Class Introduction and Overview
02:34 2Setting Up a Project
06:11 3Tracks and the Mixer Window
06:05 4Toolbar Items
10:36 5Menus, Themes, and Layouts
07:07 6Reaper Menu and Setup Questions
27:28 7Setting up a MIDI Track
06:11 8Editing a MIDI Track
18:02MIDI Drum Programming
30:51 10Adding MIDI Layers
23:42 11Markers, Regions, and Groups
12:45 12Setting Up for Live Audio
09:23 13Adding Effects on Audio Tracks
37:31 14Grouping and Folders for Audio Tracks
22:19 15Click Track and Headphone Mixes
17:12 16Takes, Lanes, and Groups
17:53 17File Management
23:10Lesson Info
Takes, Lanes, and Groups
so we're ready. Do recording. So I think I'm starting a part 17 and what's going to record now? I'm gonna record a few takes of the drums. They're gonna show you how you can comp it. Actually, few takes of the whole band and I'll show you how you can, Koppett. So because of that, we want to choose different record modes. Now you can go up to this, right, your options. And it's a few different record most to choose normal time, suction, order, punch which you could like. It's made for punching in. You just selected on area and just punching for that size. I mean that Sata that selection we could punch based on selected items. So if an item is a certain length long, you could just punch that item again. But we can just use this. But over here, new recording that overlaps existing items is a few options here. Now, by default, it's gonna make a new take which you'll see as it happens. So as it records on top of each other, it doesn't record over it. It just recording the take well, you Cou...
ld you trim existing items behind new recording which is take mode, which is every time you record over it, it's gonna erase the previous take. So we're gonna use the default, which is creating new takes as you'll see so two core. Just a few bars. But we don't think too far with it. Find out why you could be anything that they are cards, right? That's far enough. Give us that. Yes. So here's our recording. Pretty obvious what's going on here? So if you want to go into record again on the same spot, let's just try to get exactly the same spot. Just makes it a little easier later. I don't see the band is happy with that. Take what they want recorded again. So let's just check out my options here. Um, they're all good for now. Yes, it's were like that. So it's record another take of the same thing. Find you could be anything to pay our cards right When you look at it right now, it looks like they recorded right on top of each other. You could actually switch takes by clicking on it. That damn stretch. Markle. He may be the other video click on it and we go over to here. Um, what's the under items? Go take and you could choose next take previous take. But I usually just use the key command, which is t So now if you look it up in the corners has take two of two. I could hit the tiki and it goes to take one of two. So now I'm basically switching takes by hitting this over and over again. Take one and take to know if you notice when I do that, though it's only changing it on the first kick. So if I started playing this with ease, it's gonna sound weird because they're based on different performances. So we wouldn't want to do that. I'll show you a little bit how we can change that. But for now, we could just leave it as is and record another take. Just you could see actually, before we do the third take, let me just show you something else. Right now it's hard to see that we have multiple takes. But if you want, you can choose this option right here. Show all takes a names when room and see Now you can see in multiple takes and you see, this is why you're color than this. That's the take we're actually hearing. So if we play back by taking out of record, see how handy that record group is? We're in this take, But again, you don't have to see all takes. They'll still be there if you hide this show. All taken, Lou. In lanes, one room, they're still there. You just not seeing them. So what's record? One more take. I don't want to get close enough so I don't make a mess. It's good to start the same spot each time and get me going to record north. The click is going to the headphones, but not in here. Fine. You could be anything to pay our cards right. And now we have three takes. And again, we don't see the three takes unless we go up here. Options and turn on show. No show takes in. Route shawl takes in Mainz win this room sometimes depending how small. It would be harder to see that, but as long as this room is going to show us all these different takes and again we could just get the Tinky to switch them. But you see there is a problem like I mentioned before that they switch separately. That's what you want to use. Item grouping. So that was done with the recording. We can take it out of record. We could hit, save zoom out. And now we want to select all these items were recorded and make it item group for them. So what? See, the easiest way to do this is to just a command, all the items Just make sure we have all of them. And we do actually do not want the click, though. So I held down command of the Mac or control the PC and clicked it. Add it or take away the cow bell. But everything else we do want, it's not there. All selected. We just hit if you remember the other video G. But I'll show you over here anyway. Under items because I am grouping is different than track, hoping the separate things got a group and you could just hit group items again. You just g which will do G. I don't think shows up right there, showing it to the group. So now you still can select um and they going to select differently in each tracks. You have to take one take to take three. But if you use the Tiki like I said before they all move together, see if we could get bigger enough tickets. See that? So all the takes always move together as your comping through them. So you have to worry about choosing the wrong take. And that's also gonna work even if this is hidden right here. Uh, chal takes leans even with that hidden zoom in a little bit. What? Listen to take one, take two and take three. So all move together, which is obviously very important because that will otherwise give me a mess. So we're gonna use this to find the best Take. Obviously, we're working with a very short piece of audio here. You'd probably record a whole song, but I'm sure you want to stretch time and not that long. So I'm not gonna play front tire three minute song to do that. So just pretend this is the entire song here. Now we want to do once the takes are done, let's say we did full takes. We're gonna cut them up into pieces and then compliment based on sections. So before we do that, though, I should show you something in the preferences Before I mentioned medium defaults that when you create new items, they're gonna fade in and fade out. This is on by default. But the problem with that is if I zoom in after splitting this section right here, she would split all them If we zoom in real close, you see, we have a fade out fade in. So it will be a slight moment. We're actually losing the audio completely. So we don't want that for this. Use it. We're gonna split the audio for different sections to complement differently. We don't want our fade out. Fade in now We could just turn this off completely and now we split them. It just has no fade in fade out. But I prefer to do is you just option right below it. Overlapping course food items when splitting went and you could make this 10 milliseconds or 50 milliseconds. 10 is usually pretty good. And then when you now click, it hopes that stretch monkey thing is killing me. You cook up here hit s and you see it makes a cross fade so as we're editing from different takes, so we're gonna cross fade meeting to favor one out and one in, so it would make a much smoother ready. And then later on, we don, you can go over here, hold shift and move this around to make those that it's a little bit better before the transients. But anyway so but that's calm. Some takes. And again, I'm gonna kind of fake it by pretending these different sections here by choosing not stretch markers by just a ticket out of this mode and just split a bunch of pieces was pretend these different sections. We want calm and obviously is gonna work for vocals as well, but so a little more complicated. With live drums and bass and guitars and vocals. We'll make it work anyway. So again we have no course fades between each one of these things, so it's going to sound much smoother between section sections, and now we can comp different takes on the thing I like about this when you try to compliment me by copping takes meeting. If we're dealing with this section right here, we want to find the best take so right Now we're here and take one. We could listen to it. Maybe he played it better on take two. So we select it A T No, he didn't take too. Or take three t again. Now, here and take three. Now, the thing I like about this method is that we're always hearing things in context. In other words, when we're gonna listen to this to decide that takes you want here, we're gonna always be hearing they make a stretch marker again. That's killing me when we click over here, let me just turn that thing off. Remember, in the West video, uh, on the mouse modifiers I put on option under the media item. Bottom half have quick. Yeah, stretch marker there. Let's put this back to the default, which is to pass through time. Quick content. It's now the bottom half of the top half of the same, which has been annoying me cause I keep clicking down here and create stretch markers. Anyway, back Teoh point. Okay, So purpose of this now is that as we're hearing, take three because we like, take three. We can now choose which take we want here between 12312 and three. So as we listen back to this, we're always hearing the keeper take go into the new take. So if we're listening back to this, we want to hit which take you want to choose here? We've already chosen taking take three as our keeper. Let's take one hit t. Let's take two and it again for take three. So always hearing the previous take, which is a keeper, as working our way through a song. But just to make it easier, I'm not gonna go through in actually comp it. Let's just pick some random takes. So we have three here will choose to is the keeper here will choose one there. Make that one to think that 13 and we'll go through and like that to keep that one two and make this three just so jumping around a bunch. I want just clean this up by trimming it with that now, by looking but colors you can kind of get an idea of which is the keeper takes we have this green color in toe orange into this khaki green call here. So now we're hearing all different takes going from 3 to 2 to one. You may have to go through and fix the edits on each one of them. As you're doing it, You're gonna want to fix them by the transient. And what edit that works for the guitars may not work for the drums but usually you wanted the drums, right? And always go back and fix the other stuff later. But I hold down shift. You can adjust these edits to be exactly what you wanted to be. Would you be right before a transient? Right now we have these keeper takes and we want to decide. This is our keeper. Take. We don't want accidentally click this later and find out Oops. We switch. That takes by accent. We have the tiki and went back to take one. We want to commit to take three. Being the take was a few different ways. We could do that One way is to sweat all what's do it this way We can start from here. Hold on shift. It's like these you can see we have all selected. One option is to actually save it as a take. I mean sorry savers accomp which would be the right click. Or we could just go to our tracks and find the item. I'm looking for options. Get him over right. Click or so bear with me as I forget where I put these things or these things are put, Let's just do it right Clicking right Cook over here. We choose Compass right here. Cops. You see, there's no compass chosen yet cause they made one. But if we choose save as new camp, I mean name it was name a cop. One well, story exists. Illiterate that lead it. Okay, so now that that compass saved. So if for some reason we want to go back and say someone else walk into the room and said they're not happy with your comp, they want to redo it. They could go back and redo because you have your saved. So it's a they re do it. They come in here and they go. I like, take two on this one and take one on this one and take three on this one, and they want to save it. So again, you're gonna select all of them. You have to start all of them when you save it right Click Gore accomplice and they could say, This is a new cop. What's making too? Now at any point, we can go back and hear the difference. Like you could say, Well, I want to hear Get back over there two quick, You point me to go with him? Your take material cop, I should say, going here, right click, I should say, Go to camps. Go back to Camp one. It'll switch back to what I had and he goes, Well, I like my cont better. Well, let's hear it. So again we still click all the tracks, right click come to and we could hear hiss. So it's a great way of, you know, comparing compass and always saving them. Now when you know that you have the ones you want. Let's say we decide to go with this one. You don't want the options anymore. You could just double click them. All right, click, go to takes and choose crop toe active. Take That's gonna move all the takes we didn't choose and just keep the keepers. And if I do that, you get really close. You see these no longer say, Take anything So you say take two Now they don't say takes anymore. In fact, if we go to sure takes and means because he has nothing to see where everyone did it. This is what it looked at before we could see it takes and lanes and could choose them by just clicking on them or by hitting t the job. The different takes if you want to see that. But but there's one on the way you could do it. And I don't recommend this way, unless you're sure. But let's undo this. Actually, that's re choose that option right there. Uh, under takes choose cropped active take. And we sure we want to go with this. And we're happy with everything we made. We want to make it one big piece. We could just swept them. All right. Click like we do the meeting video going on here. The glue. It's gonna make a one big piece of audio base of the whole thing. Not one big piece. I should say. One piece of audio per track. So now you have one kick track, one kick item. I should say one. Sorry. One kid got him for this. Mike. One kick item for this one. Each one now is one item. Again. I don't recommend that because you could go back later, realize you messed up your edits and because Guru is gonna keep all those at its in there. But it's only a happy with those edits, and you want to make it one file you could do glue. Are you just wind up believing it like this, though with my com takes, I might lose the takes, but you need to keep the peace is so in case. Later on, I want to go back and hit, shift and readjust my edit. I could do that, so that's comping. And again, this would apply to any traction doing if you doing guitar tracks you doing vocals, although most those times you just be one track of the time. But this obviously works across multiple tracks. Do you have any other traffic? Any other questions that are there any differences between using or between folders and buses versus using scent tracks? Is buses send tracks? Buses? Repeat the question. What time was it from? Make sure are there any differences? Using folders as buses versus using scent tracks as bus folders is buses. You can use folders, those buses. Or you could just create a separate track move every, you know, use the routing and just make a track that way. And if the behaves basically the same way, there is no difference. The only thing I actually get to VCs at this point, but VCs are a bit different as far as dealing with sentence as you bring them down. They don't affect the post fader send as much, but in terms of actually routing them to a separate track or a folder, the only difference is you have to with folders. You have to put them in the order that they're in right now. They have to be like this. Where there was a bus, I could put that anywhere in obsession or a project and the other differences that you don't get the benefit of being to do this where you can shrink each one based on their folder. But other than that, the behavior of a folder versus a bus is exactly the same
Ratings and Reviews
Buckeye Pete
Outstanding teacher. Kenny is by far the best of the Reaper instructor, and there are many good ones out there. He uses very understandable examples and presents in a fashion that the novice and expert can learn from. Great job Kenny.
Kenneth Gioia best teacher on Reaper. thanks so much for time to teach. Reaper is my primary daw since last year - great daw. Thanks Creative
Mr. Gioia's "Kenny Mania" channel on YouTube has always been a TERRIFIC resource for my beginning to learn REAPER. That being said, his unique speech patterns always got old really quick. It's nothing against him, just a personal tick. Thankfully, Kenny is in top form during this course, and this is one of the most useful and feature-packed CL courses I've seen. Unless you're an absolute expert in REAPER already, there's plenty of information here to get you into becoming more familiar with my favorite DAW.
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