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How to Discover Media Outlets That Fit

Lesson 6 from: Simple PR for Creatives

Brigitte Lyons

How to Discover Media Outlets That Fit

Lesson 6 from: Simple PR for Creatives

Brigitte Lyons

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6. How to Discover Media Outlets That Fit

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How to Discover Media Outlets That Fit

This is going to be an action packed segment I'm so excited to be talking taking you through this crash course and the media so what we're going to be doing now is actually taking a look a bit more about how the sausage is put together right how does the media put together so that you can be approaching them and giving them exactly what you need that will make your outreach so much more effective this is what makes your success rate just skyrocket so if you've done any sort of media outreach blogger outreach any pitches before and you haven't had a lot of success you're probably going to find out why in this next segment so what we're gonna be covering is what goes through a journalist mind when she gets your pitch so when this first lesson we're going to have an actual q and a with a journalist and she's going to be telling you directly what it is that she's looking for when someone's pitching what it's like in the news room so you can get this insider information that's gonna help yo...

u be that much more effective in your our beach then I'm going to take you through a framework that is going to blow your mind I mean whenever I show this to people they see the media and an entirely new light they're able to see all these amazing opportunities it's unbelievable how much information you confined on a media outlet that is totally public information I'm so excited to show this to you and then finally I'm going to give you the tools so that you always know whether you're gonna work with a particular media outlet so right now you have a list started you know you might have three outlets on it maybe have one maybe you have ten doesn't matter we're going to go back to those media outlets at the end of the segment and make sure with all the information that we have that they're really good fit for you so that you're not wasting your time reaching after the wrong people you don't want to waste your time reaching into the wrong media outlets but you also wanna make sure you're reaching your customers and reaching your goal so we're going to tie that all together again at the end of this segment what I want to kick off with right now on this lesson five is this q and a with the journalists I am so excited so have a little bit of things to talk to you about first but we have an emmy award a three time emmy award winning producer who's worked with nbc in chicago who's going to come and talk to us directly and give you some insight into what's going on in the movie newsroom before we bring her up I just want to give you one key takeaway and this is I mean if you take away one thing from simple pierre from creatives I want it to be this one thing because keeping this in mind you cannot go wrong you will never stray which is this you have a common goal with the media the right fit media for you and for your customers you have a common goal and that is providing whether solutions and inspirations to your mutual audience is long as you keep in mind when you're approaching a journalist when you're approaching a blogger if you're approaching a producer like catherine who are going to hear from in a minute that you are co creating content for this mutual customer that you have a job to do and you can do it together and that you can collaborate and do that job even better help them do their job even better help you get the results you want from there you know we'll talk later about what your pitch templates should be what you're media or its outreach to be what pitch etiquette can be you know we're going to talk all about that in our last our last segment but if you keep this in mind you are not going to go wrong if you just remember that common goal that you have your approach cannot go wrong so I wanted to share with you a little bit then of information about what it's like what it's like in the media so that you can remember about these things that you have in common so there are actually some studies that come out every year about what are the worst jobs in the u s and it's done by I think a company called careercast is who does it and they do rankings of the worst jobs and there's all kinds of jobs right there's like people who are working in mining people who work in oil rigs well guess what shop is always on the bottom of the list you want to care to guess yes, being a reporter is always at the bottom the list and there's some reason for that because what they're using to rank is you know what kind of deadlines and pressures you face, what kind of hours you work and what kind of paid you get right? And so journalists really do have constant deadlines salaries are not great, you know, they're selling really aren't great and there's been a lot of cuts around newsrooms in the world are under increasing pressure and they have incredibly grueling hours and so just remembering this that they're doing a job and they're doing it on this really tight timeline will help when you approach them because you want to help them with this idea of your trying to help them do their job better if you go to them with great content that serves your mutual customer, you are giving them a gift you could be making their day right because you could take that like I need to source another idea I need another idea today another one another one another one you could take some of that pressure off of them if you approach them with that in mind but it's not all bad I mean people are journalists and ah lot of people go in a journalist for the same reasons maybe that you're going into your business or that you do creative work so journalists have a lot of pride in seeing their work published just like you have a lot of pride in putting your work out there right there so motivated by those feelings that there ah lot of them are out there because they're doing a public service right? They feel like they're public servants that there's there's a lot of a mission based and their motivations they're also master craftspeople I think sometimes people forget when they're reaching out tio somebody who is especially a trained journalists that they are trained storytellers they are on the hunt for good stories and they aircrafts people just as much is a jeweller maker's a craft person is somebody who is running a restaurant is a crass person is a designer's across percent whatever your craft is just know you have that in common with the journalists they're experts and their craft and you can learn a lot working with them they also do it because they want to meet interesting people right? You can't go into that profession if you don't want to hear great stories and meet interesting people and that can be a really great benefit for you when you're getting your message out there because you want to tell that great story and of course telling great stories again that is why they're in this industry right they want to tell great stories they want to connect people with information that they need and that they're looking for and so when you're working when the media it's you know your best course of action is to understand what they're trying to dio and not look so much at I want media coverage for me which of course you d'oh that's why we're here but looking at how can I help them do that job knowing that will benefit me so it's a little bit of a shift in the mind set it's not a gimme gimme it's a mutual you're both winning it's a win win relationship and a lot of people can feel scared to reach out to a generalist because of the things I talked in the first place they're really busy you know you feel like they're getting one hundred pitches you're out there competing with a bunch of people but if you just know you know we're gonna be hopefully creating something together and collaborating it can take some pressure off it can take some of that off their job at the end of the day is really creating this timely and relevant content for their readers. And, you know, that's, where you can come in and say, like, okay, I can help you create this time we wrote the content. That is your match.

Class Materials

bonus material

Brigitte Lyons - Blogger Outreach Bootcamp.pdf
Brigitte Lyons - Pitches That Worked.pdf
Brigitte Lyons - Workbook - Simple PR for Creatives.pdf

bonus material

Brigitte Lyons - Brigittes Fave Free Media Resources.pdf
Brigitte Lyons - Magazine Contact Cheat Sheet.pdf
Brigitte Lyons - Simple PR Course Syllabus.pdf

Ratings and Reviews

Jess Laine

This is one of the best CreativeLive classes I've taken. I knew nothing about PR before this class and after taking it I was able to send my first pitch within a week. If you follow along with the workbook provided you really can come up with a pitch template that can can be tweaked to work for just about anything. I really appreciate how simple and enjoyable Brigitte made this class. No fluff, just great straight-to-the point actionable information. It's obvious she cares very much about helping creative people use PR to grow their business. Thanks Brigitte!

a Creativelive Student

I honestly started watching this class thinking that I didn't need PR for my business. I know Brigitte is super smart, and I wanted to check out the live stream to see if I could pick up any tips for my own clients. I was so wrong! I loved this! Within the first 30 minutes I had taken so many notes and gotten so excited about the possibilities- that not only seemed helpful, but relatively easy and FUN- for my business. I ended up purchasing right away and I know I'll be referring back again and again. Thanks for the great class!

a Creativelive Student

I am really fortunate in that I've had a lot of media exposure over the course of my career - all of it by referral or invitation. But with Brigitte's Simple PR class, I now have a framework to confidently pitch ideas and proactively create opportunities. I particularly appreciated her suggestion to tie my media outreach efforts to my business goals. And, she provided a clear roadmap that will help me be systematic and strategic in doing just that!! Way cool. Many thanks, Brigitte.

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