them out. It's an incredible primer for all of the work that we're doing. The art of Dramatic Writing by Lejos agree. This is a great book about premise, a great book, especially for screenwriters and for theater writers. And for anybody who works in drama, it's really a wonderful, wonderful introduction and exploration of what creates drama in a scene and then save the cat. Save the Cat is a really great book. The premise here of the book is you've got to create a likable character and, if not likable, sympathetic so that the audience identifies with that person and is rooting for them. And so Blake Snyder's advice is to start your movie by saving the cat, having them having the protagonists do something that elicits affection from the audience. Affection is my words, not his. So those are your resource. Is those air books? You've got your bonus materials. I want to give you a couple of websites to check out. First one is my website. I'm at Giulio Vincent dot com. From there, you can connect to all my socials. Join me, follow. It's good to be in touch. I'm a writer. I love writing. I love that you're writing and happy to be a part of that journey. Simply scripts dot com. It's a really great website, for it's basically a bank of scripts, and you can pull up free copies of PDF's of screenplays and TV projects. And finally john august dot com. John August is an incredible screenwriter. He wrote Big Fish, which is one of my favorite movies. I follow along his website. He's got great great tips on writing. He's got examples. He's got treatments. He's got all sorts of really great resource is on his site. So check that out. Lastly, I want to say thank you, thank you to you for taking the class and being a part of my journey. I hope that I've been a significant part of your writing journey. Thank you to our friends at creative life for having me. This has been a wonderful experience and, you know, I started as a writer very young in my life. I was probably nine or 10 when I first wrote a short story actually was a poem about my family, and I wrote a poem, My family, My parents were having this, like, particularly tense and toxic moment in their relationship. And I wrote this really over the top, totally histrionic dramatic poem about how my mother's tears formed a puddle at the base of our family tree, and it was published in the school literary magazine, and the school literary magazine went home in the mail, and my dad discovered it. My dad read the poem and chased me into the bathroom, chased me up the steps into the bathroom, closed the door. He banged down the door, busted his way through it and said, If you ever write about this family again, I'm gonna shove that typewriter where the sun don't shine And I said, Uh, I don't have a typewriter, but I really want one for Christmas and I haven't stopped writing about my family since I read about a lot of other things now, as an adult as well. The point. Don't stop writing. Just keep writing, no matter what the obstacles are. Even if that obstacle happens to be a 5 ft 10 Harry Italian man who is telling you not to do it. Do it. Just do it. Hope this class has been good for you Season.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Case Study Films
Story Analysis Template.xlsx
Sample TV Scripts
Story Design Worksheet
Story Fundamentals Worksheet
Seed to Script Process

Ratings and Reviews

Carlos Sandoval

Just a great way to start on your path to screenwriting. A clear and concise class with a friendly tone and humor. I think it is important that a teacher has actually worked in the field. Kudos.


Perfect for a beginner or actors who need a better understanding of what is and why is. Info packed and FUN too!

Asem Nurkina

I took this class last year. And after one year of working with presented tools (story design worksheet, story fundamentals workseet, seed to script process) on different projects I can say that it is very powerful and useful course I ever taken. I can strongly recommend this detailed screenwriting guidance by Julio Vincent Gambuto.

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