Class Introduction and Overview
02:34 2Setting Up a Project
06:11 3Tracks and the Mixer Window
06:05 4Toolbar Items
10:36 5Menus, Themes, and Layouts
07:07 6Reaper Menu and Setup Questions
27:28 7Setting up a MIDI Track
06:11 8Editing a MIDI Track
18:02MIDI Drum Programming
30:51 10Adding MIDI Layers
23:42 11Markers, Regions, and Groups
12:45 12Setting Up for Live Audio
09:23 13Adding Effects on Audio Tracks
37:31 14Grouping and Folders for Audio Tracks
22:19 15Click Track and Headphone Mixes
17:12 16Takes, Lanes, and Groups
17:53 17File Management
23:10Lesson Info
Reaper Menu and Setup Questions
So can you do a breakout window in order to edit single tracks and said, And instead of having to zoom in on the track? Well, not really. But you can do this thing where you can zoom in tow one track, so that's kind of the same thing. So let's go back to our actions when you met you. Excuse me, Not that actions menu and what's typing? Zoom. And there's an action down here called Zoom to selected items. Let's put a keystroke on there. What's add in that option? A that used before it's gonna tell me I'm overriding the other one, which is fine. Close it hit that option. A. It zooms in just two. That item, and we should have used that. You should really use another keystroke for this. I usually set up called previous soon, but I have it set up already controls E. So if you set that up as well, control Z and goes back to the previous. So if you want to check out one item at a time, hit the keystroke, assumes all the way in and hit the other key stroke to go back to the previous Uno the kind...
of interesting question. It's not a separate window, but for all practical purposes, it is. In fact, you could also hit that. Move this over here and get a real full window. Yeah, Nice. So when editing envelopes, are there any drawing tools like line strangles, etcetera? Or can you only draw by hand? Um, sorry they're shaping the question. There are not shapes that I'm aware off. Okay? Trying to think a little pro tools, Has that what you can do Zigzags and different things like that. But there is nothing you can do. Let me see if I could show you. This is this is kind of advanced thing, but it is kind of interesting to see if I have ah mahn attracting Let's do this drum track right here. Make it easier. What's clear? These tracks out of the way. We have a strong move right here. Now, if using pro tools and you want to automate this with Pan, you might use Excuse me, zigzag or something like that is gonna go from left to right. Like I said, there's no tool that'll do this in the envelope. But it's kind of in a better way to do it that's already built in. It's called prob Excuse me parameter modulation. So we'll do. Is we'll go to let's see what track. We want to do that with What's true, Pan. So let's go two effects, which is right over here. What's type in our filter pan under all plug ins and would choose a panning plugging What's try Time difference? Pan. I'm not familiar with this particular one, but I assume I could pan with it. So we need to dio. Yeah, work perfect. All years of plugging that has the parameter pain in it. Click this parameter so it's the last touch one. Then you go up to the parameter button and choose parameter modulation right from here. There's a few different things you could do, and I'll show him a more advanced version of it. Before I get to your actual question, you could adjust the pan with the audio signal so the volume of this loop is gonna change the pan. It's even get to work. Basically audio channel from one and two kind of popular. It's kind of popping a little bit different probably makes more sense for this one so it's not used the audio one, but you're the one that you originally wanted, which is an LFO. It's not about using another foe. This is his promise. Should move, and you could see right here based on the awful we create. So it's a sign we've right now. We could just the baseline so started will further over, and you could see depending left and right like this. We could just the speed circle slower the strength, which is how far it's gonna move, go quite as far or fully and the phase negative. That's gotta centered. And that's put it baseline over here. And what's just a tempo Sync to be Corneau's 1/4 note. That's all too fast. Let's do 2/4 notes, which is 1/2 note. You play a little. There's a little glitch in the speaker's might be part of this particular plugging, but I think you get the idea. You see how it's panning back and forth, and now we could change it two different ways, like a square wave. It's not just hard left and hard right. You hear that at home and a sore wave, which goes in one direction only from right to left, which you can reverse but changing the phase. It's going negative and change the baseline. Yes, now it goes from left to right, but never back again. And then finally have trying go or my favorite random change of speed to not be in tempo. It's a complete randomize it now. The great thing about this is you don't have to do this with just panning. This will work with anything. So what's try it with something a little more interesting, like any cute? Let's go to my effects. Over here we'll go to the built in problems which are not showing up because I got a clear my filter there they are gonna make you and what set up. So if everything to do a low pass filter, let's bring the band with up to about there so it sounds very dramatic now. We could automate this by hand by drawing it in, but you also do it with sine waves or shapes. So let's grab this one as the last touch thing, go to parameters and choose parameter modulation. Not for this one. It'll be easy to show you the audio control signal she's this have a controlled by, uh, the audio on one and two, which are hearing because it's way too filtered. So just a baseline here, just the minimum volume here. Wait. Just the attack of released out quick response so we could really quick. It's a responsive to make it slower, a little more relaxed. We could just the, uh, the direction it goes as well, so it's positive right now. So the louder the signal, the more the frequency moves this way. Way converse that right here now it's also cool about this is you could sign Chainat. So right now it's responding to its own volume, but you could switch it around. So what's being triggered? What I should say? What's triggering It is coming from a different track, so use a kick drum to trigger this and have you newbie triggered by kick sample or by another sound. It's more staccato. Then even this or the other way around. You could have a pad and filter that pad based on the drum loop, the audio of the John Group. But to go back to the original thing, we could also control it with a telephone so you could just less to a sine wave his speed control the strength a little bit, so it stays in our band with range. No way could make it in tempo. It's making 1/2 note and again, square wave so waved triangle and random. So it's kind of same things you're talking about, but just don't a different way. It's kind of cool about this, is you're not wasting the automation, so you can still control the painting or the other filters through an envelope, but the same time modulating it with this. So it's kind of a different way of doing it. Cool. Uh, can Reaper be configured to look like a recording console? Is there a way of clarifying what that means? Weaken. Yeah, So if you ask that question, clarify what you mean by that, I think ah did. He may be missed. The mixer part, maybe the mixer part. So there it is. There's a bunch of tracks I was soon is what questions about so more tracks. It looks like this now. This screen isn't big enough, so you can't get idea of all the different layouts, but one. My favorite layouts is the mixer panel Cold Session mixer. You can kind of see how the fate it looked really cool. Actually, this is big enough. Nor is thinking so. I think it's pretty sharp looking. And like I said before, you can grab it like this to just it. But you're so right. Click on the track pad or use a mouse wheel to get more of a fine adjustment. So you're just those fate is a lot easier, and you pan and everything could be controlled right from here. Or you can Grabow here and make room for any plugging is up here or sends over here putting out what you need and each track of the separate, too. So if you want to see sends on one track, you could move is down. So you see more things over here and less things over here or should show you this thing. This is actually my favorite things to do with this. Is this right? Now the mixer is docked, so it's in the same window as our ah arranging window or track control panel. But we can move this out to here and now it's it's own window, which I have to now find Let's move it over here First, I could move into the left side for the right side. And you have this the things over there leaving the top, you give your mixer up there. But when my favorite things to do with it is put aside here and then dragged this thing over alone, let's go to the top track. First zoom hoops during this thing over to see only one track, and now you can control one track at a time in this window. See, it doesn't take up much space. You just go scored onto this track and it moves to this fader. Let's move the favors around you to see that different so very quickly As you're working in this arrangement, you just switch from different tracks. Not only did the fate of here we have this high quality fader or a little more fine tuning fate over here that could be adjusted one track at a time. As you see, it jumps automatically when you switch tracks. So you're always working on the track that you're selecting school. I think that kind of answer this question. Really, Uh, Joe s wants to know you have a volume wheel above all your individual tracks. How do you get that to show? And can they be midi controlled? So you went over that a little bit earlier. Oh, volume knob above the track when you were. Yes, just put this back to where it needs to be. Doc Mixing Doctor would put us on the bottom and its height. So I think he's talking about the little volume up here. As far as I know, there's no way of controlling this outside, but you can control meeting level in so many other ways with the envelopes or, we think even the mini link. Here's example. Having prepared for this. But I'll give an example how you could to go back to primary modulation, for example, and what's put my cue back up. Si que and let's go back to my filter again. We automated this before or abuse primitive modulation, but you go over here perimeter modulation midi link. And besides choosing the what do you control LFO? You could link it from Midi so I can click this right here. Choose Mini and we want to do is controlled from another MIDI track so little involved. Let me just show you. Anyway, let's get these trucks out of the way. I'm just making no track here. So the input of this toe a midi input, which is this little keyboard right here. Make sure we're seeing signal, which we are If you look right over here, I'm not hearing anything, but you can still see it. So now we can control by dragging from the routing to here. Turn off the audio because you just want to send Mini from mini committee. Now we can go back to our plug in, go back to perimeter modulation for this one on the MIDI we're gonna choose. Ah, see what you want to choose. We could choose, uh, shoes pitch. It's not my pitch wheel. They go pitch well, is not controlling it. Actually, you the modulation. Well, instead, which is control number mod wheel. Okay. Hope you following all that. I tend to move pretty quickly. So now with this mod wheel, I can completely control that filtering. It's kind of a different way of doing it, but you could also then draw this in too. So let's go out here. And let's record that as many information on this track going to record start over what? That many information is not recorded. Kind of automating with anything controls over here. And I will work with any control you have. Like, see, if I could do this might be getting a little ahead of myself here. But ah, if I go back to my cue back to perimeter modulation, many link, you could see it can be controlled by any other controller. It was a pretty good chance that all the failures and knobs on here could weaken. Figure the same way. And you just do the same thing with that and just said the same thing up for volume, and you could automate it that way as well. But if you really want control surface for doing with volume, I'd recommend doing something like, Ah, Fader port or something like that is our But you can do it complete with midi as well, because I think what he was asking. Hold that Answer your question. I don't think nothing without getting too advanced. I showed you a little bit about the grid show a little more in this great here. We could this right click and should say you could just the grid we see here, which right now it's set to whole notes, but we could set it. Teoh Quarter notes. You can see the little grid runs right here. That's what. We'll actually be snapping, too. So get snapped at this point to corner notes. Actually, right now it's napping to its own thing. She changed this to snap settings. Grid settings, fall of his ability. Choose that instead. There you go. It's not based on the visibility of the grid. I was going to snap Teoh quarter notes at this point. If we right, click it and change the grid 28 notes. Little Step 2/8 notes instead. Could also lock at any point. Just hit this lock button and then a lock our ability to edit which kind of nice when you're mixing and you got a lot of tracks going on Stupid Hated on two tracks Here, you can choose us walking right here, and there's no chance of accidentally moving things. Uh, see what else we have over here, though, just the basic stuff. I have another question. You already covered this, but just to reiterate Gray has a question. What's the easiest way to begin volume automation right away? Say, as early as while tracking, If you wanted. Well, I mean, there's no there's no real wrong time to start it. My personal preference is that started as late as possible because you could still adjust your fader. Like, um, I shouldn't say that, because the way the trim mode works in this program, you could just the finger after the fact. So let me show you if I delete these two, make sure you hear the loop. I can't because my cue, which I will clear by hold on option on the Mac ultimate PC hit it and you remove the plug ins so you can drop it the volume automation at any point by choosing a volume animation here and moving the fader as you're going to record what's change this move to say right mode. And then we could just move this Fator. The only negative with that is, if we stay in read mode, see it moves, it moves, you can't grab it. It's always gonna keep because I was gonna keep bouncing back. But there is a mode here that bounce back that it bounced back to normally called trim mode. What that does you could still just the overall level of what we hearing over here while the automation is running. So we're not gonna see this fatal move, but we're still gonna hear the change. But because it's failure isn't moving, we could raise it up, not that far lower. And it's still just the level while keeping the automation going here. Now my personal preference when I want to automate something so quickly earlier in the process, is to do it with the items just to grab things like here and just split them, which I could see I just made stretch markers because I went to the lower half, go the top half to split, and then I just the levels here or just do it on a whole on hold. If you wanna just the whole thing, just gravel here and readjust things, I kind of like doing this for, like it saving doing with guitar soul. And there's like, two parts of it. And like later, when it comes in the song, you want to be a little louder. You could just it here to be a little louder and you want to work doing automation at all. You just have. This would be lower. This would be louder. And obviously you now automated it without going into any kind of automation mode. That kind of and so what you think. But that's only my personal preference. Some people like to automate is quick as possible to keep the failures and not have to worry about any kind of automation until you know I'm now a mixing. I consider this more like a tracking part. Did you say you had another question? We do have a question. Are their skins or themes that could be added to the layout? Oh, yes, completely. In fact, all the way. It's I'm showing you right now. This is all the fault. If we go into options themes, you see, we using default, go back here to Fort 4.0, is what reaping used to look like every before. Right now we're using Reaper five. But people users make these themselves not the this particular one, but like this one here, this is made by a user, and it's completely changes the way everything looks. Imperial was designed by a good friend of mine named White Tie. And if you look at the mixer on this thing, it's kind of a nice looking mixer that makes more tracks. You could see it. It's a little tight asi on this monitor, but let me try floating this. You kind of idea what it looks like. It's really meant for bigger monitors, but you could see it's a pretty nice looking theme. It's talking Doctor Hide Mixer. I would see if I have any of the themes you could check out. There's another one made by a user. You like darker themes. You can also tweet these things, too. And this is the classic, which looks a little hard to look at. But you could see if you go online and search out Reaper themes. There's tons of different ones to choose from. Just the only thing I would say would be careful of is because they created by users that Reaper can't isn't responsible for everything working correctly and is a few guys out there who are using themes. I'm not saying it's a bad thing never to use these, but they created themes that look like pro tools And they also in the theme, change all the preferences and stuff to behave more like pro tools. And I've noticed that people have sent me things saying that Reaper doesn't work correctly and I go well, send me what you're using and I check it out in this bugs in it and running around telling everyone reapers not a good program because it's not working right well, first, learn how to use it with the theme that it comes with. So you get an idea how it works before you start using third party things and then going while this doesn't work. Because, like I said, I've had experiences with that. I was like, It's really the third party thing wasn't set up quickly, and obviously we can't be responsible for that. But when I also mentioned, though, is showing these different layouts well, the way of some showing you right now these are all theme dependent. So if I go to a different theme, they're gonna have completely different layouts. The person who makes the theme creates way out as well, So if we switch to a different layout, let's go back to Imperial. He created some options which we could right quick track layouts, Trek panel and you could see has complete different ones to make this fatal blue. So it stands out, kind of like using different favors for a different section. So dramas have a blue fader. The base will have ah, green fade or things like that just so it stands out a little bit. I see some other ones. He might have meter full, so it looks like a complete meter like this. So it makes it really easy to see your meters, like for according to get your levels. And again that was created in his theme. It's not really part of Reaper itself. So if we switch back to the default, they have different customers ations within those layouts, this one for the mixer as well, trying to think of anything as I mentioned. Two bars could be completely changed, too, because we have set up right here are the default. But let's say, for instance, you don't want to see this money to bars. You wanted Ed one. You could just right click over here customize toolbar. You could change him like he's one for a new project. I don't really use the toolbar for a new project. So you just go in here, remove it, save and it's not there anymore. So you now have room for another toolbar. I mean, another tool. I should say so and customize it. We can go to add one. And what say we wanted to Kwan ties. So it's type and quantities and a filter. I believe quantity starts with a Q, so we will put the queue in the beginning. Double click that, and it shows up right here and now. We can choose an icon for that to change icon, and it's a whole bunch of different icons you could choose from to make it easier. Sometimes you could type it in the filter. It will help you. It doesn't really look like Warren ties. Let's use this one. So he chose that, and it shows up right down here like this. Excuse me. So we cannot save this close. It and I have quantities right here to choose an item. Hit this in the corridors item position shows right up, which is something you could do with a key command or action. But if you use it a lot and you want the toolbar, you could just put it up there. Awesome, Gray said. Thank you for answering my previous question. Is there a way toe? Have the grid snap less as you zoom into a track further what's based on pixels? So as you zoom in, you're actually seeing more pixels Scott moment. So I'll just show you briefly as I'm zooming in. If we go to our grid setting here by right clicking, it's all set by this right here. Snapped distance. So if I said it to snaps me to just go a little higher, it's got a snaps a little harder. But if you zoom out, it's gonna behave a little bit differently because of where the Grid milbrandt, which changes back to whole notes so it snaps a little bit harder there, and I should zoom in still based on pictures, so it's a little more fine tuned as you get closer
Ratings and Reviews
Buckeye Pete
Outstanding teacher. Kenny is by far the best of the Reaper instructor, and there are many good ones out there. He uses very understandable examples and presents in a fashion that the novice and expert can learn from. Great job Kenny.
Kenneth Gioia best teacher on Reaper. thanks so much for time to teach. Reaper is my primary daw since last year - great daw. Thanks Creative
Mr. Gioia's "Kenny Mania" channel on YouTube has always been a TERRIFIC resource for my beginning to learn REAPER. That being said, his unique speech patterns always got old really quick. It's nothing against him, just a personal tick. Thankfully, Kenny is in top form during this course, and this is one of the most useful and feature-packed CL courses I've seen. Unless you're an absolute expert in REAPER already, there's plenty of information here to get you into becoming more familiar with my favorite DAW.
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